Was Justice Denied - Zimmerman Not Guilty -7/13 @ 11pm ET

Independent Underground Radio LIVE (IURL) show

Summary: Independent Underground Radio LIVE -- MICHIGAN'S TOP POLITICO PROGRAM -- will host a special program Saturday, June 13, 2013 @ 11:00 PM ET to discuss the outcome of the Trayvon Martin Case.A Florida Jury of Six Women, with no African-Americans on the jury - found George Zimmerman not guilty in taking the life of 17 year-old victim -- Trayvon Martin.With such, we'll host this program, open to both sides of this continued tragedy to open, vent and respectfully debate the verdict delived by in a Sanford, Florida Courtroom this evening.Call and participate in the program at 347-934-0185 and tweet us your thoughts @IUNewsTalk.