Soul of Innovation show

Soul of Innovation

Summary: I hope the Soul of Innovation podcast motivates and inspires you.  I share my personal stories to make you reflect on your life.   Thank you for using your valuable time to listen to me inspire you! (Opinions expressed are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer)

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  • Artist: Thomas F. Anglero
  • Copyright: Copyright 2023 Thomas F. Anglero


 Episode 160: Summer is over, time to kick ass | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 855

What you do when no one is looking is who you REALLY are!  I see this all the time.  People think that no one is watching them.  They're wrong.  YOU are watching yourself.  You know that you have not pushed yourself beyond your current limits.Summer is over.  It's time to kick some ass.  Your ass!  It's time to be that person you also wanted to be.  Look in the mirror, yell at yourself, get off your butt, and grind!This is your life, and this is your moment!

 Episode 159: Hidden Biases are Holding You Back | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 642

Do you know what your hidden biases are?  Are you aware of your behavior when you see someone or something you disagree with?  Do you realize that you are giving off negative gestures/signals to the people or person that you are reacting to?   You are, and you have been doing so for years.Hidden biases are built into all of us.  We usually don't know we are behaving in such a way, but we are.  This means that the person we are projecting to the world is not the person we think we are projecting.  The world sees you as less than what and who you are.Ask someone close to you to find your hidden biases to tell you what they think they are.  This is a challenging conversation because you will not like the answer.   Once you get through this wake-up call, you will be closer to being the person you have always wanted the world to experience.

 Episode 158: Start being yourself | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1333

Have you realized that most of the stories people tell you about other people are not true?  That the people you see on tv are not who they appear to be.  That the people on Social Media are faking almost everything?  The life the world has shown you is a lie.  So, whose life are you living?We do things based on societal norms.  We make decisions not to upset people.  We always compromise.  Why?   When is it time for us to be ourselves?  The answer is NOW!As of this moment, I want you to do you!  I want you to live life like you can not see or hear anything.  When have you done something just for yourself?   When have you dressed just for yourself?  I want you to only think about yourself and how you can change the world by just being "you"!

 Episode 157: Ignore FOMO, It's Worth It | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1182

How often do you feel horrible for not going out or saying no to an invitation to some fun event?  Don't feel bad.  It's worth it!You are committing and investing in yourself.  You are raising your future opportunities, income level, and state of happiness to a new baseline that will provide you with a life of happiness!  You are worth it!  Your future self is worth it!  Your destiny is worth it!Commit to you today so you can have the future you deserve tomorrow!  It's worth it!

 Episode 156: You are an influencer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 635

How much time do you spend consuming content created by someone else?  On Tv? Online?  Do you realize that you are letting other people paint your version of the world?  Shape your opinions and thoughts.You are an influence!  You must be the content creator that is shaping our world, not just the consumer of it  Watching things happen and then going to bed.  You want to be loved, create!  You want to be admired, create!  You want something, create!

 Episode 155: The World Needs Your Leadership | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11

Your time is now if you are a leader.  Your time is now if you are tired of not being seen or heard.Step up and be the leader you were always meant to be!  Right now!

 Episode 154: Reflecting on the Death of Someone You Love | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 556

The death of a loved one is inevitable.  It makes you think and reflect, and hopefully, it makes you grow as a person.  The sorrow that comes with a person's death cannot be explained because you only then realize how much you miss that person.Mourn, cry, scream, shake, dance, run, and do what comes natural because whatever you do is your way of dealing with the death of the old you and the birth of the new.

 Episode 153: Make Your Life Choice Now | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 658

The decisions you have made in the past define who and what you are now.  If you wake up in the morning and you are not laying next to someone you love and outside your window isn't the ocean and all its beauty, then you have made a choice in your past that has led you to your present situation.What decision are you going to make right now to make your life what it deserves to be?  What action are you going to take that will force your situation to change so you can be who you know you were meant to be.You must look within yourself and get "real" with yourself.  Who doesn't have to be the person you are now.  You can be that person you know you were meant to be.  Make a life choice and step into your new life and new situation and follow the love...

 Episode 152: Blow Apart Your Imagination | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 718

I was at the Stanford University campus yesterday, and my imagination of what is possible was blown apart.  My limitation for what humans can achieve was blown apart.  Days like yesterday reset you.  Having your childhood limitations reset to a size and wonder that will forever make you nervous is a step toward growing up and being awake.Get your mind blown regularly.   Make sure you are always the dumbest in the room to guarantee that your mind wi be blown.   You have not lived until you realize that we are irrelevant in the great scheme of things.  When we decide to become relevant, only then does life become interesting and meaningful.Go get blown and enjoy your new views on what is life and how you will not live it

 Episode 151: Self Confidence is a Thought Away | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3414

Do you doubt yourself often?  Do you not believe in your own abilities to succeed against all odds?  Why?Your success and future happiness are only a thought away.  You are the only reason you are not who you see yourself to be. The moment you believe in yourself, it is the moment you become that version of yourself you have been waiting for.  Take the step and do you!  Always, do you!!!

 Episode 150: Who are You When Walking Down the Street | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 587

What are your thoughts?  What insecurity are you forcing onto everyone around you?  Do you realize that we see and feel all your problems when you "try" to fake being someone you are not?Who you think you are and who you try to project to the world never comes out the way you want it.  The outcome of you not being in the moment is that you lose yourself deeper and further away from where you really wanted to be.Who are you when you walk down the street?  It's your moment to grow and have fun.  Don't waste on being someone you are not and probably should never be.  Being you is enough.  So, why who are you when you are walking down the street???

 Episode 149: Your Mindset Keeps You Succesful | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 500

I have been making decisions based on a new mindset for the past few months.  "If I only have five years to live, what would I do now."   This new mindset has given me the feeling of greater freedom and being virtuous.  I make decisions based on love and not greed.  I look at things from the point of view of making investments in people and places.Your mindset keeps you successful!  Such a simple thought that will change your entire life around instantly!Go forth and spread beauty and light!Subscribe:- Apple Podcast: Spotify: Google Podcasts: Stitcher: TuneIn: Pandora: iHeart Radio: Listen Notes: PlayerFM:

 Episode 148: Your Grief and Sadness is Normal | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 709

At some time in your life, you will go through something that will tear at your heart and soul.  You will feel consumed by so much sadness and grief that you can not get out of bed.  There is nothing wrong with you. You are normal.  You are going through a moment in life that you must experience to make you feel the fullness of life itself.It will last a day, a week, a year, but it will pass.  You will feel better again, but that will only happen when you stop feeling sorry for yourself.  Feeling sorry for yourself is destructive and stops you from growing.  It stops you from feeling love again.Do not block out love and happiness.  The sun will come up tomorrow, and so will you.  I promise!Go forth and spread beauty and light!Subscribe:- Apple Podcast: Spotify: Google Podcasts: Stitcher: TuneIn: Pandora: iHeart Radio: Listen Notes: PlayerFM:

 Episode 147: You are the Gift You have been Waiting for | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 884

Life will not come to you. You have to create it.  You have to have the mental energy to stand up and create your tomorrow the way you want tomorrow to smell, look and vibrate.Listen to this episode to get you to where you need to be, to be who you were born to be.Go forth and spread beauty and light!Subscribe:- Apple Podcast: Spotify: Google Podcasts: Stitcher: TuneIn: Pandora: iHeart Radio: Listen Notes: PlayerFM: List:-

 Episode 146: Telling the Truth Creates Incredible Opportunities For You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 585

Have you ever had to tell someone the truth about themselves?  To tell a group that their behavior or lack thereof was unacceptable?  How much did you spend time going back and forth on the storytelling?  Should I tell the truth or maybe a little bit of the truth so I do not hurt their feelings?  I just went through this experience, and I came out of it better than I could have imagined.I decided to tell the whole truth.  Professionally, with no emotions, no extra sauce, and specific examples of each reason I provided.  I decided on this method because I realized there was no other way to exist.  Any other modification from the truth would not be the truth.Whenever you must tell the truth, remember by you not saying your whole truth, you are compromising yourself and converting your life and your standards to something that you don't believe in.Be you.  Speak your piece.  Tell the world what you experienced and why it means as much as it does to you.  Go forth and spread beauty and light!


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