LOA Today - Living Our Abundance with the Law of Attraction - Your Daily Dose Of Happy show

LOA Today - Living Our Abundance with the Law of Attraction - Your Daily Dose Of Happy

Summary: Lots of laughs. Lots of fun. Lots of secret insights and tips. Lots of daily Q&A. When was the last time you listened to a feel-good podcast or radio program, one that made you feel good from beginning to end? Probably never, if you're like most people. LOAToday talks about life. All of it, because the Law of Attraction and the Power of Positive Thinking touches every aspect of life. And we do it in a way that appeals to your feel-good side ... even if you didn't know that you had a feel-good side! Listening to loatoday.net is a new experience for most people, because they're not used to feeling better by listening to a talk radio network or a podcast that talks about life from a feel-good perspective. Join Alyx King, Anne-Marie Young, Cindie Chavez, Bridget D., Dan Mangena, Debbie G., Jacqui Gates, Louis de Souza, Monique Scott, Neo Positivity, and Walt Thiessen five days a week, along with special guests, call-in listeners and previous co-hosts as we laugh, have fun, cheer each other up, and leave all our listeners feeling good five days a week. And what a nice change THAT is compared to other programs! Plus, get some amazing ideas, advice, shared wins, and inspiration to help you get the many benefits that come from changing your mindset from not-feel-good to feel-good! Please note: we are followers of Abraham-Hicks and Neville Goddard among others. Want to subscribe? We're on all major podcast platforms. Find your favorite platform on our subscribe page: https://www.loatoday.net/subscribe

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  • Artist: LOAToday Talk Radio Network
  • Copyright: © 2023 LOAToday Talk Radio Network


 Letting Go To Allow Flow | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:23

Debbie Garcia joins the team today, and she shares a story about how she's really been stuck in an "attachment" mode for some time, until she broke out of it by jumping in the car and driving. The result? Today, she found herself doing her first show with Walt as an "official" co-host from the grounds of a beautiful country club in Palm Springs, California. This is a "getting to know you" show, and listeners are undoubtedly going to like what they hear. Be a part of the conversation. Use the LOA Today app to share a comment or ask a question of Debbie: https://loatoday.net/listen

 Story Told: A Steinway Piano | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:59

Walt confirms that the e-book is now out in the latest version of the LOA Today app and should already be updated on everyone's devices. So check it out under the Goodies section. He also reads one of the stories from the e-book. Written by friend and former co-host, Anne-Marie McEwen, it's called, "A Steinway Piano". It tells the story of how her beloved community arts center that she runs in Middletown, Connecticut managed to acquire a beautiful Steinway piano as a donation. Today, dozens of musical acts come in each year, and many of them perform on the Steinway. Install our app: https://www.loatoday.net/listen

 Monique Scott Meets Joel Elston | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:32

When two recovering Southern Baptists get together on one show, you know that the information they provide is going to be mind-blowing, especially when they are both Law of Attraction coaches. Walt just can't keep from grinning throughout the show as Monique and Joel keep agreeing on point after point after point. And when a listener in the livestream identifies herself as a therapist who loves the teachings of Abraham, the circle completes itself. The only bad part of the show was that it had to come to an end, too soon as usual. Use the LOA Today app to send in your question for us to discuss. To get the free LOA Today app go to: https://www.loatoday.net/listen

 The Vibration Of Finance | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:45

Dean tells Walt that he just got his 2020 taxes done, and Walt says he got his done, too. That sets the stage for an in-depth discussion about the role that vibration plays in business and financial decision-making. The best part is that none of this discussion was planned! We also address a question from Bayle on Facebook: "How do I stop vibrating in the frequency of lack?" Really basic, and it gives us the opportunity to explore that basic concept again. Walt also mentions an Eastern philosophy quote: "Care about what other people think, and you will always be their prisoner --Lao-Tse" Send in your questions for Dean to answer as The Military Medium: https://loatoday.net/listen

 Philosophy vs Mechanics | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:40

Ami returns and tells us a bit about her migraine experience that kept her from joining us last week. Louis gives us a brief tutorial on Eastern practices, including defining what "yoga" means (it means "unity") and espousing practice in preference to discussion. Walt announces that the revised version of the LOA Today app that will be out in the next few days will include the book, Your Daily Dose Of Happy - Real Success Stories Of The Law Of Attraction. Download the app: https://loatoday.net/listen

 Astral Projection with Dean McMurray and Monique Scott | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:12

Walt announces that Linda Armstrong has decided to move on to other adventures and that Debbie Garcia will be joining him as the new Friday co-host next week. We may also end up getting Rita Gigante back, although that is still up in the air. But in the meantime, Monique and Dean agreed to sit in today during the transition period, and we end up having a really fun conversation. We end up talking about astral projection, and all three of us tell stories of what we've experienced in that realm. Walt also invites Monique to join us on Monday with Louis and Ami, who of course have extensive experience in this area. Send in your questions for Monique or Dean to answer: https://loatoday.net/listen

 Two Minutes Of Insanity (Really!) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:46

Walt shares a personal story that he experienced the night before where 45 years of pent up, negative energy, old "tapes" that had played in his head for years ended up releasing (partially) in a rather overwhelming way. For about two minutes, he experienced what he describes as insanity. His mind went blank, with little fragments of thought flitting by just out of reach moment to moment. It was a little frightening. However, he had the help of his wife, Louise, who guided him through the pivoting he needed to do in order to get through it ... and it worked! It's a harrowing story, but it's also very insightful and informative about what our mental processes do when they get pushed to extremes by negative focus. Install our app: https://www.loatoday.net/listen Also, here's a link to the Build Self-Love and Social Connectedness group on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/buildselflove

 Houston, We Had A Problem! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:50

Monique returns a week after dealing with rolling blackouts in the Houston, TX area and tells us how she was able to maintain her perspective in the face of challenging circumstances. We also address a question from Jon asking about whether praying is something we do inside or outside of ourselves. Also, Walt shares an idea he and Cindie often talked about where we replace "positive" and "negative" with "preferred" and "not preferred". Monique joyfully latches onto that concept! Use the LOA Today app to send in your question for us to discuss. To get the free LOA Today app go to: https://www.loatoday.net/listen

 Walking Through Jello | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:04:14

Dean addresses a mediumship request from listener Daniel by using the phrase "walking through jello" to describe what it's like feeling frustrated that we can't seem to connect to a particular departed loved one. After answering Daniel's inquiry, Walt and Dean expand the discussion and talk about a number of valuable points including: Disconnecting from wanting, Paralysis by analysis, The nature of money, and Knowing your true value. Send in your questions for Dean to answer as The Military Medium: https://loatoday.net/listen

 Soil | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:09

Louis gives us a master class in nutrient-rich soil, describing the various ways that humans today are becoming appreciative of organics in food production. He brings his experience growing up in South Africa into the presentation, and he also describes in some detail the teachings of one Michael Roads on the subject. Thanks to Barbie for reminding us that this was the topic we planned to discuss this week! Use the LOA Today app to send us your question for discussion: https://loatoday.net/listen

 Digital Detox And Angel Cards | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:03

Today is a card-drawing day. We start off with a wonderful email from listener Deborah detailing all of the progress she has been making in her life. Then Linda starts pulling out angel decks, and over the course of the rest of the show she draws the following cards: Love and Contentment, Self Acceptance, Instant Feedback, and Ride The Wave.

 A Manifestation Story For The Ages | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

An LOA Today listener writes in to tell us her remarkable personal story of transformation during one year of listening to LOA Today. We don't take credit for any of her story. It's all her! But we're glad we were able to help.

 Reconnecting With Joel Elston About Social Connectedness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:01

Monique Scott is caught up in the rolling blackouts in Houston today, so she'll be back next week. However, losing Monique for a day has also turned into a blessing in that Joel Elston revisits us for a day. Walt and Joel talk about the core topic Walt plans to address with his new public speaking career: building self-love and increasing social connectedness. We start off talking about the tremendous fall-off lately in Covid cases and share some rosy predictions about not only where Covid is going but also what some of the positive fallout from the pandemic is proving to be. We also talk about the extremely serious levels of mental illness going on among America's young people today, and Joel gives us a fascinating look at his view about how interpersonal connection has been largely replaced by the Instagram virtual world. Use the LOA Today app to send in your question for us to discuss. To get the free LOA Today app go to: https://www.loatoday.net/listen

 Stories About Spirit And How Society Responds To Them | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:04:10

Walt and Dean talk a bit about a new Netflix series called Surviving Death. Ami Blackford told us about it yesterday. Dean hasn't seen it yet, so he's going to have to report back his reaction next week. However, the two discuss at great length the ways that current society interacts with and reacts to reports about spirit, death, "the other side", mediums, psychics, etc.

 Chronic Pelvic and Knee Pain | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:39

Louis goes AWOL today, but Ami and Walt bravely soldier on. We field a question from Sarah asking about chronic pelvic pain (for herself) and chronic knee pain (for her mother). The usual legal disclaimer always applies. We are not medical doctors, and the advice given here is purely educational and should not be construed as being medical in nature. For all medical situations, consult a qualified medical specialist. Here is the book Walt references during the show: https://www.hayhouse.com/a-headache-in-the-pelvis-audiobook


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