She Did It Her Way show

She Did It Her Way

Summary: Welcome to the She Did It Her Way Podcast where we dive into all of your most important questions about starting a business and when to make the leap of going full-time as an entrepreneur. Every week, host, Amanda Boleyn delivers fresh content on productivity hacks, different business strategies, how to confidently transition out of your 9-5 and become a full-time business owner. Along with sharing her business savvy tips, she interviews women who have also gone out and done it their way (Amy Porterfield, Jenna Kutcher, Julie Solomon, Lori Harder and many more). With millions of downloads and growing every day, She Did It Her Way continues to inspire women all across the world to take massive action on their business idea and create freedom in their life. Now it is YOUR turn to start doing it YOUR way!

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 SDH079: Go from Dreaming to Doing | An interview with Ashley La Fleur | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:14

In today’s episode, Ashley talks to us about how she went from dreaming to doing, gives tips for going out on your own with little business experience, and lays out the steps she took to build a team—both within her organization and outside of it.

 SDH078: Entrepreneurship for Every Girl | An Interview with Alaina Kaczmarski | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:37

Today’s guest, Alaina Kaczmarski, shares her story of how she and partner Danielle Moss, combined goals to create The Everygirl—an online media company aimed at inspiring creative, career-driven women with its daily content.

 SDH077: Lead-up, Leap, Land | An Interview with Amanda Boleyn | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:10:55

Today, our host, Amanda Boleyn, shares her entrepreneurial journey with She Did It Her Way, which she characterizes with three phases: Lead-up, Leap, and Land.

 SDH076: Lead Life Uncaged | An Interview with Rebecca Tracey | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:41

Today’s guest, Rebecca Tracey, started her online business, The Uncaged Life, on an 8-month road trip while she was living in a van and rock climbing. She found a way to balance her personal world and work world, and now, she’s helping others who want run an online business do the same!

 SDH075: Fall Back on Success | An Interview with Alli Elmunzer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:35:21

Today’s guest, Alli Elmunzer, leaped from the world of law into the realm of photography. Her company, Turquoise & Palm, provides photos as well as photo shoot and styling services for businesses seeking to create branded online content. Tune in as Alli gives us an inside look into the first 6 months after taking the leap and how to deal with some of the daily struggles and juggles of starting your own business.

 SDH074: Staying Social | An Interview with Lauren Felix | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:32:30

There may come a time in your life when your side hustle becomes more important to you than your corporate job. You know that your heart isn’t fully in your day-to-day job, but you feel guilty. Maybe you have invested more time and money than you can count into your job, and you are scared to start over. Now is the time to overcome the fears, doubts, guilt, and start doing what you love by controlling your destiny. Today’s guest, Lauren Felix, combined the skills she used in her corporate job in retail merchandising and her side hustle of blogging to become a social media consultant. As a social media consultant, Lauren helps lifestyle businesses find, engage, and convert their audiences into future customers using social media. Learn more at Lauren’s website socialmediawithstyle.

 SDH073: Startup to Success | An interview with Megan Grassell | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:33:51

Are you frustrated with a need in a particular market? If only there existed a product or app like the one you have created in your mind—life would be so much less complicated, and more commonsensical. You tell your family members and friends about it and they agree that it’s something that would make life better. You have two options: continue to be frustrated or be the one to change the market and create that product that would improve your life, and the lives of many others. Today’s guest, Megan Grassell, was one of these frustrated people when she took her 13-year-old sister shopping for her first bra, and the few options available were overly sexualized. On the car ride home, she decided that, if no one else were going to make an alternative bra option for girls, then she would be the one to do it. At just 17 years old, she founded yellowberry to boost girls’ confidence in finding their first bra, encourage them to dream big, and support them in whatever they choose to do in the world.

 SDH072: Create & Collaborate | An Interview with Megan Lusher & Samantha Johnson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:28

It’s time to stop feeling guilty and shameful for wanting to leave the job or industry you’ve poured so much time and so many resources into. You CAN take the leap and you may not be the only one considering that particular leap! There are many other entrepreneur lady bosses who have similar leap ideas and are ready to collaborate and create!

 SDH071: Planning Massive Events | An Interview with Amanda Boleyn | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:10:22

Have you ever talked about creating an event with a friend or colleague and, a little while later, found yourself putting that very event on for a crowd of more than 500 people? Thinking and talking about it, you feel comfortable, confident, and capable. But when it comes time to walk the walk, fear of failure – or of success – starts to sneak in and threatens to hold you back. Don’t give it the satisfaction. You were made to do great things; learn to embrace, rather than fear, your potential success. Today, Amanda shares her experience with creating and running the Young Entrepreneur Convention, which brought together like-minded individuals who have a passion around entrepreneurship.

 SDH070: Set Your Own Trends & Do What You LOVE | An Interview with Lindzi Shanks | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:30

Some days you may feel like you are stuck in limbo, on a path that you are supposed to follow, not one you want to follow. Maybe you are leaving the office another hour later than you said you would last week, or working on a paper that you feel no inspiration towards, going through the motions of your daily work grind. And then – it hits you: You would rather be working on a website about fashion—your real passion, or blogging about real estate, than trudging on one more day in the accounting position you chose because it felt safe and seemed like the right move to make. Today’s guest, Lindzi Shanks, decided to pursue a career in psychology, something that she felt she was supposed to do—until she realized that doing so was making her unhappy. She took the fearful leap from the familiar to the unfamiliar world of fashion and ecommerce, and spent her graduation working on developing her website. She is now the successful creator of, and she did it all without a business degree.

 SDH069: Leveling Up With Writing | An Interview with Rosie Morley | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:37:08

Do you have days (probably at the start of the work week) when it feels like you forgot all of the rules about commas, and the differences between words like 'effect' and 'affect' that you learned in elementary school? Are you responding to fifty different emails, on the go, maybe on your phone as you drop the kids off, or take the train, and don’t feel like you need to re-read your written responses before you send them off, because you simply don’t have time? Writing is a skill that is essential to every entrepreneur—whether it be something as simple as an email reply, or something bigger like a proposal for a partnership with another company. It’s time to stop the excuses, cut the slack, and level up your business with writing. Today’s guest, Rosie Morley, is a grammar goddess and co-founder of [Hedera House][1], a company that provides editing expertise to help small-business owners, bloggers, and writers create high-quality content that stands out. Listen in and start making your words sing!

 SDH068: Don't Sell Yourself Short | An Interview with Maria Bayer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:50:45

Have you had moments in your entrepreneurial life when you’ve felt worn down and listless? Like you were in it for the wrong reasons… Are you ignoring a passion that you have longed to explore? It’s time to stop feeling burnt out, start taking control, and find the meaning you’ve always wanted out of life. Sales Coach for Creative Entrepreneurs, Maria Bayer, finally took control of her life and found her purpose by running a successful online business about sales. Listen to Maria’s story and savvy tips and get closer to finding your purpose and gaining control of your life!

 SDH067: Finding The Wellness Within | An Interview with Erin Bahadur | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:35:30

Do you find yourself stalking your own social media pictures, dreaming (or obsessing) about the next move you will make to create the ideal public image of yourself, and forgetting to live in the moment? Does it sometimes feel as if you’ve lost all control? As if your craving for perfection in your personal or business life threatens to consume you entirely? There is a time when you reach an emotional breaking point and enough is enough! Today’s guest, Erin Bahadur (personal trainer, fitness instructor, blogger and social media director), embraces her vulnerability and shares her story of progress ultimately trumping perfection.

 SDH066: Design Your Desired Career | An Interview with Jenna Stratman | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:41:55

To all my corporate sisters out there daydreaming about starting your own blog, creating that online product business, or following through on that idea you’ve filed away until you find more time: The time is now ladies. This week’s guest, Jenna Stratman, said farewell to Corporate America and designed her way to a career that finally gave her a sense of purpose.

 SDH065: CEO With A Side of Chic | An Interview with Stephanie Burns | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:26:40

Calling all stylish Lady Bosses: this week’s episode is for you entrepreneurs who are looking to gather more tools, how-to information, and a community of like-minded fab female entrepreneurs, for free. Our guest is Stephanie Burns, founder and CEO of the website Chic CEO.


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