Literature Podcasts

Librivox: Sammlung kurzer deutscher Prosa 010 by Various show

Librivox: Sammlung kurzer deutscher Prosa 010 by VariousJoin Now to Follow

Diese Sammlung umfasst 10 deutschsprachige Prosa-Texte verschiedener Genres.

By LibriVox

Waterstones Blog show

Waterstones BlogJoin Now to Follow

Subscribe to Waterstones podcast to hear exclusive interviews with your favourite authors, lively discussion on books of the moment, and recordings of some of our many author events. For more interviews, as well as extracts, articles, reviews and competitions, visit our blog at

By Waterstones

Librivox: Understood Betsy by Fisher, Dorothy Canfield show

Librivox: Understood Betsy by Fisher, Dorothy CanfieldJoin Now to Follow

Understood Betsy is a 1916 novel for children by Dorothy Canfield Fisher. The story tells of Elizabeth Ann, a 9-year-old orphan who goes from a sheltered existence with her father's aunt Harriet and cousin Frances in the city, to living on a Vermont farm with her mother's family, the Putneys, whose child-rearing practices had always seemed suspect to Harriet and her daughter. In her new rural life, Elizabeth Ann comes to be nicknamed "Betsy," and to find that many activities that Frances had always thought too demanding for a little girl are considered, by the Putney family, ordinary expectations for a child: walking to school alone, cooking, and having household duties to perform. The child thrives in her new environment, learning to make butter, boil maple syrup, and tend the animals. When Frances announces she is to be married and has come to "save" Elizabeth Ann from the dreaded Putney cousins, she is amazed to discover that the little girl is quite content to stay. The story ends after Frances has returned home, with Betsy, her aunt Abigail, uncle Henry, and cousin Ann sitting quietly and happily around the fireplace enjoying the knowledge they will now be a family for good. (Summary from Wikipedia)

By LibriVox

Librivox: Cruise of the Snark, The by London, Jack show

Librivox: Cruise of the Snark, The by London, JackJoin Now to Follow

The Cruise of the Snark (1913) is a memoir of Jack and Charmian London's 1907-1909 voyage across the Pacific. His descriptions of "surf-riding", which he dubbed a "royal sport", helped introduce it to and popularize it with the mainland. London writes: Through the white crest of a breaker suddenly appears a dark figure, erect, a man-fish or a sea-god, on the very forward face of the crest where the top falls over and down, driving in toward shore, buried to his loins in smoking spray, caught up by the sea and flung landward, bodily, a quarter of a mile. It is a Kanaka on a surf-board. And I know that when I have finished these lines I shall be out in that riot of colour and pounding surf, trying to bit those breakers even as he, and failing as he never failed, but living life as the best of us may live it. Excerpted from Wikipedia.

By LibriVox

Vinyl Biography show

Vinyl BiographyJoin Now to Follow

Vinyl Biography is a podcast about your story, and music. Your discovery of vinyl, why it's important to you, and your history behind your collection.

By Noble Records

The Dune Saga Podcast show

The Dune Saga PodcastJoin Now to Follow

The Dune Saga Podcast (Scott Hertzog - The SciFi Diner Podcast; David Moulton - The Lancast; and Jim Arrowood - Jim's SciFi Blog) are taking a chronological journey through all the Dune novels, starting with the Legends of Dune by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson, working our way through Frank Herbert's original Dune series, and moving our way beyond. Come join the conversation.

By The Dune Saga Podcast

Sanctum Secorum show

Sanctum SecorumJoin Now to Follow

An Appendix N literary podcast for players of the Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG. Reviewing classic fantasy and helping to bring it to life at the gaming table.

By Sanctum Media

The Overlooked Dark Knight show

The Overlooked Dark KnightJoin Now to Follow

The Overlooked Dark Knight is a twice monthly podcast hosted by Andrew Leyland and Michael Bailey. Their mandate is to shine a light on Batman stories that hardly anyone talks about and stick mainly with the Bronze Age of the Caped Crusader.

By Andrew Leyland and Michael Bailey

Librivox: Tolle Mensch, Der by Nietzsche, Friedrich show

Librivox: Tolle Mensch, Der by Nietzsche, FriedrichJoin Now to Follow

“Der tolle Mensch” ist der Aphorismus 125 aus dem dritten Buch der “Fröhlichen Wissenschaft” und befaßt sich mit dem Thema “Gott ist tot”. Der stilistisch dichte Aphorismus enthält Anspielungen an klassische Werke der Philosophie und Tragödie. Dieser Text lässt den Tod Gottes als bedrohliches Ereignis erscheinen. Dem Sprecher in diesem Text graut vor der Aussicht, dass die zivilisierte Welt ihr bisheriges geistiges Fundament weitgehend zerstört hat. Der unfassbare Vorgang des Todes Gottes würde gerade wegen der großen Dimension lange brauchen, um in seiner Tragweite erkannt zu werden. (Zusammenfassung von und Rainer)

By LibriVox

Cat and Cthulhu: The Podcast show

Cat and Cthulhu: The PodcastJoin Now to Follow

"Cat & Cthulhu is like Toy Story. Except instead of being based of the imagination of a child like Andy, based on the imagination of a child like Sid. Ok Cat & Cthulhu isn't really like Toy Story at all. Except that the main characters are stuffed toys (or an action figure in the case of Marvin). Oh and I do try and keep it at a level suitable for children. But apart from that it is nothing at all like Toy Story. Except that Cat & Cthulhu is also funny in places. Well Cat & Cthulhu is different in that we have Jedi and Ninja. And lots more seafood references. But that is mainly because the two protagonists are seafood junkies. Oh and we have mentions to impending apocalyptic genocide perpetrated by a main character. But then if you have Cthulhu in your cast roster it is kind of hard to get around that fact. Well I hope you enjoy Cat & Cthulhu. If you giggle just a little bit I'll have succeeded." --- William Ellwood, Author

By Richard Shaw