Why Should You Convert Your HTML Website Into a WordPress Theme

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Summary: Still using archaic HTML websites? It’s time you convert your HTML website to a WordPress website and benefit from the plethora of features offered by this popular content management system. We will be focusing on why you should switch to WordPress and how you can achieve that.IntroductionPure vanilla HTML has been the golden standard for website development for a long time. However, the websites of yesteryears were skeletal, with no elaborate bells & whistles, and using HTML for those sites made sense back then.With the current market trends and needs, you can now convert HTML to WordPress and leverage the Content Management System to run your website, instead of you writing the code. Read more to have a broader understanding of WordPress Development.Reasons to Upload or Convert HTML Websites to WordPressThese are some of the top reasons why moving from a static HTML website to a WordPress website is an ideal step:WordPress is a fantastic tool for creating and curating one-of-a-kind user interfaces that aren’t easily possible with static HTML templates for website designs.WordPress has a strong community of developers who can assist you with your site and guide newcomers’ past challenges.If you are looking to customise the layout quickly, the same cannot be achieved with plain HTML layout. WordPress’ Page builder facilities allows the user to customise the layout & look and feel of the website on the go.In case you do not want to use your existing HTML files, you can choose from thousands of themes available. There are very strong chances you might find a theme that is very similar to your HTML look and feel. That way you save cost and effort to convert your existing HTML layout to WordPress and leverage on ready made templatesWordPress has evolved over the period and during the evolution the WordPress community has made sure that it’s SEO friendly. It has some amazing SEO boosting plugins, one such plugin is YOAST SEO, the gold standard for SEO management in WordPress. It aids in achieving greater search engine rankings, which is the ultimate goal of constructing business websites.Different Ways To Convert HTML Websites To WordPressAfter discussing why it’s advisable to convert HTML to WordPress, we’ll dive in to understand how to accomplish that.There are three options availableManual method, which requires constructing it all from the ground up.The child-theme method comprises using a basic WordPress theme and customizing it to your specifications.The plugin technique.The method you choose depends on your coding knowledge, the amount of time you intend to devote to this project, and your preferences.Manu... You are listening to the topic about "Why Should You Convert Your HTML Website Into a WordPress Theme", if you want to read the full article, please visit https://geniuswp.com or the link in the description.