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ESL Podcast - Previous Episodes

Summary: ESL Podcast is brought to you by Dr. Lucy Tse and Dr. Jeff McQuillan of the Center for Educational Development.

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 English Cafe #103 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:30

Topics: Ask an American: Raising children one of those, reply versus answer, customer versus purchaser Words: to be in competition stressed out to get someone into something to pause to build self-esteem competent capable it’s all about the (x) spoiled narcissistic one of those reply answer customer purchaser

 304 - A Potential Partnership Meeting | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:05

Slow dialog: 1:27 Explanations: 3:40 Fast dialog: 15:08 Flavio: Thanks for meeting with me. Marcia: It’s my pleasure. We’re eager to hear your ideas about our companies doing business together in the future. Flavio: Well, I wanted us to meet because I think our two companies can create great synergy. Marcia: I agree. What do you have in mind? Flavio: We seem to have core capabilities that complement each other, and I want to see how we can create a partnership that would be to our mutual benefit. Marcia: Yes, that’s why I’m here. I think we’re thinking along the same lines. Flavio: Good. I’m glad to hear that. If we can pull off a partnership, we could really dominate the market. Marcia: Yes, I think that’s true, too, but let’s get beyond the preliminaries. What kind of business model do you have in mind? Flavio: Well, that’s why I wanted to meet with you. I’d like to get your perspective on that. Marcia: I see. When your company approached us about working together, we were under the impression that you had some concrete ideas to present. Flavio: Oh, we do. I just wanted to get your suggestions before we present a formal proposal. Marcia: Let’s do this. Why don’t you send me a proposal in writing and I’ll make sure that we give it our full consideration. Flavio: We’ll do that. Thanks for your time. Marcia: Don’t mention it. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 303 - A Traditional Wedding | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:56

Slow dialog: 1:15 Explanations: 3:54 Fast dialog: 17:33 I arrived at my friend Karin’s wedding a little late and the ceremony had already begun. I’ve been to a lot of civil ceremonies, but it had been a while since I’d attended a religious one. They had asked a minister to officiate. When I arrived, Karin and her fiancé, Jan, were standing in front of the church. Minister: We are gathered here today to join Jan and Karin in holy matrimony. If there is anyone here who knows of a reason why these two should not be joined in marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace. Fortunately, no one said anything. Minister: Jan and Karin, please face each other and join hands. Minister: [To Jan] Do you, Jan Casanova, take Karin Valentine, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, to love and to cherish, for better and for worse, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health, ‘till death do you part. Jan said, “I do,” and the minister asked Karin the same question, and she said, “I do,” as well. Minister: May I have the rings? [To Jan] Please place this ring, a symbol of your love, on Karin’s hand and say, “With this ring, I thee wed”. Jan put the ring on the fourth finger of Karin’s left hand. Karin said the same thing and put a ring on Jan’s finger. Minister: I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride. Jan and Karin kissed and we all applauded. Minister: Ladies and gentleman, it is my great honor to present to you for the very first time the happy couple, Jan and Karin. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #102 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:11

Topics: the Pledge of Allegiance, tomato as fruit versus vegetable, to be raised versus to grow up, buy versus purchase, to take the bull by the horns, can versus may versus could when asking for permission Words: pledge allegiance unison to stand for indivisible tariff duty to rule on unanimously to be raised in to grow up in buy purchase to take the bull by the horns

 302 - A Problem with a Restaurant Check | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:33

Slow dialog: 1:29 Explanations: 3:08 Fast dialog: 12:55 I waved my hand to get the waiter’s attention. Waiter: Yes? Leslie: The check, please. Waiter: Would you like any dessert, or some tea or coffee? Leslie: No, just the check. Thanks. Waiter: Here you are. I’ll ring that up for you when you’re ready. Leslie: Thank you. Oh, there seems to be a mistake on our bill. We didn’t order this appetizer. Waiter: Let me check this and I’ll be right back...Here you are. I’ve adjusted the check. I took off the appetizer. Leslie: Thanks, but there still seems to be a problem. We had a two-for-one coupon, but we’ve been charged for both meals. Waiter: I’m sorry, but you needed to present the coupon to me when you placed your order, not when you’ve finished your meal. Leslie: That isn’t stated on the coupon. I don’t want to be a pain, but could I see the manager, please? Waiter: I’ll see if she’s available...I talked to the manager and she said to make an exception in this case and to give you the discount. Leslie: Okay, thanks. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 301 - Buying a Men's Suit | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:28

Slow dialog: 1:23 Explanations: 3:41 Fast dialog: 16:23 Sales clerk: Good afternoon. What can I help you find? Bo: I’m looking for a suit for work. Sales clerk: I’m sure we have something for you. Are you looking for a traditional or contemporary suit? Bo: I’m not sure. I’d like to try on some different ones. Sales clerk: That’s no problem. Let me show you a few over here. This is a two-button pinstripe suit that’s made of 100% wool and has a flat front. What do you think? Bo: It looks nice. How about this one? Sales clerk: Oh, this is a very fine suit. As you can see, it’s double-breasted and is fully lined. The pants are pleated. Would you like to try it on? Bo: Sure. Sales clerk: Just follow me to the dressing rooms in the back. Here you are. My name is Caroline. Just let me know if you need anything. Bo [comes out of the dressing room wearing one of the suits]: I like this single-breasted one. I like the side vents. All of these suits need to be dry cleaned, is that right? I travel a lot in my job and I worry about my suits getting dirty on the road. Sales clerk: Yes, they all need to be dry cleaned, but since both of these suits are a dark color, that shouldn’t be too big of a problem. How does that feel? Bo: It’s a good fit and it’s very comfortable. Okay. I’ll take this one. Sales clerk: Certainly. I’ll ring you up. Do you need anything else? A vest, suspenders, or a garment bag to store the suit? Bo: No, thanks. I’ll just take the suit. Sales clerk: No problem. Just follow me. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #101 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:07

Topics: American cities: Honolulu fantasy sports camps, to freeze a bra, coupon versus voucher, illicit versus illegal Words: monarchy to annex to overthrow territory palace harbor fantasy to coach all-star autograph bra slumber party coupon voucher illicit illegal

 300 - Arriving for an Appointment | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:39

Slow dialog: 1:31 Explanations: 3:46 Fast dialog: 15:29 I arrived a little early for my sales appointment with the office manager of Lyon Industries, and spoke to the receptionist. Juri: Hello. I’m here for my 11:30 appointment with Sue Gibbons. Receptionist: What is your name? Juri: It’s Juri Lakoff. Receptionist: I’ll let her know that you’re here. [Speaking into the telephone] Sue, this is Rhonda. Your 11:30 appointment is here. Should I send him up? Okay, I’ll do that. [Hangs up the telephone] Ms. Gibbons says that she’s running a little late and is tied up in another meeting right now. She should be wrapping things up very quickly and will be free in a few minutes. Would you like to wait in the reception area right over there? Juri: Sure. No problem. Receptionist: Can I get you something? Coffee or tea? Juri: No, I’m fine. I was just wondering how many employees you have in this office. Receptionist: I don’t know precisely, but I think we have about 80. Juri: Oh, that’s a lot. Is the company planning on expanding? Receptionist: I’m sorry, but I really don’t know. I’m sure Ms. Gibbons can answer those questions for you. Juri: Right, right. I didn’t mean to pump you for information. I was just trying to get the inside scoop on the company before my meeting. Receptionist: I understand. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to answer this call. Ms. Gibbons should be finished with her other meeting in no time. Juri: Oh, sure. I didn’t mean to keep you. Sorry. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 299 - An Old Love | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:05

Slow dialog: 1:17 Explanations: 3:11 Fast dialog: 14:12 Juan: You’ll never guess who I got an email from yesterday. Naomi: Who? Juan: Diana Shultz. Naomi: Weren’t you two an item back in high school? So, you got an email from an old flame. Very interesting. Juan: Well, that’s ancient history. We lost touch after we went off to college. Naomi: What did she say in her email? Juan: She said she was going to be in town next month and wanted to know if I wanted to get together for dinner. Naomi: Are you going to go? Juan: I don’t know. Her email came out of the blue. Naomi: Aren’t you dying of curiosity? I know I would be. Maybe she still has feelings for you. Juan: Stop it! It’s just dinner, and I’m sure she just wants to catch up on old times, nothing more. Naomi: I wouldn’t be so sure. You’ll go, right? Juan: I might as well. If I make an excuse, she might think I’m trying to avoid her. Naomi: Good. Go and then tell me all about it afterwards. You know I have no social life, so I live vicariously through you. Juan: Stop making things up. You date more than anyone I know. Okay, I’m going, so stop pestering me. Naomi: All right, but I can’t wait to hear all about it! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #100 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:40

Topics: Traveling in the US, gimmick versus trick, to call ‘em like you see ‘em, spite versus respite, in demand versus on demand Words: the open road spats KOA hitch GPS pop-up AAA bicentennial gimmick trick to call ‘em like you see ‘em in demand on demand

 298 - Visiting a Museum | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:10

Slow dialog: 1:24 Explanations: 3:51 Fast dialog: 16:53 I wanted to visit the National Museum, but when I arrived, it was closed. Rudy: Can you tell me the hours of operation for the Museum? Guard: It’s open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Saturday. It’s closed on Sunday. Rudy: Thanks. I’ll be back tomorrow. ---------- The next day, I arrived at the Museum at 10 a.m. and the same guard was there. Rudy: Hello, again. Can you tell me if the Museum has any tours? Guard: The Museum has a self-guided tour. You can get information at the ticket window. Rudy: Oh, thanks. Do you know if I can use my flash to take photos in the Museum? Guard: You can take pictures, but flash photography is prohibited. Food and drinks are prohibited, too. Rudy: Oh, I guess I need to get rid of this bottle of juice before I go in. Do you know if all of the exhibits are open to the public today? Guard: The east wing is under construction, but the rest of the galleries are open. The sculpture and painting galleries are to your left, and the artifacts are to your right. Rudy: Thanks a lot. How much is the admission charge? Guard: It’s $10.00 for adults, $3.00 for children, and $5.00 for seniors and students with picture ID. The people at the ticket window can help you with that. Rudy: Thanks. Just one more question. Guard: Yes? Rudy: If I leave after I pay, can I come back in? Guard: Yes. You just have to show your stub. Anything else? Rudy: Oh, no. Thanks a lot. Sorry to have bothered you. Guard: No trouble at all. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 297 - Being Rich and Poor | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:42

Slow dialog: 1:15 Explanations: 3:27 Fast dialog: 14:44 Lynn: I’ve been trying to help Monica find an apartment, but it’s impossible to find anything affordable on this side of town and near her work. The only thing that’s within her budget would require a 50-minute commute each way! Santiago: I know. It’s become really ridiculous. I’m reading an article about how the income gap between the rich and the poor in this country is getting wider and wider. Poverty is the worst it’s ever been in cities like L.A., while you see affluence everywhere. Lynn: I know I poor-mouth sometimes, but at least I can afford the basic necessities. Santiago: Yeah, I do the same thing. I feel like such a hypocrite sometimes. The other day, I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn’t afford the fancy new car I wanted. My old car isn’t that old! I’ve only had it for five years and it still works, most of the time. I forget about people who don’t have a car and are living on food stamps. Lynn: Me, too. Looking for an apartment with Monica has really put things into perspective for me. The next time I complain about not having enough money for a pair of new shoes or to take a vacation, remind me of the great inequities of this world, will you? Santiago: Sure, only if you’ll do the same for me when I try to tell you that I really need that flat-screen TV. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #99 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:53

Topics: Ask an American: Losing weight in America 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall, to be someone’s man through and through, doggone, to see one’s share of something, to say something ten times fast Words: to pass something around scale to last recipe a little bit calories Let’s say shortening applesauce to check in with someone to keep track of something or someone to be someone’s man through and through doggone to see one’s share of something to hit rock bottom

 296 - Bad Manners at a Business Lunch | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:44

Slow dialog: 1:44 Explanations: 4:03 Fast dialog: 16:35 Yolanda: I will never invite George to another business lunch with clients again! Sunan: Why, what happened? Yolanda: George has the worst manners of anyone I know. First of all, he was 10 minutes late. And as soon as he sat down, his cell phone rang and he answered it! Sunan: Maybe it was an important call? Yolanda: From his girlfriend? It was completely unprofessional. Sunan: I know George is a little rough around the edges, but he’s not that bad. Yolanda: You don’t think so? After I introduced him to the clients, he told them that he had been up late the previous night, because one of our other account representatives didn’t finish her proposal and he had to complete it. Everyone knows not to air their company’s dirty laundry in public, especially in front of clients. Sunan: Okay, that was a blunder. Normally, George isn’t so clueless. I wonder if he was distracted. Yolanda: I don’t buy that as an excuse. And here’s the kicker: He ordered two drinks during lunch! If that weren’t bad enough, when he ordered his second one, he jokingly thanked the clients for paying for lunch. Of course our company was picking up the tab since we invited them! I was mortified. Sunan: I’ll admit that that was bad, very bad. Are you going to have a talk with George? Yolanda: I will as soon as I calm down a little. I’m seeing red right now. Sunan: Then waiting a little while is a good idea. I’d better go warn George... Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 295 - Playing Video Games | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:30

Slow dialog: 1:00 Explanations: 2:41 Fast dialog: 13:49 Achim: Check out this new game I just got! Marcia: Let me see. Oh, it’s a fighting game. I’m not into those. I like role-playing or simulation games a lot better. Achim: This isn’t just a fighting game. You have to use strategy for each mission. Check out these amazing graphics! Marcia: I can’t play that at my house. I have a different console. Achim: Yes, you can. It’s multiplatform. Look at the box. It says that you can use a joystick as your navigation system or a keyboard and mouse. Marcia: You know, right now I’m really into retro games. Achim: You mean last year’s games? Marcia: No, I mean really old school games, like the ones my parents used to play. Achim: You mean like Pac-Man and Pong?! Marcia: Yeah, exactly. They’re classic and a lot less violent. Achim: Yeah, but they’re so boring you fall asleep playing them. You can’t call yourself a gamer if you play those kinds of games. Give me 3-D action and some blood and gore. Marcia: You can have it. I’ll pass. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse


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