Everything Under The Sun show

Everything Under The Sun

Summary: Children are full of curiosity and questions about the world. Each Friday, join Molly Oldfield, the very first question writer (or QI Elf) on the BBC TV show QI and author of three books as she answers questions - with the help of experts from Neil Gaiman to the fish curators at the Natural History Museum - sent into the show by children around the world. If you're a kid with questions you want answered or if you want to learn interesting facts about life on earth, this is the award winning podcast for you.


 Why is Cricket called Cricket and What are The Ashes? What does Incy Wincy Spider Need? How Do Grasshoppers eat? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:10:16

Hello! This week because the Ashes cricket match between England and Australia has just begun our first question is about cricket. It is from Matilda who would like to know why cricket is called cricket and what are the ashes? To answer it I have cricket legend, Mikey Holding, one of the fastest bowlers ever and a top cricket commentator who knows all about the game. Our second question is about a creature related to the insects called crickets. It’s from Aveline, and she asks how grasshoppers eat. Find out all about them as well as lots about insects including how many there are in the world and how many you’ll find in just one big field! Plus what Little Miss Muffet’s father had to do with insects and about spider crickets, crickets that can jump but look like spiders! Our last question is from our littlest question asker ever on the podcast, it’s from Arlo who is two and he would like to know what does incy wincy spider need? You’ll find out the answer this week! A huge thank you to Mikey Holding for talking to us about cricket and of course a big thank you to Arlo, Matilda, Aveline for this week’s questions!  I’ll be back next week answering more questions from children around the world in another episode of EUTS. Do send in your questions, there’s info about how to do that on the show’s website, everythingunderthesun.co.uk. Remember, the questions will now also be in a BOOK, I need all the questions soon as I’m busy writing away so please do send them in as soon as you can! There’s only room for a few more so send them in today! If you like the show people do rate, review and subscribe and tell all your friends to do the same, it really does help! Thank you, have a lovely week, and GOODBYE! X Mikey Holding: Twitter: @mollyoldfield Instagram: @mollyoldfieldwrites Facebook: Molly Oldfield Writer  www.everythingunderthesun.co.uk  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

 Why is the Sky Blue? Where do Clouds come from? Why Do Clouds Float over the Sky? How do Clouds make rain? Why is Bird Poo White? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:52

Hello! This week we’re chatting about the sky! The sky itself and why it is blue, clouds that float through it and birds that fly through it.  Our first question comes from Sophia she would like to know why the sky is blue? We find out all about how sunlight is filled with all the colours of the rainbow and how it moves in waves, some short and some long and how the shorter blue light gets through the blanket around earth to make the sky look blue. But did you know, scientifically the sky is actually violet!  Next up we have three questions about things that floud throught the sky – clouds! The question come from Benjamin, Alice and Matilda, they are: Where do clouds come from? Why do they float over the sky? How do Clouds make rain?  To answer their questions I have Gavin Pretor Pinney who is the Founder of the Cloud Appreciation Society and has also written books about clouds too! He really knows all about them so I thought he would be perfect to answer these questions. Have a listen to find out everything about clouds.   Our last question comes from Ned. He would like to know something about a creature that flies through the sky, what could it be? It’s about birds! Ned wants to know why bird poo is white! Find out how birds wee and poo and why it all looks white, plus find out how bird poo used to be really expensive and valuable as it made good stuff to help grow crops as well as what colour car birds are most and least likely to poop on. Plus find out what the moon smells like and who won tickets to do family yoga underneath Museum of the Moon at the Natural History Museum this summer. If you have a question you would like answered on the show or in the Everything Under The Sun BOOK all you have to do is ask an adult to record you asking it and ask them to send it into me at molly@everythingunderthesun.co.ukYou better hurry up if you want to be in the book as I only have space for 40 more questions!  A huge thank you to Gavin PP for telling us all about clouds, do have a look at his Cloud Appreciation Society to find out more about clouds, to The Natural History Museum in London for tickets to family yoga at the moon and of course to Sophia, Ned, Benjamin, Matilda and Alice for this week’s lovely questions!   If you like the show people do rate, review and subscribe and tell all your friends to do the same, it really does help!  I hope you have a lovely week and do some cloud spotting under blue skies, but watch out for bird poo!  Thank you, and GOODBYE! X Twitter: @mollyoldfield Instagram: @mollyoldfieldwrites Facebook: Molly Oldfield Writer Gavin Pretor Pinney: gavin cloud appreciation society Museum of the Moon: https://www.nhm.ac.uk/visit/exhibitions/museum-of-the-moon.html  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

 Everything Around The Moon! A 50 years since Apollo 11 celebration. Why do we see the moon in the day? Why haven’t people been to the moon since Apollo 17? How do astronauts see in the dark? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:12:36

Everything Around The MOON! July the 20th will mark the 50th anniversary of when humans first landed on the moon! Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Mike Collins made it to the moon. Mike Collins stayed in the command module and Buzz and Neil walked on the moon. Neil Armstrong strode out first and said: “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.” I saw the boot he was wearing in the Smithsoanian Museum in Washington DC and wrote about it in my book, The Secret Museum, if you want to know more. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Secret-Museum-Molly-Oldfield/dp/0007455283 To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing 50 years ago we’re going to answer three question about the MOON and ASTRONAUTS! PLUS you can win tickets to do family yoga under a huge MOON at the Natural History Museum in London this summer! Our first question comes from Wilbur, he would like to know:   Why do we see the moon in the day? To answer it I have Professor Sara Russell who is a planetary scientist at the Natural History Museum in London and knows all about the moon! Next up is Tommaso, who asks: Why haven’t people been to the moon since Apollo 17? Find out all the things left on the moon by the Apollo astronauts, what a moon tree is and why the Apollo missions came to an end. Or have they?! What’s next for man’s adventures to the moon?   Our third question is about astronauts and comes from Felix! He would like to find out: How do astronauts see in the dark?  Professor Sara Russell from the Natural History Museum tackles this one again! She tells us about the gold sunglasses astronauts wear in space and how actually its surprisingly bright in space during the day. Plus you can win family tickets to do yoga under Museum of the Moon, a huge moon made by an artist named Luke Jerram at the Natural History Museum in London. A huge thank you to Professor Sara Russell for telling us all about The Moon and how astronauts see in the dark, to The Natural History Museum in London for tickets to family yoga at the moon and of course to Tommaso, Felix and Wilbur for this week’s lovely questions!  I’ll be back next week answering more questions from children around the world in another episode of EUTS. Do send in your questions, there’s info about how to do that on the show’s website, everythingunderthesun.co.uk. Remember, the questions will now also be in a BOOK, I need all the questions soon as I’m busy writing away so please do send them in as soon as you can! If you like the show people do rate, review and subscribe and tell all your friends to do the same, it really does help! Don’t forget to look up at the moon at night, especially tomorrow and imagine what it was like for the Apollo astronauts to visit the moon! Thank you, and GOODBYE! X Natural History Museum Family yoga at Museum of the Moon - https://www.nhm.ac.uk/events/family-yoga-classes.html Professor Sara Russell: https://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/space-researcher-over-the-moon-about-her-work.html The Secret Museum: https://www.mollyoldfield.com/secretmuseum WOW Museums: https://www.mollyoldfield.com/wow Website for the podcast: www.everythingunderthesun.co.uk Twitter: @mollyoldfield Instagram: @mollyoldfieldwrites Facebook: Molly Oldfield Writer      See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

 Why did Tut become King at age 9 and how did he die? How do Cows make Milk? Who made the First Ice Cream? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:44

Hello and welcome to episode 32 of Everything Under the Sun, a weekly podcast answering all the most pressing questions children around the world have about life on earth. Our first question comes from a whole class full of children, from Year three at Bolton Primary School, they would like to know: Why did Tut become King at age 9 and how did he die? To answer it I have a historian named Justin Pollard who has made a TV series about the Egyptians for the BBC and knows all about them! Next up we have a question Kal-El and Liv, they would like to know about cows and how they make milk! We find out how cows make milk for the same reason humans do, to feed their babies. How much food they need to eat to make milk, how they digest food in their four stomachs and how cows make much more milk when they have names! Our third question is about ice cream! And is from Charlotte, she would like to know who made the first ice cream? We can’t know for sure who made the very first ice cream as lots of countries came up with some kind of frozen milky delicious pudding. But we find out all the different countries that have come up with ice creams in different ways! We talk about the first ice cream shop in England, some recipes and an unusual flavour in Turkey called fox testicle ice cream, made of orchids. We also find out who won a copy of Nick Caruso’s book, Does It Fart? Remember! If you have a question you would like answered on the show or in the Everything Under The Sun BOOK all you have to do is ask an adult to record you asking it and ask them to send it into me at molly@everythingunderthesun.co.uk Or as a fun end of term thing to do why not get your whole class to send in a question! Just play your teacher this episode and see if he or she would like to do that! The questions will be in the book too. A huge thank you to Justin Pollard for telling us all about King Tut, to Nick Caruso and Quercus books for a copy of Does IT Fart now on it’s way to its winners and of course to Year 3 at Bolton Primary School and their teacher Ms Harkin, Kal-El, Liv and Charlotte for this week’s lovely questions!  I’ll be back next week answering more questions from children around the world in another episode of EUTS. Do send in your questions, there’s info about how to do that on the show’s website, everythingunderthesun.co.uk. Remember, the questions will now also be in a BOOK, I need all the questions soon as I’m busy writing away so please do send them in as soon as you can! If you like the show people do rate, review and subscribe and tell all your friends to do the same, it really does help! Thank you and GOODBYE! X Justin Pollard - https://www.unitedagents.co.uk/justin-pollard-0 Does It Fart - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Does-Fart-Definitive-Animal-Flatulence/dp/1786488264 Everything Under the Sun website: www.everythingunderthesun.co.uk Twitter: @mollyoldfield Instagram: @mollyoldfieldwrites Facebook: Molly Oldfield Writer  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

 Why do Monkeys throw Poo? How do Salamanders regrow Body Parts? How do Whales Sleep? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:11:47

Hello and welcome to episode 32 of Everything Under the Sun! This week I went to the Bradford Literary Festival to talk about my books, The Secret Museum, WOW Museums, Natural Wonders of the World as well as Everything Under The Sun. When I was there talking to 400 children we all recorded a question, from Darrell who was one of the children at the talk. It is - why do monkeys throw poo? We find out the reason and chat about some of the 260 species of monkey!  Next up we have a question about Salamanders from Oscar, answered by Nick Caruso, who studies salamanders in the Appalachian mountains of North America. Nick has also co written a book called Does it Fart? With Dani Rabaiotti, which you could get lucky and win if you enter the competition on this week’s podcast.  We also talk about howwhales sleep in the water, how they remember to breathe and how their babies sleep and swim. Do enter the competition and send in your questions to molly@everythingunderthesun.co.uk. Remember, the questions will now also be in a BOOK, I need all the questions soon as I’m busy writing away so please do send them in as soon as you can!  If you like the show people do rate, review and subscribe and tell all your friends to do the same, it really does help!  A huge thank you to Nick Caruso for talking to us about salamanders, another big thank you to Darrell and all the children who came to see me at Bradford literary festival for your question and being so much fun as well as to as Oscar and Lily for this week’s lovely questions!   Wishing you all a very lovely week! Thank you and GOODBYE! X Nick and Dani’s book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Does-Fart-Definitive-Animal-Flatulence/dp/1787474801/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=does+it+fart%3F&qid=1562272032&s=gateway&sr=8-1 Website: www.everythingunderthesun.co.uk For more info about books: www.mollyoldfield.com Twitter: @mollyoldfield Instagram: @mollyoldfieldwrites  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

 Everything in the Multiverse! What was before The Big Bang? How long has the Storm on Jupiter been raging for? What Noise does a Capybara make? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:13:00

Everything in the Multiverse! This week is episode 31 of Everything Under The Sun and we’re answering questions from Charlie, Menashe and Ray about The Big Bang, the storm on Jupiter and all the funny noises a capybara makes! They're a giant rodent that looks like a huge guinea pig that lives in South America.   To answer Charlie’s question we have Professor Jim Al-Khalili who knows everything about physics and science - he teaches at a university and writes books, makes TV shows and radio programmes and he knows all about the universe including how it began with the Big Bang! He has some mind-blowing things to tell us about how there were lots of Big Bangs, and the real question is what happened before the multiverse?! Next we bring the focus in a bit to Jupiter and the huge storm on it called The Great Red Spot. You'll find out how long it takes a hurricane to turn on Jupiter, how fast the wind is going, how it has raged for many hundreds of years ago and how it might be coming to an end!  Crashing back down to earth for our third question! It’s about capybaras and the noises they make and comes from Ray! For anyone who doesn;’t know a capybara is a mammal that loves the water found all over South America, except for Chile. They live in forests near water, and along rivers in the rainforests. They’re the largest rodents in the world! Capybaras are very sociable creatures and make lots of noises which you’ll hear on today’s podcast! A huge thank you to Professor Jim Al-Khalili for talking to us about The Big Bang and of course a big thank you to Charlie, Menashe and Ray for this week’s questions!  I’ll be back next week answering more questions from children around the world in another episode of EUTS. Do send in your questions, there’s info about how to do that on the show’s website, everythingunderthesun.co.uk.  Remember, EUTS is going to be a beautiful BOOK! The book is going to be called Everything Under The Sun – a year of curious questions and it’s going to be filled with all of your questions, 365 of them, one for each day of the year!  It’s coming out next Christmas and I’m busy writing it now, so please send in all of your wonderful questions, because then not only will I answer them on the podcast, you’ll get to see your question in a real life wonderful book, filled with questions, answers and fantastic drawings! A great present for all your friends and family and I hope it will be a book that you love.  For info about how to send in a question go to www.everythingunderthesun.co.uk Thank you!  Do do send them in as soon as you can!  If you like the show people do rate, review and subscribe and tell all your friends to do the same, it really does help!  Thank you and GOODBYE! X   Links   Professor Jim Al-Khalili’s website: http://www.jimal-khalili.com Twitter: @jimalkhalili     Everything under The Sun   Twitter: @mollyoldfield Facebook: Molly Oldfield Writer Instagram: @mollyoldfieldwrites www.everythingunderthesun.co.uk          See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

 Why are Reptiles so Shy? How do some Lizards walk on Water? What are your Toes for? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:11:24

Reptiles! Lizards that walk on Water! Toes! Join us today to listen to the answers to three questions, from Ralph, Lila and Julia. They would like to know why reptiles are so shy, how some lizards walk on water and what our toes are for!  To answer Ralph’s question we have Paolo Viscardi, who is a curator in the National Museum of Ireland, he works in zoology so knows all about reptiles! I met him when I was writing my first book, The Secret Museum and he showed me all the things hidden behind the scenes at the Horniman museum where he used to work. He has lots of great ideas about why reptiles are shy creatures, it includes they have to be careful not to be eaten and that they don’t spend much time with a family so aren’t used to being around others.  Our next question is about reptiles too, one particular reptile that can walk on water! Find out all about the Basalisk lizard also known as the Jesus lizard and how it can run across water.  Thirdly, find out how our toes help us to walk and why we have five of them! We’ll chat about how sprinters often have longer toes than non-sprinters, while short toes are good for long-distance running and walking. As well as what we call animals that walk on their toes and what we call creatures that walk on their whole feet.  Do remember to send in your questions to the show, and for the book! If you’re listening and you’d like to be in a beautiful book, full of drawings, facts and kids questions out next Christmas then do send me your questions as soon as you can. Just ask an adult to help you record your question, then using their phone, record yourself saying your name, age, a bit about yourself, then ask the question and send it into me at molly at everything under the sun.com. Thank you!  There’s info about how to send things in on the show’s website, everythingunderthesun.co.uk. I can’t wait to answer your questions about anything and everything under the sun! I’ll send the first three people to send in a question an Everything Under The Sun bookmark!  A huge thank you to Paolo Viscardi for talking to us about reptiles and of course a big thank you to Ralph, Julia and Lila for this week’s questions!   I’ll be back next week answering more questions from children around the world in another episode of EUTS. Do send in your questions,  If you like the show people do rate, review and subscribe and tell all your friends to do the same, it really does help!  Thank you and GOODBYE! X Paulo Viscardi: @PaoloViscardi  Twitter: @mollyoldfield instagram: @mollyoldfieldwrites www.everythingunderthesun.co.uk www.mollyoldfield.com  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

 Daddys Under The Sun! Which Animal makes the Best Daddy? Why do Chief Gorillas have Silver Hairs on their Back? Why do Men Have Nipples? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:10:44

This Sunday is Father’s Day in the UK, so this week is a celebration of Daddy’s and male things! Our first question is from Tasso who would like to know which animal makes the best Daddy? Find out about a tiny monkey called a Pygmy marmoset – the smallest monkey in the world - arctic wolves, emperor penguins and perhaps the best Dads of all – seahorses! To tell us about seahorses we have marine biologist Helen Scales who has written a book about them, called Poseidon's Steed. Next up is Reuben who wants to know about silverback gorillas, specifically why do chief gorillas have silver hairs on their back? Uncover how a group of gorillas decide which adult is in charge of a group and at what age a black back gorillas hair turns silver and discover how silverback gorillas make great Dads! Thirdly, Archie has a great question which is why do men have nipples? Such a great question and not one I had thought about before - essentially it’s because girls, women and mummy’s do! You’ll learn which male mammal can make milk from it’s nipples, hint, it’s not a human, its something that can fly and likes eating fruit. I hope you enjoy this week’s episode. A huge thank you to Helen Scales for talking to us about seahorses and of course a big thank you to Tasso, Archie and Reuben for this week’s questions!  I’ll be back next week answering more questions from children around the world in another episode of EUTS. Do send in your questions, there’s info about how to do that on the show’s website, everythingunderthesun.co.uk. Just ask an adult to help you use their phone to make a recording of your question. You just need to: say your name, your age, a bit about yourself (two things you love) and send the recording into me at molly@everythingunderthesun.co.uk Remember, the questions will now also be in a BOOK, I need all the questions soon as I’m busy writing away so please do send them in as soon as you can! If you like the show people do rate, review and subscribe and tell all your friends to do the same, it really does help! Thank you, have a lovely Daddy’s day and GOODBYE! X Helen Scales - https://helenscales.com Helen's twitter - @helenscales Website – www.everythingunderthesun.co.uk Instagram - @mollyoldfieldwrites Facebook – Molly Oldfield Twitters - @mollyoldfield www.mollyoldfield.com  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

 Oceans Under The Sun! With Philip Hoare and the Natural History Museum. Why is the sea salty? Why does an octopus have three hearts? Why are orca whales black and white? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:10:43

Today I have three questions about the OCEAN and creatures in it! Because June 8th is World Oceans Day, a global celebration with hundreds of events around the world celebrating the ocean, including Everything Under The Sun with this show! Our first question comes from Emmeline and Elkie, they would like to know why the sea is salty? Our answer comes from Philip Hoare, a writer who loves the ocean and has written books about whales and the sea. He swims in the ocean every day, no matter the weather! He tells how the sea got so salty and how much salt is in the sea! Next up Archie would like to know why an octopus has three hearts? Find out what the three hearts are for as well as what colour an octopus’ blood is, how many brains they have and how many arms and legs! Our last question is from Lachlan and he has a question about orcas! Which is, why are orca whales black and white? To answer it we have Richard Sabin, the Principal Curator of Mammals at the Natural History Museum in London, he knows everything there is to know about marine mammals including orcas and tells us all about counter shading and their colours!  We also talked about orcas in the first episode of the podcast, in two questions – firstly we answered a question about whether orcas can talk to blue whales and secondly why they have white patches by their eyes, so do listen to that first episode of Everything Under The Sun to find out more about beautiful orcas! A huge thank you to Philip Hoare for talking to us about why the sea is salty and to Richard Sabin and the Natural History Museum for telling us about orcas! And of course a big thank you to Elkie, Emmeline, Archie and Lachlan for this week’s questions!  I’ll be back with a next brand new episode for Fathers day answering more questions from children around the world in another episode of EUTS.  Do send in your questions, there’s info about how to do that on the show’s website, everythingunderthesun.co.uk. Remember, the questions will now also be in a BOOK, I need all the questions soon as I’m busy writing away so please do send them in as soon as you can! If you like the show people do rate, review and subscribe and tell all your friends to do the same, it really does help! Thank you, have a lovely week and GOODBYE!   Philip Hoare: http://www.philiphoare.co.uk my instagram: @mollyoldfieldwrites twitter: @mollyoldfield www.everythingunderthesun.co.uk www.mollyoldfield.com  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

 Highlights Under The Sun! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:16:00

Everything Under The Sun is on holiday this week (researching next week’s episode about the oceans by swimming in it!) but we recently won a bronze at the British Podcast Awards for Best Family Podcast so we thought it would be fun to share the entry we made for that awards, which has highlights from the first few months of the show! A celebration for regular listeners and a taster of all the things you can listen to from the first few months if you’re a new listener. Enjoy! I'll be back next week answering more questions, so do send them in! Record them on an adult's smartphone and send them to molly@everythingunderthesun.co.uk - thank you!  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

 Why do Some People not have Houses and live on the street? With George the Poet. Why do Dogs Wag their Tails when they’re Happy? What Noise do Giraffes make? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:12:58

Hello, Hello, Hello! We have news! Everything Under The Sun won a bronze award at the British Podcast Awards, we were so pleased to win an award after only twenty three episodes, so thank to all of you for listening, telling your friends, sending in questions and generally being amazing! You're all wonderful, thank you.  I’m also writing a book full of your Everything Under The Sun questions so do send in your questions to the podcast to be on the show and in the book! The first 5 children to send in questions next week will get a little note from me and a special Everything Under The Sun bookmark! So read, set, get recording!  This week we have three questions. The first is from Clara and she would like to know, why do some people not have houses and have live to live on the streets?  To answer her we have George the Poet, who won all the awards at the British Podcast Awards for his amazing podcast for adults, Have you Heard George’s Podcast? He’s a musical poet who knows lots about politics and our society. He has a wonderful answer to Clara’s excellent question about this problem we all have to work hard to end, so everyone has a place to sleep at night and food to eat.  Next up is Tommi who would like to know something about the creatures we call man’s best friend, dogs! Find out why dogs wag their tails, what it means when they wag their tails to the left or right and what they’re feeling when they have their tails between their legs. We also talk about how all dogs have the same ancestor, the grey wolf! Then Benjamin would like to know about the noises giraffes make. Giraffes aren’t very noisy creatures, they don’t Baa like a sheep, moo like a cow, bark like a dog or roar like a lion. But they’re not silent. Find out what noises they DO make, but only at night! We also talk about how many bones giraffes have in their necks, you might be surprised by the answer.  We also find out who won a copy of Sensational Butterflies, by Ben Rothery with facts and help from Nick Crumpton who was our expert last week, talking about butterflies!  A huge thank you to George the Poet for talking to us about why people might be homeless and about how we must all work to end the problem so everyone has a safe place to sleep and night and food to eat and of course a big thank you to Clara, Tommi and Benjamin for this week’s questions as well as to Callie, Marth and Heidi for sending in their amazing hungry caterpillar impressions!  I’ll be back next week answering more questions from children around the world in another episode of EUTS. Do send in your questions, there’s info about how to do that on the show’s website, everythingunderthesun.co.uk.  Remember, the questions will now also be in a BOOK, I need all the questions soon as I’m busy writing away so please do send them in as soon as you can!  If you like the show people do rate, review and subscribe and tell all your friends to do the same, it really does help!  Thank you and GOODBYE! X To find out more about George the Poet do check out his website HERE - https://www.georgethepoet.com or his twitter is: @GeorgeThePoet Social media for EUTS: twitter - @mollyoldfield instagram - @mollyoldfieldwrites facebook - Molly Oldfield website: www.everythingunderthesun.co.uk  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

 Butterflies Under The Sun! Why do Caterpillars turn into Butterflies? What Happens inside Cocoons? Do Butterflies have Bones? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:10:00

Butterflies! We all love seeing them flying around in spring and summer, so to celebrate their arrival this year this week's episode is all about them. We answer three questions, from Martha & Heidi, Natty and Fynn! They would like to know: Why do caterpillars turn into butterflies? What happens inside cocoons? and do butterflies have bones? Find out on this week's show! To help answer the first question or expert this week is Dr. Nick Crumpton, a zoologist who knows lots about all sorts of animals, including butterflies! He helped to create beautiful book, called Sensational Butterflies, stuffed with beautiful drawings by Ben Rothery. I have a copy one of you can win on the show, all you have to do is listen, then send in your impressions of a hungry caterpillar crunching on leaves and you could win the book! Good luck! The email to send impressions and any questions you would like me to answer is molly@everythingunderthesun.co.uk With big thanks to Dr. Nick Crumpton and all the children for this week's butterfly answer and questions! Here's a link to Sensational Butterflies: https://www.penguin.co.uk/books/309/309418/sensational-butterflies/9780241361047.html Dr. Nick Crumpton on twitter: @LSmonster My website: www.mollyoldfield.com Podcast website: www.everythingunderthesun.co.uk Twitter: @mollyoldfield Instagram: @mollyoldfieldwrites FB: Molly Oldfield I hope you have a lovely week!  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

 How Many Men Were in a Roman Army? with Dan Snow, Why do Cats Purr? Why do Stars Shine in the Sky? With the Science Museum. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:13:35

We have our first history question this week! Answered by top historian, Dan Snow. It comes from Ethan who would like to know how many men were in a Roman army? Dan Snow tells us the answer, which is more complicated than you’d think!   Dan tells us about some different battles and how many men took part. Discover how local men were recruited and how many more men there were than in the Roman army today.   Our next question is about cats! And it comes from Alice, she would like to know why cats purr? We all know cats purr when they’re content but how about other reasons? You’ll find out all the ways cats communicate and how listening to cats purr can be great for humans, as well as for the overall health of cats.     Next up is Faye who lives in Switzerland, she asks us in France and English why stars shine in the sky? To help answer the question we have Doug from the Science Museum in London. You’ll also find out why stars twinkle and how come they don’t twinkle if you see them from outer space.   A huge thank you Dan Snow and Doug at the Science Museum for telling us about Roman armies and stars! Huge thanks also to Ethan, Faye and Alice and for this week’s questions!    I’ll be back next week answering more questions from children around the world in another episode of Everything Under The Sun. Do send in your questions for the show and the Everything Under the Sun BOOK I’m writing for Ladybird Books, which will be a beautifully illustrated book for Christmas 2020.   If you send in your questions soon they might make it into the book, which would be so exciting!  Just ask an adult to record you using their smartphone and send it into me at molly@everythingunderthesun.co.uk   There’s info about how to do that on the show’s website, everythingunderthesun.co.uk.   They can be questions about anything and everything under and even above the sun!   If you like the show please do rate, review and subscribe and tell all your friends to do the same, it really does help!   Remember to vote for Everything Under The Sun in the British Podcast Awards by going to britishpodcastawards.com/vote and type in the first few letters of Everything Under The Sun and it'll come up. Thank you very much everyone!   Dan Snow on twitter: @thehistoryguy   The Science Museum: https://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/   My social media:   Twitter: @mollyoldfield Instagram: @mollyoldfieldwrites Facebook: Molly Oldfield Website: www.mollyoldfield.com And www.everythingunderthesun.co.uk   Have a lovely week! Thank you and goodbye! X  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

 Do Aliens exist? How and Why Does Skin Tan? Why do Zebras have Stripes? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:13:22

Frida asks our first question which is, do aliens exist? Find out what Doug from the Science Museum thinks, where scientists think alien life might live, such as on exoplanets – planets outside of our solar system! Plus a reminder of how lucky we are to be here on a planet that gives us all we need, fresh air, water and oxygen to breathe! So let’s enjoy it and look after it. It’s bluebell season so why not find an ancient bluebell wood near you to drag your parents to!  Eleanor is up next and she would like to know how are why does skin tan? Find out about how your skin tans to protect your body, by creating more of a colour called melanin. Plus why tans fade and why you – hopefully won’t – get sunburn. Do be careful in the hot sun wear a long sleeved T shirt and a hat if you’re out playing in the sun a lot or play in the shade when its really sunny! Iris, asks our third question which is, why do zebras have stripes? Find out the different theories about why zebras are stripy and why the University of California dressed horses up as zebras. Plus find out where the nearest stripy creature is to you, a clue is – have a good look at yourself and your family! Did you know humans give off light? They do! So why can’t we see it?  Thanks so much to Iris, Frida and Eleanor for this week’s questions and to Doug from the Science Museum for talking about aliens! Just a quick reminder about the British Podcast Awards and the new book I’m writing of Everything Under The Sun, which you could be in!   EUTS is nominated for Best Family Podcast in the British Podcast Awards! Remember to vote for EUTS in the British Podcast Awards by going to britishpodcastawards.com/vote and type in the first few letters of Everything Under The Sun and it'll come up. Thank you very much everyone! Also I’m busy writing a book, which will be filled with YOUR questions, there will be 365 questions from children about everything under the sun so if you’d like to be in the book, please do send your questions in!  Just ask an adult to record you asking it and send it into me at molly@everythingunderthesun.co.uk There’s more info about how to do that on the show’s website, everythingunderthesun.co.uk.  If you like the show people do rate, review and subscribe and tell all your friends to do the same, it really does help!  Thank you! Social media: twitter: @mollyoldfield Instagram: @mollyoldfieldwrites Facebook: Molly Oldfield writer www.mollyoldfield.com www.everythingunderthesun.co.uk For info and links below: The Science Museum: https://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk Humans give off light: https://www.theguardian.com/science/blog/2009/jul/17/human-bioluminescence Zebras dressed as horses: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/scientists-dressed-horses-zebras-determine-purpose-stripes-180971540/ TED talk about the search for alien life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnM4SaGc8R0  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

 How Much Water is in All the Oceans? How violently did Titanic shake when it hit the Iceberg? What is the Deadliest Shark and why? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:13:47

Hello, hello, hello! Welcome to the 23rd episode of Everything Under The Sun, which this week is about OCEANS! We have three questions from Molly, Cooper and Lara, which are: How Much Water is in All the Oceans? How violently did Titanic shake when it hit the Iceberg? And What is the Deadliest Shark and why?   Find out how much of the Earth’s water is in the oceans and why we ought to really rename our planet, Ocean!  Then hear Phil Cauley, a crew member from Titanic Belfast talk about what happened on board when Titanic hit the iceberg, where it is now, and what little robot was the first to explore the Titanic on the ocean floor!  Thirdly, listen to James Maclaine, a fish curator at the Natural History Museum in London tell us all about sharks! You’ll discover where on earth people bit other people more than sharks bite people – rather a lot more! So there is no reason to be overly scared of most sharks, just stay away from a few as they might bite you only because they’re curious about you! Not because they’re mean.  PLUS! Exciting news, Everything Under The Sun is going to be a beautiful BOOK! The book is going to be called Everything Under The Sun – a year of curious questions and it’s going to be filled with all of your questions, 365 of them, one for each day of the year! It’s coming out next Christmas and I’m busy writing it now, so please send in all of your wonderful questions, because then not only will I answer them on the podcast, you’ll get to see your question in a real life wonderful book, filled with questions, answers and fantastic drawings! A great present for all your friends and family and I hope it will be a book that you love.  Secondly, as I mentioned last week, EUTS is nominated for Best Family Podcast in the British Podcast Awards! I’m going to the awards ceremony in a few weeks time and it would be so great to win! Thanks so much to everyone for listening, subscribing and telling all your friends to help the show spread far and wide!  There’s a Listener’s Choice award where you can vote for a show you love, it’s free to take part – so if you’d like to vote for Everything Under The Sun all you need to do is go to britishpodcastawards.com/vote and type in the first few letters of Everything Under The Sun and it'll come up. Voting closes on the 15th May. Thank you very much everyone! A huge thank you to Phil at the Titanic Belfast for telling us about the moment Titanic hit the iceberg and to James Maclaine for sharing his knowledge about why sharks! Of course, a big thanks to Lara, Cooper and Molly and for this week’s questions!   I’ll be back next week answering more questions from children around the world in another episode of EUTS. Do send in your questions, there’s info about how to do that on the show’s website, everythingunderthesun.co.uk.  Remember, the questions will now also be in a BOOK!  Thank you and have a lovely week!  For info about Titanic Belfast - https://titanicbelfast.com The Secret Museum: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Secret-Museum-Molly-Oldfield/dp/0007455283 My twitter: @mollyoldfield My instagram: @mollyoldfieldwrites Website: mollyoldfield.com  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.


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