The Small Magic Podcast show

The Small Magic Podcast

Summary: SMALL MAGIC was actually born out of the 2016 election cycle. I realized that I didn’t like all the boxes people were being put into and I didn’t like all the separation that was happening around me. From Islamaphobia to Black Lives Matter, there was more and more of that “us” against “them” feeling and no one was doing anything about it. I’m determined to change that and the world around me. And SMALL MAGIC is the vehicle I choose to use to do so.


 Interview with Dr. April Murdaugh | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:27

Dr. April Murdaugh will tell you she's blessed. She has lost a husband, been divorced, had her children live with their father, had credit problems among other things. She has been through it. All through it she knew she wanted to something more and she never lost sight of that. Listen to the story of April's journey from homelessness to today where she has a doctorate and a thriving business. AND especially listen to how she helps others avoid financial ruin.

 Magic Minutes- Lisa Demmi Take 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 08:31

Today's episode is me talking again. This week it's my thoughts on comparison, authenticity and social media. AND I issue a challenge to you!  If you have a story of your own or know of someone making an impact in their community, email Lisa at or submit your story at The Small Magic Podcast. Now go out and make your own MAGIC!

 Magic Minutes- Community First! Village | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 04:19

In Austin, Texas they have a unique way of dealing with their homeless population. Community First! Village is a Master Plan community that covers approximately 27 acres and provides housing, among other things, for their local homeless population. Listen in to hear more details! If you have a story of your own or know of someone making an impact in their community, email Lisa at or submit your story at The Small Magic Podcast. Now go out and make your own MAGIC!

 Interview with Ricky Sailor of Unsigned Preps | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:21

Ricky Sailor is a very special guy. He founded & has been running an organization called Unsigned Preps for some time now. The organization is built on positioning exposure, education, community service and consulting as the keys to effectively producing well-rounded student-athletes that flourish on college campuses. Unsigned Preps has a 100% high school graduation rate & currently, they have 50, soon to be 101, kids that have graduated from college.

 Interview with Liz M. Lopez of Captivate Your Audience | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:21

Liz M. Lopez is a Speaker, Trainer and Businesswoman in the Tampa Bay area. She's also an impact maker. At Captivate Your Audience, Liz changes lives every day directly working with businesses and individuals who need help with their resumes, LinkedIn and so much more. Liz is 1/2 of the ownership for the Keystone Mastermind Alliance. Along with Tracie Thompson, they have created an active networking environment where professionals of all backgrounds can connect, learn, and thrive. 

 Magic Minutes with Nasir Sobhani | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 03:53

You know how you feel when you get a haircut? You strut a little. You feel more confident. Now, imagine you're homeless & haircuts are a luxury that you don't even consider. What if someone came a long and gave you a haircut and shave, made you feel a little pampered & reminded you that you're not invisible. That's what Nasir Sobhani does. He's known as the Streets Barber & he makes homeless people feel a little less invisible and gives them the push they need to possibly change their lives.

 Interview with John Robinson of Post 9/11 Veterans | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:26

John Robinson is the Co-Founder and President of Post 9/11 Veterans and a former Marine. He, along with Marc Wolfson and a diverse Board of Directors and Advisory Board have put together one of the most unique and impactful veteran-centric organizations in the Tampa Bay area. They serve other Post 9/11 veterans in many ways whether it be providing them with financial direction, bridge loans for education or simply giving them a mission and a reason to feel like they're part of a unit again!

 Magic Minutes- Trio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 07:25

Today's episode is more like three mini magic minutes. Three stories all hinging on a person or group of people doing something without agenda to help someone that they don't know. This is Small Magic in it purest form. Not too much commentary necessary here. I think the stories speak for themselves. If you have a story of your own or know of someone making an impact in their community, email Lisa at or submit your story at The Small Magic Podcast.

 Interview with Tyler McMahon of "I Love Seminole Heights" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:39

Five years ago, Tyler McMahon moved into a community called Seminole Heights. He noticed that his new neighborhood wasn't getting as much attention as others & decided to do something about it. He created "I Love Seminole Heights," a Facebook page, in order to get more exposure for local businesses who were & still are locally owned, to advocate for the community at large regarding transportation and land use issues, and to serve as a type of virtual newspaper for the members of the community. 

 Magic Minutes with Fill My Basket | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 05:51

Imagine having to choose between feeding your family and pretty much anything else. Now, imagine someone coming up behind you and paying your entire grocery bill.  Fill My Basket was started by Matthew Danuser and some of his friends when they pooled together $55 of their personal money along with a handful of money raised through social media and they started picking random families and people to pay for their groceries. Ask for money to buy groceries for random people. Impact made.

 Interview with Sarah Llanos of FitCity CrossFit | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:06

Some of you know that the whole Small Magic journey started with me stepping into a CrossFit gym about a year and a half ago. I didn't know at the time that that act would be a game changer for me and trigger so many good things in my life. Listen in on this conversation for some talk of CrossFit but also mind set, strength and vulnerability. It could be just the push you need to do something good for yourself.

 Magic Minutes- Alex in Arkansas | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 03:35

Alex is a little boy in Arkansas. He's a bit different and because of that, Alex gets bullied at school. So much so he doesn't want to go. Alex's friends didn't like that and decided to do something about it. This is the story of Alex, bikers and acceptance. If you have a story that you want to share, please email Lisa at or submit your story at The Small Magic Podcast. Now go out there and be MAGIC!

 Lisa Just Talking From The Heart | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:13

So today's episode is a little different than usual. I did tell you that from time to time I would jump in a share some Small Magic that I saw going on in the world. Today, it's about mind set and people who have been supporting me. I hope you get some insight out of it and that it helps you get to a place that's a little more than you were yesterday. As always, thanks for listening and I hope this inspires you to create your own Small Magic!

 Magic Minute- Denis Estimon and We Dine Together | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 04:40

High school is hard for most kids, let alone if you're different and Denis Estimon knows that all too well. He is a Haitian immigrant who came to the US when he was in first grade and he knows first hand what it's like to be different and feel alone.  Denis has since graduated from high school but while he was there, he created something pretty special, "We Dine Together." Listen here to hear the story of Denis and "We Dine Together." For more information, go to

 Interview with Beth Ross of Blanket Tampa Bay | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:48

We're Floridians so Blankets aren't something we need often...unless the temperature gets below 70 degrees and then we're all freezing. BUT, we have blankets at our fingertips if we do want them. Not everyone has that luxury and Beth Ross didn't like it. Beth Ross will tell you that she's an ordinary person, a mom, a wife, a daughter. Beth forgets to mention that she has saved lives before. Listen to Beth's story and see how she started Blanket Tampa Bay and find out where they're headed next.


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