Sextras show


Summary: In Sextras, you’ll hear two best friends have honest conversations about sex and relationships, with all the issues that surround them. From sharing funny stories, to sex tips, to hard life lessons learnt, Honey Jane Wyatt and Maria Jose Hayaux du Tilly paint a candid picture of relationships of all kinds when approaching and reaching adulthood. Episodes may include heavy discussion one second and cringe worthy confessions the next. If you’ve ever wanted to listen in on two girls talking about the details of their sex and love life, now’s your chance, you might even learn a thing or two. Instagram - @sextraspodcast; Facebook- Sextras Podcast; Website- Email - Produced by Mable Productions Original theme music by Sacha Puttnam

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  • Artist: Mable Productions
  • Copyright: Copyright 2021 Mable Productions


 Will You Take Me As I Am? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:07

We found ourselves in love with foreign men. That was mistake number one. We decided to embark on a relationship with said foreign men. Mistake number two. So how do we maintain our sanity when faced with innate differences that we overlooked when we were falling in love? In this episode we dive into the difficulties we encountered in our experience with dating American and French men. More specifically, we discuss Honey’s struggle in dealing with conflicting cultural norms, as well as Maria’s experience dealing with a language barrier. We also provide the positive outcomes of engaging in relationships with people from different cultures, like the invaluable lessons you can teach one another.  At the opening of the episode we introduce a new section of the podcast, in which we discuss something we saw on the internet that week. This week we discussed: Pet peeves about your partner and how to bring that up; confessing a fear of having sex after you’ve been out of the game for a while, and a very angry post from a friend that is sick of being the third wheel.  We are starting a competition in which the best submission for the questions we ask on Instagram for our segment will win a sticker that we will send to you! We love to hear your stories- Find us personally @majhaytils and @_honeywyatt on instagram, or: @sextraspodcast  Email us on Produced by Mable Productions Original music by Sacha Puttnam

 On Loving Yourself | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:34

Why is it so easy to accept love from others yet so hard to find it in yourself? This week we talk about our struggles in learning to love our body, from societal pressures to fluctuating weight. We open up about wearing clothes that are too small in order to fit into a certain standard and how we have found a way to move away from that standard and use clothes to learn to love our bodies and express ourselves. We emphasise that physical appearance doesn’t determine your worth, as we are all multi-faceted beings. We discuss how to reach self acceptance despite facing criticism on personality traits, and advise you on how to find parts of yourself you do like amongst the negative. We encourage everyone to look into themselves and chase their passions and interests in order to find a sense of happiness. Ultimately, we share the key to feeling confident: fake it till you make it. Be kind to yourself, you’re beautiful. Special mentions in this episode: Maria's unique illustration for this episode can be found on our instagram @sextraspodcast. Feel free to DM us, or email us at Produced by Mable Productions Original music by Sacha Puttnam

 WAP- Wet and Proud | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:49

What makes someone a slut? Here on Sextras we encourage slutty behaviour, and, that is to say, we encourage everyone to be sexually free and open. In this week’s segment we expose the sluttiest things you guys have done to remove some of the shame around the term ‘slut’. We then dive deep into a heated conversation where we try to dismantle slut shaming and explain why it’s harmful to be sex negative and have that opinion imposed on you. We touch on the hypocrisy of men constantly sexualising women, but then shaming them when they claim agency over their own sexuality, and discuss how the inherent sexism and racism of the music industry has been exposed recently with the censoring of the term ‘pussy’ from Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion’s new music video ‘WAP’ (Wet Ass Pussy). Special mentions in this episode: ‘WAP’ by Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion: ‘Women, Race & Class’ by Angela Y. Davis Instagram: @sextraspodcast Email: Produced by Mable Productions Original music by Sacha Puttnam

 F*ck, buddy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:51

The concepts of ‘friends with benefits’ and ‘fuck buddies’ exist solely to make it easier, more accessible and more convenient for humans to have sex. Romantic relationships can often be emotionally taxing, whilst one night stands can be messy and frankly, you often have bad sex. Ergo: the fuck buddy. In this episode we talk about sleeping with your friends and how that is different from having a fuck buddy and why it's important to retain this distinction. We expose our past mistakes and bring up others to avoid, to hopefully prepare you to venture into an arrangement free from feelings and filled with good sex. In this week’s segment, we discuss how our listeners knew that they couldn’t date someone seriously, ranging from immaturity to bad table manners. Instagram: @sextraspodcast  Email: Produced by Mable Productions Original music by Sacha Puttnam

 Sex (Mis)education | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:32:03

Sadly, sex education in school is for the most part insufficient. It often brushes over important topics, such as female pleasure and queer sexuality, thus releasing us into the world with a very limited idea of what sex is and how to have it. We expose all the things you wish you knew about sex in our segment, from queefing to female orgasms. This week, we are joined by our first guests, Carlota Hayaux du Tilly and Ava Puttnam. They are two fifteen year olds entering the world of sex and relationships, and open up about where sex education is lacking and why it’s important to fill those gaps. We also discuss the difficulties of being a fifteen year old and navigating rumours and slut shaming in school, and we ask whether people are actually comfortable talking about sex. We end by answering some questions brought by our guests with the advice we wish someone had given us when we were fifteen. Instagram: @sextraspodcast Email: Produced by Mable Productions Original Music by Sacha Puttnam

 Sex At Uni | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:31

For incoming freshers, current university students, or anyone that wants a little insight into what first year at a U.K. university looks like. We expose what people’s general opinions are of sleeping with your flat mate and give tips on how to avoid it getting messy. We explore whether people are truly looking for sex or love at university and how to make it clear to yourself and others which you’re after. For most, this is the first time they are away from home and have a sense of ‘freedom’, and we talk about how to not get too carried away and be safe yet still experiment and have fun: from tips for STDs, UTIs, to how to reject someone, to drinking etiquette. Be a slut! Do whatever you want! Instagram: @sextraspodcast Email: Produced by Mable Productions Original music by Sacha Puttnam

 Sex, Love, and COVID-19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:47

What does the world of dating, sex and relationships look like in the midst of a pandemic? How are relationships affected when the world is called into quarantine and you may be forced into cohabitation or into a long distance relationship? We attempt to paint the picture of relationships in a COVID-19 climate in our segment asking 'How has quarantine affected your sex/love life moving forward?' And discover we all want more sex, essentially. We also discover the ways quarantine has made us reassess what we want. We laugh about petty arguments in quarantine in our second segment, and contemplate whether there is such a thing as spending too much time with someone else. As we approach the end of the quarantine in most places, it is important to look back on what we have learnt and attempt to come out of this better than when it started. Be kind, stay safe. Instagram: @sextraspodcast Email: Produced by Mable Productions Original music by Sacha Puttnam

 Falling in Love | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:10:04

The period of falling in love can often be so intense that you might find yourself going to ridiculous extremes to make your love known. From writing a poetry anthology, to flying from country to country for a little more time with someone. In our game, How Far Is Too Far we read the wild things you’ve done for love and assess whether it is indeed too far. We attempt to get to the root of these grand gestures and dive deep into our experience of falling in love, and the difference between falling and being in love, and what that may look like. We ask ourselves questions like: how did I know I was in love? How soon is it too soon to say it? What if they don’t love me back? Can you really love someone you don’t know? We attempt to provide answers and advice to avoid getting trapped by bad decisions and behaviours when you might be caught up in the frenzy of falling in love. Instagram- @sextraspodcast Email: Produced by Mable Productions Original music by Sacha Puttnam

 Firsts | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:08

There’s always a first time for everything, so let’s talk about it. First times can be sloppy, not everyone has the candlelit-stare-into-each-other’s-eyes anecdote to last through the ages. For some, it may happen in an abandoned tennis court in the middle of the day, and that’s okay! We question the concept of virginity and what 'losing it’ means to us as two bisexual girls, share the lessons learnt in first relationships, and discuss the rush of first love. We dip our toe into other firsts: orgasm, one night stands, masturbating, kissing and share some of our personal stories so you can get to know us better through our tales of sex and all the extras. Instagram- @sextraspodcast Email: Produced by Mable Productions Original music by Sacha Puttnam

 Trailer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:07

In Sextras, you’ll hear two best friends have honest conversations about sex and relationships, with all the issues that surround them. From sharing funny stories, to sex tips, to hard life lessons learnt, Honey Jane Wyatt and Maria Jose Hayaux du Tilly paint a candid picture of relationships of all kinds when approaching and reaching adulthood. Episodes may include heavy discussion one second and cringe worthy confessions the next. If you’ve ever wanted to listen in on two girls talking about the details of their sex and love life, now’s your chance, you might even learn a thing or two. Instagram - @sextraspodcast. Email -


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