Literature Podcasts

Librivox: Camera Obscura by Beets, Nicolaas show

Librivox: Camera Obscura by Beets, NicolaasJoin Now to Follow

De Camera Obscura is een verzameling verhalen en beschouwingen van Hildebrand, pseudoniem voor Nicolaas Beets. "De Camera", zoals het boek gemeenzaam is gaan heten, verscheen in 1839. Beets schreef de meeste stukken in 1837 als student Godgeleerdheid in Leiden. Het boek geeft een beeld van het Nederland van de trekschuit en de postkoets, waar rond die tijd gewerkt wordt aan de eerste spoorlijn. Het bekendste gedeelte van het boek is dat over de familie Stastok. Hierin gaat Hildebrand logeren bij een oom en tante die de vleesgeworden burgermensen zijn uit het begin 19e eeuw. Schrijnend is "Het diakenhuismannetje vertelt zijn verhaal", dat blijk geeft van inzicht van de schrijver in de wantoestanden in zijn tijd. [Wikipedia – might be changed later]

By LibriVox

Librivox: Princess and Curdie, The by MacDonald, George show

Librivox: Princess and Curdie, The by MacDonald, GeorgeJoin Now to Follow

The Princess and Curdie is the sequel to The Princess and the Goblin by George MacDonald. It's been a year since the Princess Irene and Curdie first met, and a year since the goblin incident and all appears to be going well in the Kingdom. Or is it? After a visit from Irene's great-great-grandmother, Curdie finds himself on a mission to save the kingdom, with a rather strange companion in tow. (Summary by Lizzie Driver)

By LibriVox

Heroes For Her, Presented By Bible Belles show

Heroes For Her, Presented By Bible BellesJoin Now to Follow

Erin Weidemann is here to put the “her” in hero! It is her passion to help parents raise confident, capable daughters who are excited to live out their purpose. In today’s world, the girls who are the loudest are the ones who get noticed. Join us as we inspire you each week by interviewing real women, positive role models who are making a different kind of noise. Erin is the CEO and Co-Founder of Bible Belles and the author of “The Adventures of Rooney Cruz” a series for girls to help them discover what it means to be truly beautiful through the female heroes of the Bible.

By Erin Weidemann

2nd Story show

2nd StoryJoin Now to Follow

2nd Story is a collective of story-makers and story-lovers working together to build community through the power of storytelling. We host events (around Chicago and beyond) that fuse page, stage, and sound to deliver a unique, live, literary/theatrical experience.

By 2nd Story

Librivox: Wahlverwandtschaften, Die by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von show

Librivox: Wahlverwandtschaften, Die by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang vonJoin Now to Follow

Eduard, ein reicher Baron, lebt mit seiner Gattin Charlotte zurückgezogen in einem Schloss, das von einem großen Park umgeben ist. In zweiter Ehe haben die beiden Liebenden von einst endlich zueinander gefunden. Glücklich über ihre neue Lebenssituation widmen sie sich vornehmlich dem Garten und der Parkgestaltung. Diese Idylle wird gestört, als Eduard seinen Freund, den Hauptmann, auf das Anwesen einlädt. So lässt auch Charlotte ihre Nichte Ottilie herbeiholen, damit diese ihr Gesellschaft leistet. Bald schon fühlt sich Eduard zu Ottilie und Charlotte zum Hauptmann hingezogen. Eines Nachts schleicht Eduard heimlich durchs Schloss und gerät auf der Suche nach Ottilie - "eine sonderbare Verwechslung ging in seiner Seele vor" - ins Schlafgemach seiner Gemahlin. In seiner Vorstellung ist es jedoch Ottilie, die er in den Armen hält, indes Charlotte das Bild des Hauptmanns vorschwebt. Aus dieser Vereinigung geht ein Kind hervor. Als der Abschied von Ottilie und dem Hauptmann droht, gesteht Eduard Ottilie seine Liebe. Der Hauptmann und Charlotte verständigen sich wortlos, ihrer gemeinsamen Liebe zu entsagen. Eduard hingegen kann seine Gefühle nicht unterdrücken und zieht aus Verzweiflung in den Krieg. Das Kind, welches gleichermaßen Ottilie und dem Hauptmann, nicht aber seinen leiblichen Eltern ähnelt, befindet sich in der Obhut von Ottilie, als Eduard aus dem Krieg zurückkehrt. Eduard bedrängt sie erneut in unbändiger Art. Ottilie versucht auszuweichen, indem sie in einem Kahn über den See zurückrudert. Beim hastigen Einsteigen kentert das Boot jedoch und das Kind ertrinkt. Ottilie beschließt daraufhin, ihrer Liebe zu Eduard zu entsagen. Schließlich zieht sie sich zurück, spricht und isst nicht mehr, bis sie letztlich an Schwäche stirbt. Eduard ist zum Schluss lebensmüde, stirbt aber eines natürlichen Todes. Der Roman ist ein typischer Vertreter der Weimarer Klassik. Goethe greift ein gesellschaftliches Thema auf und verbindet es mit einem naturwissenschaftlichen Gleichnis. Die gesellschaftlichen Zwänge von Sitte und Norm werden den individuellen Empfindungen und Neigungen gegenübergestellt. (Summary by Wikipedia)

By LibriVox

Librivox: Contessa di Karolystria, La by Ghislanzoni, Antonio show

Librivox: Contessa di Karolystria, La by Ghislanzoni, AntonioJoin Now to Follow

Antonio Ghislanzoni, nato a Barco di Maggianico (Lecco) il 25 novembre 1824, è meglio noto come autore di numerosissimi libretti per opere liriche tra cui "Aida" e "La forza del destino" di Giuseppe Verdi. Personalità eclettica: baritono egli stesso fino al 1856, nonché ex seminarista cacciato per cattiva condotta, stimolato dalle idee di Mazzini, nel 1848 dirige a Milano diversi giornali repubblicani; a causa delle sue idee fu anche arrestato dai francesi e brevemente detenuto in Corsica. Muore a Caprino Bergamasco il 16 luglio 1893. "La contessa di Karolystria" è definito dallo stesso autore "il più balzano, il più strampalato de' miei racconti", e in effetti altro non è che una storia divertente piena di colpi di scena senza pretesa di avere "messaggi" da trasmettere. La trama è presto detta: il visconte d'Aguilar -personaggio in cui potremmo scorgere lo stesso autore- si lascia coinvolgere nel turbine di avventure in cui viene trascinato per soccorrere la contessa di Karolystria e brillantemente, tra mille peripezie, riesce cavarla dai guai e ad aprirle un nuovo futuro. -- Riccardo.

By LibriVox

Unspoiled! A Song Of Ice And Fire show

Unspoiled! A Song Of Ice And FireJoin Now to Follow

RoShawn (who has seen the HBO show Game Of Thrones) reads the book series for the first time, while Natasha (who has seen the show and read the series) revisits it for the first time in almost a decade.

By UNspoiled! Network

Adam and Eve Podcast show

Adam and Eve PodcastJoin Now to Follow

The Adam and Eve Podcast wants you to lighten up about sex. Real employees from Adam & Eve discuss sex and popular culture all with a healthy dose of humor. They also share stories of what it’s like working for America’s largest adult product marketer, it’s probably different than you think. As a special offer, they are giving you 50 percent off almost any single item at the Adam and Eve online store, including free shipping on your order! Just enter the promo code POD50 at the checkout. Please like and review our podcast, we are recording it for you! For good long reads of in-depth reviews on Adam and Eve products, you can check out this sponsored blog.

By Adam and Eve

Written in Uncertainty show

Written in UncertaintyJoin Now to Follow

A podcast for those who want to go a little deeper into Elder Scrolls lore, for fans who know the basics and want to dig a bit deeper, to find out where the more complex ideas come from. Come, listen and join the discussion at, or on the Written in Uncertainty Discord at

By Aramithius

Librivox: Memoirs of Jacques Casanova, The - Vol. 1 by Casanova, Giacomo show

Librivox: Memoirs of Jacques Casanova, The - Vol. 1 by Casanova, GiacomoJoin Now to Follow

This is the first of five volumes. - Giacomo Casanova (1725 in Venice – 1798 in Dux, Bohemia, now Duchcov, Czech Republic) was a famous Venetian adventurer, writer, and womanizer. He used charm, guile, threats, intimidation, and aggression, when necessary, to conquer women, sometimes leaving behind children or debt. In his autobiography Histoire de ma vie (Story of My Life), regarded as one of the most authentic sources of the customs and norms of European social life during the 18th century, he mentions 122 women with whom he had sex. Although he is often associated with Don Juan because both seduced many women, Casanova is in fact very different from his fictitious counterpart. While Don Juan is a legend, Casanova is a historical character. (Summary from Wikipedia)

By LibriVox