Own Your Future with Dean Graziosi show

Own Your Future with Dean Graziosi

Summary: Welcome to the Own YOUR Future Podcast with Dean Graziosi! Our aim is to meet our listeners where they're at and provide practical insights and strategies to help them thrive in today's economy. Our goal is to empower our listeners to take control of their time, finances, and future, so they can fulfill their potential and become the person they were meant to be. Dean interviews some of the most brilliant thought leaders of our time, who share their wisdom on how to Own YOUR Future.

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 The BIGGEST Obstacle You Will Ever Face (And How To Overcome It) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 09:59

Today I’ve got a message for you that I hope will change your life forever… Right now, I’m going to tell you the ROOT CAUSE of all your biggest obstacles… and most importantly… I’m gonna give you the perspective and mindset you need so you can DESTROY all obstacles that come your way. Here it is…

 Stay Away From THESE 3 Types of Negative People | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 07:40

Whatever it is that you want to do... Who in your life tells you, "you're nuts!", tells you "you're crazy!", tells you that you should "think through it more!", or "stop being a dreamer"... And you're ignoring it, but you still let that influence infect you like a disease? Subscribe to the Millionaire Success Habits podcast so you can receive exclusive discounts and offers only available to my podcast family

 There's No 'Perfect' Age For Success | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 09:27

I get sooo many people sending me messages like; "Dean, I could do A LOT more in life if I was YOUNGER..." "I could do A LOT more in life if I was OLDER..." Literally everyone thinks that their age is not the ideal place! Here's my thoughts after just turning 50 years old this week, the BIG 5-0 :)  Subscribe to the Millionaire Success Habits podcast so you can receive exclusive discounts and offers only available to my podcast family

 Ask Yourself This If You Want MORE Money & LESS Problems... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:24

What in your life, if you could cut a check right now, would solve problems for your life? For your family? What if tomorrow you woke up, and money wasn't an issue? It was something you never had to worry about, never had to think about... what if it was as ABUNDANT as oxygen? If money was not an issue, who would you become? Subscribe to the Millionaire Success Habits podcast so you can receive exclusive discounts and offers only available to my podcast family

 Your Brain Has A "DELETE" Button (Here's How To Use It) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 08:08

Want to know the coolest things about life? We can re-invent ourselves at ANY moment! Who gets to tell us, that we have to live our past mistakes? Today, right now, write down all your past mistakes and failures... Crumple the paper up, and throw it away! Light the paper on fire, and then let's declare who you're going to be TODAY! Subscribe to the Millionaire Success Habits podcast so you can receive exclusive discounts and offers only available to my podcast family

 Here's REALLY Why You're Not Successful Yet (MUST LISTEN!) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 09:27

Today, I want to be honest and transparent about something when it comes to Success... More than ever, I've been having people ask me; "What's the SECRET to success?" And I feel like they want this ONE answer... they want something MAGICAL, so I have to be be very real and raw with you today. Here's how I did it... Subscribe to the Millionaire Success Habits podcast so you can receive exclusive discounts and offers only available to my podcast family

 How To Be MORE CONFIDENT & Enthusiastic At The SNAP Of A Finger! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 08:55

What's the difference between energy and enthusiasm? And how does that affect your life, your abundance, your income and your success? So many times people have said to me "God, I wish I was born with YOUR energy...", and I've found ways over the years to hack my thoughts and become more energetic and enthusiastic every single day! Subscribe to the Millionaire Success Habits podcast so you can receive exclusive discounts and offers only available to my podcast family

 The #1 Reason Why People Don't Buy What You're Selling | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 07:38

If you ever want to start a business, run a business, scale a business, make an impact on the world... you better know how to sell. Was Mother Teresa a saleswomen? Was Martin Luther king a salesman? You bet your ass they were ;) So today, I want to talk about the #1 reason WHY people don't buy what you're selling. Listen up! Subscribe to the Millionaire Success Habits podcast so you can receive exclusive discounts and offers only available to my podcast family

 When Should You Trust Your Gut? (And How To Know When Your Instincts Are Wrong) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 08:38

How many times in your life have you followed your gut... and had success? And how many times in your life have you went against your gut? You still did the partnership, you still did went through with the bad relationship, you still took the job... whatever it was, to find out that you're gut was right? Subscribe to the Millionaire Success Habits podcast so you can receive exclusive discounts and offers only available to my podcast family

 What To Do If You Have A FEAR Of Success | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:46

Right now, if you're listening to me I'm sure you're someone who craves another level of life or else you'd be listening to something else... So great, you crave it. But, you're scared shitless... Welcome to the world of success, today we go DEEP on how to push past that fear so you can achieve your full potential! Subscribe to the Millionaire Success Habits podcast so you can receive exclusive discounts and offers only available to my podcast family

 Simple Mindset Shift To BOOST Your CONFIDENCE! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 09:14

Have you ever done anything in your life effectively, positively, with influence, or with impact when your confidence is down? Most likely... the answer is no. So how do we keep our confidence at peak? Or how do we call upon our confidence when we need it? Let's talk about it :) Subscribe to the Millionaire Success Habits podcast so you can receive exclusive discounts and offers only available to my podcast family

 Your Problems Are The Ultimate Key To Wealth And Success | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 09:16

How BIG are your problems? Are you're worried about gossip? Are you're worried about what other people have to say about you? Are you're worried that you don't have the support that you should have? If you think about these things on a regular basis... YOU DON'T HAVE BIG ENOUGH PROBLEMS! Subscribe to the Millionaire Success Habits podcast so you can receive exclusive discounts and offers only available to my podcast family

 Don't Get PLAYED By Social Media (The "Influencer" Myth) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:57

I think we've been so delusioned by Instagram, by Facebook, and by social media... There seems to be so many "influencers" that got rich overnight and make it look so easy. Today we need to talk about it, and break down what it actually takes to achieve the level of life that everyone's showing you they live on social media... Subscribe to the Millionaire Success Habits podcast so you can receive exclusive discounts and offers only available to my podcast family

 Being Different Is "Bad" (Are You Different?) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 06:55

There is nothing anyone else has done that you can't do... And I want to encourage you to take ACTION I was the guy in this school behind me scared to death thinking I was dumb, not having money, thought life would just be okay... And I proved everybody wrong. I want the same for you! Subscribe to the Millionaire Success Habits podcast so you can receive exclusive discounts and offers only available to my podcast family

 3 DIFFERENT CLUES FOR SUCCESS | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 09:40

What is a clue that you're going to be successful? What are the different clues to your next level? What are the different clues that you're getting closer to making more money? These are the questions I get asked on a daily basis and today I want to share 3 DIFFERENT CLUES FOR SUCCESS :) Subscribe to the Millionaire Success Habits podcast so you can receive exclusive discounts and offers only available to my podcast family


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