Strawberry Letter show

Strawberry Letter

Summary: If you have an issue that you'd like The Steve Harvey Morning Show to consider for on air discussion and guidance, you may submit your issue in the form of a "Strawberry Letter." Your Strawberry Letter may range from personal topics, career decisions, marriage issues, dating issues, social problems, family problems, money matters, religious interests or any other life topics.

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 I Need It And I Need It Now | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:13:32

Dear Steve and Shirley, I've been with my man for two years and we have lived together for the past year. We have a really good relationship but there's one problem. He will not have any kind of sexual relations with me and this has been going on since we started living together. He says he wants to wait until we are married but he has not even proposed. We're not at that point in our relationship yet. He told me that when God puts it in his heart, he will ask me to marry him. When we first started dating we had sex all of the time. I am 56 years old and he is 60 years old and I think it's a little late in life for him to be practicing celibacy..........

 I'm A Star But My Friends Say I Suck | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:15

Dear Steve and Shirley, I'm 49 years old, but I look 30, praise the Lord! I'm an entertainer by nature. I love life and I celebrate it every day. I'm high energy, and always the life of the party wherever I go. Recently, I started an Instagram account to showcase my talent and I have a few hundred followers that like my work. I learned from you, Steve, that it’s never too late to pursue your dreams. So here’s my issue. My so-called friends told me that I’m not as good as I think I am and when they come to my shows, it’s just for a good laugh. They told me that they have been laughing at me and not with me for the longest time, but they didn’t have the heart to tell me.........

 He Talks A Lot Of Trash In The Bedroom | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:13:11

Dear Steve and Shirley, I need some serious advice. Steve, I’ve read all of your books and I follow many of your rules, especially the “No sex before 90 days” rule. I am dating a compassionate and caring man and he’s such a gentleman. He is affectionate, but understood when I told him we should wait to be intimate. It was no problem. So, we have passed our 90 day trial period and we’ve started having sex. I felt like the time was right and so did he. Well, the first three times we had sex, it was great and he was just as pleased as I was........

 I've Been A Fool For 18 Years | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:18

Dear Steve and Shirley, There is so much going on in my home. I've been with my husband for 18 years and we've been married for four years. I have three children from a previous marriage and we have a daughter together. My husband does not like my children and he talks about them constantly. My kids don't like him either and after we got married they moved out of the house. The daughter that I have with him was 13 years old when we got married and she told me that I should not marry her daddy. I questioned her but she would not tell me why. When my husband is at home he stays in our bedroom with the door closed and the TV is always on blast............

 I Don't Do Black and Broke | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:43

Dear Steve and Shirley, I have a loving heart and always try to help others. That being said the other day I was in the discount store buying toiletries to make packets for the homeless. I keep at least five packets in my car at all times and I give them out when I see the need. So I was in the checkout line and there was a couple in front of me. I overheard the lady ask the clerk how much was tax on a seven ninety nine shirt. The cashier told her 69 cents. Both the man and woman started looking everywhere for the change. I eased over to the man and I tried to slip two dollars in his hand........

 He Goes On and On and On | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:12:31

Dear Steve and Shirley, I'm a beautiful 38 year old female with a 54 year old man. Everything in our relationship is perfect except our sex life. The big problem is that my man can go for hours and I'm not exaggerating. He doesn't take any male enhancement products but he's in great physical shape for his age. I have been knowing this guy for 13 years. We dated a while ago. Then he got married. After his divorce, we started dating again. We talk we laugh travel and he is great with my kids. The only problem is that he wears me completely out. It makes me feel insecure when we are intimate because I feel like I'm not handling my business like I should. He told me that he has always had a hard time finishing up and I'm not doing anything wrong. He says he almost gets there but then nothing happens. Don't get me wrong the first 20 minutes are great but after that it gets to be a bit too much. I encouraged him to go see a doctor. I need him to fix this issue as soon as possible. Can you offer any advice in the meantime?

 I Like To Fight and Bite Because He Doesn’t Act Right | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:12:21

Dear Steve and Shirley, My boyfriend and I have been together for 3 years. At the beginning, everything was perfect, but then I started checking his phone and I saw messages between him and a lot of different ladies. He usually texts one girl more than others so it seems like he is really trying to get to know her. I questioned him about the text messages and he promised that he would stop talking to all of the girls. We had a big blow up that night, but I let it slide........

 My Weird Husband Is Worrying Me | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:43

Dear Steve and Shirley, I've been with my husband for over ten years and we finally got married last year and moved in together. Now I'm having second thoughts about him because he's sneaky and looks like something is going on with him. He works two jobs every day and when he gets in from work it's really late and I am usually asleep. A few nights ago I heard him digging through my purse and then I heard my car keys rattling. So I figured he's got my keys to move our cars around. The next morning I asked him politely not to ever go through my purse again. Mind you I have never seen his wallet........

 Since She Got The Ring She Changed Everything | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:13:12

Dear Steve and Shirley, My girl and I dated for six years. Then I proposed to her a year ago on her birthday. Since I gave her the ring her behavior has really changed and she's been acting like we're already married. Like married couples we don't have sex nearly as often as we used to. And now she comes to bed in unflattering pajamas or one of my big T-shirt. Before we got engaged she used to cook dinner for me or make sure we had a nice meal but she rarely does that now. Now whenever we go out she complains about everything from the traffic to the service at the restaurant.......

 Can a Menage A Trois Save My Marriage | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:13:43

Dear Steve and Shirley, I have known my husband for 20 years and we've been married for three years. He cheated on me multiple times with multiple women but I'm standing by my wedding vows. I always pray that the good Lord would see us through his infidelity and now we're rebuilding our marriage. Not many women would be as forgiving as I am. Having said all of that I still have plenty of good sense and I've reached my limit on foolishness. So, you can only imagine how I felt recently when my husband asked me for a threesome.........

 Hanging On To A Constant Cheater | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:13

Dear Steve and Shirley, My boyfriend and I have been dating for seven long years and I say long because he is a constant cheater. He has a habit of waiting till I fall asleep at night. Then he leaves the house and if I call him when he's out he won't answer his phone. Sometimes he stays out all night and when he finally comes home in the morning he would tell me something like he fell asleep on the side of the road. This summer he went to his family reunion and I was not invited. After I saw the pictures from the reunion I see why I wasn't invited. His ex went with him and his family took several pictures of them together. I never would have expected him to be messing with her again. So I was so hurt. I thought we were all cool...........

 I'm Losing My Flirty Wife | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:33

Dear Steve and Shirley, I've been married for close to eight years and over the weekend my wife told me that she is not in love with me anymore. I'm a big guy and my wife used to be a big girl but she recently had cosmetic surgery to fix a few issues she was having. Now she thinks she's God's gift to the world. She's been posting all kinds of sexy pictures on Facebook and when random men comment on her pictures she writes back to them. It's like she craves the attention. I went through her private direct messages on Facebook and found out that she has been having several intimate conversations with different guys.........

 My Friend's Freaky Husband | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:11

Dear Steve and Shirley, My best friend and I have been the best of friends for over ten years. I met her and her husband at the same time and we all just hit it off. One day I was at their place sitting on the couch. My boyfriend was sitting next to me my best friend's husband was in the other room. I looked up and her husband was standing in the other room rubbing on himself while looking directly at me. I was so shocked that I quickly turned my head and didn't say a word. The next day I called him and told him that he is disgusting and if it ever happened again I would tell her........

 I Love Him, But I Can Do Bad By Myself | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:21

Dear Steve and Shirley, My fiancé and I have been together for 15 years and we’ve been engaged for the last 5 years. He’s 31 and I’m 29 and we have four kids. I just finished nursing school and I will start a great new job next month. My fiancé has been working at the same company for 7 years and he still doesn’t know what he wants to do with his life. He’s in a job, not a career. He is in business school right now and when I talk to him about his plans and career goals, he has none. This is driving me crazy! 

 There Are Three Of Us In This Relationship | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:18

Dear Steve and Shirley, I've been with my now fiance for three years and what I can't wrap my head around is his closeness with his older sister. When we first started dating my fiance sister called and texted him excessively they would stay on the phone forever and she would pop up at his house whenever she wanted to. He told me that she just had to get used to the fact that he was no longer single and you know because they had always spent a lot of time together. His sister used to come over to his house on Saturday mornings to do her laundry and then she would stay and hang out with us for the rest of the day. She often included herself on our dates too........


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