Independent Underground Radio LIVE (IURL) show

Independent Underground Radio LIVE (IURL)

Summary: elcome to the best podcast on the web discussing National/Michigan Politics, Breaking News, Job Search and advocacy for America's Workers. Reach Out Job Search Radio is hosted by Monica RW and Tim S. As a local elected public official, owner and writer of the top Michigan based Blog-Reach Out Job Search News, Monica RW is a lifelong Michigander with a Independent view on political issues, fierce grassroots political advocate and historian who's gives views on the issues of the day is presented with a unique point of reference. Tune into Monica RW's LIVE podcast every Saturday/Sunday @ 11:00 AM EST on the Blog Talk Radio Network. Call into the show with your opinions at 347-934-0185. Also follow our popular daily news blog at

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  • Artist: IU Radio LIVE Politico Talk
  • Copyright: 2008 All Rights Reserved.


 Independent Underground Radio LIVE w/ Host Monica RW @ 11AM | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:25:00

Independent Underground Radio LIVE is a FEATURED BTR Politcal Talk podcast based out of Ann Arbor, Michigan covering Michigan and National Politics, job search, breaking news and more.   Host Monica R-W is an owner/writer for the popular I.U. News website, media consultant for ROJS Media LLC, a experienced grassroots and elected local political leader, and brings her researched Independent opinions to the political issues of the day.  

 Detroit's Primary Election Analysis '13 - 8/6 @ 1:30pm ET | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:04:00

Welcome to Independent Underground Radio LIVE - MICHIGAN TOP POLITICO PODCAST - Special Episode on Wednesday, August 7, 2013 @ 1:30pm ET. On today's special podcast we'll provide our professional level anayisis on what occurred with Detroit's Primary Election 2013. The show will discuss: -Detroit's election low voter turnout, an historical choice to select a Write-In Candidate and financial issues facing Michigan Largest City are pearls that must be tackled in years ahead, but who will tackle them? -Should those outside of Detroit caring about the plight many residents face, move on to other causes of importance as despite the low turnout, a choice was made? -We'll play an exclusive interview with former Mayoral Candidate Tom Barrow describing his thoughts on the future of Detroit. -Discuss other important primary races results in Michigan. Independent Underground Radio LIVE is a FEATURED BTR Politcal Talk podcast based out of Ann Arbor, Michigan covering Michigan and National Politics, job search, breaking news and more.   Host Monica R-W is an owner/writer for the popular I.U. News website, media consultant for ROJS Media LLC, a experienced grassroots and elected local political leader, and brings her researched Independent opinions to the political issues of the day. Call into the show with your thoughts, opinions or ideas at 347-934-0185 or Tweet Us @ IUNewsTalk.

 On-The-Ground Detroit Primary Election '13 8/6 @ 5pm ET | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Welcome to Independent Underground Radio LIVE - MICHIGAN'S TOP POLITICO PROGRAM - Tuesday, August 6, 2013 @ 5:00pm ET. We'll be ON-THE-GROUND at Detroit's Election Primary 2013 to report and provide early exit polling data exclusively on Blog Talk Radio! This will be a groundbreaking program Add this podcast to your calendar now to gain information first on Detroit's Historical Primary Election 2013!  On today's program: -Our show will report any irregularities of occurance during the midday point of this historical election. -Ask Detroit Residents exiting polls the reason for supporting the candidate who earned their votes. -An report on any early election challenge procedures at the polls. IU Radio LIVE is a FEATURED BTR Politcal Talk podcast based out of Ann Arbor, Michigan covering Michigan and National Politics, job search, breaking news and more.   Host Monica RW is an owner/writer for the popular IU News & Talk website, media consultant for ROJS Media LLC, experienced grassroots and elected local political leader, and brings her researched Independent opinions to the political issues of the day. Call in to participate with your thoughts and opinions at 347-934-0185. Tweet us your ideas during the program @IUNewsTalk.

 Protecting YOUR Vote FYI Special - 8/1 @ 11am ET | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:06:00

Welcome to Independent Underground Radio LIVE - MICHIGAN'S TOP POLITICO PROGRAM - Thursday, August 1, 2013 program @ 11am ET SHARP!    Today's show will discuss how to PROTECT THE INTEGRITY of YOUR VOTE on Primary Election Day! Executive Producer and Host  Monica RW will lead this important discussion -  Locality Elected Public Official in MI.    If you are worried your vote will not be counted next Tuesday, August 6th in Michigan, tune into this important show to ensure it does, as voting is YOUR RIGHT!   Topics Discussed on Today's Show Include: -What to watch for at the polls -What NOT TO WEAR on Election Day -Why patience is important at the polls -The 100 Feet Rule - What's that? Why It Must Be Followed  -When the Election Protection Hotline at 866-OUR-VOTE should be used to protect YOUR vote & more!   IU Radio LIVE is a FEATURED BTR Political Talk podcast based out of Ann Arbor, Michigan covering Politics & Rreaking news.   Host Monica R-W is an owner/writer for the popular IU News website, media consultant for ROJS Media LLC, and elected local political leader. She brings her researched Independent opinions to political issues of the day. Call into today's show at 347-934-0185 or Tweet to us @IUNewsTalk.   

 Best of the Best of IU Radio LIVE7/30 @ 11am ET | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:58:00

Welcome to Independent Underground Radio LIVE -- MICHIGAN TOP POLITICO PROGRAM -- Tuesday, July 30th @ 11am ET program. We are taking a day off the show but never fear, as we'll play one of Best of the Best Shows of IU Radio LIVE. Independent Underground Radio LIVE is a FEATURED BTR Political Talk podcast based out of Ann Arbor, Michigan covering Michigan and National Politics, job search, breaking news and more.   Host Monica R-W is an owner/writer for the popular I.U. News website, media consultant for ROJS Media LLC, a experienced grassroots and elected local political leader, and brings her researched Independent opinions to the political issues of the day.

 Guest - Detroit Mayor Candidate Tom Barrow 7/25 @ 11am ET | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:21:00

Welcome to Independent Underground Radio LIVE -- MICHIGAN'S TOP POLITICO PROGRAM -- Thursday, July 25, 2013 show @ 11am ET! We are pleased to conclude our "Detroit Mayoral Primary Election Talk" series with Candidate Tom Barrow. A familar guest to regular IU Radio LIVE loyal listeners, Mr. Barrow will discuss his on-going campaign to be one of the top two contenders in a Mayoral run-off campaign, after August 6, 2013 primary. Other topics to be discussed on today's program will be added shortly. Independent Underground Radio LIVE is a FEATURED BTR Political Talk podcast based out of Ann Arbor covering Michigan and National Politics, job search, breaking news and more.   Host Monica R-W is an owner/writer for the popular IU News & Talk website, media consultant for ROJS Media LLC, a experienced grassroots and elected local political leader, and brings her researched Independent opinions to the political issues of the day. Call the show to participate with sharing your thoughts and opinions at 347-934-0185 or Tweet to Us @IUNewsTalk.  

 Guest - Brendan Fischer from ALEC Exposed 7/23 @ 11am ET | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:05:00

Welcome to Independent Underground Radio LIVE -- MICHIGAN'S TOP POLITICO PODCAST -- Tuesday, July 23, 2013 @ 11am ET show. On today's program our special guest expert, General Council the Center for Media and Democracy/ALEC Exposed and the Center for Media and Democracy -- Attorney Brendan Fischer will discuss the impact nationwide "Stand Your Ground" (SYG) Laws. NOTE - (Atty. Lisa Graves due to a scheduling conflict, will be scheduled at another time). Atty. Fischer will discuss how Florida was the first state to implement this legislation. Also since George Zimmerman was acquitted by a six person jury in Sanford, FL due to SYG, can Trayvon Martin's family sue for civil tort puntive damages? Other topics for today's program include: *Email by AFSCME General Council Robert Davis reveal a scheme took place for "Detroit's Bankruptcy" leading directly to Gov. Snyder's office. We'll discuss. *Now that William & Kate will enjoy their new arrival, let's compare the wealth separation betwee the 1% and 99% in the USA. Independent Underground Radio LIVE is a FEATURED BTR Politcal Talk podcast based out of Ann Arbor on Michigan & National Politics breaking news and more.   Host Monica R-W is an owner/writer for the popular I.U. News website, media consultant for ROJS Media LLC and brings her independent opinions to the political issues of the day. Call and participate into the discussion at 347-934-0185 or Tweet Us your thoughts @IUNewsTalk.

 Guest-Detroit Mayoral Cand. Krystal Crittendon 7/18@ 11am ET | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:04:00

Welcome to Independent Underground Radio LIVE - MICHIGAN'S TOP POLITICO PROGRAM - Thursday, July 18, 2013 program at 11am ET SHARP. On today's program, we're pleased to began our "Detroit's Primary Election Candidate Talk" series with Guest - City Attorney and City Mayoral Candidate Krystal Crittendon. Ms. Crittendon will discuss her idea to revitalize Detroit if selected as one of the two final run-off candidates in August 6, 2013 Primary Election. Independent Underground Radio LIVE is a FEATURED BTR Political Talk podcast based out of Ann Arbor, Michigan covering Michigan and National Politics, job search, breaking news and more. Host Monica R-W is an owner/writer for the popular I.U. News website, media consultant for ROJS Media LLC, a experienced grassroots and elected local political leader, and brings her researched Independent opinions to the political issues of the day.  Call into the program with your thoughts and opinions at 347-934-0185 or tweet to us @IUNewsTalk.  

 Guest -Detroit Mayoral Cand. Rep. Fred Durhal 7/16 @ 11am ET | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:58:00

Welcome to Independent Underground Radio LIVE - MICHIGAN'S TOP POLITICO PROGRAM - Tuesday, July 16, 2013 program @ 11am ET SHARP.    On today's program, we're pleased to continue our "Detroit's Primary Election Candidate Talk" series with Guest - City Mayoral Candidate and State Rep. Fred Durhal, Jr. at 12:15 pm ET.   Rep. Durhal, Jr. will discuss his ideas to revitalize Detroit if selected as one of the two final run-off candidates in August 6, 2013 Primary Election.   Other subjects for discussion on today's program include:   Panel Discussion - Race Relations & The America's Criminal Justice System after the Zimmerman Verdict   We're pleased to welcome an esteemed panel of innovative thinkers and leaders on IU Radio LIVE podcast from 11:15 am - Noon ET analyzing Race & America's System of Criminal Justice in light of the not-guilty verdict of George Zimmerman -- who took the life of 17-Year Old victim Trayvon Martin. Independent Underground Radio LIVE is aired from Ann Arbor, Michigan with Host Monica RW --- a political consultant, elected local official, owner of ROJS Media, LLC and bringing her unique and independent insights to political issues of the day!   Call with your thoughts and opinions at 347-934-9185 and tweet to us @IUNewsTalk.    

 Was Justice Denied - Zimmerman Not Guilty -7/13 @ 11pm ET | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:15:00

Independent Underground Radio LIVE -- MICHIGAN'S TOP POLITICO PROGRAM -- will host a special program Saturday, June 13, 2013 @ 11:00 PM ET to discuss the outcome of the Trayvon Martin Case.A Florida Jury of Six Women, with no African-Americans on the jury - found George Zimmerman not guilty in taking the life of 17 year-old victim -- Trayvon Martin.With such, we'll host this program, open to both sides of this continued tragedy to open, vent and respectfully debate the verdict delived by in a Sanford, Florida Courtroom this evening.Call and participate in the program at 347-934-0185 and tweet us your thoughts @IUNewsTalk.

 Guest Detroit Mayoral Cand.-Dr. John Telford 7/11 @ 11am ET | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:05:00

Welcome to Independent Underground Radio LIVE - MICHIGAN'S TOP POLITICO PROGRAM - Thursday, July 11, 2013 program @ 11am ET SHARP. On today's program, we're pleased to continue our "Detroit's Primary Election Candidate Talk" series with Guest - City Mayoral Candidate and local Radio Talk Show Host - Dr. John Telford.   Dr. Telford will discuss his ideas to revitalize Detroit if selected as one of the two final run-off candidates in August 6, 2013 Primary Election. Other subjects to be discussed include: *The George Zimmerman trial has testimony has concluded. We'll give our analysis thus far. *Should a potential candidate for Mayor questionable 'Official Ballot' be promoted by media resources? IU Radio LIVE is a FEATURED BTR Political Talk podcast based out of Ann Arbor covering Michigan/National Politics, job search, breaking news and more.   Host Monica R-W is an owner/writer for the popular I.U. News website, media consultant for ROJS Media LLC and brings her researched Independent opinions to the political issues of the day. Call in with yout thoughts and opinions at 347-934-0185 and tweet to us @IUNewsTalk.

 Guest - Detroit Mayoral Candidate Lisa Howze 7/9 @ 11am ET | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:04:00

Welcome to Independent Underground Radio LIVE - MICHIGAN'S TOP POLITICO PROGRAM - Tuesday, July 9, 2013 program at 11am ET SHARP. On today's program, we're pleased to began our "Detroit's Primary Election Candidate Talk" series with Guest - Former State Rep., and City Mayoral Candidate Lisa Howze. Ms. Howze will discuss her idea to revitalize Detroit if selected as one of the two final run-off candidates in August 6, 2013 Primary Election. Other subjects to be discussed include: *We'll discuss wrap up of the prosecution last week and latest updates from the George Zimmerman trial in Florida, as the defense begins to present its' case. *The Detroit News reported the City's Absentee ballot mail out has been delayed past the June 22nd deadline, as City Clerk Janice Winfrey awaits Appeals Court decision on challenger B. Ella Wilcoxin status in the race. We'll discuss. And MORE!! Independent Underground Radio LIVE is a FEATURED BTR Program based out of Ann Arbor, discussing the latest politico Michigan & National headlines. Elected official, political anaylst, media consultant, owner of ROJS Media, LLC and host Monica RW, gives her raw and Independent-Left based point-of-view on issues of the day. Share your thoughts, opinions and ideas by calling 347-934-0185 or tweet to us @IUNewsTalk.  

 Best of the Best of IU Radio LIVE 7/4 @ 11 AM ET | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

The crew from Independent Underground Radio LIVE will enjoy the 4th of July holiday today. With such, enjoy this IU Radio LIVE Best of the Best Replay Segment! Independent Underground Radio LIVE is a FEATURED BTR Political Talk podcast based out of Ann Arbor, Michigan covering Michigan and National Politics, job search, breaking news and more.   Host Monica R-W is an owner/writer for the popular I.U. News website, media consultant for ROJS Media LLC, a experienced grassroots and elected local political leader, and brings her researched Independent opinions to the political issues of the day.

 Best of the Best of IU Radio LIVE 7/2 @ 11 AM ET | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:59:00

The crew from Independent Underground Radio LIVE will enjoy the 4th of July holiday today. With such, enjoy this IU Radio LIVE Best of the Best Replay Segment! Independent Underground Radio LIVE is a FEATURED BTR Political Talk podcast based out of Ann Arbor, Michigan covering Michigan and National Politics, job search, breaking news and more.   Host Monica R-W is an owner/writer for the popular I.U. News website, media consultant for ROJS Media LLC, a experienced grassroots and elected local political leader, and brings her researched Independent opinions to the political issues of the day.

 Guest - Michigan State Senator Bert Johnson 6/27 @ 11AM ET | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Welcome to Independent Underground Radio LIVE - MICHIGAN'S TOP POLITICO PROGRAM - Thursday, June 27, 2013 @ 11am ET program. We are pleased to have rescheduled and truly welcome as a guest on today's program State Senator Bert Johnson (D-Detroit). Senator Johnson will discuss Michigan Senate Republicans failure of leadership to pass Medicaid Expansion with the Affordable Healthcare Act along with damage the State's Controversial Educational Achievement Authority is doing to public education in Michigan. Other topics to be discussed include: *Can Moral Capitalism Exist in America? We'll discuss an article by Nick Hanauer CEO, Entrepreneur and Venture Capitalist  who wrote an article calling for a $15 per hour minimum wage. We'll discuss. *Review of the historic fight of Texas Senators Wendy Davis and Leticia Van de Putte defeating SB 5, and why The Voting Rights Act of 1965 saved The Right To Choose in the state. *Mike Duggan is out of the Detroit Mayor race. Now what? We'll review the seven other candidates viling to be Detroit's Next Mayor. And more! Independent Underground Radio LIVE is a FEATURED BLOG TALK RADIO political program based out of Ann Arbor covering Michigan and National Politics, Breaking News and More. Host Monica RW is the owner of IU News & Talk, political analyst and elected official giving her raw, honest and independent opinions to today's political issues.  Call with your thoughts, ideas and opinions at 347-934-0185 and Tweet to Us @IUNewsTalk. 


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