The Art of Charm show

The Art of Charm

Summary: The Art of Charm is where self-motivated people, just like you, come to learn from the company’s coaches about to how to master human dynamics, relationships, and becoming your best self with the help of Johnny and AJ, the company’s founders. Johnny and AJ bring their 11 years of coaching experience from their famous Bootcamps, where they host clients in Los Angeles from all over the world and they share their stories, best practices and themselves on this weekly podcast. Not only does The Art of Charm help everyday people, including active members of the military, learn how to become higher performers, better spouses, partners, and coworkers, they dig deep into human behavior, the science behind it, and demystify what we do and why we do it.

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 779: How To Negotiate With Friends, Build Credibility and Detach From Your Ego with Wil Schroter | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:08:20

In today’s episode we talk with Wil Schroter. Will is a serial entrepreneur who has started 9 companies since 1994 and sold 4 of them to date. He is currently the CEO and founder of, the world's largest startup launch platform. A Word From Our Sponsors Share your vulnerabilities, victories, and questions in our 17,000-member private Facebook group at This is a unique opportunity where everyone — both men and women — celebrate your accountability on the way to becoming the best version of yourself. Register today here! Join the millions of students already learning on Skillshare today with a special offer just for my listeners: Get two months of Skillshare for free. go to Again, go to to start your two months now. That’s Become a member today by going to and you’ll get 50% off your first order with free shipping. That’s to become a member and get 50% automatically taken off your first order with free shipping.   Hiring used to be hard. Multiple job sites, stacks of resumes, a confusing review process. But today, hiring can be easy and you only have to go to one place to get it done: ZipRecruiter is so effective that 4 out of 5 of employers who post on ZipRecruiter get a quality candidate through the site within the first day. Check in with AJ and Johnny! AJ on Instagram Johnny on Instagram The Art of Charm on Instagram The Art of Charm on YouTube

 778: 3 Steps to Make Any Negotiation Bulletproof | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:50:15

Some of the most important decisions in your life involve negotiating with someone more experienced than you, so what can you do today to make sure you are well prepared for every negotiation to come?  What to Listen ForWhat can you do to make sure you’re not shooting yourself in the foot when negotiating?What is the difference between negotiating from a place of cooperation versus position?How are you killing opportunities by negotiating with a competitive mindset and what mindset should you be negotiating with if you want to get the most out of every negotiation?What is the Harvard Negotiation Project and what can you take from it to improve your negotiation skills today?How does pressure work against you in negotiations and what can we do to handle it so it doesn’t have detrimental consequences in the long term?What 3 things are you doing to kill your chances of negotiating a raise?What 3 traits are critical to entering a negotiation that allows for a win-win for all parties involved?What is BATNA and why is your understanding of it crucial if you want to negotiate successfully?How do you develop a bulletproof approach to any negotiation?How do you gain agreement from the other party in a negotiation to decrease the chance of it falling through?When negotiating a raise, what should your first point of agreement be between you and your employer? Negotiating can be both fun and exciting for all parties involved, but it can also be uncomfortable and downright painful. Ideally, we want to avoid the latter, but many of us enter into negotiations from a position that pushes the other party away because we try to come from a place of power and strength. No one wants to be taken advantage of so that is understandable. However, the person we are negotiating with doesn’t want to feel pushed around either, and so a different kind of strength must be used when entering into a negotiation, and that strength comes from a knowledge of what you want as well as what the other person wants. When you do your research and have options, you allow the other party to negotiate with you on what they can offer you versus what you are looking for, rather than saying, “This is what I want and you must give it to me or I’m leaving.” That never ends well for anyone. A Word From Our Sponsors Share your vulnerabilities, victories, and questions in our 17,000-member private Facebook group at This is a unique opportunity where everyone — both men and women — celebrate your accountability on the way to becoming the best version of yourself. Register today here! Hiring used to be hard. Multiple job sites, stacks of resumes, a confusing review process. But today, hiring can be easy and you only have to go to one place to get it done: ZipRecruiter is so effective that 4 out of 5 of employers who post on ZipRecruiter get a quality candidate through the site within the first day. Before you go dropping hundreds of dollars on a pair, you need to check out the wireless earbuds from Raycon! Unlike some of your other wireless options, Raycon earbuds are both stylish and discreet, with no dangling wires or stems. And of course, they don’t just look great. They sound great, too. Go to to get 15% off your order! Clearbanc is changing the way entrepreneurs raise money with equity-free capital. They charge a small flat fee for the capital, and you pay them back using a win-win rev share. If you are doing over ten thousand a month in revenue, find out how you can receive Clearbanc capital by getting your 20-minute term sheet at Resources from this Episode Episode 777: Negotiating: 4 Things You Must Know Harvard Negotiation Project Episode 774: The 3 Most Common Hurdles in Decision Making Check in with AJ and Johnny! AJ on Instagram Johnny on Instagram The Art of Charm on Instagram The Art of Charm on YouTube

 777: Negotiating: 4 Things You Must Know + Why Fighting For The Biggest Slice Doesn't Help | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:06

The thought of negotiating can instill feelings of discomfort in many of us because we associate negotiating with trying to create a win for us and a loss for the person we are negotiating with, but how would that change if you had the knowledge and confidence to come up with a win-win for just about every negotiation you entered into? What to Listen ForWhere do the misconceptions surrounding negotiating come from and how can a few simple changes in perception improve your ability to negotiate?What is Prospect Theory and how does it cause you to miss out on great opportunities?What is Positional Bargaining?How are Positional Bargaining and Anchoring connected and how can the connection lead youWhy will we work harder NOT to lose $100 than we will to earn an extra $100?How can you start improving your negotiating ability today?What is the Harvard Negotiation Project and how can you use your understanding of it to create more win-win negotiations?What are the 4 elements of a negotiation we should look at in order to create a win-win outcome for both parties?What are the boundary conditions of a negotation and how can being aware of them prevent you from losing out on great long term negotiation wins?How does focusing on interests rather than bargaining positions lead to a win-win in negotiations? We often feel uncomfortable with negotiating a better deal for ourselves because we believe a better deal for us means a worse deal for the other person. That belief, however, comes from focusing on each person’s bargaining positions rather than our interests. You can do this by focusing on the other person’s interests and what you can offer them that is of little value to you but could be of great value to them. This way you are able to negotiate a win for yourself now while making the immediate loss for the other person worthwhile because of what you can offer that person in another capacity. For example, if you negotiate a discount on a computer repair by offering to write the business owner a great review and tell your friends about them, you are making that discount a win for you and the business owner. A Word From Our Sponsors Share your vulnerabilities, victories, and questions in our 17,000-member private Facebook group at This is a unique opportunity where everyone — both men and women — celebrate your accountability on the way to becoming the best version of yourself. Register today here! MyBookie is THE place to bet on football every weekend - they have live, in-game betting on every NFL game. They’ve got the most rewarding player perks in the business and for you fantasy guys out there, you can even bet the over/under on how many fantasy points a player will score each game. Go to and double your first deposit using promo code CHARM to activate the offer. Resources from this Episode Episode 774: The 3 Most Common Hurdles in Decision Making, And How to Avoid Them Episode 772: Dan Ariely: How to Defeat Indecision and Regret Episode 694: Becoming High Value  Check in with AJ and Johnny! AJ on Instagram Johnny on Instagram The Art of Charm on Instagram The Art of Charm on YouTube

 776: Eric Weinstein Learns the Art of Charm. Part 2 (Find Your Voice) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:39

Finding your voice as an individual is vital to realizing your potential and building a life that allows you to be the best version of yourself, but what does it mean to find your voice, what steps can you take today to discover it, and why will most people die before ever finding their voice? What to Listen ForHow do you define a successful networking event and what can you do to make your next networking event a success?Why is it important to discover your voice and use it to express your thoughts on a regular basis?What can you do to find your voice in a world where most people die without ever finding theirs?How do you deal with the blowback that comes from voicing your opinions and beliefs that some people inevitably won’t agree with?What hurdles do women face in social situations inside and outside of work and what can you do as a woman to overcome those hurdles so you don’t miss out on countless opportunities?How do you handle the gender dynamic as a woman in a leadership/management position when you want to command respect and authority? The more comfortable you become with who you really are and what you believe, the more likely you are to ruffle feathers and offend people. As your work on realizing your potential, your focus should not be on making sure as many people as possible like you or even agree with your ideas. Your focus should be on nourishing the relationships with those around you who value you as an individual for being who you are and standing firm in your beliefs and values. A Word From Our Sponsors Share your vulnerabilities, victories, and questions in our 17,000-member private Facebook group at This is a unique opportunity where everyone — both men and women — celebrate your accountability on the way to becoming the best version of yourself. Register today here! MyBookie is THE place to bet on football every weekend - they have live, in-game betting on every NFL game. They’ve got the most rewarding player perks in the business and for you fantasy guys out there, you can even bet the over/under on how many fantasy points a player will score each game. Go to and double your first deposit using promo code CHARM to activate the offer. Resources from this Episode 773: Eric Weinstein Meets The Art Of Charm Check in with AJ and Johnny! AJ on Instagram Johnny on Instagram The Art of Charm on Instagram The Art of Charm on YouTube

 775: Your Tough Questions About Decision Making Answered | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:37

The narratives we create for ourselves influence everything from life-changing decisions down to what we eat and how we spend our free time, but what exactly is a narrative and how do you go about creating a positive one that pulls you in the direction you want to go in life? What to Listen ForHow do you justify a career change if you already have the “perfect” job?What is the one thing you take with you every time you leave a job for a new one, and how can you use that to minimize the regret you might feel for leaving a great job?What is a narrative and why are they so influential when it comes to how we think and make decisions?If you feel you are overanalytical, how do you use it as a strength while making sure it doesn’t cripple you in social situations?What can you do to make networking an enjoyable process rather than something you feel like you have to do in order to grow professionally?How do you become more likable as a coworker?Why is likability more important than hard skills when it comes to being promoted in the workplace?What can you do to increase your value if you feel hindered in the dating pool by a disability?What does it mean to hang on to gifts and memorabilia from past relationships and what does it mean to get rid of them?Can you ever truly stop comparing yourself to others or is it human nature? You are what you eat - everything you put in your body either makes you healthier or sicker. The same can be said for your narrative - everything you do either strengthens your narrative or weakens it. For example, if you believe you are not worthy of a promotion at work, you will make decisions every day which strengthen that narrative. However, if you wake up one day and make the choice to believe you are worthy of a promotion, then you can take conscious action to reinforce that narrative by developing positive relationships with your coworkers and supervisors as well as making sure your supervisors know you’re getting the results which make you worthy of the promotion.  Over time your belief in yourself will override the narrative that was holding you back and the new positive, healthier narrative will take its place. A Word From Our Sponsors Share your vulnerabilities, victories, and questions in our 17,000-member private Facebook group at This is a unique opportunity where everyone — both men and women — celebrate your accountability on the way to becoming the best version of yourself. Register today here! Feals is Premium CBD delivered directly to your doorstep. Feals naturally helps reduce stress, anxiety, pain, and sleeplessness. New to CBD? Feals offers a free CBD hotline and text message support to help guide your personal experience. Become a member today by going to and you'll get 50% off your first order with free shipping. Resources from this Episode Episode 772: Dan Ariely: How to Defeat Indecision and Regret Episode 766: Michael Herold on Facing the Impossible and Beating it Check in with AJ and Johnny! AJ on Instagram Johnny on Instagram The Art of Charm on Instagram The Art of Charm on YouTube

 774: The 3 Most Common Hurdles in Decision Making, And How to Avoid Them | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:07

We make decisions throughout every single day of our lives, but only a certain type of decision can lead to regret later on, so how can you identify those decisions before you make them, what can you do to minimize or eliminate any regret they may cause, and what can you do to become a better decision-maker? What to Listen ForWhy are some decisions harder than others and how do those decisions make for good self-development?Why do we feel regret and how can we turn it around to use it as a motivator for action?What is opportunity cost, how does it affect our decision-making ability, and how can we eliminate it?What can you do when you find yourself being indecisive without anyone to turn to for help?If you’re an indecisive person, what one thing can you look at in order to better understand the decisions you should make in the future?What is decision fatigue and what can you do to avoid it so it doesn’t lead you to make the wrong decision with long-lasting consequences?What kinds of decisions lead to regret and what kinds do not, and why?Why is attaching a deadline to a decision so helpful in developing good decision-making habits?Why are we wired for indecision and what simple technique can we do to overcome that biological programming?What is the psychological immune system and how does it work in your favor when it comes to how you regret certain types of decisions?Why does a focus on the outcome (of a decision) versus the process (of making that decision) lead to more regret in life?What are the three hidden pitfalls of striving for ideal outcomes? Life is full of decisions, big and small and everything in between, and the ability to make those decisions is a skill just like any other, which means it can be learned, practiced, and improved upon, but it also means it can atrophy if you are indecisive too often and for too long. Indecisiveness is not a desirable trait - it shows people you are not confident in the path you’re walking through in life and you don’t value your time, because for every decision you don’t make, you are wasting time, the most precious resource any of us has because it’s the only one you can’t get more of. A Word From Our Sponsors Share your vulnerabilities, victories, and questions in our 17,000-member private Facebook group at This is a unique opportunity where everyone — both men and women — celebrate your accountability on the way to becoming the best version of yourself. Register today here! Did you know your teeth move as you get older? Candid - the clear alternative to braces - costs 65% less than braces! Candid has an orthodontist licensed in your state create a treatment plan for you (and Candid only uses experienced orthodontists). You can save thousands of dollars and have straighter, brighter teeth in an average of just six months! Learn more at and use discount code CHARM to get $75 off! Before you go dropping hundreds of dollars on a pair, you need to check out the wireless earbuds from Raycon! Unlike some of your other wireless options, Raycon earbuds are both stylish and discreet, with no dangling wires or stems. And of course, they don’t just look great. They sound great, too. Go to to get 15% off your order! Blinkist gives you access to key insights from 2,500+ bestselling nonfiction books, transformed into powerful packs you can read or listen to in just 15 minutes. Go to to start your free trial or get three months off your yearly plan when you join today. Resources from this Episode Episode 772: Dan Ariely: How to Defeat Indecision and Regret Episode 773: Eric Weinstein Meets The Art Of Charm. Part 1 (Why we need The Portal) Episode 704: The Bad House Guest: Cognitive Distortions Episode 700: The Myth of Perfectionism Episode 754: Steven Hayes on Why Craving Pain is Human Check in with AJ and Johnny! AJ on Instagram Johnny on Instagram The Art of Charm on Instagram The Art of Charm on YouTube

 773: Eric Weinstein Meets The Art Of Charm. Part 1 (Why we need The Portal) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:07:20

Technology has an increasing influence on our lives, but did you know even small concentrated doses, such as working all day on a computer (aka a “tech coma”), can have a significant impact on your ability to interact with other people in healthy? What to Listen ForWhat is Eric Weinstein trying to do with his new podcast and why should you listen to it?What does the world of professional wrestling know about psychology that most psychology professors and researchers don’t?What is the Intellectual Dark Web (IDW) and what can you learn from about how to have a constructive conversation with people you disagree with?How do you break through disinformation when you’re constantly surrounded by “fake news”?How do you draw a boundary with your personal life if you have a life in the public eye?How is immigration being used to transfer wealth from one group to another and why should we restrict it?How do you take a platform’s algorithm into account when deciding where to get your news and information?How can you become a critical consumer of information in an era driven by narratives and algorithms?Are you defenseless in today’s day and age of corporations tasking incredibly smart individuals to do just about anything to get your attention, even if it means complete fabrication of events?How do you approach conversations when you know you’re going to disagree with the other person?What is bad diversity and how does it distract us from having otherwise constructive conversations?What is a tech coma, how do you know if you are in one, and how does it cause atrophy of your social muscles?How can perfectionism hurt the pursuit of your goals and what can you do if you feel you are a perfectionist? As technology continues to permeate our everyday existence, it can be easy to let slip the skills that really matter when it comes to living healthy and happy lives. Humans are social creatures, and we rely on social interaction to bring us some of the most meaningful experiences and emotions while we’re alive. Unfortunately, with the way we have developed various technological systems, we are building walls between each of us while claiming the screens on those walls make us more connected than ever.  A Word From Our Sponsors Share your vulnerabilities, victories, and questions in our 17,000-member private Facebook group at This is a unique opportunity where everyone — both men and women — celebrate your accountability on the way to becoming the best version of yourself. Register today here! Hiring used to be hard. Multiple job sites, stacks of resumes, a confusing review process. But today, hiring can be easy and you only have to go to one place to get it done: ZipRecruiter is so effective that 4 out of 5 of employers who post on ZipRecruiter get a quality candidate through the site within the first day. Clearbanc is changing the way entrepreneurs raise money with equity-free capital. They charge a small flat fee for the capital, and you pay them back using a win-win rev share. If you are doing over ten thousand a month in revenue, find out how you can receive Clearbanc capital by getting your 20-minute term sheet at Resources from this Episode The Portal - a podcast by Eric Weinstein Eric Weinstein on Twitter Eric Weinstein on YouTube News Diffs - Tracking Online News Over Time Episode 772: Dan Ariely: How to Defeat Indecision and Regret Save the Cat! The Last Book on Screenwriting You’ll Ever Need Check in with AJ and Johnny! AJ on Instagram Johnny on Instagram The Art of Charm on Instagram The Art of Charm on YouTube

 772: Dan Ariely: How to Defeat Indecision and Regret | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:09

The harder a decision seems to be for people, the less likely it is that we will spend enough time researching it in order to determine what to do - but why is that, how should we handle the component of time when it comes to waiting to make decisions, and what can you do to eliminate the fear of regret in your life? What to Listen ForWhy do we spend a lot of time researching insignificant decisions and little time researching significant decisions?How can you approach life-changing decisions from a neutral point of view so you can make the decision for the right reasons?How do does action versus inaction affect our likelihood to regret a certain event and how can you change your perspective in order to eliminate regret?How do we take time into account when deciding how much time to spend researching minor and major decisions?What are the three types of decisions and how can your awareness of each one help you to avoid wasting valuable timeWhat is anchoring and how does it affect our decision making as we make decisions that build on one another and how can your awareness of it prevent you from falling into an unhealthy trap?What are market norms and social norms and how do they affect your willingness to oblige someone’s request for help?How do market norms reduce the trust between people and turn relationships into economic transactions? We make decisions that affect our lives every single day. Some decisions are small, some are big, and some are repeated on a regular basis. Unfortunately, we only have so much time to think about these decisions so it can save us a lot of time if we at least understand how to approach each one. Small decisions, like what movie theater to go to or what appetizer to get, should take the least amount of our time since they impact our lives the least, and our time is better spent being present or contemplating more important decisions. Big decisions, like where to live or who to marry, should necessitate more time as they will have lasting effects on our lives. And lastly, decisions that are made regularly, like your morning routine or what to eat each day, should be automated as much as possible to reduce the drain on your willpower so that it can be used for resource-intensive tasks like work, or studying, or solving complex problems in your life. We only have so much time to live - don’t waste it on unimportant issues in your life. A Word From Our Sponsors Share your vulnerabilities, victories, and questions in our 17,000-member private Facebook group at This is a unique opportunity where everyone — both men and women — celebrate your accountability on the way to becoming the best version of yourself. Register today here! Lumen5 is empowering everyone with the ability to create short-form videos in a matter of minutes. You can transform an article, blog post, or text message into a video. Enter your text and the Lumen5 A.I. will help you summarize your content, and automatically match it with videos and photos. Right now Lumen Five has a special offer just for you! Go to and you’ll get 50 percent off your first month. Resources from this Episode Dan Ariely Dan Ariely on Facebook Dan Ariely on Twitter Dan’s podcast Arming the Donkeys Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely The Upside of Irrationality by Dan Ariely The (Honest) Truth About Dishonesty by Dan Ariely Amazing Decisions by Dan Ariely The Art of Charm Bootcamp in Vienna Check in with AJ and Johnny! AJ on Instagram Johnny on Instagram The Art of Charm on Instagram The Art of Charm on YouTube

 771: Dealing with Competition, Codependency and High Value Conversations - Q&A with Erin Muroski | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:56:10

Most of us will never undergo professional training in the world of improve and yet we engage in improv almost every day because life is improv - so why should you consider taking an improv class, how does improv relate to self-development, and how can an improv mindset help you to relax in social situations? What to Listen ForHow do you compete in a place like Hollywood with people who claim to be or do things that they don’t even do?How should you approach a conversation with someone you look up to when meeting for the first time and why is it such a bad idea to be a fanboy/girl in such a situation?What should your mindset be when first meeting someone and what mindset will likely lead to an undesirable outcome?What is the value in learning improv and how does it relate to your path of self-development?Why is it counterproductive to try to be funny in improv?What signs of codependency can you look for early on in a relationship and what can you do to course correct at that point?How can a relationship become codependent and what can you do to prevent it?How do you make people want to be around you or simply notice you?What can you do to make a great first impression?How can you fix a bad first impression?What can you do to be confident without coming across as arrogant?How do you attract people who want the same things you want out of a fling or relationship? Improvisational comedy (aka “improv”) is all about going with the flow, and when it comes to life, it is much easier to use the flow of a river to your advantage rather than trying to swim upstream or control the path of the river itself. And this idea applies directly to the conversations we have with people, especially when first meeting someone. Many of you will want to control the direction of a conversation and make sure you are able to highlight the good things about you and what you’ve done, rather than listen to what the other person says and allow the conversation to flow naturally by asking sincere questions and relating to what they’re saying without domineering the discussion itself. A Word From Our Sponsors Share your vulnerabilities, victories, and questions in our 17,000-member private Facebook group at This is a unique opportunity where everyone — both men and women — celebrate your accountability on the way to becoming the best version of yourself. Register today here! Sun Basket works with the best farms and suppliers to bring you fresh, organic produce and responsibly-sourced meats and seafood. Go to to get up to $80 off. Resources from this Episode Episode 770: Leon Logothetis: Traveling the world relying on kindness Episode 767: How to Master Communication in a Relationship Episode 744: Dating Done Right with Evan Marc Katz Episode 705: Don’t Try to Be Funny - The Art of Improv Erin Muroski Erin Muroski on Facebook Erin Muroski on Twitter Erin Muroski on Instagram Final Rose Material - Erin’s podcast Check in with AJ and Johnny! AJ on Instagram Johnny on Instagram The Art of Charm on Instagram The Art of Charm on YouTube

 770: Leon Logothetis: Traveling the World Relying on Kindness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:53:29

Kindness costs you nothing but can change someone’s life forever, even your own - but how do we even define kindness, what does it mean to be genuinely kind, and how can a simple act of kindness have such lasting effects on the people around us? What to Listen ForHow do you deal with possible regrets when you make major life-changing decisions?What is the Kindness Diaries and what inspired Leon Logothetis to start his quest for kindness?How do you deal with the pushback that comes from close friends and family when you decide to leave a stable job to pursue your dreams?What was it like for Leon Logothetis to approach a stranger for the first time and how has his approach evolved over time?How can you use body language to allow strangers to feel comfortable talking to you when approaching them in the middle of the day?How does Leon Logothetis choose who he’s going to approach and who he wants to avoid?Are kindness and generosity universal or does it vary by culture?What was Leon Logothetis’s favorite life-changing moment from the show and what did it teach him?How does Leon Logothetis define kindness and what advice does he have for those of us struggling to be kinder in our day to day lives?How can you work on being kind if you’ve been taken advantage of in the past?How can you be kind and strong at the same time so you don’t get taken advantage of? As Leon Logothetis put it, “Kindness is helping someone else feel less alone.” Loneliness is a feeling we can all relate to, as we have all felt it at one time or another, and many of us feel it regularly in a world where people are feeling increasingly isolated and disconnected from one another and their communities. Kindness can help to rectify that, even if it means one small act of kindness each day.  A Word From Our Sponsors Share your vulnerabilities, victories, and questions in our 17,000-member private Facebook group at This is a unique opportunity where everyone — both men and women — celebrate your accountability on the way to becoming the best version of yourself. Register today here! Before you go dropping hundreds of dollars on a pair, you need to check out the wireless earbuds from Raycon! Unlike some of your other wireless options, Raycon earbuds are both stylish and discreet, with no dangling wires or stems. And of course, they don’t just look great. They sound great, too. Go to to get 15% off your order! Did you know your teeth move as you get older? Candid - the clear alternative to braces - costs 65% less than braces! Candid has an orthodontist licensed in your state create a treatment plan for you (and Candid only uses experienced orthodontists). You can save thousands of dollars and have straighter, brighter teeth in an average of just six months! Learn more at and use discount code CHARM to get $75 off! Sun Basket works with the best farms and suppliers to bring you fresh, organic produce and responsibly-sourced meats and seafood. Go to to get up to $80 off. Resources from this Episode Episode 769: Laura Heck: avoid these 4 behaviors in any relationship The Kindness Diaries on Netflix Go Be Kind by Leon Logothetis Check in with AJ and Johnny! AJ on Instagram Johnny on Instagram The Art of Charm on Instagram The Art of Charm on YouTube

 769: Laura Heck: AVOID These 4 Behaviors in Any Relationship | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:53:48

The majority of issues we face in relationships can be boiled down to 4 types of behaviors we exhibit. So what are they? How do you identify which ones you exhibit, and what can you do to deal with them in yourself, your partner, friends, family members, and coworkers before they fall apart? What to Listen ForHow did the Gottman Institute get started?How much overlap is there between the issues married couples face versus friends, coworkers, and family members and what can we learn from the overlap?What are the biggest issues typically seen in newlyweds and couples first moving in together?What is implied when you stand up at the altar to say, “I do” and what should a conversation about those implications revolve around?What 3 questions should you ask yourself before entering into a couples therapy situation and how do you use these questions to make sure both of you are on the same page when it comes to expectations?What are the 4 problem behaviors that come up in relationships and why is it important to identify YOUR problem behavior before calling out your partner’s?Why is it a bad idea to see a therapist without your partner if you’re having relationship issues?How do relationship problems express themselves through our emotional, mental, and physical well being?How do you deal with criticism whether it’s coming from yourself or your partner?What is the difference between complaining and blaming, and why is one ok and the other is not?How do you deal with defensiveness in a relationship?How can you develop patience when it comes to your partner’s development since we all grow at different speeds?What questions can you ask your partner to show your support for their development and assist in it (if they want you to)? Relationships are a two-way street, so the issues we face while in relationships are a result of one person’s actions and the other’s reactions. This is not to say that one person is always acting and the other is reacting, but when attempting to tackle issues you have in your relationships, you must acknowledge your role in that issue. The responsibility does not fall 100% on you or the other person, but is shared between the two of you. This applies to romantic relationships, platonic relationships, professional relationships, and familial relationships. A Word From Our Sponsors Share your vulnerabilities, victories, and questions in our 17,000-member private Facebook group at This is a unique opportunity where everyone — both men and women — celebrate your accountability on the way to becoming the best version of yourself. Register today here! SAXX Underwear’s patented BallPark Pouch is a game-changer! They have internal mesh panels that keep everything in place, and they're made with super-soft, moisture-wicking fabrics, allowing our boys to breathe and even repel B.O.! Go to SAXX Underwear at and use the discount code CHARM at checkout to get $5 off – PLUS free shipping on your first purchase! Blinkist gives you access to key insights from 2,500+ bestselling nonfiction books, transformed into powerful packs you can read or listen to in just 15 minutes. Go to to start your free trial or get three months off your yearly plan when you join today. Hiring used to be hard. Multiple job sites, stacks of resumes, a confusing review process. But today, hiring can be easy and you only have to go to one place to get it done: ZipRecruiter is so effective that 4 out of 5 of employers who post on ZipRecruiter get a quality candidate through the site within the first day. Resources from this Episode YouTube: Making Relationships Work | Dr. Gottman The Gottman Institute Marriage Therapy Radio Podcast Check in with AJ and Johnny! AJ on Instagram Johnny on Instagram The Art of Charm on Instagram The Art of Charm on YouTube

 768: How to set boundaries that set you free | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:48:30

Establishing boundaries can feel intimidating if you’ve never successfully set them before, so why are they so important when it comes to maintaining healthy relationships? Why does a lack of boundaries often lead to undesirable outcomes? What formula can you follow to start setting boundaries today? We’ll answer all those questions this episode. What to Listen ForWhat is causing most of the problems in your communication and how can you become more aware of them?Why is it important to set boundaries early on and how do you set boundaries respectfully?How can you be more proactive in dealing with conflict?Who is more likely to win in arguments and why does it not matter in the way you might think it does?What is the best way to approach someone who refuses to acknowledge clearly defined boundaries?Why does a lack of boundaries lead to resentment?How does too much freedom in a relationship lead to you feeling miserable?Why is it important to have clearly defined boundaries between home and work if you don’t have a dedicated work space and how can a lack of boundaries be detrimental to your productivity and your personal relationships?How can you be assertive without coming across as disrespectful?What formula can you follow to establish clear boundaries in your relationships and how can you make it a respectful cooperative effort? Setting boundaries in a relationship can feel like you are telling someone how to act - but in reality, setting and enforcing healthy boundaries allows you to be comfortable being yourself while communicating who you are and who you want to be to the people you care about. We all have different definitions of what it means to treat someone well and respect their time, so if you don’t communicate YOUR definition of what that is, don’t assume people can read it directly from your mind. A Word From Our Sponsors Share your vulnerabilities, victories, and questions in our 17,000-member private Facebook group at This is a unique opportunity where everyone — both men and women — celebrate your accountability on the way to becoming the best version of yourself. Register today here! SAXX Underwear’s patented BallPark Pouch is a game-changer! They have internal mesh panels that keep everything in place, and they're made with super-soft, moisture-wicking fabrics, allowing our boys to breathe and even repel B.O.! Go to SAXX Underwear at and use the discount code CHARM at checkout to get $5 off – PLUS free shipping on your first purchase! Sun Basket works with the best farms and suppliers to bring you fresh, organic produce and responsibly-sourced meats and seafood. Go to to get up to $80 off. Resources from this Episode Episode 767: How to master communication in a relationship Episode 725: Boost Your Emotional Intelligence w/ Michael Ventura Check in with AJ and Johnny! AJ on Instagram Johnny on Instagram The Art of Charm on Instagram The Art of Charm on YouTube

 767: How to master communication in a relationship | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:53:54

Relationships are a two-way street, but when it comes to communication it’s important to understand people have a variety of preferences when it comes to how love and affection are given and received, so what are those preferences, how can you identify what someone’s preferences are, and how can you implement all of this information to build new relationships and strengthen existing ones? What to Listen ForWhat can you do to strengthen the relationships in your life?What can you do if you think you’re a great listener but people around you keep complaining about you not listening?Why is it a recipe for disaster to look for someone to complete you and what should you be looking for instead?What are the Five Languages of Appreciation and how can you pick the best one for each of your relationships?What are the three parts of communication and how does your awareness of each part help to mitigate miscommunication?How do you identify the love languages of family, friends, and coworkers?Why are openness and vulnerability mandatory when it comes to figuring out the love languages of the people in your life?What little signals can you pay attention to so you can get an idea for how your loved ones communicate? In order to deepen the connections we have with the people around us, it’s important to understand how the people around us prefer to be treated. Just because you view the giving and receiving of affection one way, doesn’t mean everyone else does as well. Some people prefer to show their appreciation through words, some prefer to show it through gifts, and some prefer the spending of quality time together - and that’s just to name a few. A Word From Our Sponsors Share your vulnerabilities, victories, and questions in our 17,000-member private Facebook group at This is a unique opportunity where everyone — both men and women — celebrate your accountability on the way to becoming the best version of yourself. Register today here! Hiring used to be hard. Multiple job sites, stacks of resumes, a confusing review process. But today, hiring can be easy and you only have to go to one place to get it done: ZipRecruiter is so effective that 4 out of 5 of employers who post on ZipRecruiter get a quality candidate through the site within the first day. Lumen5 is empowering everyone with the ability to create short-form videos in a matter of minutes. You can transform an article, blog post, or text message into a video. Enter your text and the Lumen5 A.I. will help you summarize your content, and automatically match it with videos and photos. Right now Lumen Five has a special offer just for you! Go to and you’ll get 50 percent off your first month. Resources from this Episode Episode 719 Why Emotional Connection Makes or Breaks a Relationship The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace by Gary Chapman The 5 Love Languages of Children by Gary Chapman Learn Your Love Language with this Quiz Check in with AJ and Johnny! AJ on Instagram Johnny on Instagram The Art of Charm on Instagram The Art of Charm on YouTube

 766: Michael Herold on living a full life when the odds are stacked against you | Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:51:41

Personal transformation is a long and arduous process, but we all have to start somewhere, so how do you know when it’s time to make such a drastic change, what can you do to stop from feeling overwhelmed in the beginning, and how do you know when it’s time to graduate from one step to the next? What to Listen ForWhy is making a list important in accomplishing your goals?What can you do to deal with the fear of public speaking?What simple exercises can you do right now to expand your comfort zone?How did Michael Herold get his start as a public speaker and coach?What steps should you take when starting out as a public speaker to make sure you feel ready on stage?Where can you get practice as a public speaker if you don’t have a coach and you’re not taking classes?How can you be more appreciative of your significant other after you two settle into the comfort stage of the relationship?How important is it to set aside time for one another when you’re in a relationship?What steps can you take to alleviate feeling overwhelmed when you embark on a journey of self-improvement?How are confidence and competence related when you’re working on your social skills?If your social skills feel rusty, what simple step can you take today to start improving?What can you do to overcome feeling burned out? For many, embarking on a journey of personal transformation comes after life punches you in the face - that could mean getting fired from a job, getting kicked out of school, going through the end of a relationship, or losing a loved one, just to name a few. But why does it take such a jarring event to motivate us to improve? Because transformation is difficult and painful, so to be willing to make a drastic change in yourself means the pain of staying the same must outweigh the pain of change. If you don’t feel the pain of your current situation, then what are the chances you’re going to choose to endure significant pain over a long period of time to change the situation you’re in? A Word From Our Sponsors Share your vulnerabilities, victories, and questions in our 17,000-member private Facebook group at This is a unique opportunity where everyone — both men and women — celebrate your accountability on the way to becoming the best version of yourself. Register today here! Manscaped is #1 in men’s below the belt grooming.  Manscaped offers precision engineered tools for manscaping with the right tool for the job. Get 20% Off, Free Shipping, and a free travel bag with the discount code CHARM at Your balls will thank you! Vistaprint wants you to be able to “Own the Now” in any situation, which is why our listeners will get 500 high-quality, custom business cards starting at $9.99. Use discount code CHARM at Sun Basket works with the best farms and suppliers to bring you fresh, organic produce and responsibly-sourced meats and seafood. Go to to get up to $80 off. Resources from this Episode Michael Herold - Speaker and Coach Michael Herold on Facebook 762: 3 Signs That it’s Time for Change | Transformation Toolbox 1 763: Had Enough Pain, Yet? | Toolbox 2 764: Brett Bartholomew on why drive matters more than motivation and secrets to peak performance 765: Parents, Part 2: Warren Farrell on The Boy Crisis and Dad Deprivation Check in with AJ and Johnny! AJ on Instagram Johnny on Instagram The Art of Charm on Instagram The Art of Charm on YouTube

 765: Parents, Part 2: Warren Farrell on The Boy Crisis and Dad Deprivation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:45:40

The role of the father in raising children is often downplayed in society, but what do fathers bring to the table that mothers do not, why does the absence of a father have such long-lasting effects, and what steps can we take today to be there for our children? What to Listen ForWhat is dad deprivation and what role does it play as a child is growing up?What is the purpose void and why is it more important now that more children are growing up without a father?What are the two primary purposes in a man’s life and how has the development of society made it more difficult for men to feel fulfilled in either one?How does porn become addictive to young men and how does it shift the way men view women, sex, and relationships?What are the primary differences between mom-style parenting and dad-style parenting?What is the single biggest predictor of success and how do you teach it to children?How do you teach postponement of gratification to children and why is it so important to building the life you want?What is the difference between being aggressive and being assertive?What can you do to reverse ADHD?What role do family dinner nights have in a child’s development and what 5 things can you do to make those family dinners constructive rather than destructive?What steps can we take today to improve as parents? The father in many shows and movies seems to be there just for comic relief by being a hardass or totally incompetent while the mother is portrayed as “the real parent.” But the father’s role in raising kids is significantly more important than we tend to give it credit for. As Warren Farrell stated, “Children who have father involvement are far less likely to be obese, far less likely to have ADHD, far less likely to do worse in every single academic area, and far less likely to be depressed or commit suicide.” And those are just a few of the effects that a good father has on his kids. It’s crucial there be a balance of masculine and feminine influence in a child’s life in order for that child to grow into a well-rounded human being able to handle the ups and downs and twists and turns of life. It is the tension created by the difference between the parents that allows their children to find a happy medium that works for who they are. A Word From Our Sponsors Share your vulnerabilities, victories, and questions in our 17,000-member private Facebook group at This is a unique opportunity where everyone — both men and women — celebrate your accountability on the way to becoming the best version of yourself. Register today here! SAXX Underwear’s patented BallPark Pouch is a game-changer! They have internal mesh panels that keep everything in place, and they're made with super-soft, moisture-wicking fabrics, allowing our boys to breathe and even repel B.O.! Go to SAXX Underwear at and use the discount code CHARM at checkout to get $5 off – PLUS free shipping on your first purchase! Resources from this Episode Warren Farrell’s website Why Men Are the Way They Are by Warren Farrell The Myth of Male Power by Warren Farrell The Boy Crisis by Warren Farrell Check in with AJ and Johnny! AJ on Instagram Johnny on Instagram The Art of Charm on Instagram The Art of Charm on YouTube


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