Dr. Berg’s Healthy Keto and Intermittent Fasting Podcast show

Dr. Berg’s Healthy Keto and Intermittent Fasting Podcast

Summary: Dr. Eric Berg DC, describes the truth about getting healthy and losing healthy weight. His area of expertise is in the subject of the Ketogenic diet, Intermittent Fasting, weight loss, and overall body health. He is the director of Dr. Berg's Nutritionals and author of a best-selling book on amazon.com, The New Body Type Guide. He has conducted over 4800 seminars on health-related topics. Dr. Berg’s YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram channels have close to 6 million followers worldwide and have generated over 1 billion views.

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 The Secret to Increasing the Diversity of Gut Microbes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:12:41

Today, we’re going to talk about the #1 thing that improves your health. It has to do with increasing the diversity of microbes in your gut. Ideally, you want a rich microbiome with a lot of different species. Without this diversity, you’ll provide the perfect space for harmful bacteria to thrive. A lack of diverse microbes can lead to symptoms, including: • Diarrhea • Gut inflammation • Toxins • Obesity • Slow metabolism • Mood changes This lack of diversity is called dysbiosis, and it’s associated with many different serious health conditions. Potential benefits of diverse microbes: • They help you make vitamins • They provide immune protection • They help keep inflammation low • They feed colon cells • They help produce amino acids, neurotransmitters, and other proteins • They help keep your energy high How to increase the diversity of microbes in your gut and boost your health: 1. Consume food that has been grown on soil that has a diverse microbiome 2. Increase the diversity of plant foods in your diet 3. Exercise 4. Get plenty of quality sleep 5. Do intermittent fasting 6. Consume phenols 7. Consume sprouts or microgreens grown on soil 8. Consume probiotic foods 9. Consume raw foods Top things that lower microbiome diversity: 1. Broad-spectrum antibiotics 2. Glyphosate 3. Animals fed on a monoculture 4. Stress 5. Artificial sweeteners 6. Inflammation 7. Liver issues 8. Sterilized foods 9. Radiated foods 10. Overly processed foods 11. A lack of variety of foods in the diet If you’re expecting a baby, keep in mind that having a natural birth and breastfeeding can both enhance the diversity of microbes in an infant.

 The ONLY Wheat You Should Eat | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:05

Let’s talk about the interesting benefits of wheatgrass. Typical wheat products like bread and pasta are made with the seed, or grain, of the wheat plant. Wheatgrass is the actual plant that the seed grows on. The type of wheatgrass used in wheatgrass juice is at an early stage—usually less than ten days old. I think how healthy wheatgrass is for you depends on what it’s grown on. Wheatgrass grown on soil may be more beneficial than wheatgrass grown in other ways. Wheatgrass juice powder may also be more beneficial than wheatgrass powder products. Wheatgrass juice powder is more concentrated because it doesn’t contain any fiber. One of the advantages of wheatgrass juice powder over wheatgrass powder is that people can consume it even if they can’t consume fiber. Unlike grain, wheatgrass is gluten-free and is low in anti-nutrients, tannins, and oxalates. Wheatgrass juice powder grown on good soil is low-carb and rich in vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, and amino acids. However, I consume wheatgrass juice powder for two main reasons: 1. 70% of wheatgrass is chlorophyll 2. It’s rich in phytonutrients Both chlorophyll and phytonutrients have a wealth of beneficial properties. Research is also being done on using wheatgrass for a genetic type of anemia called thalassemia. Growing your own wheatgrass to make wheatgrass juice is inexpensive and pretty simple. Give it a try! DATA: https://www.degruyter.com https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5947926/ https://ascopubs.org/doi/abs/10.1200/jco.2009.27.15_suppl.7012 https://www.semanticscholar.org

 The Dark Side of Zinc for Hair: Vital Tip for Hair Growth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:51

Let’s talk about the dark side of zinc. Zinc is one of the most important trace minerals for your hair. But having too much zinc can be just as damaging to your hair as zinc deficiency. Zinc is a trace mineral, and it’s involved in over 300 different enzymes. Zinc is needed to support the growth of hair follicles. With low zinc, you could experience hair loss. Zinc is also needed for collagen and keratin. If you're deficient in zinc, you could notice thin and brittle hair. Having too much zinc can lead to copper deficiency. The more zinc you take, the more copper you need. Copper is also involved in hair growth, hair color, and the structural integrity of the hair. The most zinc an adult could take without experiencing any side effects is roughly about 40 mg per day. Symptoms of zinc toxicity can include: • Nausea • Vomiting • Decreased appetite • Abdominal cramps • Diarrhea • Headaches But, you may need even higher amounts of zinc short-term for certain health problems. The key is to make sure you always consume enough copper as well. The correct zinc-to-copper ratio is roughly ten to one. It’s important to remember that when you consume foods high in zinc, your body only absorbs 20 to 40 percent of it. There are a lot of various things that decrease the absorption of zinc. It’s important to avoid things that prevent the absorption of zinc and consume foods high in zinc. You may also want to consider a zinc supplement as well as make sure you're getting plenty of copper.

 The MOST Important Factors in Building Muscle–Beyond Dietary Protein | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:11:20

Let’s talk about protein. We often think that increasing protein helps build muscle because muscle is made of protein. But this doesn’t always work. Some people that eat more protein may even suffer from amino acid deficiency. You need sufficient amounts of protein to build muscle, but, more importantly, you need sufficient amino acids. The general thought is that you need .8 grams of protein per kilogram of lean body mass—not overall weight. This might look like around 50 grams of protein per day. A moderate amount of protein would be between 1.2 and 1.7 grams per kilogram of lean body mass. High protein would be about 2 grams per kilogram of lean body mass. It’s essential to focus on consuming quality protein from eggs, meat, fish, and dairy. It’s not ideal to rely on getting your protein from plant sources or protein powder to build healthy muscles. Factors that influence the production of muscle protein: 1. Insulin resistance What to do: • Get on a low-carb diet (Healthy Keto®) • Do intermittent fasting 2. Growth hormone What to do: • Intense exercise • Get plenty of sleep • Do intermittent fasting 3. Testosterone What to do: • Consume zinc (red meat, shellfish, seafood) • Avoid refined carbs and sugar • Lower your stress • Avoid soy protein isolates, soy milk, beer, and alcohol 4. Stress What to do: • Take a look at my other videos on how to lower stress 5. The microbiome What to do: • Consume probiotic foods 6. Low stomach acid What to do: • Take betaine hydrochloride 7. Low enzymes in the pancreas or small intestine What to do: • Consume enzyme-rich foods • Take an amino acid supplement 8. Lean protein What to do: • Consume fattier protein sources

 The Constipation is Caused by Lack of Fiber Myth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:11

Today I’m going to cover the worst mistake people make when dealing with constipation and what to do for constipation. Constipation is congestion in your gut—you have too much stool. Fiber increases stool volume. Fiber also causes your microbes to create fermentation, which leads to gas and bloating. Some studies suggest that consuming fiber can even worsen conditions like chronic constipation or SIBO. The biggest mistake people make when dealing with constipation is consuming more fiber. How to deal with constipation naturally: 1. Reduce your fiber 2. Talk to your doctor about whether or not it’s a side effect of a medication (and what to do if it is) 3. Consume vitamin B1 4. Lower your stress 5. Take bile salts 6. Take a probiotic 7. Do intermittent fasting 8. Consume a moderate amount of protein 9. Consume betaine hydrochloride and apple cider vinegar 10. Consume magnesium and potassium DATA: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3435786/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16815488/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15654804/

 The #1 Remedy for Sinus Mucus / Pressure / Postnasal Drip | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:05:18

Today I want to share an interesting tip to get rid of mucus in the sinuses. This remedy may be beneficial if you’re experiencing: • Postnasal drip • Chronic rhinitis or sinusitis • Sinus pressure • Sinus headaches or cluster headaches • Sinus allergies Common treatments for nasal congestion are steroids, medications, or even surgery. But, these options can have side effects or complications. One of the best natural remedies for mucus in the sinuses is hot peppers. You can consume hot peppers or use a nasal spray containing hot pepper. This is very different from pepper spray—we’re talking about a very diluted solution. Instead of suppressing mucus, the phytonutrient in hot peppers may help drain mucus from the sinuses and reduce nasal hyperactivity. It can potentially help open the sinuses, drain the sinuses, and desensitize the mucus membranes in the sinuses. It’s also antimicrobial. Try consuming cottage cheese to help neutralize the effects of consuming hot peppers if needed. DATA: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24139494/

 The #1 Remedy for Cataracts | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:10:26

More and more people are developing cataracts as they age. Typical treatments for cataracts have side effects, so today we’re going to talk about natural alternatives for cataracts. The eyes are highly affected by your blood sugar levels. When your blood sugar is high, it creates a lot of oxidative stress in different tissues, including the eyes. Our bodies produce antioxidants to protect against this oxidation and free radical damage. But certain things, like age and diet, can cause our bodies to make fewer antioxidants. However, plants also make potent antioxidants that we can take advantage of to help counter the effects of oxidative stress. The two categories that we’re focusing on today are carotenoids and anthocyanins. Foods high in carotenoids: • Yellow, orange, red, and purple vegetables • Pasture-raised egg yolks • Grass-fed meats Foods high in anthocyanins: • Bilberries • Blueberries • Blackberries • Chokeberries • Black currant • Red cabbage Here is the best natural remedy to potentially help with cataracts. Ingredients: • 1 cup berries • 1 cup kefir (grass-fed, whole milk, unsweetened) Blend the above two ingredients, using any of the above berries you like best. Use water to thin the mixture if needed, or consume with a spoon. Have this once a day. Along with this remedy, make sure your diet is very low in fructose, sucrose, and milk. Other natural remedies for cataracts: 1. NAC drops (N-acetylcarnosine) 2. Egg yolks 3. Oculotrophin PMG DATA: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00394-018-1647-8 https://www.sciencedirect.com

 The #1 Fastest Way to Turn Off Stress | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:25

Let’s talk about stress. I recently experienced a stress event, and I want to talk about what happens in the body when a person goes through something like this. We’re also going to discuss how to get rid of stress and how to prevent stress. Certain stressors on the body, like exercise, heat therapy, or cold therapy, are in your control and have positive effects on the body. But, negative stress is out of your control and can have harmful effects. This lack of control could be related to a situation, condition, or relationship. In a stress state, you have a lot of involuntary glandular secretions and reactions occurring. Two parts of the body have both involuntary and voluntary control: the diaphragm and skeletal muscles. Controlled breathing exercises and walking are powerful to put yourself back in control of these systems and pull yourself out of a reactive fight or flight mode. It’s also important to understand that a vitamin B1 deficiency can mimic mild hypoxia and trigger your stress reflexes. Vitamin B1 is crucial to help pull yourself out of a stress state and even prevent stress. Overall, the best things when dealing with stress are: 1. Controlled breathing exercises 2. Walks 3. Vitamin B1 DATA: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25542071/

 The #1 Best Remedy for Eczema | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:38

Let’s talk about one of the best remedies for eczema, also known as dermatitis or atopic dermatitis. This is a skin condition where you have extreme dryness and sometimes a red rash or itchiness. Typical eczema treatments, like steroids, have potential side effects. So, we want to focus on natural alternatives for eczema. This condition could be due to a deficiency of essential fatty acids caused by a poor diet or a genetic problem. The #1 remedy for eczema: • Black currant seed oil (GLA) What to do: 1. Take five drops of black currant seed oil and rub it in your hands to warm it up. Then apply it to the affected area. 2. Take a black currant seed oil supplement or a few drops with water orally.

 The #1 Best Food for CoQ10 (Coenzyme Q10) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:05

Let’s talk about coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). Coenzyme Q10 is a helper molecule inside your mitochondria that helps make energy within your cells. It also helps stabilize the membrane in the cells, preventing any leakage of electrons. If you don’t have enough coenzyme Q10, you’ll lose energy. Top benefits of coenzyme Q10: • It increases energy • It reduces fatigue (especially while exercising) • It increases your oxygen while exercising • It improves your repair while exercising and overall exercise performance • It can help support a healthy heart • It acts as an antioxidant • It supports the arteries Foods high in coenzyme Q10: 1. Heart muscle 2. Organ meats 3. Fatty fish 4. Extra virgin olive oil Exercise indirectly increases the amount of CoQ10 your body makes. You can also get CoQ10 from supplements. Top things that inhibit coenzyme Q10: 1. Statins 2. Age 3. Low vitamin C, B6, folate, or alpha-lipoic acid 4. Anything that damages the mitochondria 5. Stress

 Simple Test to Detect MALTODEXTRIN in Your Supplements | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:07:57

Did you know some health supplements contain hidden sugar, like maltodextrin? Today, I will share a simple test to find hidden sugar in your food and health supplements. Iodine mixed with water is a golden color. If you combine iodine with starch, it turns blue. When you add iodine to bread, for example, it turns blue. Or, if you put maltodextrin in water and add a few drops of iodine, the water will turn blue. My brand of electrolyte powder doesn’t have any sugar or maltodextrin in it. However, when we look at a competitor’s electrolyte powder that also claims it doesn’t have sugar or maltodextrin, it turns blue when iodine is added. Maltodextrin behaves like sugar, spiking insulin, but can be classified on a label as a carb and not a sugar. On the glycemic index, table sugar is at 65, and glucose is at 100—maltodextrin is between 105 and 185. Maltodextrin is the most common starch added to supplements and other products. If there is less than one gram of maltodextrin in a product per serving size, the company doesn’t even have to state it. Maltodextrin can also be found in flavorings, energy gels, sports powders, and even baby formulas. It’s important to be aware that some so-called keto-friendly products can also contain maltodextrin.

 Seed Oil vs. Sugar: Which is Worse? | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:15:57

Today we’re going to discuss which is worse: sugar or seed oils packed with omega-6 fatty acids. Common seed oils are: • Soy oil • Corn oil • Canola oil • Cottonseed oil • Safflower oil • Sunflower oil On average, we’re consuming way too many foods high in omega-6 fats. Ideally, a person should consume a 1:1 ratio of omega-3 fatty acids to omega-6 fatty acids. However, the average ratio is 15:1. This imbalance can lead to all kinds of health problems, especially in the cell membranes. Refined sugar also leads to health issues and is converted to fat, but the extra sugar doesn’t accumulate in the body like omega-6 fatty acids do. Omega-6 fatty acids (seed oils) lodge into your cells and accumulate in your tissues for 600 days. They are not water-soluble like sugar is and can't be burned off like sugar can. Both refined oils and refined sugar can deplete important nutrients. While certain whole foods, like fruit, have sugar, they also have nutrients and phytonutrients to help replenish what was lost and provide protection. But seed oils are a highly refined, over-processed part of a seed that doesn’t have any protective factors. To make seed oils they also use a solvent called hexane to extract the oil from the seed—is it possible some of this solvent could end up in the oil? Overall, while sugar isn't good for you, omega-6 fatty acids are worse for your health than sugar is.

 Protein Is Not a Protein | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:58

Today, I want to clear up some confusion around protein. Typically, the minimum amount of protein a person needs is 50 grams. You might think that if you consume a beef steak that’s 100 grams or 3.5 ounces, you’re getting double the amount of protein you need for the day. However, there is a difference between the weight of a steak and the amount of protein in the steak. For example, a steak that weighs 100 grams only contains 26 grams of protein. This is because steak also contains fat and water. Proteins also vary in amino acids. We don’t even really have a daily requirement for protein—we actually have a daily requirement for amino acids in the protein. The problem lies in the quality of protein or the bioavailable acids in the food you eat. While some plants have protein, animal sources are a better option for protein than plant sources. Also, know that many infant formulas and foods for toddlers are loaded with soy protein and other plant proteins that can cause problems with digestion. Foods high in protein: 1. Breast milk 2. Eggs 3. Meat 4. Chicken 5. Dairy

 Might Want to Think Twice Before Eating Oatmeal | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:07:17

Is oatmeal bad for you? Let’s talk about it. The small packets of flavored oatmeal contain a lot of sugar, and even though they may be marketed as healthy—they’re not. But what about unsweetened oatmeal? Here are three things you might not know about unsweetened oatmeal: 1. Certain studies show a significant improvement in blood sugar and cholesterol. However, the control in one of these studies is white bread. The study also only showed an improvement in blood sugar right after the meal. Part of the study referring to cholesterol was only on consuming beta-glucan, which is an isolated compound in oatmeal. In a different study, the participants all had diabetes, and they didn’t see a change in their blood glucose levels. 2. Oats contain a type of gluten called avenin. This protein has been known to increase cytokines. 3. Oat products have often been treated with glyphosate. The World Health Organization classifies glyphosate as a carcinogen. It may be beneficial to skip breakfast altogether and give intermittent fasting a try. If you do consume breakfast, eggs would be a healthier choice than oatmeal. DATA: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21843037/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3524229/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21294744/ https://www.ewg.org https://www.ewg.org

 Fascinating Health Benefits of Methylene Blue | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:46

Today we’re going to talk about methylene blue. I haven’t talked about this before because it’s not a natural remedy—it’s actually a synthetic drug. However, it has some interesting properties. Methylene blue is sold over the counter and has been around for a very long time. It was the first fully synthetic drug in medicine, one of the first antibiotics, and one of the first antipsychotic drugs. It was also used for malaria and is currently used for cyanide poisoning and carbon monoxide poisoning. In low doses, methylene blue acts as an antioxidant. Methylene blue can potentially help with certain conditions, including: • Septic shock • Anaphylaxis • Viruses • Fatigue • Brain fog • Memory loss • Depression • Candida • Nerve degeneration • Gout • Mitochondrial dysfunction • Inflammation If you decide to try methylene blue, I suggest getting the USP pharmaceutical grade one percent solution. This will give you about 0.5 mg per drop. Someone taking an SSRI would not want to take methylene blue. Check with your doctor before taking something like this for any other contraindications.


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