Why is Cricket called Cricket and What are The Ashes? What does Incy Wincy Spider Need? How Do Grasshoppers eat?

Everything Under The Sun show

Summary: Hello! This week because the Ashes cricket match between England and Australia has just begun our first question is about cricket. It is from Matilda who would like to know why cricket is called cricket and what are the ashes? To answer it I have cricket legend, Mikey Holding, one of the fastest bowlers ever and a top cricket commentator who knows all about the game. Our second question is about a creature related to the insects called crickets. It’s from Aveline, and she asks how grasshoppers eat. Find out all about them as well as lots about insects including how many there are in the world and how many you’ll find in just one big field! Plus what Little Miss Muffet’s father had to do with insects and about spider crickets, crickets that can jump but look like spiders! Our last question is from our littlest question asker ever on the podcast, it’s from Arlo who is two and he would like to know what does incy wincy spider need? You’ll find out the answer this week! A huge thank you to Mikey Holding for talking to us about cricket and of course a big thank you to Arlo, Matilda, Aveline for this week’s questions!  I’ll be back next week answering more questions from children around the world in another episode of EUTS. Do send in your questions, there’s info about how to do that on the show’s website, everythingunderthesun.co.uk. Remember, the questions will now also be in a BOOK, I need all the questions soon as I’m busy writing away so please do send them in as soon as you can! There’s only room for a few more so send them in today! If you like the show people do rate, review and subscribe and tell all your friends to do the same, it really does help! Thank you, have a lovely week, and GOODBYE! X Mikey Holding: Twitter: @mollyoldfield Instagram: @mollyoldfieldwrites Facebook: Molly Oldfield Writer  www.everythingunderthesun.co.uk  <br><hr><p style="color: grey;">See <a style="color: grey;" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://acast.com/privacy">acast.com/privacy</a> for privacy and opt-out information.</p>