WebDevRadio show


Summary: Topics, tools and tips for web application developers, including testing strategies, upcoming conferences, interviews with developers, seo techniques, optimization tip and more.

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 Episode 108: New Ruby, Regex and my Framework Security Rant(tm) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Ruby 2 was just released, and the new 'refinements' feature presents some interesting challenges for JRuby and just about anyone wanting to read Ruby code.  Brief chat about the regex security affecting Rails back in January, but more broadly speaking, what does this say about regex in general?  Should we embrace it, or find better alternatives?  Finally, I've got a new blog post up about web framework security - why do (almost) no web frameworks ship with security baked-in? Links: http://michaelkimsal.com/blog/why-do-no-almost-no-web-frameworks-come-with-any-authenticationauthorization-functionality/ Ruby stuff: http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/news/2013/02/24/ruby-2-0-0-p0-is-released/ http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=5273498 Malloc stuff: http://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/18zija/github_got_30_better_performance_using_tcmalloc/  

 Episode 107: Testing Talk with Paul Merrill | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:47

I got a chance to chat with Paul about some of his experiences as a testing consultant, recommended tools, war stories and more.  Have a listen :) Paul is with Beaufort Fairmont, a testing consulting firm in North Carolina.

 Episode 106: Freelancing interview with Matchist.com founders | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:47

I got a chance to speak with Stella Feyman and Tim Jahn about their new service Matchist, which serves as a matchmaking service focused on the needs of freelancers. Forgive the slight hiss on my audio - I could not determine the source.

 Episode 105: Font tools, design thoughts, parallel deployment, and my Florida road trip | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:23:11

Hello all from sunny Florida :) Recently discovered jquery validation plugin only 6 years too late, and have found some tools that work in conjunction with it, including Pajama, a PHP library. Also have some links to font combination articles and tools, and have recently been using "parallel deployment" in Tomcat 7.

 Episode 104: A few infrastructure services and version control | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:14

I've found a couple of neat infrastructure services recently and hope you find them interesting and useful. Also... what's the deal with solo developers not using version control?

 Episode 103: pgmodeler, doppio and some Windows 8 thoughts | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:20

doppio is a JVM written in CoffeeScript. Yes, really. There's a new PostgreSQL data modeler tool out that looks pretty cool, and I recently attended a developer-focused Windows 8 app writing bootcamp, and have some thoughts on that to share with you. Don't forget - indieconf is coming up in November - register today!

 Episode 102: My dumb mistake | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:25:30

I made a pretty dumb mistake which I share with you, to help you avoid dumb mistakes in the future, and there's a few cool libraries I've come across recently. Lastly, our indieconf registration is open - register today :)

 Episode 101 - rambling lessons learned | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:38:08

I had a couple epiphanies recently that I share in this episode, and found a couple new/cool webdev things in the past few weeks.

 Episode 100 - 7 years and counting! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:27

Happy birthday to wdr! 100 episodes in only 7 years! :) Topics include - plivo, a new VOIP/SMS SaaS; some ramblings on PHP framework support for legacy PHP versions, sparked by a recent CakePHP posting; some cool tools/sites I've stumbled on recently, and a call for papers for the upcoming indieconf conference for web freelancers.

 Episode 99 - codestock, mojolive, catchup, ndas and more | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:57

A couple of catchup notes on my development life, a recent run-in with someone requesting an NDA, and a new mailing group for webdevradio listeners, an exclusive invite code for mojolive.com and more :)

 Episode 98: Dino and Richard - tech bigotry | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:36

Discussion with Richard Campbell from DotNetRocks and Dino Gambone about technical bigotry. Initially kicked off with comment from Dino about lack of respect for dot net developers, but it touched on the wider topic of tribalism, bigotry and condescension between developer camps. Hopefully you'll find the discussion as interesting as I did.

 Episode 97: Mass assignment, vulnerabilities and fun fun fun | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:32

Lots of small bits in this one - a lot of vulnerabilities on my mind this month - links in the show notes. Some are platform specific, some are just general "good practices", but all are still problems in 2012. Jetbrains has products on sale for 30% off until April 16 - PHPStorm, Intellij, RedMine, and more. Yahoo open sources Mojito, and the Beach Boys are back together! Name the song at the end of the podcast and win a JSMag PDF of your choice! Email your guess to michael@jsmag.com

 Episode 96: Group announcements and a bit more | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:56

Couple of group announcements. If you're a freelancer looking to join a web freelancer support group, visit http://webdevradio.com/freelance. PHP 5.4 was released with some cool new features. I'm travelling some more, but will be back sooner than last time! :)

 Episode 95: Jeff Carouth at ZendCon 2011 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:38:16

Sorry to be so late posting this. I chatted with Jeff Carouth about his day to day worklife as a PHP guy (among other things) at Texas A and M. Learn the A and M mascot name, Jeff's favorite design pattern, and more :)

 Episode 94: Keith Casey Interview from Zendcon 2011 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:32:52

I got a chance to sit down with (the legend) Keith Casey. Keith's well known in the PHP community with his web2project project (among other things) and is now poised to be a greater force in the worlds of Twilio and the Austin tech scene. Volume is a little quiet here, so turn it up to hear Keith's words of wisdom :)


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