Positive Parenting | Mr. Dad show

Positive Parenting | Mr. Dad

Summary: Parenting Resources and Advice for Expectant Fathers, New Dads, Dads of Teens, Single Dads


 Don’t Be a Dick | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:59

Mark Borg, author of Don’t Be a Dick. Topic: Change yourself, change your world. Issues: What does it mean to be a dick and why are some people (including ourselves) that way? The difference between internal dicks and external dicks; how to quit being a dick—and get others to quit too; how to avoid backsliding; lessons for parents; much more

 Beyond Piggy Banks and Lemonade Stands | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:59

Liz Frazier, author of Beyond Piggy Banks and Lemonade Stands. Topic: How to teach young kids about finance. Issues: The “right” to talk with kids about money; teaching about money in an increasingly cashless society; allowances; what is money, how do we get it, and what do we do with it? Advanced topics such as interest, lending, the economy, and more.

 Navigating the Journey from Conception Through Birth—and Beyond | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:56

Leslie Schrock, author of Bumpin’. Topic: Navigating the journey from conception through birth—and beyond. Issues: Getting your bodies and your lives ready; drafting your healthcare dream team; pregnancy issues and myths (such as that having an epidural or a c-section is “failure”); difference between a birth plan and going overboard; what you don’t know about having a baby; the importance of communication between partners; dad’s important role; much more.

 The Groundbreaking Science of Kindness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:59

Kelli Harding, author of The Rabbit Effect. Topic: Live longer, happier, and healthier with the groundbreaking science of kindness. Issues: The hidden factors of health (intimate relationships, social ties, work, finding your purpose, hobbies and recreation; fairness; compassion, the environment you live in, and more); essentials of health (mind-body link, trust, community health, and more); what kindness is and the ripple effects it creates.

 Sharenthood | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:59

Leah Plunkett, author of Sharenthood. Topic: Why we should think before we talk about our kids online. Issues: Mistakes adults make with children’s private information; implications of adults’ excessive digital sharing; risks of sharenting; commercial sharenting (using your private experiences to make money); the dangers of children sharing info about their parents; much more.

 Building Your Baby’s Brain | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:59

Gail Gross, author of How to Build Your Baby’s Brain. Topic: Using new gene science to raise a smart, secure, and successful child, Issues: The science behind our secret parental power; turning your child’s shortcomings to strengths; success through trust; the curse of overstimulation; turning your home into a living lab; boosting the neurological health of your unborn child; much more.

 Discovering Wholeness and Healing After Trauma | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:59

James Gordon, author of The Transformation. Topic: Discovering wholeness and healing after trauma. Issues: What is trauma? The biology of trauma; befriending your body; breathing, movement, laughter, gratitude, forgiveness, and other proven ways to better cope with trauma;

 Parenthood in the Age of Fear | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:59

Kim Brooks, author of Small Animals. Topic: Parenthood in the age of fear. Issues: Why so many of us are so afraid for our children—despite the fact that the world isn’t any more dangerous today than it was when we were kids; the negative effects of the culture of fear; what we can do to change things for the better.

 Empowering Girls | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:00

Rachel Simmons, author of Enough as She Is. @RachelJSimmons ‏- Instagram: racheljsimmons Topic: Helping girls move beyond impossible standards to live healthy, happy, fulfilling lives. Issues: Stop overthinking, which is linked to depression, motivation loss, and binge eating; practice three steps of self-compassion; navigate new rules of stress culture—and self-care; stop catastrophizing (“my life is over if I fail this test”); what parents need to do to manage their own anxiety

 The Boy Crisis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:00

Warren Farrell, co-author of The Boy Crisis. @drwarrenfarrell Topic: Why our boys are struggling and what we can do about it. Issues: Is there really a boy crisis? (hint: yes, there is) What are the elements of the boy crisis; why the boy crisis isn’t your fault; raising balanced sons in an out-of-balance world; dad-deprived boys vs. dad-enriched boys; why dads are so important; what dads do differently; four must-dos in case of divorce; ADHD and other physical- and mental-health issues.

 Grief: The Only Way Out is Through | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:00

Gail Gross, author of The Only Way Out Is Through. @DrGailGross – Instagram: drgailgross Topic: The journey from grief to wholeness. Issues: Grief as a path to healing; courage and choices; the mourning process; the meaning and role of guilt; surrendering to the grieving process; reviewing your personal life and the patterns you’ve created; relationships—marriage, family, siblings, and others; back to life.

 Why a Sense of Control is Such a Big Deal | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:00

Ned Johnson, co-author of The Self-Driven Child. @TestPrepGeek Topic: The science and sense of giving your kids more control over their lives. Issues: Why a sense of control is such a big deal; parents as consultants; kids as decision makers; how to help kids find a sense of control by finding your own; help kids develop inner motivation; the importance of downtime (including sleep); taming technology; exercising brain and body; taking the sense of control to school.

 Rethinking Everything About School | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:00

Susan Wise Bauer, author of Rethinking School. @SusanWiseBauer – Instagram: susanwisebauer Topic: How to take charge of your child’s education. Issues: Understanding why traditional graduation requirements and standardized testing may not be necessary for a child’s future success; how to negotiate the 12-grade school system in a way that nurtures and protects your child’s mind, emotions, and spirit.

 Parenthood in the Age of Fear | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:59

Kim Brooks, author of Small Animals. Topic: Parenthood in the age of fear. Issues: Why so many of us are so afraid for our children—despite the fact that the world isn’t any more dangerous today than it was when we were kids; the negative effects of the culture of fear; what we can do to change things for the better.

 Becoming Calmer, Happier Parent | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:59

Carla Naumburg, author of How to Stop Losing Your Sh*t with Your Kids. Topic: A practical guide to becoming a calmer, happier parent. Issues: Why are you losing your stuff with your kids? Knowing what your buttons are and what kids are doing to push them; how doing less will help you not lose your stuff; the importance of getting space away from your kids; keeping your stuff together so you don’t lose it again.


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