Own Your Future with Dean Graziosi show

Own Your Future with Dean Graziosi

Summary: Welcome to the Own YOUR Future Podcast with Dean Graziosi! Our aim is to meet our listeners where they're at and provide practical insights and strategies to help them thrive in today's economy. Our goal is to empower our listeners to take control of their time, finances, and future, so they can fulfill their potential and become the person they were meant to be. Dean interviews some of the most brilliant thought leaders of our time, who share their wisdom on how to Own YOUR Future.

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 I Got Engaged! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 08:22

When I was on my way to becoming an entrepreneur everyone always told me I was making a HUGE mistake... They said I should play it safe, work for a salary, stay loyal to a company and climb the latter. If I listened to this advice I would most likely still be broke! That's why today, I want to share with you the biggest breakthrough I found in my career... and how you shifting your focus can give you the ability to turn your dreams into reality!

 If Selling Makes You Feel Sleazy, You're Doing It Wrong | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 09:53

  I know so many people want to start a business, but what we're delusioned to believe is that if we are great at something... They will come. It's like the Field of Dreams movie with Kevin Costner... "If we build it, they will come." The fact is, i'd love that to be true, but I want to be honest with you... If you're not selling, you're dying. Why? Because Sales & Marketing are the oxygen of every successful business! So if you want to run your own business, you have to learn the art of persuasion and be selling yourself... and here's how to become great at sales, without being a sleazy salesman!

 Make Massive Progress In Your Life & Career with This 1-Week Deep Dive Challenge | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 08:12

What is it that would really take your life to the next level? Where is it that you want to go? What does your health, your income, your relationships look like? We have to have a place to point our ship... Most of us are sailing across the ocean with no navigation, just floating and hoping our life get's better but it simply doest. You don't fall upon success, it doesn't land upon your lap, I wish it did... but it doesn't. So here's a 1-week challenge to help you get started on the right path today!

 3 Ways To Take Action Even When You Don't Want To OR You're Scared! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 09:03

This is the time to make a move, this is the time to not play small... I know life can be scary believe me, i go through crap all the time, I've been going through stuff these last 6-months but I know if I face it... A better version of me will always be on the other side! So today, I'm going to share 3 ways you can take action even when you don't want to or are scared to!  

 5 Things You Need to Give Up to Be Successful | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 08:10

Today, I want to talk about something different... I don't want to talk about what you'll gain by being successful, I want to talk about what you have to give up, what you have to let go of... You're going to have to give up and let go of more than you think to really achieve what it is that you want... But it doesn't have to be a bad thing, and here's why...

 Why an 18 year old Spends $200K a Week for me | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:07

The way people are learning today is changing... Today, more companies, including my own, are hiring based off values and not based off what some piece of paper says... in this video you’re going to see how an eighteen year old spends $200,000 or so a week for me on my advertisements. He didn’t go to college, he didn’t get a marketing degree, he just became obsessed on studying courses and personal education!

 What Does Success Mean To You? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 08:55

What does success mean to you? Really ask yourself this today... Sometimes we get delusioned by the "success" we see online, and we lose sight on what success actually means to us. So today, let's talk about success, what it means to me right now and how you can find out what it means for you and your next level of happiness in life.

 The Hidden Cost Of Bad Advice (What has bad advice cost you?) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 09:03

Who are you taking advice from? Who is course correcting you in the wrong direction? Who is making a negative impact in your life? What is bad advice costing you? Today I reveal the hidden cost of bad advice and what it might be costing you...

 Where Does Happiness Come From? Does Happiness Really Come From Within? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 08:22

Where does happiness come from? Is it in a bottle? Is happiness if everything in your life goes specifically how you want it to is that when you feel happiness? Is that when you feel fulfilled? So where does happiness come from? Today, let's dive deep so you can always feel happiness regardless if you're life isn't going according to the plans you have just yet...

 How To Achieve EXCELLENCE in Every Area of Your LIFE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 08:45

I believe I have excellent children, and that I'm excelling in that part of my life... Why? Because it has my attention, it has my focus, I obsess on gaining capabilities. If you want EXCELLENCE in any area of your life, it needs your attention, it needs your focus, it needs you gaining capabilities and it needs you to be fearless and to take action, that's the ONLY way it's going to happen.

 Simple Steps to Help You OVERCOME "CRIPPLING" Anxiety | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 09:10

I had something going on in my personal life that was crippling my success, I mean we all do, I'm no different... If I didn't deal with anxiety and worry, I wouldn't be human... But I get to use these things that happen to me, to share with you how I've used a few simple steps to overcome anxiety and worry for good!  

 How To Have "HUMBLE POWER" & Win At Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 08:49

Humble Power. Not the flashy person, not the bragger, not the one who's outgoing and loud... It's the one who speaks, and when they speak, it means something because it's from a place of LOVE or from this place of one-ness So my message today is, where can you adapt HUMBLE POWER in your life? Where can you have more humility? Where can your quiet confidence come out? And where can you take your life and your potential, and ramp it to your next level?

 Is Fear Holding You Back? Here's the solution... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 09:29

Today I want to talk about that thing that you've been putting off forever, and what holds us back from actually doing that thing... And how we can change it...    

 3 Simple Habits To Create Your "OVERNIGHT SUCCESS" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 08:30

It's really easy to find what's wrong with the world, we know that... It's really easy to find what's wrong with the people around you... But what if you shifted that framework, and your obsession was to find what's right? Today, i'm going to share 3 simple habits that you need to achieve your "overnight success", but first... let's address the "overnight success" myth ;)

 How To Overcome FEAR & Self-Doubt (Live With CONFIDENCE!) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 04:45

Do you have confidence? Do you have enough confidence you need to go after what it is you want? Today, I wanted to reflect back on a previous weekly wisdom I filmed about how to take your confidence to the next level!


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