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  How to authenticate WordPress user with JWT token | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:42

In this article you’ll learn how to issue JWT authentication token with AAM 5.2 or higher and use it in the subsequent HTTP requests to your WordPress website. You can get the shared postman collection for this article here.Per IETF description, JSON Web Token (JWT) is a compact, URL-safe means of representing claims to be transferred between two parties. I assume that you know enough about JWT so let’s focus only on how to obtain and use it with the sequence of following steps.1. Enable JWT Authentication. By default the JWT Authentication feature is disabled however you can enable it on the Settings Area with JWT Authentication option.2. Configure JWT feature with ConfigPress (optional). Go to AAM Settings Area and on the ConfigPress tab define following configurations: – authentication.jwt.secret (Since AAM v5.3.4). Define the secret key that is used to issue the JWT token. The default key is SECURE_AUTH_KEY value that is defined in the website wp-config.php file; – authentication.jwt.expires. Define how long in seconds, the issued JWT token should be considered as valid. The default value is 24 hours; – authentication.jwt.container (Since AAM v5.4.3). Define the where AAM should look for the JWT token for each HTTP request. The default value is ‘header’ however you can also specify ‘cookie’ and in this way AAM will set a cookie with issued JWT token; – authentication.jwt.algorithm (Since AAM v5.4.3). Define the algorithm that is used to sign the JWT token. The default value is ‘HS256’ however you can also specify ‘HS384’, ‘HS512’ and ‘RS256’.3. Issue JWT token with /aam/v1/authenticate POST request. First of all, make sure that you have WordPress REST API enabled. Then you should be able to hit a custom endpoint /aam/v1/authenticate with HTTP POST request with username/password in the HTTP payload. Below check raw HTTP request sample and JavaScript sample code.POST /wp-json/aam/v1/authenticate HTTP/1.1Host: example.orgContent-Type: application/jsonAccept: application/jsonCache-Control: no-cache{"username": "admin","password": "somestrongpassword"}var data = JSON.stringify({ "username": "admin", "password": "somestrongpassword"});var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();xhr.withCredentials = true;xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange", function () { if (this.readyState === 4) { console.log(this.responseText); }});"POST", "");xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");xhr.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");xhr.setRequestHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache");xhr.send(data);Note! Your application is responsible for storing and managin... You are listening to the topic about " How to authenticate WordPress user with JWT token ", if you want to read the full article, please visit or the link in the description.

  Why Should You Convert Your HTML Website Into a WordPress Theme | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:42

Still using archaic HTML websites? It’s time you convert your HTML website to a WordPress website and benefit from the plethora of features offered by this popular content management system. We will be focusing on why you should switch to WordPress and how you can achieve that.IntroductionPure vanilla HTML has been the golden standard for website development for a long time. However, the websites of yesteryears were skeletal, with no elaborate bells & whistles, and using HTML for those sites made sense back then.With the current market trends and needs, you can now convert HTML to WordPress and leverage the Content Management System to run your website, instead of you writing the code. Read more to have a broader understanding of WordPress Development.Reasons to Upload or Convert HTML Websites to WordPressThese are some of the top reasons why moving from a static HTML website to a WordPress website is an ideal step:WordPress is a fantastic tool for creating and curating one-of-a-kind user interfaces that aren’t easily possible with static HTML templates for website designs.WordPress has a strong community of developers who can assist you with your site and guide newcomers’ past challenges.If you are looking to customise the layout quickly, the same cannot be achieved with plain HTML layout. WordPress’ Page builder facilities allows the user to customise the layout & look and feel of the website on the go.In case you do not want to use your existing HTML files, you can choose from thousands of themes available. There are very strong chances you might find a theme that is very similar to your HTML look and feel. That way you save cost and effort to convert your existing HTML layout to WordPress and leverage on ready made templatesWordPress has evolved over the period and during the evolution the WordPress community has made sure that it’s SEO friendly. It has some amazing SEO boosting plugins, one such plugin is YOAST SEO, the gold standard for SEO management in WordPress. It aids in achieving greater search engine rankings, which is the ultimate goal of constructing business websites.Different Ways To Convert HTML Websites To WordPressAfter discussing why it’s advisable to convert HTML to WordPress, we’ll dive in to understand how to accomplish that.There are three options availableManual method, which requires constructing it all from the ground up.The child-theme method comprises using a basic WordPress theme and customizing it to your specifications.The plugin technique.The method you choose depends on your coding knowledge, the amount of time you intend to devote to this project, and your preferences.Manu... You are listening to the topic about "Why Should You Convert Your HTML Website Into a WordPress Theme", if you want to read the full article, please visit or the link in the description.

  How to Send Email Notification When User Role Changes in WordPress | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:58

Last updated on January 28th, 2019 by Debjit Saha Are you looking for a way to send email notifications to WordPress users when their user role changes? While there’s probably a plugin for this, we have created a quick code snippet that you can use to send email notifications to members when their user role has changed in WordPress.Instructions:All you have to do is add this code to your theme’s functions.php file or in a site-specific plugin:function user_role_update( $user_id, $new_role ) { $site_url = get_bloginfo('wpurl'); $user_info = get_userdata( $user_id ); $to = $user_info->user_email; $subject = "Role changed: ".$site_url.""; $message = "Hello " .$user_info->display_name . " your role has changed on ".$site_url.", congratulations you are now an " . $new_role; wp_mail($to, $subject, $message);}add_action( 'set_user_role', 'user_role_update', 10, 2);Note: If this is your first time adding code snippets in WordPress, then please refer to our guide on how to properly copy / paste code snippets in WordPress, so you don’t accidentally break your site. If you liked this code snippet, please consider checking out our other articles on the site like: 62 best free WordPress blog themes and 7 best WordPress contact form plugins. gioSeptember 16, 2021 at 9:10 pmhow do I use HTML tags here?I want to make texte bold$message = “Hello ” .$user_info->display_name . ” your role has changed on “.$site_url.”, congratulations you are now an ” . $new_role;Reply James P.September 20, 2021 at 3:58 pmYou could try using this code for that line:$message = “Hello ” .$user_info->display_name . ” your role has changed on “.$site_url.”, congratulations you are now an ” . $new_role . ““;Reply EmreJune 19, 2021 at 9:09 pmPerfect

  How To Add Social Media Feeds To WordPress Website | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:47

Social media has become a huge part of our daily lives. Over 3.5 billion people use social media actively. Looking over the social media stats, it shows a huge number which means it is a great platform to help you grow your business online.But how to leverage social media for your business? You can try embedding social media feeds to WordPress website.Displaying social media feeds enhances your website visitors’ experience innovatively with unique social content. With that, it will amplify engagement and build trust with new users, which is a crucial aspect for converting new users into loyal ones.To make sure you don’t face any problem with embedding, here is a guide to walk you through the entire process.So, let’s start.What is Social Media Feed?Social media posts can be referred to as the feed generated by collecting content from multiple social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and many more. It comprises all forms of the content present on social media: images, videos, tweets, or text.It looks like a social media gallery or social gallery widget of content. It is updated in real-time and provides the viewers with the dynamic and latest content from the users.Using social media feeds for your marketing can be quite a good and strategic move taking your business to another level.Worried about how to add social media feeds to WordPress? It can be generated through tools such as Taggbox Widget.Why Taggbox Widget?“Taggbox Widget is a Social media content aggregator that helps marketers to boost engagements, build trust and drive conversions with solutions to discover, curate, and display User-Generated Content on all your marketing touchpoints.”It provides you with some amazing features to leverage UGC more effectively and engagingly. Some of them are:Personalization Panel for designing and curating your widget with an array of themes, fonts, backgrounds, colors, etc.Moderation Panel to filter out irrelevant and unwanted content & display content you approve of.Analytics to study your performance reports and manage your social media post accordingly.UGC Rights Management to rightfully own and use the User-Generated Content for your brand.And many moreAdd Social Media Feeds On WordPress Website – Simple StepsLearn how to use Taggbox Widget to create, design, and embed glamorous looking Social Media Feeds to WordPress website in a step-by-step process.So you have to follow only these three basic steps to add social media feeds to WordPress website:1. Add Social Media Feeds With Taggbox Widget2. Generate Embed Code For Your Website3. Embed Social Media Widget On Your WordPress WebsiteAdd Social Media Feed For WordPre... You are listening to the topic about "How To Add Social Media Feeds To WordPress Website", if you want to read the full article, please visit or the link in the description.

  How to copy or duplicate a wordpress post or page | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:36

Duplicate content hurts your site’s SEO and in fact Google hates duplicate content. So why to copy or duplicate a post? There are several reasons to clone a post or page, for example let’s say you are writing blog posts in a sequence like part 1 part 2 etc, so you may like to have all those posts appear in a same order that is all having same format and structure, but only with different content. Or for another instance let’s say for some demo purpose you want to duplicate a single post or page into several times, what will you do? Usually you will create a post from scratch then copy all the content including custom fields, categories, tags manually from the existing one and then you start editing which takes a lot of time. Don’t put too much effort; this is not necessary because just by a single click you can clone your entire post. Here we will show you how to copy or duplicate a wordpress post or page.Duplicate PostDuplicate post is a free awesome plugin that lets you to duplicate an existing post or page or you can even copy that to a new draft and start editing. This plugin come with various settings where you can control which parts of the post or page to be duplicated (custom fields, postdate, attachments, excerpt, taxonomy) and what kind of users are allowed to duplicate (admin, editor, author, contributor). Also this plugin can duplicate any custom post type for example you can clone the template page without losing any of its function and content. Let’s see how it works.How to copy or duplicate a wordpress post or pageFirst install and activate Duplicate post plugin and after activation this plugin adds option page under settings >> Duplicate post. You can now start duplicating a post or page. Go to posts >> all posts or pages >> all pages where you will see your list of posts and pages. Now when you hover on any post you will see two additional options added such as “clone” and “new draft”. Clicking on clone option will duplicate the entire post based on your plugin settings and publishes as it is. When you click on “new draft” the post will be duplicated and saved as a new draft, but will not be published. So if you are willing to make any changes to a post then you can use new draft option.In a same manner when you are in post or page editor you can see “copy to a new draft” option towards your right side that is in publish Meta box. When you click on copy to a new draft option the published post remains the same, instead it brings you the new drafted post with same content and settings where you can start editing.Other than that you can also clone a post or page from your site’s front end that is from the toolbar that y... You are listening to the topic about "How to copy or duplicate a wordpress post or page", if you want to read the full article, please visit or the link in the description.

  Top 5+ Best WordPress Header plugins | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:40

Visitors always pay attention to the header of a website, so it is very important for you to impress them at the first sight by making your WordPress website header eye-catching with smooth navigation.If you are looking for the best way to create a perfect website header, you may consider using a WordPress header plugin. In this article, we are collecting the best WordPress Header Plugins that help you capture customers’ attention to your WordPress eCommerce site.What is a WordPress header?Why you need WordPress Header Plugins?Best WordPress Header Plugins 2021Boostify Header Footer BuilderSTAX Header BuilderWordPress Header Builder PluginWoostify Pro addons for customizing headerMultiple Headers addonSticker Header addonFinal WordsHeaders are an essential part of a website lying on the topmost place. It usually consists ofSite Title, Logo, Navigations,Social Media icons, Hero Images, and sometimes more. Generally, a WordPress header is kept the same throughout all pages of a WordPress site.An attractive header can help yougrab visitor’s attention as soon as they land on your site, and then boost their shopping experience in your store. So that you should create WordPress custom headers to fit your requirements and meet the demand of customers.There are two main ways for you to edit WordPress header, which are adding custom code and using a WordPress header plugin. If you are good at coding, you can easily make any changes to your header by using custom codes.If you are a WordPress beginner, you should use WordPress header plugins that are used to add various features to the header and make it outstanding in your WordPress websites. Below are some benefits you can get if using a plugin to custom WordPress headerFix the header elements such as banners, notification bars, and more.Add Custom Header Images and messages.Offer promotion with discounts, deals, and gifts, etc.All things considered, let’s take a look at our collection ofBest WordPress Header Pluginsfor customizing website header efficiently.Boostify Header Footer Builder is a plugin developed by Woostify. It allows you to create a custom header & footer and display them on any specific page or all the pages.Unlike other plugins, this WordPress plugin offers Elementor built-in widgets for the header so it is not necessary to install any 3rd party plugin for the add-on widget.With Boostify Header Footer builder plugin, you can create a sticky header and enable it on all sized screens like mobile, tablet, or desktop.Besides, you can build a mega menu easily and apply a vertical menu layout with Elementor to make your header more outstanding.Key features:Automatically get a logo from the customizer, upload... You are listening to the topic about "Top 5+ Best WordPress Header plugins", if you want to read the full article, please visit or the link in the description.

  How To Create A Restaurant Website With WordPress | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:34

If you are running a restaurant, cafe or coffee shop, you already know how tough and competitive the marketplace is. Therefore, to catch your potential customers eyes, you need to have a gorgeous website. An online presence that shows off the food and the dining experience people will enjoy when they come to your establishment. To help you achieve this goal we are going to show you how to create a restaurant website with WordPress.This article will be helpful if you want to build a website for your restaurant but you are not really tech-savvy. Maybe you don’t want to pay a web development company a lot of money to build a top-notch site from scratch.Choose A ThemeToday we will use the Brasserie WordPress theme by Template Express, which is a free theme available from repository. Firstly, take a look at the Brasserie demo to visualize what your finished restaurant website might look like. If you feel that Brasserie doesn’t fit your business then there are many other free WordPress themes to pick from.Featuring an easy setup process and elegant design, you will be able to create your user-friendly restaurant website in no time. Using the simple WordPress Customizer options, you can change the look and feel of your site to fit your business needs.Brasserie WordPress Restaurant theme is 100% mobile responsive and looks amazing on all screen sizes and device types. It is a highly customizable theme with different layouts, featured areas, widgets and unlimited color and font options.You can also add stunning food menus and set up an online table reservation system. This theme offers a quick and easy solution for your restaurant website.Brasserie theme supports WooCommerce integration allowing you to have a built-in online store on your restaurant website. It can be really handy especially for coffee shops that usually sell bagged coffee or branded T-shirts and other apparel.InstallationLet’s dive in and see how you can get your restaurant website up and running with this awesome theme!Brasserie is a freemium WordPress theme, whereby you can have basic functionality provided free of charge and more advanced features available with an upgrade to Brasserie Pro version. In this article we will work with the free version and then tell you about the add-ons you get with the paid version.To install the theme from the WordPress theme repository go to Appearance > Themes > Add New. Here you can find the multitude of free WordPress themes. In the Search box type in Brasserie to find the theme. Hover over the theme preview image and click the install button and then click the activate button.After you have activated Brasserie you will se... You are listening to the topic about "How To Create A Restaurant Website With WordPress", if you want to read the full article, please visit or the link in the description.

  WordPress on Windows Azure in 2 Minutes or Less | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:52

Push the Web ForwardSitePoint has partnered with Windows Azure to give away $16,000 in cash prizes via the “Push the Web Forward and Win!” competition. There are three separate challenges to the competition:Deploy a simple WordPress site to Windows Azure and write a short entry about the process to win up to $500 in cashDeploy a new or existing website or app to Windows Azure for a chance at $3,000 in cashBuild that cool website or app you’re been thinking about, deploy it to Windows Azure, and you could win $5,000 in cashOnly $8,500 total, you say? There are second and third place cash awards as well. Check it out here: About Windows AzureIntroduced at the PDC in 2008, Windows Azure is Microsoft’s broad-based foray into the Cloud space. I first came across it at the MVP Global Summit in 2009. I immediately thought about how it would be useful to me, a typical designer/developer. The ability to publish sites on high-reliability and high quality servers was what interested me most, but that’s nowhere near the limit of the service offering. Here’s a link to the Windows Azure Documentation.Deploying WordPress on Windows AzureIn the following steps you will learn to deploy a WordPress website, database, and domain so that you will have an operational public-facing website in two minutes or less. This will require that you have an account on Windows Azure, so you’ll have to do that before you begin. Windows Azure accounts can range from completely free to pre-paid subscriptions or pay-as-you-go. You can find out about them here, as well as sign up for a free trial here. Follow these steps to get a public-facing WordPress site up and running on Windows Azure in less than 2 minutes!Log into the Windows Azure Management Portal.From the All Items view of your Management Portal you can do almost anything you can think of. For instance, you could create a virtual machine, running Ubuntu (seriously), or create a cloud based application for mobile devices, set up VPNs, Media Services, and more. You can learn all about Windows Azure capabilities here.Click the Web Sites tab on the left side of the screen and at the bottom left of the screen click the +New button.Point to Web Site, and then click From Gallery. You’ll be presented with the Add Web App dialog.The Windows Azure App Gallery contains a variety of open source sites and applications that you can deploy rapidly with just a few clicks. The MSDN blog for the Windows Azure App Gallery is an excellent resource to get familiarized with it. Scroll down the list to the WordPress application. Select it and then click the Proceed a... You are listening to the topic about "WordPress on Windows Azure in 2 Minutes or Less", if you want to read the full article, please visit or the link in the description.

  Top 10 WordPress Education Theme In 2022 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:49

Using WordPress Education Theme to create a great educational website instantly! If you have any educational business, it’s extremely important to have a website. Which make easy for your students to get the information they need. Therefore, many schools and universities have looked for effective and modern ways to create beautiful and modern website. An attractive, feature-rich and intuitive WordPress Theme can help with that. Below is a list we’ve compiled of our favorite WordPress Education Theme in 2021 with responsive and modern design. Free ET University WordPress Theme LT University is a modern Education WordPress Theme. It has been designed to be used for college or university websites. It is also 100% responsive that automatically adapts to any possible screen resolution of all mobile devices and displaying all the content in the best way. Highlights: Automatically adapt Modern Responsive Free University WordPress Theme Let’s take a quick look at University – elegant and clean responsive Education WordPress Theme. It comes with a functional front page image slider, social media icons. Furthermore, it has details designed beautiful layout and flexible features so you can add your logo and customize it with ease. Highlights: Flexible features Beautiful layout Responsive Free Academica WordPress Theme Free Academy is a responsive modern and clean theme designed especially for all sorts of educational websites. It has a modern three-column design, custom template, and white in color which give your site a unique style. Highlights: Fully responsive Clean design Modern Elegant layout Free EduPress WordPress Theme EduPress is an education theme with a two-section format. In addition, it is most reasonable for training, business, corporate and non-benefit sites. It comes with widget footer, user-friendly interface, and clean code. Moreover, the flexible front page makes you easy to customize. Highlights: Responsive Friendly Clean code Free Play School WordPress Theme Play School is the best free educational theme and a perfect option for nursery, playschools, courses, internet learning and so on. This theme is the right choice to showcase your products and services. Play School free WordPress Theme uses the concept of pages and portfolio design so it can help you achieve simple but desirable results. Highlights: Simple Flexible Responsive Colorful Free School Zone WordPress Theme School Zone is ideal for any type of educational institution like schools, colleges, and universities. In addition, you can easily use this theme to create a stunning website without any knowledge of coding. With professional design, lots of useful sections a... You are listening to the topic about " Top 10 WordPress Education Theme In 2022 ", if you want to read the full article, please visit or the link in the description.

  [100% DESCT.] WordPress Web Development Course For Beginners | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:32

Comparte si te a gustado: Create Your Own Responsive Website With WordPress. Even If You Have No Coding Or Previous Web Development Experience Publicado en 27 Jun 2021 Lo que aprenderásMy Students will learn how to develop a website using WordPress, with no previous coding or web development experience.RequisitosMust have basic computer knowledgeMust know how to navigate the internetDescripciónThis is a 9 and a half hour beginners level course for anyone who wants to create their own website using WordPress, or any developer starting out, and wants to learn a bit more about WordPress.In this course, you will learn how to create your own website, using the powerful content management system, WordPress.I will take you through everything from A to Z, so even if you have never even thought about creating a website, once you have completed my course, you will know how to develop your own website. Your should be able to create a blogging site or even a website for your business.What you will learn from taking this course:What is WordPressThere are two (2) types of WordPress platforms, get to know the difference between themHow to set up WordPress on your local server, so you can develop your website without a domain or hosting provider. I will give you (2) two alternative platforms to use to develop your website on your local server.What is a domain and web hostingHow to register your domain and sign up for web hostingHow to install WordPress in your web hosting account, using cPanelGetting to know your WordPress dashboardHow to get your WordPress site ready for developmentHow to create posts (for use in blogging websites, or websites with a blog page)How to create pagesHow to create menusHow to set your homepageGiving your site a name and taglineHow to create a site iconHow to install a WordPress themeHow to install pluginsWhat is Elementor page builder and how to use itHow to create a custom header and footerHow to build your own sidebarHow to create a template of a page or post to use when creating future pages and posts on your WordPress websiteUsing Elementor to create responsive (websites which are compatible to all devices and browsers) websiteHow to link your pages togetherHow to create links to your social media pagesHow to set up a contact formHow to create a backup of your WordPress website, the right wayHow to set your website up on your hosting account, if you developed it from your local serverHow to speed up your website by using free WordPress pluginsHow to import starter templates or demo websites to change in... You are listening to the topic about "[100% DESCT.] WordPress Web Development Course For Beginners ", if you want to read the full article, please visit or the link in the description.

  How To Install WordPress with OpenLiteSpeed on Ubuntu 18.04 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:58

IntroductionWordPress is an open-source content management system (CMS). The most popular CMS in the world, WordPress allows you to set up blogs and websites on top of a MySQL database backend, using PHP to execute scripts and process dynamic content.OpenLiteSpeed is an optimized open-source web server that you can use to manage and serve websites. OpenLiteSpeed has some useful features that make it a solid choice for many installations: Apache-compatible rewrite rules, a built-in web-based administration interface, and customized PHP processing optimized for the server.This guide will walk through the process of installing and setting up a WordPress instance on Ubuntu 18.04 using the OpenLiteSpeed web server. Because both WordPress and OpenLiteSpeed can be administered through a web browser, this configuration is ideal for those who do not have regular access to an SSH session or those who may not feel comfortable managing a web server via the command line.PrerequisitesBefore you begin this guide, you will need the following:One server running Ubuntu 18.04 with an administrative, non-root user and a firewall configured using ufw. To set up this environment, follow our Initial Server Setup for Ubuntu 18.04 tutorial.OpenLiteSpeed installed on your server. See our guide on How To Install the OpenLiteSpeed Web Server on Ubuntu 18.04 for instructions on installing and configuring OpenLiteSpeed.MySQL installed on your server. Follow our How To Install MySQL on Ubuntu 18.04 tutorial to set this up.Step 1 — Creating a Database and Database User for WordPressWordPress uses MySQL to manage and store site and user information. You already have MySQL installed, but as a preparatory step you need to make a database and a user for WordPress to use.To get started, connect to your server using SSH:ssh sammy@your_server_IPThen log in to the root MySQL account:sudo mysqlNote: If you completed Step 3 in the prerequisite MySQL tutorial and configured your root MySQL user to authenticate with the mysql_native_password plugin, you’ll need to log in with the following command:mysql -u root -pThen enter your root user’s password when prompted.From the MySQL prompt, create a database with the following command. Here, we will name this database wordpress to keep things simple, but you can name it whatever you’d like:CREATE DATABASE wordpress DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;Then, create a user and grant it privileges over the database you just created. Again, you can give this user any name, but for simplicity we will name it wordpressuser. Also, be sure to change password to a strong password of your own choosing:GRANT... You are listening to the topic about "How To Install WordPress with OpenLiteSpeed on Ubuntu 18.04", if you want to read the full article, please visit or the link in the description.

  How to Upload A Theme to WordPress | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:42

Are you thinking about buying a premium WordPress theme but not sure whether you’ll be able to install it? Well, we’re here to put your mind at ease. Uploading and installing a WordPress theme is very easy. In this post, we’ll show you how it’s done.You don’t need any programming skills or web design knowledge to upload a theme. WordPress makes this process quite easy. Although, many people often run into issues when uploading themes by making simple mistakes. Like forgetting to unzip the downloaded files or having issues with the WordPress theme uploader. More on that later.There are a few different ways you can upload and install a WordPress theme. Keep reading to find out what they are.One Subscription: Everything You Need to Build a WebsiteGet everything you need to build your next website with one simple subscription. From $16 per month, get unlimited access to nearly 2 million WordPress themes, web templates, fonts, graphics, and photos.Build Your Next WebsiteResponsive ThemesPortfolio ThemesGutenberg ThemesWooCommerce ThemesElementor ThemesWhy Use Premium Themes?There are over 5,700 themes available in the official WordPress themes directory. On average, most of these themes are actively used by over 1000 websites. Not all that unique!Using a premium theme is not just about standing out from the crowd, it also provides you a better and a more customizable design. You’ll be able to fully control the theme to customize it according to your own branding without any restrictions.Premium themes are better coded by professional web developers and are reviewed by the marketplaces. They are safe from vulnerabilities, provides better protection, and comes with customer support.There are many more reasons to choose a premium theme over a free WordPress theme. So, don’t let the complications of uploading and installing third-party themes hold you back. Here’s how easy it is to upload a theme to WordPress.How To Upload A Premium WordPress ThemeWhile you can easily search and install a free WordPress theme directly from your Admin dashboard, installing a third-party premium theme is different.The themes from third-party WordPress theme marketplaces, like our own Theme Junkie themes, aren’t available in the official WordPress themes directory. This means when you buy or download a theme from a third-party marketplace, you have to manually upload the theme to your WordPress website to install it.There are 3 different ways you can upload a theme. We’ll walk you through each method, step by step.Important: Uploading and installing a theme will replace your current website design with a new one. The changes you’ve made to your current theme will be changed. Be sure to backu... You are listening to the topic about "How to Upload A Theme to WordPress", if you want to read the full article, please visit or the link in the description.

  How to Create a WordPress Child Theme | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:56

Using WordPress child theme to customize your WordPress theme is the safest route possible. Because your customization will be saved in a different folder and it won’t get lost when you update the parent theme.What is Child Theme?Child theme is the mirror reflection of atheme. Whatever changes you make to the reflection will not affect the original or parent theme. But if the parent theme makes any changes it will be visible in your child theme.Why You Should Be Using Child ThemesUsing WordPress child themes to modify the theme is one of the safest and recommended way. Your changes will not be deleted if your parent theme gets updated. Another benefit of using child theme is if your child theme modification creates issue you can always deactivate the child and revert back to parent theme.How To set Upa WordPress Child ThemeCreating a Child Theme ManuallyCreating a Child Theme Using PluginRequirements:Make sure your parent theme is present in the Appearance -> Themes page, otherwise it will not work.Creating a Child Theme ManuallyStep 1: Create a folder and name it anything you like. Ex: optimizer-childStep 2: Create a file titled style.cssStep 3: Open the style.css and write below informationStep 4: Create a file titled functions.php and paste below code to import the parent themes style.Step 5: Now Zip the folder and upload it via Appearance -> Themes -> Add NewStep 6: Activate the theme.Create a Child Theme Using PluginIf you don’t want to jump through these hoops you can use free wordpress plugins to do that for you. There are lot of free plugins that lets you create a child theme easily. Eg: One-Click Child Theme, Child Theme Configurator, Child Theme Creator by Orbisius etc.In this article we will see how to create a child theme using One-Click Child Theme plugin. Follow these step by step instructions to get it configured.Step 1:Download One-Click Child Theme pluginStep 2:log into the admin area of your site ( 3:Go to Plugins -> Add NewStep 4:Click on Upload plugin to upload the plugin, then click on Activate pluginStep 5:Now go to Appearance -> Themes, make sure the theme you wish to create child theme for is activated. (For example: if you wish to create a child theme of twenty sixteen make sure twenty sixteen is activated.)Step 6:Click on the theme thumbnail, then click on Child ThemeStep 7:After click that, you will be taken to child theme configuration page. Write Theme name, Description and author field.Step 8:Click on Create ChildStep 9:Now your child theme is ready and activated.Editing Other Template FilesIf you want to add any custom functions to your WordPress child theme, you have to write them in your... You are listening to the topic about "How to Create a WordPress Child Theme", if you want to read the full article, please visit or the link in the description.

  The Best Drag and Drop Page Builders for Creating Slick WordPress Sites | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:47

Are WordPress page builders the future of content development on the popular CMS platform? Aside from coders and web designers, the average person is looking for simplicity and reliability from their WordPress blog or website. Not only that they want to minimize the time that it takes to produce great, engaging new content.[toc]AsÂWordPress is known for offering those traits, an estimated 26 percent of all sites worldwide are built on the popular CMS platform. The number of WordPress installations is continually growing which fosters a growing market for developers, installers, premium WordPress themes, plugins and of course WordPress page builders. The developer eco system for the WordPress CMS is incredibly robust and buoyant. Even though WordPress is intuitive out of the box; this rich diversity can still make starting out difficult for newcomers.However, even with the focus on usability, many still struggle to create the WordPress sites they truly envision. The more plugins, hacks and custom code that you add the greater propensity of something breaking or being incompatible, it can easily get out of hand. Who after all wants to spend all day fixing things instead of creating.7 WordPress Page Builders – The Best Drag and Drop Page Builders for Creating Slick WordPress SitesIn fact creating a cutting edge WordPress site typically requires additional coding knowledge or a premium template (and price.) However a new era of drag-and-drop WordPress page builders is opening up the market to anyone with an imagination and some creative visual flair.While page builders offer simplicity, the available features of each product will decide which is the right option for your site. Here are seven WordPress page buildersÂthat are earning critical acclaim among many WordPress users and content developers. Done right page builders can increase productivity and earnings from your blog.Visual Composer for WordPressVisual Composer 5.0 Page Builder for WordPress CMSVisual Composer is one of the most popular WordPress plugins, with a proven track record of quality. The plugin can be added to any theme, allowing you to construct a page with your choice of over 40 design elements that suit most needs, including an image gallery, slider, icons, message boxes, and more. Visual Composer page builder is currently on version 5.0, in addition to the core package there are scores of additional add ons, hooks and tweaks from third parties. Find out more about the latest version of Visual Composer.InstaBuilder 2.0InstaBuilder 2.0 for WordPress produces tightly optimized sales pages and funnels.If you are looking for an... You are listening to the topic about "The Best Drag and Drop Page Builders for Creating Slick WordPress Sites", if you want to read the full article, please visit or the link in the description.

  Why WordPress is a Best CMS? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:48

Why use WordPress as a CMS?Building a website is not a complex task today. You can use several platforms through which you can make a website like Wix, Shopify, and Weebly. But they are used for niche websites with specific purposes. Then comes a famous blogging tool that turned into a remarkable website builder and a robust CMS-WordPress. Easy to use and can build different kinds of websites. An estimated 40.6% of websites use WordPress, which shows that every 1 of four websites you open is built and managed by Word Press. One must wonder that what is the reason for such small businesses or large enterprises preferring WordPress over others platforms? Let’s put a glance at the reasons which make WordPress a unique one.Free and open sourceThe most crucial factor is that WordPress is free. It is easy to find, use and edit. Install it from google and create any website you want. Moreover, it would help if you had a domain name and web hosting to operate it. Thanks to its open-source feature. Through its open-source code, you can change anything which suits you more.Flexible and AdaptiveA common misconception is that people consider it just a blog publishing website. That’s not true. WordPress is highly versatile and provides you with all options to create any website you want. A wide range of themes & plugins enhances its functionality to a fantastic website builder. Plugins within WordPress work autonomously, which means you can use them in combination to serve your needs. Also, it keeps a lower maintenance cost as WordPress, and its plugins update independently without affecting other components.You can achieve a well-built and easy-going website in just a few minutes with the help of WordPress. There is a wide range of themes that are lightweight to operate. You don’t need to be expert computer literate. WordPress has made it easier for you with the basic know-how, letting you control how you want your website to look precisely.Multilingual and responsiveDo you know that the Word Press team has made it easy for you? They have translated WordPress into 169 different languages. Different plugins also provide translated versions. You can create a multilingual website with no effort at all. That’s aside, browsing over mobile, tabs, and laptops are in common. Among, all three mobile browsings are trending nowadays. WordPress themes provide your website with an all-device-friendly zone. It’s called responsive design, which means that your website automatically makes it look well on any device.WordPress is SEO Friendly CMSThere is a specific parameter to set on which search engines display and rank websites. If you fulfil standard parameters, you will be shown in top-ranking. Otherwi... You are listening to the topic about "Why WordPress is a Best CMS?", if you want to read the full article, please visit or the link in the description.


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