302 - A Problem with a Restaurant Check

ESL Podcast - Previous Episodes show

Summary: Slow dialog: 1:29 Explanations: 3:08 Fast dialog: 12:55 I waved my hand to get the waiter’s attention. Waiter: Yes? Leslie: The check, please. Waiter: Would you like any dessert, or some tea or coffee? Leslie: No, just the check. Thanks. Waiter: Here you are. I’ll ring that up for you when you’re ready. Leslie: Thank you. Oh, there seems to be a mistake on our bill. We didn’t order this appetizer. Waiter: Let me check this and I’ll be right back...Here you are. I’ve adjusted the check. I took off the appetizer. Leslie: Thanks, but there still seems to be a problem. We had a two-for-one coupon, but we’ve been charged for both meals. Waiter: I’m sorry, but you needed to present the coupon to me when you placed your order, not when you’ve finished your meal. Leslie: That isn’t stated on the coupon. I don’t want to be a pain, but could I see the manager, please? Waiter: I’ll see if she’s available...I talked to the manager and she said to make an exception in this case and to give you the discount. Leslie: Okay, thanks. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse