Roleplay Rescue show

Roleplay Rescue

Summary: Did you used to play roleplaying games back in the day, delving dungeons with funny dice in hand? Why’d you stop? Find out how to reclaim your RPG hobby as a working adult.

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 707 An Interview With Tom Knauss (Frog God Games) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2826

This is the first time that Roleplay Rescue was invited by an RPG company to interview and to talk about a new product which, despite obviously being part of an awareness campaign for the Kickstarter now live, was a great honour for me. I realised that we roleplayers don’t, perhaps, pay as much attention to the writers of modules and worlds but I learned a great deal from my guest, Tom Knauss, of Frog God Games. Huge thanks to Tom for coming on the show. Thanks also to John Barnhouse who orchestrated this interview and was gracious enough to offer Roleplay Rescue this seminal moment. The interview is rich with Tom’s backstory, talk of his new setting (of course), and also his secret desire to write for a totally different game. Game on! Lost Lands Tehuatl Kickstarter: Frog God Games: Roleplay Rescue Theme Song and incidental music by TJ Drennon: Contact Details: Voice Message: Email: Patreon: Blog: MeWe Group: (or search "Roleplay Rescue") Facebook Page: (or search "Roleplay Rescue") Twitter: @ubiquitousrat

 706.5 Dungeon Master's Diary #46 (Part 2): Megadungeon! | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 1714

The DM's Diary episodes feature me, a microphone, and whatever gaming-related nonsense flows from my mind. It's recorded in short(ish) snippets throughout the week and then roughly edited together to form a journal of one man’s experience in gaming, shared on a bi-weekly basis.  It’s raw, glaringly personal, and not everyone’s cup of tea. Included in roughly chronological order of receipt are call-ins from community members commenting on past episodes, most of which need little response but all of which are gratefully shared. There was so much content and so many lovely call-ins that I have had to split the episode into two parts. This is the second part. Thanks to Andy G and Spencer for the call-ins. Game on! Dear Diary Theme Song and incidental music by TJ Drennon: Contact Details: Voice Message: Email: Patreon: Blog: MeWe Group: (or search "Roleplay Rescue") Facebook Page: (or search "Roleplay Rescue") Twitter: @ubiquitousrat

 706 Dungeon Master's Diary #46 (Part 1): Playing Again | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1446

The DM's Diary episodes feature me, a microphone, and whatever gaming-related nonsense flows from my mind. It's recorded in short(ish) snippets  throughout the week and then roughly edited together to form a journal of one man’s experience in gaming, shared on a bi-weekly basis. It’s raw, glaringly personal, and not everyone’s cup of tea. Included in roughly chronological order of receipt are call-ins from community members commenting on past episodes, most of which need little response but all of which are gratefully shared. There was so much content and so many lovely call-ins that I have split the episode into two parts. The second part will be released tomorrow. Thanks to Colin, Arlen, John, Menion, and Jason C for the call-ins. Game on! Dear Diary Theme Song and incidental music by TJ Drennon: Contact Details: Voice Message: Email: Patreon: Blog: MeWe Group: (or search "Roleplay Rescue") Facebook Page: (or search "Roleplay Rescue") Twitter: @ubiquitousrat

 Addendum: I Don't Feel Safe | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 716

Words have been bubbling inside me for a while and I found the will to turn on the mic and share them: I don't feel safe. Part of me hopes that noone listens to this. The better part of me hopes that there are other people who might understand what I am trying to express. Make of it what you will. Game on.

 705 Why Do I Play How I Play? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2125

Today I talk about the reasons I believe I suck both as a Game Master and a Player. Before Evil Jeff calls in to tell me to stop being hard on myself, this is not about self-flagellation: my purpose has been to analyse the patterns I have fallen into and see what can be done to break bad habits and forge new ones. While I have felt tempted to give up my hobby in recent weeks - yes, I really have - I feel I owe it to both you and to myself to be honest about the huge mistakes in thinking that I have engaged in over many years. This episode seeks to exorcise my demons. Along the way, my hope is that some of this will resonate with other listeners - especially those of you who have become convinced that you can’t have what you desire from a roleplaying game. I might be very different to you, but I do believe we can find a way to a more compelling, engaging, and fulfilling roleplaying experience. I want to go beyond mere fun; I want to discover joy. Before I can work on that, however, I think I need to drive out despair. Many thanks to Arlen Walker, John Alan Large, and Jon (from Tale of the Manticore) for the call-ins! Game on! Roleplay Rescue Theme Song and incidental music by TJ Drennon: Contact Details: Voice Message: Email: Patreon: Blog: MeWe Group: (or search "Roleplay Rescue") Facebook Page: (or search "Roleplay Rescue") Twitter: @ubiquitousrat

 704b Dungeon Master's Diary #45 (Part 2): Being Not-GM | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2016

The DM Diary episodes feature me, a microphone, and whatever gaming-related nonsense flows from my mind. It's recorded in short(ish) snippets  throughout the week and then roughly edited together to form a journal of one man’s experience in gaming, shared on a bi-weekly basis. It’s raw, glaringly personal, and not everyone’s cup of tea. Included in roughly chronological order of receipt are call-ins from community members commenting on past episodes, most of which need little response but all of which are gratefully shared. There was so much content and so many lovely call-ins that I have split the episode into two parts. This is the second part, so check out Part 1 before listening to this. Thanks to Jason C, ShandyAndy, and Arlen Walker for the call-ins. Game on! Dear Diary Theme Song and incidental music by TJ Drennon: Contact Details: Voice Message: Email: Patreon: Blog: MeWe Group: (or search "Roleplay Rescue") Facebook Page: (or search "Roleplay Rescue") Twitter: @ubiquitousrat

 704a Dungeon Master's Diary #45 (Part 1): DM Surrender | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1972

The DM Diary episodes feature me, a microphone, and whatever gaming-related nonsense flows from my mind. It's recorded in short(ish) snippets throughout the week and then roughly edited together to form a journal of one man’s experience in gaming, shared on a bi-weekly basis. It’s raw, glaringly personal, and not everyone’s cup of tea. Included in roughly chronological order of receipt are call-ins from community members commenting on past episodes, most of which need little response but all of which are gratefully shared. There was so much content and so many lovely call-ins that I have split the episode into two parts. The second part will be released tomorrow. Thanks to Jason C, ShandyAndy, and Arlen Walker for the call-ins. Game on! Dear Diary Theme Song and incidental music by TJ Drennon: Contact Details: Voice Message: Email: Patreon: Blog: MeWe Group: (or search "Roleplay Rescue") Facebook Page: (or search "Roleplay Rescue") Twitter: @ubiquitousrat

 Microburst: The Walker Testimony | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 467

A few weeks back I got some rather moving call-in messages from my good friend, Arlen Walker. He was calling about Episode 503 and had clearly been strongly affected. I passed his messages along to another good friend of mine, Paris Conte, who then recorded a reply. Both these chaps have already heard this stuff but they agreed it was ok to share it publically too. I hope it's of some interest to others in the community. Game on! Arlen's Live From Pelham's Wasteland podcast: genU GAMER (Victoria, Aus): Roleplay Rescue Theme Song and incidental music by TJ Drennon: Contact Details: Voice Message: Email: Patreon: Blog: MeWe Group: (or search "Roleplay Rescue") Facebook Page: (or search "Roleplay Rescue") Twitter: @ubiquitousrat

 Bonus: On Dice and The Loop with Andy Goodman | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3605

Some months ago, Andy Goodman (Expedition to The Grizzly Peaks) called in and made an interesting comment right at the end of his message. You can hear this comment replayed at the top of this bonus episode. Andy and I hopped onto Zoom, some weeks ago now, and had a chat about his comment and also his experiences in playing Tales from The Loop. The recording was rough but, with the help of the editing wizardry of Minion Bravo and Evil Jeff (Minions and Musings), we present to you now that very conversation. I'm not sure whether there's gold in here, but I sure enjoyed chatting to Andy and I am eternally grateful to Minion Bravo for the hours he put in editing it into shape. Enjoy! Expedition to The Grizzly Peaks: Minions & Musings: Roleplay Rescue Theme Song and incidental music by TJ Drennon: Contact Details: Voice Message: Email: Patreon: Blog: MeWe Group: (or search "Roleplay Rescue") Facebook Page: (or search "Roleplay Rescue") Twitter: @ubiquitousrat

 703 Vox Populi | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1958

There have been so many excellent call-ins from listeners that I felt we were overdue for an episode to collect and respond to them. Thus, let the Vox Populi be heard! It's one of the best features of Anchor that we can do this. Thank you to all of today’s callers - Safer, Frank, Jason, Arlen, Menion, Spencer, and Andy. Game on! Roleplay Rescue Theme Song and incidental music by TJ Drennon: Contact Details: Voice Message: Email: Patreon: Blog: MeWe Group: (or search "Roleplay Rescue") Facebook Page: (or search "Roleplay Rescue") Twitter: @ubiquitousrat

 702 Dungeon Master's Diary #44 (Part 2): The Triangle Realisation and Why I Play Solo | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2361

This is the second part of the first Dungeon Master’s Diary of Season 7. These episodes feature me, a microphone, and whatever gaming-related nonsense flows from my mind. It's recorded in short(ish) snippets throughout the week and then roughly edited together to form a diary of one man’s journey in gaming, shared on a bi-weekly basis. It’s raw, glaringly personal, and not everyone’s cup of tea. Included in roughly chronological order of receipt are call-ins from community members commenting on past episodes, to which I generally try to respond. There was so much content and so many lovely call-ins that,  in this first episode, I have split the episode into two parts. The first part was released yesterday. I hope you won't mind. Thanks to Menion AKA Rob for the call-in. Game on! Dear Diary Theme Song and incidental music by TJ Drennon: Contact Details: Voice Message: Email: Patreon: Blog: MeWe Group: (or search "Roleplay Rescue") Facebook Page: (or search "Roleplay Rescue") Twitter: @ubiquitousrat

 702 Dungeon Master's Diary #44 (Part 1): July 4th, TPK Messages, and Bold Assertions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2270

This is the first Dungeon Master’s Diary of Season 7. These episodes features me, a microphone, and whatever gaming-related nonsense flows from my mind. It's recorded in short(ish) snippets throughout the week and then roughly edited together to form a diary of one man’s journey in gaming, shared on a bi-weekly basis. It’s raw, glaringly personal, and not everyone’s cup of tea. Included in roughly chronological order of receipt are call-ins from community members commenting on past episodes, to which I generally try to respond. There was so much content and so many lovely call-ins that,  in this first episode, I have split the episode into two parts. The second part will be released tomorrow. I hope you won't mind. Thanks to Jason C, Spencer AKA Free Thrall, and Arlen Walker for the call-ins. Game on! Dear Diary Theme Song and incidental music by TJ Drennon: Contact Details: Voice Message: Email: Patreon: Blog: MeWe Group: (or search "Roleplay Rescue") Facebook Page: (or search "Roleplay Rescue") Twitter: @ubiquitousrat

 Bonus: More Otherworld Immersion with Daniel Jones | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4302

Daniel Jones is a self-confessed IT nerd and the man behind the Eudaimonic Geekery blog, musing on the Art of RPGs. He describes himself as an Idea-Tinkerer, sharing an interest in writing and philosophy. Daniel hails from forest-filled southern Indiana where he is working on his Primaeval Fantasy RPG. This is my second conversation with Daniel on the topic of what he terms Otherworld-immersion and this time we delve into the how of reaching this goal. Many thanks to Daniel for agreeing to come and talk to me again. Game on! Thanks also to Paris Conte for the call-in. Eudaimonic Geekery blog: Daniel Jones on Twitter: @primevalfantasy Roleplay Rescue Theme Song and incidental music by TJ Drennon: Contact Details: Voice Message: Email: Patreon: Blog: MeWe Group: (or search "Roleplay Rescue") Facebook Page: (or search "Roleplay Rescue") Twitter: @ubiquitousrat

 701 Purpose and Engagement | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1924

Welcome to the first “Webster Burbles About Gaming” episode of Season 7. As promised from the trailer, this episode delivers on the claim that - from time to time - I will have some thoughts and be totally unable to keep them inside. Today I want to highlight and respond to the fact that, as it turns out, I am a pretty lousy communicator. I am also going to share some rather intriguing thoughts about the intersection of WHY we might choose to play with WHAT we might be getting out of the game when we judge it to be “good”. On top of that, I have a truck load of awesome call-ins which I have placed at the back end of the show, allowing those of you who want to get to the meat of the episode to do so quickly while also allowing those of you who enjoy the back-and-forth from the community to get your fix too. Thank you to all of today’s callers - Tim, Jason, Goblin’s Henchman, Arlen, and Andy. Game on! Roleplay Rescue Theme Song and incidental music by TJ Drennon: Contact Details: Voice Message: Email: Patreon: Blog: MeWe Group: (or search "Roleplay Rescue") Facebook Page: (or search "Roleplay Rescue") Twitter: @ubiquitousrat

 700 Roleplay Rescue Evolved | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1120

This is Season Seven, Episode Zero. Roleplay Rescue has been around for a while now and has a large back catalogue of episodes ripe for the eating. In this episode, I want to do two things: I want to talk about the birth and genesis of Season 7. I also want to evolve the purpose of our podcast.  Thanks to Frank Turfler, Gavyn Upham, and Arlen Walker for the call-ins. Game on! Roleplay Rescue Theme Song and incidental music by TJ Drennon: Contact Details: Voice Message: Email: Patreon: Blog: MeWe Group: (or search "Roleplay Rescue") Facebook Page: (or search "Roleplay Rescue") Twitter: @ubiquitousrat


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