SDH073: Startup to Success | An interview with Megan Grassell

She Did It Her Way show

Summary: Are you frustrated with a need in a particular market? If only there existed a product or app like the one you have created in your mind—life would be so much less complicated, and more commonsensical. You tell your family members and friends about it and they agree that it’s something that would make life better. You have two options: continue to be frustrated or be the one to change the market and create that product that would improve your life, and the lives of many others. Today’s guest, Megan Grassell, was one of these frustrated people when she took her 13-year-old sister shopping for her first bra, and the few options available were overly sexualized. On the car ride home, she decided that, if no one else were going to make an alternative bra option for girls, then she would be the one to do it. At just 17 years old, she founded yellowberry to boost girls’ confidence in finding their first bra, encourage them to dream big, and support them in whatever they choose to do in the world.