LOA Today - Living Our Abundance with the Law of Attraction - Your Daily Dose Of Happy show

LOA Today - Living Our Abundance with the Law of Attraction - Your Daily Dose Of Happy

Summary: Lots of laughs. Lots of fun. Lots of secret insights and tips. Lots of daily Q&A. When was the last time you listened to a feel-good podcast or radio program, one that made you feel good from beginning to end? Probably never, if you're like most people. LOAToday talks about life. All of it, because the Law of Attraction and the Power of Positive Thinking touches every aspect of life. And we do it in a way that appeals to your feel-good side ... even if you didn't know that you had a feel-good side! Listening to loatoday.net is a new experience for most people, because they're not used to feeling better by listening to a talk radio network or a podcast that talks about life from a feel-good perspective. Join Alyx King, Anne-Marie Young, Cindie Chavez, Bridget D., Dan Mangena, Debbie G., Jacqui Gates, Louis de Souza, Monique Scott, Neo Positivity, and Walt Thiessen five days a week, along with special guests, call-in listeners and previous co-hosts as we laugh, have fun, cheer each other up, and leave all our listeners feeling good five days a week. And what a nice change THAT is compared to other programs! Plus, get some amazing ideas, advice, shared wins, and inspiration to help you get the many benefits that come from changing your mindset from not-feel-good to feel-good! Please note: we are followers of Abraham-Hicks and Neville Goddard among others. Want to subscribe? We're on all major podcast platforms. Find your favorite platform on our subscribe page: https://www.loatoday.net/subscribe

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  • Artist: LOAToday Talk Radio Network
  • Copyright: © 2023 LOAToday Talk Radio Network


 Nothing Is Impossible Until You Say It Is | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:44

Ami shares the first of her "warrior rules" with us today, and it generates a whole bunch of really fun and interesting story telling among the panel members. Use the LOA Today app to send us your question for discussion: https://loatoday.net/listen

 Vision Boards with Kathy Mason | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:49

Debbie G. is on the road once again building her amazing media empire, but she cajoled Kathy Mason to sit in for her, and what a show it turns out to be! Kathy shares some tips she picked up from author Michael Losier and other sources about how to get the most out of your vision boarding. Walt and Kathy then discuss some of their other favorite methods for manifesting the lives of their dreams. Good stuff! Be a part of the conversation. Use the LOA Today app to share a comment or ask a question: https://loatoday.net/listen

 Money Game Tips | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:35

Daniel answers a question from listener Amy about what to do when your Money Game "edge" expands far faster than you expected. Subscribe if you haven't subscribed yet to the podcast. And install our app: https://www.loatoday.net/listen

 Law Of Attraction Experiment #2: Kind, Beautiful, Good, Abundant Stuff | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:18

Well, the results are in regarding the first experiment we started with last week's show, and they're fantastic! All three of us got exactly what we asked for within the prescribed 48 hour period! Walt got his almost immediately after the conclusion of last week's episode. David Strickel, "The Stream Of David", contacted him about coming onto the show because it had been quite some time since his last visit. Walt's request was for a guest to unexpectedly contact him about coming onto the show. Cindie was looking for an old friend to contact her out of the blue. Amazingly, not only did it happen, but she immediately discounted it as if it "didn't count". It wasn't until later in the week when she asked herself, "Why on earth wouldn't I count that???" And Monique got exactly what she asked for. She had put off starting the experiment until two days before the show. She asked for a new, paying client, and she got it within 24 hours of asking for it! This psyched us up to try the next experiment. So this week we're doing something a little different. We're going to keep track of every time in a 48 hour period that we see something kind, beautiful, or abundant in our lives. The goal of this experiment is to attune us to noticing more and more of the good stuff that happens every day in life. We invite all of our listeners to play along. If you are so inclined, email us the results of your experiment so that we can share it on next Wednesday's show! Or just contact us via the free LOA Today app: https://www.loatoday.net/listen

 A Visit From The Stream Of David | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:48

David Strickel brings The Stream Of David back to LOA Today, and as usual the information they share is mind blowing. Everyone gets into the act of asking questions, including our livestreamers as well as LOA Today crew members Dean McMurray and in the livestream audience Ami Blackford. See The Stream this Saturday! https://thestreamofdavid.mykajabi.com/a/2147485202/BA9hLKYv

 Why Forgiveness Is So Misunderstood | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:59

Ami shares the details from a post she wrote on the topic of forgiveness, including how she has applied it in her own life.

 Kathy Mason Visits Walt and Rita Gigante | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:04:48

Debbie G. is traveling today and can't do the show, but she recommended her friend and business associate, Kathy Mason to do the show in her stead. Meanwhile, Rita Gigante makes a return engagement today. And the results are spectacular! Both Kathy and Rita are psychic, and the stories they share about what it was like growing up and then moving into adulthood while using their gifts are fantastic. And it looks like Rita is going to be making more regular appearances on the show going forward. She'll be meeting Debbie G. next week. This is going to get good!

 Entrepreneurs And Relationships | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:45

Monique and Walt start by kicking around ideas for how to help entrepreneurs build their understanding and trust of the Law of Attraction. Then Monique tells a story about how she recently met a new man in her life, and to her astonishment he already knows about LOA and vision boards! This leads Walt to tell the story about how his wife, Louise decided when her cat died that instead of getting another cat, she'd get a husband. Use the LOA Today app to send in your ideas of how we can help entrepreneurs. To get the free LOA Today app go to: https://www.loatoday.net/listen

 Law Of Attraction Experiments | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:52

Cindie introduces us to the Pam Grout Books, E2 and E3, and we end up reading one of the chapters from one of the books and deciding as a group for everyone listening and everyone on the podcast to do the experiment during the coming week. If you're a podcast listener of the show, that includes you too! Use the LOA Today app to send in your question for us to discuss. To get the free LOA Today app go to: https://www.loatoday.net/listen

 Psychic Experiment #2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:53

This is our second week doing psychic experiments. Last week Dean and Walt reported on some stuff they tried to send to each other psychically over the previous week. This week we involve the livestream and podcast audiences by trying to read cards live on the show. The amazing part is how much of the information so many of us got right! Best of all, even if you're a podcast listener listening long after we recorded this, you can still pick up the energy. Write down whatever comes to you when you're listening, then compare it to the results when we do the "big reveals". We're going to find ways to keep incorporating this stuff in future episodes. Send in your questions for Dean to answer as The Military Medium: https://loatoday.net/listen

 LOA In An Hour With Kenn Dixon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:49

We are all crazies on this bus! Life coach, speaker, and seminar leader Kenn Dixon joins Ami, Louis, and Walt to talk about how he first got involved in all of this and some of the life lessons he has learned along the way. You can learn more about Kenn at https://www.kenndixon.com/ What great energy and enthusiasm he has! He fit in just perfectly with the Monday team.

 Saving A Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:01

Debbie G tells a story about how she saved the life of this young man whom she found bleeding to death after an accident with a window. He was so grateful for having saved his life that he ended up giving her free passes to Disneyland! As usual, there's a lesson in the story, and the lesson in this story is to be willing to receive, not just for your own benefit but also to honor the giver.

 Failing In Business Multiple Times Before You Succeed | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:00:00

Daniel tells us about a podcast he did recently with another show (gasp!) where his host told him that statistics show that most millionaires fail not once but more than once before they make it. This leads to the inevitable question: why do you have to keep failing? The failure-leading-to-success formula is familiar to LOA Today listeners. We've talked about it a lot over the years. But why multiple failures? That's one of the questions Dan tries to answer for us today.

 An Interview With Michael Leonard | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:00:00

Michael Leonard is a small business advisor and legal professional, and he joins us today to discuss his approach to building his business by building relationships. Cindie, of course, brings her expertise as a relationship life coach to the conversation, and we get into some really deep meat-and-potato conversation about how to build relationships and how NOT to build relationships in our business lives as well as in our personal lives. Monique wasn't feeling well this week, but she'll be back next week.

 Psychic Energy Test | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:39

Dean and Walt did a psychic experiment over the past week. Each day at 10 AM EDT (9 AM CDT), the two took five minutes to see if they could send/receive stuff to each other psychically. Quite honestly, Walt was dreading today's show because he feared that everything was going to be a complete miss ... but he was wrong about that! Yes, about 80-90% of the stuff we focused on didn't get through, but we got a few hits among all of the misses! On the first day, Walt was wondering if Dean had forgotten that at that time we were supposed to do the experiment. At that same instant, Dean and his wife were discussing what to do with an old grandfather clock in their house, whether it might be time to get rid of it. So time was a definite association between us. Two days later, among the words Walt got were "love" and "heal", which turned out to be quite appropriate because Dean was having a conversation with a friend who is a veteran, and he said those two word described the conversation nicely. The next day, Walt got the word "window", and Dean was dealing with windows. The day after was a Sunday, and Walt was making a big, late breakfast for himself at the designated time. Shortly afterward, Dean found himself hankering for a big old-fashioned breakfast with everything. All-in-all, it was a fun experiment with interesting results. To his amazement, Walt found himself wanting to improve the results by deliberately raising vibration the next time they try an experiment. The two are going to give some thought over the next week as to what that experiment might be.


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