Guest Detroit Mayoral Cand.-Dr. John Telford 7/11 @ 11am ET

Independent Underground Radio LIVE (IURL) show

Summary: Welcome to Independent Underground Radio LIVE - MICHIGAN'S TOP POLITICO PROGRAM - Thursday, July 11, 2013 program @ 11am ET SHARP. On today's program, we're pleased to continue our "Detroit's Primary Election Candidate Talk" series with Guest - City Mayoral Candidate and local Radio Talk Show Host - Dr. John Telford.   Dr. Telford will discuss his ideas to revitalize Detroit if selected as one of the two final run-off candidates in August 6, 2013 Primary Election. Other subjects to be discussed include: *The George Zimmerman trial has testimony has concluded. We'll give our analysis thus far. *Should a potential candidate for Mayor questionable 'Official Ballot' be promoted by media resources? IU Radio LIVE is a FEATURED BTR Political Talk podcast based out of Ann Arbor covering Michigan/National Politics, job search, breaking news and more.   Host Monica R-W is an owner/writer for the popular I.U. News website, media consultant for ROJS Media LLC and brings her researched Independent opinions to the political issues of the day. Call in with yout thoughts and opinions at 347-934-0185 and tweet to us @IUNewsTalk.