Storytelling with Puck show

Storytelling with Puck

Summary: At the start of each year, Puck Creations hosts a week long initiative for people to share their stories across social media called #StorytellingWithPuck. This podcast continues in that style. We'll be sharing stories, chatting about stories and becoming the next story about stories. We'll also be seeing why stories are so powerful in business, branding and marketing. Want to be kept up to date and get accompanying emails? Subscribe to the #StorytellingWithPuck email here: Need to get in touch?

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 S02E01 - Shona Hirons: From Broken to Bionic | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 4565

From Broken to Bionic How many near death experiences have you had? That's probably not a question you get asked often but it's worth posing because it's unlikely to be as many as Shona Hirons. Listen to the 1st episode of the new series to find out what happened at Shona's birth, on a family holiday, on a motorbike and more. See how she dealt with everything and how the people around her dealt with both physical and mental health challenges too. Shona has learned a lot from all of these experiences and is now supports others to keep on top of their wellbeing. Shona's new book will be released soon so keep an eye out for it and connect with Shona. Her details are below: Streamline for Success Facebook Group Mindset in motion website Shona's LinkedIn Shona's Instagram Please be aware that this episode touches on the topics of mental health and suicide. Before you listen, make sure you are in the right state of mind. If you need support, please get in touch with the Samaritans, MIND UK or somebody you trust. Samaritans Website - Call 116 123 for free if you are in the UK. MIND UK

 S01E20 - Farewell, not goodbye: We'll start with a story | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 5747

One final story for Series 1. This one is the story of stories. From childhood memories to dreams, to worlds that are not as they seem, this episode highlights the power of connecting through stories. We're saying farewell but we'll be back soon with Series 2. If you haven't already, make sure you check out the Puck Creations website for information on branding, stories, poetry and more. If you need to make sure you have a clear, consistent, relevant and different message,

 S01E19 - Nicola Richardson: You don't want flannel | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3150

Open, honest, ready to assess problems and find solutions, that’s what it’s all about for this week’s guest, Nicola Richardson because in her words: “you don’t want flannel”. Her business and leadership lessons have come throughout her life but they all started in her childhood working in a café. Need leadership support? Looking to make changes to your team? Find Nicola using the links below: Nicola's website: The People Mentor. Nicola's LinkedIn. The People Mentor's podcast.

 S01E18 - Trisha Lewis: Unsquashed | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3472

You know that feeling? The one where you're doing something, over and over again but it just doesn't feel quite right. Everyone else is doing it so why not follow them? Yet, you're suffocating, trapped, unable to be you. Well, you might be feeling squashed and this episode's guest, Trisha Lewis knows all about that.  There's a lot more to uncover in Trisha's wonderfully entertaining and informative book:  Buy The Mystery of the Unsquashed Self.  Want to connect with Trisha? Check out the links below:  Trisha's website  Trisha's LinkedIn  Trisha's Instagram  Trisha's Facebook  Still want more podcasts? Listen to Trisha's amazing Make it Real podcast. We'll start with a familiar voice:  Make it real with Stefano Capacchione from Puck Creations

 S01E17 - Garima Nabh: Science to stories | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3218

A life of theorising, a life of learning, a life of understanding. Is this science or stories? Well, maybe they're more similar than we think. Yet, when we hear about somebody studying micro-biology and bio-medical science at university, we might not expect that to precede a career in writing. Absorb yourself in the wonder of Garima Nabh's story. Want to find out more about Garima? Of course you do. Click on the links below: Garima's LinkedIn Garima's Facebook New Age Mag Garima's blog

 S01E16 - Ria Moolgie: One small gesture | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3209

What can one small gesture do to change a moment, to change a life? No matter the intention, a small gesture can make a huge difference. That can be positive and it can also be negative, often, we won't know until it's happened. Ria Moolgie brings us into the world of 3 young children and one small gesture that almost changed everything. If you'd like a photo restored, a collage created or just a chat with this marvellous human, get in touch with Ria using the links below:  Email Ria Ria's Website Ria's Facebook page Ria's LinkedIn profile

 S01E15 - Rosalyn Palmer: A Madonna moment | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4847

It may not have been because of Madonna but it was at that moment when everything changed for Rosalyn Palmer. A rollercoaster life, full of tragedy, lessons learned and joy, Rosalyn can really speak through experience. If we had 10 hours for this one, it wouldn't be enough but we're grateful to Rosalyn Palmer for giving up an hour of her time to delve into some of the most pivotal moments in her life. An expert in marketing and PR but now working as a therapist, Rosalyn has a lot to offer and you can connect using the information below: Rosalyn's website Monkey Business - Rosalyn's podcast

 S01E14 - SJ Woods: Forest Music | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3669

"You cannot come in here. you cannot do what you wish to do. You cannot be who you wish to be. You are not worthy." Words to keep you down. Sound familiar? Let the sound of SJ Woods' drum keep you going as she brings you into a world of music, stories, therapy, nature and reflection. It'll be worth it. Now's the time to get the support you deserve from SJ Woods and you can find her details below: SJ's LinkedIn Empowering women to move on - SJ's website

 S01E13 - Nick Diakanastasis: Dreaming in stories | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4837

Nick doesn't follow the traditional paths and neither do his dreams. Fantasy swoops in to remind him of the realities of life. Nick's linguistic prowess, acting acclaim and public speaking excellence are only a part of who he is. We find out a little more in episode 13 of the Storytelling with Puck podcast. Technique is everything, learn how to speak well with Nick by clicking on the links below: Nick's LinkedIn Nick's website Nick's YouTube

 S01E12 - Carol Miltersteiner: Burnout, A drama in three acts | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 4018

One more coffee, one more sleepless night, one more great line from the spectacular Carol Miltersteiner. A drama broken down into 3 acts, a story told, a world discovered. Carol compels you to listen, we were compelled to ask for more and now is the time to be compelled by episode 12 of the Storytelling with Puck podcast. To discover more about Carol to buy her book or to connect with her, click through using the links below: Carol’s website Carol’s LinkedIn Carol’s Instagram (English) Burnout Awareness Week Buy “My Morning Pages” by Carol Throughout this podcast, we have talked about burnout and other mental health challenges. If you are struggling in any way, please seek support from your GP or a reputable charity. Below are some links to help you do that: MIND UK Support for people living in the Netherlands

 S01E11 - Viv Parry: The Bar | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3671

Karen met her daughter in the bar to have a proper catch up but this meeting ended up taking a different turn. This story is just the start of our challenging but important conversation with the multi-talented Viv Parry. Find out about mentoring, storytelling in business and the world of a business owner, dedicated mother and all-round, wonderful person. For mentoring, executive level support and more, get in touch with Viv using the links below: Be amazing! Visit Viv's website:  Find Viv on LinkedIn. If you're going to connect, leave a message and let her know that you found her through this podcast. Be Amazing at Home podcast

 S01E10 - Jules White: Ghosts, dragons and unique humans | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 2871

Jules White hasn't lost some of the cheeky instincts that she had as a child, although they are only one part of her UHP (Unique Human Proposition). When it comes to human connection, Jules lives it, loves it and sells it but as you listen to episode 10 of the Storytelling with Puck podcast, you'll realise that she is connected to more mystical creatures too! Want to dig into your UHP with Jules? Find her using the link below: Live it, Love it, Sell it: Links to the most important places to find Jules White.

 S01E09 - Chrissie Lowery: Worth all the battles | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2293

To say that life hasn’t been easy for Chrissie Lowery would be an understatement but that didn’t stop her. Battle after battle, challenge after challenge, Chrissie fought on. Today, an entrepreneur with 2 books, multiple media appearances and a genuine passion to support others, Chrissie truly deserves the “inspirational” title. We were privileged to be able to find out more about her story in episode 9 of the Storytelling with Puck Podcast. To see Chrissie’s crafts, to become part of her network or to give her ideas of how to get on This Morning, check out the links below: Shop Hand Made website Cuddle Bed website Shop Hand Made Facebook group Craft to be Kind Facebook group

 S01E08 - Ben Masters: As seas carve coastlines | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2827

There is almost a reassuring inevitability to certain areas of our lives; foundations that keep our feet on the ground until we're ready to take off. In episode 8 of the Storytelling with Puck podcast, Ben Masters shows why he is a master of language as he takes a look back at the life of a generation prior, the direct effect it had on him and the world we live in today. If you'd like Ben to carve out a writing masterpiece for you, find him by clicking on the links below: Ben's LinkedIn Ben Masters' Copy - Website

 S01E07 - Shaena Jasmat: A letter to say goodbye | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3592

Many of us will have had relationships that often felt amazing but in reality, were detrimental to every part of our life. Shaena Jasmat opens up episode 7 of the Storytelling with Puck podcast with a letter to say goodbye to a bad influence. Free of that and starting a new phase of her life, we had the privilege of listening to the story of how she got to where she is now. Listen wherever you get your podcasts. To find out how Shaena can help you with your mindset, take a look at her links below: Shaena's Instagram Shaena's LinkedIn If you need support with your relationship with alcohol, please check out the links below or get in touch with a medical professional for support. Be Sober - support for alcoholism Alcoholics Anonymous There are also places that will support you if you have challenges with mental health: We have chosen to link to MIND UK but there are many others out there.  MIND UK


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