PurePerformance show


Summary: The brutal truth about digital performance engineering and operations.Andreas (aka Andi) Grabner and Brian Wilson are veterans of the digital performance world. Combined they have seen too many applications not scaling and performing up to expectations. With more rapid deployment models made possible through continuous delivery and a mentality shift sparked by DevOps they feel it’s time to share their stories. In each episode, they and their guests discuss different topics concerning performance, ranging from common performance problems for specific technology platforms to best practices in development, testing, deploying and monitoring software performance and user experience. Be prepared to learn a lot about metrics.Andi & Brian both work at Dynatrace, where they get to witness more real world customer performance issues than they can TPS report at.

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 Understanding the Cloud Native & OpenSource World with Carmen Andoh | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3400

Can you explain Cloud Native? What are the key OpenSource frameworks you need to know? How about all these OpenSource Licensing models? Why do they exist? Which one to use? What are the monetization models and why to watch closely how Big IT & Cloud companies are impacting this space?Carmen Andoh (@carmatrocity), Program Manager at Google and former Infrastructure Engineer at Travis CI, helps us understand how to navigate the Cloud Native & OpenSource world and gives answer to all the questions above. The IT world is changing but its up to us to shape the future by inventing it. If you want to learn more after listening check out the CNCF Trailmap and follow up with Carmen on social media to get access to her material around that topic!Trailmaphttps://github.com/cncf/trailmap

 Understanding the Cloud Native & OpenSource World with Carmen Andoh | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3400

Can you explain Cloud Native? What are the key OpenSource frameworks you need to know? How about all these OpenSource Licensing models? Why do they exist? Which one to use? What are the monetization models and why to watch closely how Big IT & Cloud companies are impacting this space?Carmen Andoh (@carmatrocity), Program Manager at Google and former Infrastructure Engineer at Travis CI, helps us understand how to navigate the Cloud Native & OpenSource world and gives answer to all the questions above. The IT world is changing but its up to us to shape the future by inventing it. If you want to learn more after listening check out the CNCF Trailmap and follow up with Carmen on social media to get access to her material around that topic!Trailmaphttps://github.com/cncf/trailmap

 Understanding the Power of Feature Flags with Heidi Waterhouse | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2699

Imagine a future where we deploy every code change directly into production because feature flags eliminated the need for staging. Feature flags allow us to deploy any code change, but only launch the feature to a specific set of users that we want to expose to new capabilities. Monitoring the usage and the impact enables continuous experimentation: optimizing what is not perfect yet and throw away features (technical debt) that nobody really cares about. So – what are feature flags?We got to chat with Heidi Waterhouse (@wiredferret), Developer Advocate at LaunchDarkly (https://launchdarkly.com/), who gives as a great introduction on Feature Flags, how organizations actually define a feature and why it is paramount to differentiate between Deploy and Launch. We learn how to test feature flags, what options we have to enable features for a certain group of users and how important it is to always include monitoring. IF you want to learn more about feature flags check out http://featureflags.io/. If you want to learn more about Heidi’s passion check out https://heidiwaterhouse.com/.

 Understanding the Power of Feature Flags with Heidi Waterhouse | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2699

Imagine a future where we deploy every code change directly into production because feature flags eliminated the need for staging. Feature flags allow us to deploy any code change, but only launch the feature to a specific set of users that we want to expose to new capabilities. Monitoring the usage and the impact enables continuous experimentation: optimizing what is not perfect yet and throw away features (technical debt) that nobody really cares about. So – what are feature flags?We got to chat with Heidi Waterhouse (@wiredferret), Developer Advocate at LaunchDarkly (https://launchdarkly.com/), who gives as a great introduction on Feature Flags, how organizations actually define a feature and why it is paramount to differentiate between Deploy and Launch. We learn how to test feature flags, what options we have to enable features for a certain group of users and how important it is to always include monitoring. IF you want to learn more about feature flags check out http://featureflags.io/. If you want to learn more about Heidi’s passion check out https://heidiwaterhouse.com/.

 Self-Healing in the Real World – HATech Lessons learned from Enterprise Engagements | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2630

Self-Healing, Auto-Remediation: Magic words for most IT Leaders! When starting those kinds of projects teams realize their lack of maturity or even understanding of their current IT landscape to even think about Self-Healing. In other scenarios Self-Healing is misunderstood as a band-aid for “keeping the lights on” in order to buy more time for outstanding product improvements vs investing in the core architecture.In this podcast we invited Jon Hathaway, CEO of HATech, and Jarvis Mishler, Solutions Architect Team Lead at HATech (@hatechllc), to learn about how they help organizations assess and improve the maturity of their IT Systems & processes, which auto-remediation actions they typically implement and why real self-healing is not just about keeping the lights on!https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonhathaway/https://hatech.io/https://www.linkedin.com/in/jarvis-mishler/https://twitter.com/hatechllc

 Self-Healing in the Real World – HATech Lessons learned from Enterprise Engagements | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2630

Self-Healing, Auto-Remediation: Magic words for most IT Leaders! When starting those kinds of projects teams realize their lack of maturity or even understanding of their current IT landscape to even think about Self-Healing. In other scenarios Self-Healing is misunderstood as a band-aid for “keeping the lights on” in order to buy more time for outstanding product improvements vs investing in the core architecture.In this podcast we invited Jon Hathaway, CEO of HATech, and Jarvis Mishler, Solutions Architect Team Lead at HATech (@hatechllc), to learn about how they help organizations assess and improve the maturity of their IT Systems & processes, which auto-remediation actions they typically implement and why real self-healing is not just about keeping the lights on!https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonhathaway/https://hatech.io/https://www.linkedin.com/in/jarvis-mishler/https://twitter.com/hatechllc

 Let the Machines optimize the Machines: Goal-Driven Performance Tuning with Stefano Doni | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3271

Did you know that the JVM has 700+ configuration settings? Did you know that MongoDB performance can be improved by 50% just by tuning the right database and OS nobs? Every thought that slower I/O can actually speed up database transaction times?In this episode we invited Stefano Doni, CTO at Amakas.io, who gives us a new perspective on how to approach performance optimization for complex environments. Instead of manually tweaking nobs on all sorts of runtimes or services they developed a Goal-driven AI-engine that automatically identifies the optimal settings for any application as it is under load. Make sure to check out their website and white papers where they go into details about how their algorithms work, which metrics they optimize and how you can apply their technology into a continuous delivery processhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/stefanodoni/https://www.akamas.io/

 Let the Machines optimize the Machines: Goal-Driven Performance Tuning with Stefano Doni | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3271

Did you know that the JVM has 700+ configuration settings? Did you know that MongoDB performance can be improved by 50% just by tuning the right database and OS nobs? Every thought that slower I/O can actually speed up database transaction times?In this episode we invited Stefano Doni, CTO at Amakas.io, who gives us a new perspective on how to approach performance optimization for complex environments. Instead of manually tweaking nobs on all sorts of runtimes or services they developed a Goal-driven AI-engine that automatically identifies the optimal settings for any application as it is under load. Make sure to check out their website and white papers where they go into details about how their algorithms work, which metrics they optimize and how you can apply their technology into a continuous delivery processhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/stefanodoni/https://www.akamas.io/

 Good Performance Engineers Look Behind the Percent Usage Metrics | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2591

Have you ever used USE? Have you ever wondered what differentiates a performance tester from a performance engineer? Want to know how to automate performance engineering into DevOps Pipelines?Twan Koot, Performance Engineer at Sogeti, is answering all these questions. We met him at the last Neotys PAC Event where he gave an in-depth look on metrics and enlightened us all with USE (a method from Netflix’s Brendan Gregg). In our conversation we explain what USE really is, how to apply it and how a good performance engineer needs to understand more than just response time!Links:Twan on linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/twan-koot-a813a8b7/Twan's deck from Neotys PAC - https://www.neotys.com/performance-advisory-council/twan-kootTwans Video at Neotys PAC - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hV8wpkDUtyshttp://www.brendangregg.com/Brendan Gregg's home page - http://www.brendangregg.com/eBPF - https://prototype-kernel.readthedocs.io/en/latest/bpf/BCC - https://iovisor.github.io/bcc/

 Good Performance Engineers Look Behind the Percent Usage Metrics | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2591

Have you ever used USE? Have you ever wondered what differentiates a performance tester from a performance engineer? Want to know how to automate performance engineering into DevOps Pipelines?Twan Koot, Performance Engineer at Sogeti, is answering all these questions. We met him at the last Neotys PAC Event where he gave an in-depth look on metrics and enlightened us all with USE (a method from Netflix’s Brendan Gregg). In our conversation we explain what USE really is, how to apply it and how a good performance engineer needs to understand more than just response time!Links:Twan on linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/twan-koot-a813a8b7/Twan's deck from Neotys PAC - https://www.neotys.com/performance-advisory-council/twan-kootTwans Video at Neotys PAC - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hV8wpkDUtyshttp://www.brendangregg.com/Brendan Gregg's home page - http://www.brendangregg.com/eBPF - https://prototype-kernel.readthedocs.io/en/latest/bpf/BCC - https://iovisor.github.io/bcc/

 Keptn: Shipping and running cloud native apps with Alois Reitbauer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2987

How many different continuous delivery pipelines do you have in your organization? Do you have dedicated teams that keep them up-to-date and constantly extend them with new tool integrations? Have you already built in capabilities for shadow, dark, blue/green or canary deployments? Is auto-mitigation and self-healing already on your internal pipeline roadmap? Sounds like a lot of manual work?Keptn (@keptnProject)– an open source enterprise-grade framework for shipping and running cloud-native applications – is going to eliminate the manual efforts in building, maintaining and extending pipelines. Alois Reitbauer, Head of the Dynatrace Innovation Lab, gives us the background on how keptn evolved, which cloud native best practices are implemented as core capabilities, how to contribute to this project and gives us a glimpse into where the journey is going. Visit the about page and join the community and make sure to deploy keptn on your own Kubernetes clusters by simply following the step-by-step guides.https://keptn.sh/https://twitter.com/keptnProjecthttps://keptn.sh/about/https://keptn.sh/docs/

 Keptn: Shipping and running cloud native apps with Alois Reitbauer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2987

How many different continuous delivery pipelines do you have in your organization? Do you have dedicated teams that keep them up-to-date and constantly extend them with new tool integrations? Have you already built in capabilities for shadow, dark, blue/green or canary deployments? Is auto-mitigation and self-healing already on your internal pipeline roadmap? Sounds like a lot of manual work?Keptn (@keptnProject)– an open source enterprise-grade framework for shipping and running cloud-native applications – is going to eliminate the manual efforts in building, maintaining and extending pipelines. Alois Reitbauer, Head of the Dynatrace Innovation Lab, gives us the background on how keptn evolved, which cloud native best practices are implemented as core capabilities, how to contribute to this project and gives us a glimpse into where the journey is going. Visit the about page and join the community and make sure to deploy keptn on your own Kubernetes clusters by simply following the step-by-step guides.https://keptn.sh/https://twitter.com/keptnProjecthttps://keptn.sh/about/https://keptn.sh/docs/

 083 My career path towards Serverless and what I wish I had known about Lambda with Nicki Klein | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3313

Nicki (@nicki_23) was bored in finance, started to learn .NET development on the side and eventually won 250k at a hackathon she used for her startup. Now she is a “Digital” Technical Evangelist at AWS and spreads her passion about Serverless through twitch and shares her code examples on githubTune in if you want to learn more about which things you should know about Serverless and Lambda. We chat about IAM permissions, timeouts, API Gateway and how a CI/CD Pipeline for Lambdas should look likehttps://twitter.com/nicki_23?lang=enhttps://www.twitch.tv/awshttps://github.com/kneekey23

 083 My career path towards Serverless and what I wish I had known about Lambda with Nicki Klein | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3313

Nicki (@nicki_23) was bored in finance, started to learn .NET development on the side and eventually won 250k at a hackathon she used for her startup. Now she is a “Digital” Technical Evangelist at AWS and spreads her passion about Serverless through twitch and shares her code examples on githubTune in if you want to learn more about which things you should know about Serverless and Lambda. We chat about IAM permissions, timeouts, API Gateway and how a CI/CD Pipeline for Lambdas should look likehttps://twitter.com/nicki_23?lang=enhttps://www.twitch.tv/awshttps://github.com/kneekey23

 082 Adopting Cloud-Native in Enterprises with Priyanka Sharma | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3031

Is Cloud Native just a synonym for Kubernetes? How to make sense of the sea of tools & frameworks that pop up daily? What can we learn from others that made the transformation and most of all: Where do we start?We got answer to all these and many more questions from Priyanka Sharma (@pritianka) – Dir. of Alliances at GitLab and Governing Board Member at CNCF (Cloud Native Computing Foundation). In her work, Priyanka has seen everything from small startups to large enterprises leveraging Cloud Native technology, tools and mindset to build, deploy & run better software faster. She advises to start incrementally and whatever you do in your transformation make sure to always focus on: Visibility (which leads to transparency), Easy of Collaboration (which increases productivity & creativity) and Setting Guardrails (this ensures you stay compliant & avoids common pitfalls).We ended the conversation around the idea of needing “Cloud Native Aware Developers” which can follow best practices or standards such as those promoted by CNCF or OpenSource projects such as keptn.shhttps://twitter.com/pritiankahttps://www.cncf.io/https://keptn.sh/


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