ESL Podcast - Previous Episodes show

ESL Podcast - Previous Episodes

Summary: ESL Podcast is brought to you by Dr. Lucy Tse and Dr. Jeff McQuillan of the Center for Educational Development.

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 ESL Podcast #140 - Buying on the Internet | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:56

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:45 Explanations: 3:04 Fast dialog: 15:59 It’s true that I don’t like shopping. When I want to buy something, I do it online. I like buying on the Internet because I can easily do some comparison shopping and find the best price. It’s easy, too. Last week I wanted to buy some new headphones. I did a search and found a pair on sale at a store in New Jersey. I read the product description and knew that this was the right one. I added it to my shopping cart and I was ready to check out. The screen showed that I had one item in my basket and that it was in stock. I had a choice of shipping and I picked standard shipping for $5.95, rather than the expedited shipping for $12.95. I clicked the “continue” button and filled in my shipping address and my billing address. Then, it took me to the payment screen and I typed in my credit card number and expiration date. I clicked the “Purchase” button and I was done. I got a confirmation page with a tracking number. I checked the next day and it showed that my item had already been shipped. Buying on the Internet is perfect for someone like me. Now, if only finding a girlfriend was just that easy…

 ESL Podcast #139 - Job Layoffs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:06

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:42 Explanations: 2:27 Fast dialog: 13:37 Phillip: So, have you heard the news? Mary: No, what’s up? Phillip: I just heard that the company is planning to lay off 20 percent of the employees in the next two months. Mary: You’re kidding! I knew they were looking for some way to cut costs with the lower profits this quarter, but I didn’t think that they would start laying people off. Phillip: Yeah, it’s hard to believe. That’ll be hundreds of people losing their jobs. It’s not just the salary. It means losing benefits, too. You know, I hope it’s not going to be Sebastian. With three kids and a wife who’s sick, that would really be a blow. Mary: When will we know who’s getting axed? Phillip: I don’t know if we’ll get any warning. We might just get a pink slip on a Friday afternoon. Well, I’m going to start job hunting right now. Mary: That’s a good idea. The first thing I’m going to do is to call all of my friends and business contacts to let them know I’m on the market. Hopefully, I’ll get a line on something soon. Thanks for letting me know. Phillip: Sure. If I hear anything else, I’ll let you know. Mary: Thanks. I’ll do the same.

 English Cafe #18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:07

Today's topics: Mardi Gras, Getty Villa, Have to v. need to v. going to have to, Hype, "No brainer," Would in the past tense Words: To reopen To restart Renovation To take down To tear down Courtyard To house Antiquities Lent To fast Ash Wednesday

 ESL Podcast #138 - Hotel Tour Desk | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:49

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:47 Explanations: 2:46 Fast dialog: 14:24 Sam: Hi, is this where I can get information on tours? Nan: Yes, I can help you with that. What type of tour are you thinking about? There are some great city tours that are half-day or full-day. Sam: You know, we’ve explored the city a lot since we’ve been here. I was actually thinking of a side trip. Nan: Oh, sure. We have excursions to nearby attractions. There are one-day trips or two-day overnight trips, depending on which one you pick. Sam: I think I’m interested in a hiking trip to the mountains. I’m big on nature. Are the overnight trips expensive? Nan: Not at all. They are very moderately priced, starting at $120 and up. Here’s a brochure on the three hiking tours that are available. All three are guided-tours, and meals and transportation are included. Sam: Do I need to book ahead? Nan: Yes, this company requires that you make a reservation 24 hours ahead. Sam: Great. I’ll take a look at the brochure. Can I book that here at the hotel tour desk, or do I call the company directly? Nan: I can book that for you. Just stop by when you’ve made a decision and I’ll take care of it for you. Sam: That’s great. Thanks a lot for your help. Nan: It’s my pleasure. Let me know if you have any questions. Sam: I will. Thanks.

 English Cafe #17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:35

Today's topics: Nicknames and shortened names, 'To kill two birds with one stone' and 'The early bird gets the worm,' May vs. Can, Using do + verb, "Suite," and to wash down. Words: Sponsor Nick, Nicky Mike, Mikey Kathy, Kath Dave Alex Frank, Frankie Liz, Beth, and Lizzy Stone Mini-mart To fill up Worm Agatha Christie

 ESL Podcast #137 - Meeting an Out of Town Friend | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:30

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse Special thanks to Dr. Marlene Rodriguez Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:44 Explanations: 2:40 Fast dialog: 13:05 Lucy: Hey Jeff, have you met my friend? Jeff: No, I don’t think I have. Lucy: Well, this is my oldest and best friend, Marlene. She’s visiting from out of town. Jeff: Hi, I’m Jeff. Marlene: Hi, it’s nice meeting you. Jeff: How long do you plan to be in town? Marlene: I’m here for the long weekend, staying with Lucy. We’re doing some catching up and I’m getting a break from work. Jeff: Oh, what line of work are you in? Are you in the same field as Lucy? Marlene: No, I’m in medicine. I’m a doctor actually, a pediatrician. I enjoy the work but it’s nice to get away for a few days. What kind of work do you do? Jeff: I work in the education field but what I really want to do is to become a professional singer. Lucy: Jeff has a great voice. He sounds exactly like Frank Sinatra. Marlene: Really? Jeff: (Laughs) No, She’s just kidding and Lucy knows that I can’t sing. We went to a karaoke bar once and people actually offered me money NOT to sing. Lucy: That was a lot of fun. We should do that again sometime. Jeff: Sure, anytime. Oh, I’d better go. It was nice meeting you Marlene, and Lucy, I’ll talk to you next week. Marlene: Nice to meet you, too. Lucy: Okay, later.

 ESL Podcast #136 - Having a Baby | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:44

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:47 Explanations: 2:22 Fast dialog: 14:05 Patrick: Hey, congratulations! I just heard that you’re expecting. How far along are you? Cindy: Thanks. I’m four and a half months pregnant. It feels like it! I feel huge. Patrick: You don’t look it. I bet Carlos is excited. Do you know yet if it’s a boy or a girl? Cindy: No, we don’t. Not yet. We should be able to find out at my next ultrasound. I don’t care what sex the baby is as long as it’s healthy. Carlos is really excited about the baby. He has been going with me to every prenatal appointment and we’ll be taking a Lamaze class together soon. Patrick: How was your first trimester? When my wife had our daughter, she had a lot of morning sickness. Cindy: Oh, it was horrible! I was nauseous all the time, but I’m better now. Did your wife have a natural delivery or a caesarean? Patrick: She had a natural delivery, but she was in labor for 12 hours! I was in the delivery room the entire time and wish I had an epidural, too. Cindy: Twelve hours! I can’t imagine doing that. Patrick: Don’t think about it. I’m sure you’ll have an easy delivery. Let me know when the baby shower will be. Cindy: Thanks. I will.

 English Cafe #16 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:43

Today's topics: Taking a survey, Special bonus podcast "Secrets to Improving Your English," Housing prices in the US, To have vs. To be and the past participle. Words: Condo Condominium Mortgage Real estate Long-term To afford something

 ESL Podcast #135 - Scheduling a Meeting | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:30

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:45 Explanations: 2:40 Fast dialog: 11:28 I needed to schedule a meeting for the three departments involved in a new project. I called each one to find a date that would work for all three of us. Bruno: So, Nicola, would the day after tomorrow work for you? Nicola: No, I’ll be out of the office all day. Could we do it early next week or a week from today? Bruno: I was hoping to schedule it as soon as possible. How about the end of this week? Nicola: Well, I think that’s okay. We could meet late Thursday or Friday. I’m free Thursday from 3 to 5, and on Friday from 10 to 1. Bruno: Okay. Let me talk to Kumi and I’ll let you know. …………. Bruno: Hi Kumi, can you make a meeting with Nicola and me this Thursday or Friday? Kumi: Oh, I wish I could but I’ll be in the Boise office starting tomorrow. How about the following week? Bruno: I think we can do it early next week. Would Monday at 10 work for you? Kumi: Sure, that’s fine. Bruno: Let me check with Nicola. You know, I think this would be much easier on email. I’ll send Nicola a note and we can confirm on email. Kumi: Okay, I’ll look for your email. You know, sometimes, I think scheduling a meeting is the hardest part of actually having a meeting!

 English Cafe #15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:46

Today's topics: Wasting time at work, California's reputation, Carpet in the US, Call signs, Yet vs. Still Words: Employee Blog To kill time Hollywood Venice Beach "Land of fruits and nuts" To migrate Rug

 ESL Podcast #134 - Dating Someone's Ex | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:12

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:03 Explanations: 2:38 Fast dialog: 13:30 Marco: Hello. Claudia: Hey, Marco? It’s Claudia. Got a minute? Marco: Sure. What’s up? Claudia: I’m just wondering what’s going on with you and Beth. Are you guys still going out? Marco: We went out for a while, but we never got serious. Why all the questions? Are you interested in Beth? Claudia: (Laughs) No, I’m not interested but Shane is. He’s been asking me about you guys. He wants to ask her out but he didn’t know whether you guys were still together, or how you’d feel about him asking out your ex. Marco: Why didn’t he just ask me? Beth and I were casual and we haven’t seen each other in months. He should go for it. Claudia: Okay, I’ll tell him. So, if you’re not going out with Beth, who’s the new girl? Marco: Wouldn’t you like to know. Actually, I’ve been seeing a great girl. I’m bringing her to the party on Saturday. You’ll meet her then. Claudia: Great. I’m bringing Lenny so you’ll get to meet him, too. See you Saturday. Marco: See ya.

 ESL Podcast #133 - Going to a Wedding | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:55

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:45 Explanations: 3:16 Fast dialog: 21:01 I got an invitation in the mail last month that really surprised me. My friend Ulrich was getting married! We went to college together and he always said that he’d never get married. I guess he found his dream girl in the end. The church wedding was going to be at 3 p.m. and the reception would start at 7 p.m. at the reception hall. I arrived at the church shortly before 3 p.m. and one of the ushers asked me if I was a friend of the bride or the groom. I told him that I was a friend of the groom and he sat me on the left side of the church. I saw Ulrich standing near the front of the church with the best man, and a few minutes later, the pianist started playing the wedding march. The flower girl and ring bearer walked down the aisle, followed by the bridesmaid. Then, the bride appeared wearing a beautiful wedding dress, walking with her father who was giving her away. The bride and groom exchanged vows and they were married. It was a simple and traditional ceremony. At the reception, there was a lot of champagne. The best man made a toast that really embarrassed Ulrich, but it was all in good fun. I got a chance to talk to Ulrich and he seemed really happy. In fact, he was try to set me up with the bridesmaid. I guess it’s true. All married people want to get all of their friends married. We’ll see about that!

 English Cafe #14 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:12

Today's topics: Spelling words, Popular baby names in the US, Britney Spears and Seatbelts, "Don't get mad, get even!", To spoil someone, To undertake, Compared to or with?, How to end an email Words: Speaking of... Car seat To strap Lap To fasten Ticket To get revenge Sincerely yours Cordially

 ESL Podcast #132 - Getting Through on the Phone | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:56

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:47 Explanations: 2:57 Fast dialog: 13:41 I have been trying to get a meeting with the CEO of Medofact to talk about a partnership between our company and theirs. But I’ve had a hard time trying to get through on the phone. First, there was the phone tree. I had to go through three menus before I got the option to speak to an operator. Even after I got through, I got the run around from the receptionist. Receptionist: Medofact Limited. How may I direct your call? Thomas: I would like to speak to Maureen Kennedy. Receptionist: Please hold while I connect you with Ms. Kennedy’s office. (Pause) Secretary: Maureen Kennedy’s office. How may I help you? Thomas: Good afternoon. I am Thomas Guarini calling from Livatect. I would like to set up a meeting with Ms. Kennedy. Secretary: Will Ms Kennedy know the subject of the meeting? Thomas: Well, I would like to speak to her about a possible partnership. Secretary: May I put you on hold for one moment? Thomas: Yes, certainly. (I was on hold for a long time.) Secretary: Mr. Guarini, I’m afraid Ms. Kennedy is traveling on business the next two weeks. Would you like to call back? Thomas: Sure, I’ll check back in a couple of weeks. Thanks for your help. Secretary: It’s my pleasure. Have a nice day. Thomas: Thanks. You, too.

 English Cafe #13 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:10

Today's topics: Spam, Valentine's Day, the Winter Olympics, "In terms of," Must vs. have to vs. got to, Possessives, To raise vs. to rise Words: scam fraud card jewelry pendant fabric stuffed animals figure skating Michelle Kwan Bode Miller to party downhill upset set to wrap up


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