300 - Arriving for an Appointment

ESL Podcast - Previous Episodes show

Summary: Slow dialog: 1:31 Explanations: 3:46 Fast dialog: 15:29 I arrived a little early for my sales appointment with the office manager of Lyon Industries, and spoke to the receptionist. Juri: Hello. I’m here for my 11:30 appointment with Sue Gibbons. Receptionist: What is your name? Juri: It’s Juri Lakoff. Receptionist: I’ll let her know that you’re here. [Speaking into the telephone] Sue, this is Rhonda. Your 11:30 appointment is here. Should I send him up? Okay, I’ll do that. [Hangs up the telephone] Ms. Gibbons says that she’s running a little late and is tied up in another meeting right now. She should be wrapping things up very quickly and will be free in a few minutes. Would you like to wait in the reception area right over there? Juri: Sure. No problem. Receptionist: Can I get you something? Coffee or tea? Juri: No, I’m fine. I was just wondering how many employees you have in this office. Receptionist: I don’t know precisely, but I think we have about 80. Juri: Oh, that’s a lot. Is the company planning on expanding? Receptionist: I’m sorry, but I really don’t know. I’m sure Ms. Gibbons can answer those questions for you. Juri: Right, right. I didn’t mean to pump you for information. I was just trying to get the inside scoop on the company before my meeting. Receptionist: I understand. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to answer this call. Ms. Gibbons should be finished with her other meeting in no time. Juri: Oh, sure. I didn’t mean to keep you. Sorry. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse