Pulling Back the Curtain show

Pulling Back the Curtain

Summary: How are women like us actually living up to the pressure to balance everything? To have it together physically, emotionally, and financially. The truth is, most of us don't. Perfection is a myth we all fail. While raising babies and growing seven figure businesses online, I spent years helping women look at these three areas in their life: being strong physically, emotionally, and financially. But how does someone learn to actually do that? This podcast is here to give you the answer. Join me as I pull back the curtain and talk about things that nobody usually talks about. Where I share my real, raw stories and give you tangible strategies on ways you can work through some of the same vulnerable issues we all face. My name is Natalie Hodson and welcome to the Pulling Back the Curtain Podcast.


 What To Do If You Have a Narcissist In Your Life Pt. 1 | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 37:20

“A narcissist will burn down your house to warm up their hands.” Someone who has a complete lack of empathy for others, who thinks very highly of oneself, needing admiration and believing others are inferior. So many of you guys say that listening to my podcast makes you feel like you are sitting around having a glass of wine with a girlfriend...so that’s what we did here! We sat around a table, shared our experiences, and what we have learned from them. This is part one of two!

 CONFESSION... I Failed at #75Hard | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 16:34

Today’s podcast is a little bit of a confessional...if you haven’t listened to my last podcast about #75Hard you should listen to that one first. But, long story short I slipped up on #75Hard, and on this program when you mess up you go back to Day 1. I give all the details of what happened, what I learned from it, and how I’m going to work through it all on today’s podcast.

 Ask Me Anything | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 28:06

I just recorded an “Ask Me Anything” style podcast where I took your guys’ questions and answered them in more detail than I can provide anywhere else! Questions like: -Kids -Feeling worthy in your business and personal life -Self Confidence -Long Distance Relationships -Are you still doing #75hard? -What quick and healthy breakfasts do I eat? -Thoughts on the Keto diet? -Update on your health? -Unsupportive Spouses -Entrepreneurship -Fitness/ Health -Hunting and gardening And MORE

 Secret Prepper | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 17:34

Have you ever heard me joke (but I’m not really joking) that I’m a secret prepper?  Like….a doomsday type-prepper lol. In today’s podcast, I share some fun stories about growing up that helped me lean towards this lifestyle, the benefits of growing your own food, what kinds of things you can grow to (for example) reduce fever, get rid of toothache, or how to build a backyard brick oven with bricks if you had no electricity, and then I share my best tips on how to get started if you are interested.

 THIS Is What You Need To Do, If You Want To Make a Change In Your Life... | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 20:27

I decided to commit to an extreme #75hard challenge that I saw @andyfrisella start. It’s tough and it’s intense, and it isn’t a physical transformation challenge but rather a mental transformation challenge. I was amped up when I listened to his podcast, and intrigued by the idea of using this challenge to create mental toughness. In today’s podcast, I share a little bit more insight into why I decided to do this and the things that you MUST do if you want to make a big change in your life.

 Vulnerability Hangover | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 16:31

In last week’s podcast, I shared a lot of things I haven’t really talked about publicly before.  I still kept parts of the story out that I felt like weren’t my story to tell, but I shared my experience through my own lens.  As soon as the podcast went live, I almost instantly felt like I was standing naked on stage. Like my story was out there for everyone to see. Today, I talk about the aftermath of sharing in today’s podcast, and a few tips for how to handle this when you go through it too.

 How To Cope With a Family Member Who Has Hurt You... | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 33:49

What some of you guys may or may not know, is that growing up my mom was in and out of prison a large majority of my life.  I wanted to talk about this in this podcast, because even if you haven’t experienced a loved one going to prison, I think most of us have at least one dysfunctional family member in our life and can relate in some way. I spend the first half sharing my story, and the second half talking about ways I’ve learned to cope and move past a lot of the past trauma I experienced as a child

 Vulnerability and Mario Kart | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 17:13

“Imperfections are not inadequacies. They are reminders that we are all in this together.” One of my favorite quotes from Brene Brown. In this podcast, I share how this concept has helped strengthen my relationships with my friends, my kids, and in my business. I was at an event in the Bahamas a few weeks ago and I taught this concept and related it to my favorite Nintendo game: Mario Kart! I share it all in this podcast, hope you love it!

 When Being "Just a Mom" Wasn't Making Me Happy Anymore (The Backstory of How My Business Got Started) | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 28:41

Even though I loved being a mom, I still wanted something that was “my own” outside of just changing diapers and making school lunches. Fast forward a few years later, and I was able to build a multi-million dollar online business, but it didn’t just happen overnight. In fact, I would argue that it was all the failures and experiences that happened along the way that prepared me to run the company I have now. In today’s podcast, I go over the “backstory” to where my business is at now!

 Dating 101 Pt. 2 With Dustin Olson | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 28:15

Part 2 of our Dating 101 podcast was released today! Part 1 was so popular! In this Part 2 episode @dustinolson21 and I go over: -Dopamine effect of new romances -Setting proper expectations -Ghosting -Guy code -Difference between connection vs attachment and more! We laughed a lot, I told some of my more recent painful dating experiences, and we both shared stories.

 Dating 101 Pt. 1 With Dustin Olson | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 31:20

In my "Sex After Divorce" episode, so many of you responded and said you would love to hear a similar conversation from a guys point of view! I brought on one of my good guy friends, Dustin Olson. We chatted for so long we had to break his podcast into two parts. In Part 1, we go over Dating 101 questions like: -red flags from a guy’s point of view -our worst first date experiences -how to figure out what you want in a partner -dating apps and will you find your soul mate on one?

 Mom Guilt | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 17:23
 How to Use Habits To Build Confidence and Success with Amy Ledin | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 36:54

I had so much fun recording this podcast with my friend Amy Ledin, she is somebody that I have personally learned so much from and I've implemented so many of the tips that she shares into my own personal life. I wanted to introduce her to you guys because everything that she teaches about habits and discipline has seriously helped me so much. I know you guys are going to love this podcast. xo Natalie 

 Losing A Spouse to Suicide: Grief, Military Families, and Single Parenting with Andrew Coussens | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 40:10

Andrew Coussens was getting ready for his 22nd deployment when he found out his wife had taken her life.  Instantly, he became a single dad to his three young kids and had to figure out his “new normal” as he coped with grief, an entirely new day-to-day life, and parenting solo.  I had him on my podcast to talk about his new book “A Failed State” which is a fiction book that parallels his own experience with the military, the dynamic of deployment and how that impacts families, and more. - Na

 How To Build an Unshakable Love Even If Your Partner Isn't On Board with Stacey Martino | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 39:39

With Valentine's Day right around the corner, I have brought on one of my good friends, Stacey Martino, who is a relationship expert, and we dive deep into some of the messy topics around why marriages struggle and how you can build an unshakeable love in your marriage. I hope you guys love this podcast. I know you're going love Stacey and I can't wait to hear what you think. Visit Stacey at RelationshipBreakthroughSecrets.com xo Natalie 


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