2 Homos - Lesbian Podcast show

2 Homos - Lesbian Podcast

Summary: Ever wonder what two Lesbians talk about when they get together? Well...wonder no more. The 2 Homos Lesbian podcast is the show with two Lesbians sitting around talking about whatever crosses our minds. We're not always politically correct, and no topic is off limits. Come spend some time and get intimate with us. We're open-minded, we speak our minds...and sometimes, for better or worse, there's no "edit" button. Enjoy the random observations of the 2 Homos Lesbian Podcast.

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  • Artist: 2homos@2homos.com (Roxanne and Virginia)
  • Copyright: Creative Commons 2006


 367 Wing Girl | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:41

Everyone needs someone they can count on when the going gets tough. You need someone that can provide the necessary air cover when you're trying to hit on that really cute guy that you've been staring at all night long at the club. Just be careful who you choose to be your Wing Girl, however. You don't want your creepy Lesbian friend hitting on the hot guy you've been checking out. In the end he might just wind up liking her better than you.

 366 Tastes Like Chicken | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:41

Americans are an adventurous lot. We like to go out and explore new areas, see new sights and try exciting activities we've never tried before. We'll try anything once and even twice if we like. New and interesting foods are no exception. In fact, the more exotic it is...the better. Just make sure it tastes like chicken, however, or else you can be certain that we're going to hate it. Other than that...bring it on.

 365 Workers Comp | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:54

Repetitive motion injuries can be incredibly debilitating and they can strike at any time with devastating impact to your everyday life. Instead of leaving things to chance, hire a personal trainer to get you in shape for those long sex sessions with your brand new partner before you start dating. Of course, if you do happen to throw out a hip or slip a disc having sex, you can just go into work the next day and blame it on your job.

 364 Tracking the Klondyke | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:49

Alaska is cold any time of the year, so the best thing you can do when you go up there to visit is to seek out a nice warm Klondyke to help you turn up the heat. Just beware of the faux Lesbians that show up with crew cuts and rat tails wearing overalls. They may just be straight women whose hairdresser thought that looked cute.

 363 On Tour | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:46

It's tough enough to come out to your parents, but when your parents are ok with you being Gay and you have a problem with it...then you're in serious trouble. Fortunately, for those parents working hard to accept their LGBT family member there's a place they can go to meet other parents dealing with those same issues. It's called PFLAG. Google it.

 362 Free Steven Slater | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:02

Next time you think about getting up out of your airline seat to check your luggage before the plane comes to a complete stop, you may want to reconsider. You never know when the gentle, smiling flight attendant will decide it's time to go out in a ball of flames after 28 years by calling you a nasty name over the PA system, grabbing a couple of beers and hurling himself out of the plane on the emergency slide.

 361 Party Favors | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:35

How surprised were you the first time you had sex with your wife when you found out she wasn't really a virgin after all? Now you can relive that special moment with your one and only with the replacement hymen operation. If that seems like too much trouble to go through, then you can simply order a hymen replacement kit online. Capsule of fake blood included with every order.

 360 Moose Knuckle | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:12

So rare is the partner that will take it upon herself to go back to the store she hates more than anyplace else on earth to return an item to get a replacement while you sit out in the parking lot rocking out to the car radio watching all the young hotties walk by with their tramp stamps and moose knuckles hanging out. Instead of bringing it up on a podcast, you might be better served to simply keep your mouth shut and just say "thank you".

 359 501(c) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:07

There's nothing wrong with wanting to do a good deed by helping out animals without a home. You can visit your local shelter and adopt all kinds of needy pets. It only becomes a problem when you think you have only a few pets numbering around 150, but it really turns out that you have over 250 feral beasts running around your home crapping on the carpet.

 358 Goat Feet | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:50

One thing is the absolute truth. Lesbians like to be comfortable. That's why our favorite summer outfit consists of cargo shorts, a t-shirt and some nice comfortable Lesbian sandals. The only puzzling thing is why straight men enjoy wearing the exact same outfit. It's really hard to say who thought of it first and who is just copying the other.

 357 Priceless | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:43

Now that we're older we look at young Lesbians clandestinely holding hands at the theater trying to steal a sweet moment in a crowded area, hoping that their friends don't see that they're really having sex together every instant they can steal away. Instead of being supportive and respectful, all we can do is stare and forget that we did exactly the same things when we were younger...and thought nobody was watching.

 356 From H8 to GR8 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:27

It was an amazing day in Gay history as the proposition to ban Gay marriage in California was deemed unconstitutional by a US chief district judge. Although that's great news, it doesn't mean that it's time to trade in your U-Haul for a wedding ceremony. Just because she touches you down there in a way you've never felt before...it doesn't mean you've just found your soulmate. Trust us...

 355 Out of the Box | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:44

It's been said that some of the most successful entrepreneurs started their businesses in times of a recession. All it takes is some out of the box thinking. If we can have Harry Potter jelly beans that sometimes taste like vomit, why can't we have a "scratch and sniff" vagina candy that most of the time tastes delicious, but then every once in a while you get the one that tastes like vaginosis? Why not?

 354 Five Skulls | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:19

Before you get into a new relationship, you may want to take a look at the new prospect's track record with breakups. It's not about how many breakups they've had, but more about how they behave during a breakup. You don't want to be the subject of the next Eminem song with all your blubbering voicemail messages crafted into the next hit song making it to the top of the charts on the radio.

 353 Medicated | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:25

There is absolutely no need to worry about the possibility of marijuana becoming legalized in the United States. Legalization has about as much chance of getting passed as Gay marriage in California. It's not because people aren't supportive. It's just that the people that would support the ballot initiative will forget to actually get out to vote on election day.


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