The You Project show

The You Project

Summary: The You Project is a 30-90 minute dose of inspiration and education hosted by Craig Harper with great stories, ideas, strategies and lessons from high-performers in sport, business, science, media and health.

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  • Artist: Craig Harper
  • Copyright: Copyright 2021 The You Project Pty Ltd


 #248 Acceptance-Commitment Therapy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:36

Carly Taylor is an Educator, Nutritionist and Coach who uses a combination of Acceptance-Commitment Therapy, Stoic Philosophy, Japanese Psychology and Neuroscience to help people do stuff, change stuff, learn stuff and unlearn stuff (it has a lot to do with stuff) and to improve the quality of their lives (mindset, energy, choices, performance, outcomes) along the way. Oh, she's also married to that shy little wallflower, Paul Taylor.

 #247 Changing The Way We Age | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:08:42

New TYP favourite, Dr Ingrid Nielsen (Psychiatrist) is back and this time we dive into exercise, nutrition, lifestyle and all things health for our 'more experienced' folk. Among other things, Ingrid tells us how she increased her bone density by 36% (unheard of), is able to build muscle (function, performance, strength, power) in her seventies, completed a competitive 10k run five months after a knee replacement (at 72!) and has the V02 Max of a typical 37 year-old. She also shares her considered medical and personal thoughts around self-management (mental, emotional, physical, behavioural) as we age. As my mum would say, this episode 'is a goodie'.

 #246 What My Body Taught Me | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:52:24

My body and I go way back. We've spent years together. Sometimes connecting, sometimes not. We've often been at odds about the best course of action with things like food, sleep, exercise, stress and lifestyle because not surprisingly, my body has always been concerned with health, healing, recovery, energy and performance, whereas for much of my life I operated in the tastebud nirvana, instant gratification, comfort and convenience space. It took a while (only a few decades) but I finally came around and began to pay attention.

 #245 Secret Women's Business | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:13:56

I'll be honest, the 'business' wasn't really so secretive but it was definitely an interesting conversation focused on understanding and navigating the female experience (pre-pubescent through to post-menopausal) from a metabolic, hormonal, nutritional, recovery, energy management, exercise, sporting, performance and general health perspective. If you're a dude, this is probably not (so much) for you, but feel free to listen and learn something. I did. Unna Goldsworthy is an Exercise Physiologist, University Lecturer and Clinician who works primarily with women. @goldyguts

 #244 How I Manage Me | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:56:48

My biggest challenge has always been managing me. Specifically, managing my mind, body, emotions, energy, choices, actions, reactions, resources, finances, relationships and time. If I can't manage me (effectively), I can't manage my life. Over the years, I've developed a self-management system based on a series of questions, relating to the micro, meso and macro of my life. This episode is about that. Enjoy.

 #243 The Economic Pandemic | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:40:38

Covid 19 is wreaking havoc on a range of fronts; physically, mentally, emotionally, socially and of course, financially. On this episode of TYP, money man Jason Cunningham is back talking with Craig about managing our budget, career, business and sanity in the middle of these economically uncertain times. Enjoy.

 #242 How to Stop Giving Up (part 2) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:54:10

Some of us have spent our lives 'almost' doing things. And sometimes we've actually done it. And then we've undone it. Starting. Stopping. Losing. Regaining. Focused. In the zone. Out of control. Inspired. Can't be bothered. Productive. Destructive. And not because we're bad, weak or flawed but rather, because we're human. This episode of TYP is a coaching session (of sorts) focusing on the cognitive, emotional, practical and behavioural components of creating lasting positive change. It turned out being longer-than-expected, so we have a part 1 and part 2 to the conversation. Enjoy.

 #241 How to Stop Giving Up (part 1) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:36

Some of us have spent our lives 'almost' doing things. And sometimes we've actually done it. And then we've undone it. Starting. Stopping. Losing. Regaining. Focused. In the zone. Out of control. Inspired. Can't be bothered. Productive. Destructive. And not because we're bad, weak or flawed but rather, because we're human. This episode of TYP is a coaching session (of sorts) focusing on the cognitive, emotional, practical and behavioural components of creating lasting positive change. It turned out being longer-than-expected, so we have a part 1 and part 2 to the conversation. Enjoy.

 #240 The Introvert with the Extrovert Job | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:38

I worked with Justin Peckett back in the day when he was a St. Kilda Footballer (252 games) and I was Strength and Conditioning Coach for the Saints. His high tensile hamstrings, lower back and hips were my nemesis. In those days he was a laid back (almost in a coma), introverted professional athlete who loved a drink, loved his team mates, only spoke when necessary and tended not to waste energy. On anything. Ironically, the introvert now spends his work days in front of audiences (teams, companies, organisations) talking about organisational change, leadership, teamwork and human performance. We had a fun chat. Enjoy.

 #239 Is Work-Life Balance BS? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:12:06

Paul Taylor is back and this time he and Craig explore the relationship we have with our job (career, business) and the potential impact (good or bad, positive or negative, productive or destructive) 'work' can have on us from a mental, emotional, physical and social perspective. Among other things, they discuss what 'work-life balance' (that old chestnut) actually means and whether or not it's a good metric for creating a healthy approach to our professional life. Oh, and Paul also talks about how a specific skill he acquired in the military (blowing up submarines) hasn't really been transferable to the corporate world. Surprising, I know.

 #238 The Psychology of Eating | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:37

I started thinking about this topic when I was the thirteen year-old human Labrador, eating everything he wanted and almost nothing he needed. Usually, when nobody was paying attention. Which might explain why I was called Jumbo, not Craig. Cheesecake anyone? The fascination continued as a young (and somewhat leaner) gym instructor, talking daily with club members about their 'what, why and how' of eating. Decades later, it's a conversation I've had literally thousands of times with thousands of people and in my opinion, it's a crucial piece of the health puzzle that doesn't get enough air time. If you and food have an 'interesting' relationship, this episode is definitely for you.

 #237 Culture, Leadership & Inspiration | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:11:56

A while back Craig chatted with Nicole Goodman from the Business Essentials Daily podcast and they had an interesting (and brief) chat around what it takes to create a business environment and culture where people feel valued, important and excited to go to work!

 #236 Outside the Echo Chamber | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:08:15

This is the fifth time Bobby has been on TYP and while he's always great, this was (for me) the best conversation we've had. He is truly one of the smartest people I know (and I know a few) and his ability to bring together neuroscience, human behaviour, personal experience, story-telling and humour is quite remarkable. I've known him for decades and in this conversation, he shared things about himself (big things) I'd never heard. Among other things, we talk about confirmation bias, challenging beliefs, blind faith, dealing with rejection, self-worth, identity, being wrong, the online battlefield and stories from Bobby's violent, abusive, dysfunctional childhood. So, not much at all. Enjoy.

 #235 Addicted to Almost Anything | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:45:22

Addiction doesn't only happen around drugs, gambling, booze and sex. It also happens with food. And work. And shopping. And plastic surgery. Being in control. Attention seeking. Fame. Danger. Exercise. Stealing. Gaming. Comfort. The truth is that most of us are (have been, will be) addicted to something at some stage. It might not be one of the more familiar addictions but it's there, it's real and it causes us to hide decisions and behaviours because deep down, we know we're being irrational, unhealthy and/or self-destructive. In this episode of TYP, Craig and his brother from another mother (Geoff Jowett) talk about their issues and more broadly, the capacity we all have to fall into the addiction trap.

 #234 How to Build Muscle | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:20:47

My fascination with muscle (size, appearance, strength, power, speed, function, sporting performance, muscular endurance, health, self-esteem, confidence) started forty years ago, as an insecure and curious teenager. Apart from human behaviour, it's maybe the thing I've studied most. Academically, incidentally and experientially. It's impossible to do this topic justice in ten podcasts, let-alone one, but let's call this a beginning.


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