Diary Of An Arcade Employee Podcast show

Diary Of An Arcade Employee Podcast

Summary: On each of episode of the Diary of an Arcade Employee Podcast I will not only discuss a particular classic arcade game, but share some behind the scenes information of what it?????s like to work at the Arkadia Retrocade. I will also include some vintage audio treats that pertain to the game and have some friends on to talk about games and arcades.

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 Diary Of An Arcade Employee Ep. 033 (Centipede) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:48

Friends, with the start of a brand new year, it’s time to roll out another episode of the Diary podcast. For this show I discuss Atari’s 1981 classic fixed shooter, Centipede! As I mention on the episode itself this show was supposed to be published much sooner but due to time constraints like work obligations and with my computer dying on me – Centipede is making a debut in 2019 instead of 2018. Hopefully you will find the show itself worth the wait as I feel it’s safe to say we tackle one of the greatest video games of all time! On this show I make sure to shine a spotlight on Centipede co-creator, Dona Bailey, the first female programmer hired by Atari back in the day. Thanks to some vintage audio interviews and from the likes of a 1983 Video Games magazine article – I feel you get a little taste of what it was like for Bailey during the Golden Age of Atari. Furthermore I add some quotes from her co-creator and fellow legend, Ed Logg in the show – I even managed to find an incredible interview with former Centipede champion Eric Ginnis in the pages of Joystik magazine to share with you all! Centipede really broke records when it was released to the arcades back in the day. Which naturally meant that it received a lion’s share of home ports to the consoles and computers of the time. In this episode I share how in 1983 DC Comics along with Atari finally gave fans of the game a rather whimsical backstory for Centipede. This show I have a wonderful segment provided by Jacob Ashley – who just so happens to create beautiful pieces of art that you can check out and purchase on his Wooden Arcade Etsy store. In this episode, Jacob shares his first memories with the classic arcade game in addition to attempting to find an arcade cabinet of his very own! Also on this episode I reference and include an audio clip from 2015 interview with Dona Bailey by Motherboard – which you can watch for yourself. If you have any suggestions for future games to cover or comments on the show itself you may email them to me at VicSage@Retroist.com. You can also contact me on Twitter and of course on Facebook. You can also keep up to date on what is going down at the Arkadia Retrocade by making sure to “Like” their Facebook Page. If you need a daily fix you can check out the Official Diary of an Arcade Employee Facebook Page too. I hope you enjoy the Centipede podcast and I want to thank you again for being patient with this episode’s delay. Subscribe to the Diary of an Arcade Employee Podcast: [iTunes] Subscribe to the Podcast directly in iTunes. (MP3) Directly Download the Diary of an Arcade Employee Podcast:

 Diary Of An Arcade Employee Ep 032 (Satan’s Hollow) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:40

Friends, a very Happy Halloween to you one and all! This episode of the Diary podcast was originally going to be all about Atari’s Centipede. However a good friend to the show pointed out that since this was the Season – a more spooky game might be better suited. Which is why on the Diary Facebook page, Rich Adams made a request to discuss 1982’s Satan’s Hollow. Released to the wilds of the arcades by Bally/Midway, a game where Players must contend with an army of Gargoyles and dastardly devils – well – it kind of made Satan’s Hollow seem like the perfect game to talk about on the show, right? In this episode, which to be upfront is a little shorter than the average show, I touch upon some of the people responsible for bringing Satan’s Hollow to the arcades. While Bill Adams was the main designer for the arcade title, he had help from both Jim Love and Jeff Nauman. Between the three they were responsible for the likes of such arcade classics as Rampage, Tron, and even Spy Hunter. Speaking of that 1983 game – in the podcast I share a TV commercial for Pontiac that is inspired by the arcade title! [Via] Mastercom Tube As in all of the Diary episodes, I do share my personal first experiences with the game in question, in addition I have done my best to find vintage ads, in this case a few that fit the spirit of the season. If you have any suggestions for future games to cover or comments on the show itself you may email them to me at VicSage@Retroist.com. You can also contact me on Twitter and of course on Facebook. You can also keep up to date on what is going down at the Arkadia Retrocade by making sure to “Like” their Facebook Page. If you need a daily fix you can check out the Official Diary of an Arcade Employee Facebook page too. So without further ado, screw your courage to the sticking place as we venture into Satan’s Hollow! Subscribe to the Diary of an Arcade Employee Podcast: [iTunes] Subscribe to the Podcast directly in iTunes. (MP3) Directly Download the Diary of an Arcade Employee Podcast: Episode Mirror #1 (MP3) Episode Mirror #2 (OGG)

 Diary Of An Arcade Employee Podcast Ep 031 (Pooyan) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:52

Friends, I apologize about not getting a post uploaded the other day but to be honest I was working on this new Diary podcast. As you can plainly see the subject of this episode happens to be none other than 1982’s Pooyan. One of my favorite classic arcade titles even if it appears I am in the minority in seeing the virtue of Konami’s game. Now to be fair it was Stern electronics that handled the releasing of Pooyan cabinets here in the United States. For this episode I do my best to tell you some of the more interesting elements of the game. Background information on those responsible for bringing Pooyan to the public, etc. As well as touching on the game’s legacy – which I have to say you might be mighty surprised to see where Konami has decided to give Pooyan a tip of the hat. As always with the Diary podcast, I give an explanation of not only the gameplay but my personal memories of when I first encountered the game. In addition to including a few vintage audio treats related to the subject of the episode. If you have any suggestions for future games to cover or comments on the show itself you may email them to me at VicSage@Retroist.com. You can also contact me on Twitter and of course on Facebook. You can also keep up to date on what is going down at the Arkadia Retrocade by making sure to “Like” their Facebook Page. If you need a daily fix you can check out the Official Diary of an Arcade Employee Facebook page too. Now then, make sure all of your little Pooyan are safely secure and enjoy the episode! Subscribe to the Diary of an Arcade Employee Podcast: [iTunes] Subscribe to the Podcast directly in iTunes. (MP3) Directly Download the Diary of an Arcade Employee Podcast: Episode Mirror #1 (MP3) Episode Mirror #2 (OGG)

 Diary Of An Arcade Employee Podcast Ep 030 (Dig Dug) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:31

Happy Atari Day, friends! Being the 26th of the month it means it’s time to celebrate all things Atari once again – what better way than talking about 1982’s Dig Dug on a new Diary of an Arcade Employee podcast? Bear in mind that it was indeed the legendary Namco that developed and produced Dig Dug. However it was Atari that handled the distribution of the classic game here in North America as well as Europe. On the show I do cover the basics of Dig Dug as well as some strategies and interesting trivia. I try my best to point out the people of interest that had a hand in creating such a classic arcade game. In addition I discuss my feelings on the similarities of the gameplay to another 1982 classic title, I am referring of course to Universal’s Mr. Do!. I also was able to share a really amazing and sort of rare piece of audio on this episode, related to the advertising of Dig Dug. Which was graciously uploaded by Matt Osborne, who just happens to have been the Son of the then Vice President of Atari. I have also included an interview with Matt and The Video Game Preservation Dump on his memories of this special audio treasure. If you have any suggestions for future games to cover or comments on the show itself you may email them to me at VicSage@Retroist.com. You can also contact me on Twitter and of course on Facebook. You can also keep up to date on what is going down at the Arkadia Retrocade by making sure to “Like” their Facebook Page. If you need a daily fix you can check out the Official Diary of an Arcade Employee Facebook page too. Now then, equip your best mining gear and join us as we delve into 1982’s Dig Dug! Subscribe to the Diary of an Arcade Employee Podcast: [iTunes] Subscribe to the Podcast directly in iTunes. (MP3) Directly Download the Diary of an Arcade Employee Podcast: Episode Mirror #1 (MP3) Episode Mirror #2 (OGG) Would you like to know more about Atari Day? To learn even more about the fun of Atari Day be sure to hop on over and check out fellow Retroist writer Atari I/O’s site by following the link here!

 Diary Of An Arcade Employee Podcast 029 (Rampage) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:41

Wait a minute, just wait a minute. Didn’t we have two brand new Diary podcasts just last month? That is indeed a fact. So you might be wondering why we already have another new episode. Well, it could certainly be that I am spending more time at the arcade these days. It helps to get the juices flowing, my overwhelming desire to share my personal memories with all of you. On the other hand it might also have a just a little to do with the fact that Rampage is hitting theaters today. Although I do have some great memories to share with you as well as some interesting information on 1986’s Rampage! On this episode, I will admit that I share a rather embarrassing event from my youth. All tied to Rampage of course. In addition however I was able to include some interviews on this particular podcast. Interviews featuring Brian Colin, one of the co-developers of the arcade title. I share not just my first encounters with Rampage but touch upon the gameplay too. As well as the legacy of the game series. Not to mention I have included a few vintage audio treats for your listening pleasure. Obviously with the 2018 film, which is of course based on the actual Rampage game, hitting theaters today. Perhaps you will find listening to this episode is a good way to spend time while you are standing in line at the movie theater? If you have any suggestions for future games to cover or comments on the show itself you may email them to me at VicSage@Retroist.com. You can also contact me on Twitter and of course on Facebook. You can also keep up to date on what is going down at the Arkadia Retrocade by making sure to “Like” their Facebook Page. If you need a daily fix you can check out the Official Diary of an Arcade Employee page too. Subscribe to the Diary of an Arcade Employee Podcast: [iTunes] Subscribe to the Podcast directly in iTunes. (MP3) Directly Download the Diary of an Arcade Employee Podcast: Episode Mirror #1 (MP3) Episode Mirror #2 (OGG) I have no idea if the Rampage film will be any good. It does look fun however and I like giant monsters fighting each other. You do as well, right? [Via] Warner Bros. Pictures

 Diary Of An Arcade Employee Podcast 028 (Space Invaders) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:30

Two Diary podcasts in one month, have I gone insane? Some of you listeners might think that is indeed the case but today sees the release of Ready Player One. Judging by the trailers it appears that the classic 1978 Space Invaders makes an appearance. Which is of course why I decided to release this latest Diary podcast today. Because what better way to spend your time in line for the new Spielberg film than listening to the history of Space Invaders? In this show, I naturally give you info on the origins of Space Invaders. As well as what I hope is a fascinating look at the intent of it’s creator, Tomohiro Nishikado. In addition, this episode is a bit longer than the usual Diary podcast. The reason being of course that such a monumental and groundbreaking arcade title has a lot to discuss. I do share my first encounter with the legendary game in my youth. Furthermore I share the shocking night we received the game at the arcade. I have also managed to find a few audible treats for your listening pleasure as well. In all honesty, my friends. I probably could have gone an entire hour with this episode. Interviews with Nishikado in USA Today, merchandising, home ports, and the legacy of Space Invaders. The game simply helped to change the landscape for video games as much as the likes of Pong or Pac-Man. This episode, unlike any other I found myself having too much information on the game! If you have any suggestions for future games to cover or comments on the show itself you may email them to me at VicSage@Retroist.com. You can also contact me on Twitter and of course on Facebook. You can also keep up to date on what is going down at the Arkadia Retrocade by making sure to “Like” their Facebook Page. If you need a daily fix you can check out the Official Diary of an Arcade Employee Facebook page too. https://ia801508.us.archive.org/27/items/DiaryOfAnArcadeEmployeeEp28SpaceInvaders/Diary-of-an-Arcade-Employee-Ep-28-Space-Invaders.mp3 Subscribe to the Diary of an Arcade Employee Podcast: [iTunes] Subscribe to the Podcast directly in iTunes. (MP3) Directly Download the Diary of an Arcade Employee Podcast: Episode Mirror #1 (MP3) Episode Mirror #2 (OGG) Now since Ready Player One motivated me to record this podcast covering Space Invaders. Why not watch the latest trailer? [Via] Warner Bros. Pictures

 Diary Of An Arcade Employee Podcast 027 (Crystal Castles) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:05

Welcome back, friends. To the latest episode of the Diary of an Arcade Employee Podcast. This go around I discuss the 1983 classic arcade game, Crystal Castles. Produced of course by Atari, this maze game is certainly one of my favorites. In addition Crystal Castles as you will hear, happens to have been an arcade title that caused me physical pain! In this episode I of course discuss the notable employees of Atari that created Crystal Castles. As well as giving you the general rundown on the gameplay and interesting tidbits of information about this classic maze game. Of course I also share some vintage audio related to Crystal Castles for your enjoyment. Moreover I share an exciting bit of news in regards to a game that Atari was working on at the time. But sadly, never released – due to the Video Game crash of 1983. I am pretty sure that like myself you will be blown away by that lost arcade title. Now I would be remiss in my duties if I failed to mention that Christopher Tupa has created some fantastic artwork for Crystal Castles. Make sure to follow that link provided to learn how you can obtain this piece of artwork for yourself! If you have any suggestions for future games to cover or comments on the show itself you may email them to me at VicSage@Retroist.com. You can also contact me on Twitter and of course on Facebook. You can also keep up to date on what is going down at the Arkadia Retrocade by making sure to “Like” their Facebook Page. If you need a daily fix you can check out the Official Diary of an Arcade Employee Facebook Page too. https://ia601509.us.archive.org/35/items/DiaryOfAnArcadeEmployeeEp27CrystalCastles/Diary-of-an-Arcade-Employee-Ep-27-Crystal-Castles.mp3 Subscribe to the Diary of an Arcade Employee Podcast: [iTunes] Subscribe to the Podcast directly in iTunes. (MP3) Directly Download the Diary of an Arcade Employee Podcast: Episode Mirror #1 (MP3) Episode Mirror #2 (OGG) Before you find out about 1983’s Crystal Castles – why not check out the game in action for yourself? [Via] Old Classic Retro Gaming

 Diary Of An Arcade Employee Podcast 026 (Warlords) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:04

Welcome back, friends. To an unexpected but I hope nonetheless welcome episode of the Diary of An Arcade Employee Podcast. This special is all about Atari’s fantastic 1980 arcade classic Warlords. In addition with this of course being the 26th episode as well as the 26th of the month. You know what that means, Happy Atari Day! Seriously, what better way to celebrate the day than discussing Warlords, right? While I of course realize it has been nearly a year since the last episode. I honestly felt that with the recent Saturday Frights Podcast specials I should tackle Warlords. After all I did kind of tease it on the Sunset Riders episode. And tackling a game with as much history as Warlords just felt like it had to be done. On this episode I do talk about the differences between the upright as well as cocktail cabinets. I give a brief overview of the gameplay and also share some of the interesting trivia I found on the game. Of course I also share some vintage audio related Warlords commercials for your enjoyment. Moreover, on this episode I found an amazing interview over on the AtariAge forums by Will Nicholes. Where he chats with the Atari 2600 Warlords programmer Carla Meninsky. Who reminisces on what it was like working at Atari back in the Golden Age. Furthermore I share some information on the graphic novel for Warlords that was released back in the day by DC comics! If you have any suggestions for future games to cover or comments on the show itself you may email them to me at VicSage@Retroist.com. You can also contact me on Twitter and of course on Facebook. You can also keep up to date on what is going down at the Arkadia Retrocade by making sure to “Like” their Facebook Page. If you need a daily fix you can check out the Official Diary of an Arcade Employee Facebook Page! Subscribe to the Diary of an Arcade Employee Podcast: [iTunes] Subscribe to the Podcast directly in iTunes. (MP3) Directly Download the Diary of an Arcade Employee Podcast: Episode Mirror #1 (MP3) Episode Mirror #2 (OGG) Before you find out about 1980’s Warlords – why not check out the game in action for yourself? [Via] Old Classic Retro Gaming Now then to learn even more about the fun of Atari Day be sure to hop on over and check out fellow Retroist writer Atari I/O’s site by following the link here!

 Diary Of An Arcade Employee Podcast 025 (Sunset Riders) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:47

With November having passed the month long hiatus is over. To celebrate the return of the podcast, for this go around I am discussing 1991’s Sunset Riders. Released to arcades by Konami – this is the first 4 player arcade title on the show. In addition, on this episode I am joined by a very special guest. Quite possibly the youngest fan we have in fact. William Burton. Who just happens to also be a big Sunset Riders fan as well. If you have any suggestions for future games to cover or comments on the show itself you may email them to me at VicSage@Retroist.com. You can also contact me on TTwitter and of course on Facebook. You can also keep up to date on what is going down at the Arkadia Retrocade by making sure to “Like” their Facebook Page. If you need a daily fix you can check out the Official Diary of an Arcade Employee Facebook Page! Our ending theme entitled “River Raid” was graciously provided by the talented Tony Longworth. Furthermore you can listen to more of his work on SoundCloud! Subscribe to the Diary of an Arcade Employee Podcast: [iTunes] Subscribe to the Podcast directly in iTunes. (MP3) Directly Download the Diary of an Arcade Employee Podcast: Episode Mirror #1 (MP3) Episode Mirror #2 (OGG) To the sunset…Sunset Riders!

 Diary Of An Arcade Employee Podcast 024 (Splatterhouse) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:27

It is nearly Halloween, so it means we need to talk Splatterhouse! On this 24th episode of the podcast I have chosen the 1988 arcade game by Namco. In addition I share my memories of the Turbografx-16 home version of the game. Furthermore I do cover the confusion of whether it was released in North America at the arcades at all! If you have any suggestions for future games to cover or comments on the show itself you may email them to me at VicSage@Retroist.com. You can also contact me on Twitter and of course on Facebook. You can also keep up to date on what is going down at the Arkadia Retrocade by making sure to “Like” their Facebook Page. If you need a daily fix you can check out the Official Diary of An Arcade Employee Facebook Page! Our ending theme entitled “River Raid” was graciously provided by the talented Tony Longworth. You can listen to more of his work on SoundCloud! Subscribe to the Diary of an Arcade Employee Podcast: [iTunes] Subscribe to the Podcast directly in iTunes. (MP3) Directly Download the Diary of an Arcade Employee Podcast: Episode Mirror #1 (MP3) Episode Mirror #2 (OGG) Now in this podcast I mention the custom cabinet for Splatterhouse at Richie Knucklez Arcade Games. You can reach his Facebook Page by clicking that link. In case you want to see that beauty for yourself – be warned the video has an accidental slip of very salty language!

 Diary Of An Arcade Employee Podcast Episode 023 (Congo Bongo) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:24

For the 23rd episode of the Diary of an Arcade Employee Podcast the subject is 1983’s Congo Bongo by SEGA – sort of. On this show I talk a little about who actually designed and programmed the game as well as it’s success in the Golden Age of arcades. As always I’ve made sure to share some vintage audio treats for your listening pleasure! If you have any suggestions for future games to cover or comments on the show itself you may email them to me at VicSage@Retroist.com. You can also contact me on Twitter and of course on Facebook. You can also keep up to date on what is going down at the Arkadia Retrocade by making sure to “Like” their Facebook Page. If you need a daily fix you can check out the Official Diary of An Arcade Employee Facebook Page!. Our ending theme entitled “River Raid” was graciously provided by the talented Tony Longworth. You can listen to more of his work on SoundCloud! Subscribe to the Diary of an Arcade Employee Podcast: [iTunes] Subscribe to the Podcast directly in iTunes. (MP3) Directly Download the Diary of an Arcade Employee Podcast: Episode Mirror #1 (MP3) Episode Mirror #2 (OGG)

 Diary Of An Arcade Employee Podcast Episode 022 (Street Fighter II) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:22

Street Fighter II is the subject of the 22nd Diary of An Arcade Employee Podcast! On this episode I talk about the impact and legacy of Capcom’s 1991 and 1992 arcade phenomenons Street Fighter II: The World Warrior and Street Fighter II: Champion Edition. Also of note is my good friend and fellow arcade employee, Andy Pickle, is back as a special guest on the show to discuss his own memories with the legendary game. As always I’ve made sure to share some vintage audio treats for your listening pleasure! If you have any suggestions for future games to cover or comments on the show itself you may email them to me at VicSage@Retroist.com. You can also contact me on Twitter and of course on Facebook. You can also keep up to date on what is going down at the Arkadia Retrocade by making sure to “Like” their Facebook Page or you can check in on the Official Diary of An Arcade Employee Facebook Page for your daily fix. Our ending theme entitled “River Raid” was graciously provided by the talented Tony Longworth, you can visit his official site by clicking that link and make sure to hop on over to his SoundCloud Page! Subscribe to the Diary of an Arcade Employee Podcast: [iTunes] Subscribe to the Podcast directly in iTunes and why not leave us a rating if you enjoyed the show? (MP3) Directly Download the Diary of an Arcade Employee Podcast: Episode Mirror #1 (MP3) Episode Mirror #2 (OGG) A big thanks as always to Arcade Flyer Archive for that awesome flyer!

 Diary Of An Arcade Employee Podcast Episode 021 (Star Trek) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:01

Welcome friends to the 21st Diary of an Arcade Employee Podcast. On this episode I talk about the SEGA arcade hit Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator from 1982. I also made sure to bring a few vintage audio treats for your listening pleasure. If you have any suggestions for future games to cover or comments on the show itself you may email them to me at VicSage@Retroist.com. You can also contact me on Twitter and of course on Facebook. You can also keep up to date on what is going down at the Arkadia Retrocade by making sure to “Like” their Facebook Page or you can check in on the Official Diary of An Arcade Employee Facebook Page for your daily fix. Our special ending theme for this episode was provided by Earl Green of the The Log Book.Com by way of the Kasatochi chip tune cover band! Subscribe to the Diary of an Arcade Employee Podcast: [iTunes] Subscribe to the Podcast directly in iTunes and why not leave us a rating if you enjoyed the show? (MP3) Directly Download the Diary of an Arcade Employee Podcast: Episode Mirror #1 (MP3) Episode Mirror #2 (OGG)

 Diary Of An Arcade Employee Podcast Episode 020 (Showbiz Pizza) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:21

Welcome friends to the 20th Diary of an Arcade Employee Podcast. On this episode I wasn’t able to discuss my intended subjects so instead, as a sort of bonus episode I discuss my first encounter with that fabled arcade of my youth, Showbiz Pizza! I also made sure to bring a few vintage audio treats for your listening pleasure. If you have any suggestions for future games to cover or comments on the show itself you may email them to me at VicSage@Retroist.com. You can also contact me on Twitter and of course on Facebook. You can also keep up to date on what is going down at the Arkadia Retrocade by making sure to “Like” their Facebook Page or you can check in on the Official Diary of An Arcade Employee Facebook Page for your daily fix. Our new ending theme entitled “River Raid” was graciously provided by the talented Tony Longworth, you can visit his official site by clicking that link and make sure to hop on over to hisSoundCloud Page! Subscribe to the Diary of an Arcade Employee Podcast: [iTunes] Subscribe to the Podcast directly in iTunes and why not leave us a rating if you enjoyed the show? (MP3) Directly Download the Diary of an Arcade Employee Podcast: Episode Mirror #1 (MP3) Episode Mirror #2 (OGG)

 Diary Of An Arcade Employee Podcast Episode 019 (Zaxxon) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:12

Welcome friends to the 19th Diary of an Arcade Employee Podcast. For this show I discuss Sega/Gremlin’s 1982 arcade classic “Zaxxon” and we also have a special guest for this episode, John Monkus – one of the chief techs at the arcade. I also made sure to bring a few vintage audio treats for your listening pleasure. If you have any suggestions for future games to cover or comments on the show itself you may email them to me at VicSage@Retroist.com. You can also contact me on Twitter and of course on Facebook. You can also keep up to date on what is going down at the Arkadia Retrocade by making sure to “Like” their Facebook Page or you can check in on the Official Diary of an Arcade Employee Facebook Page for your daily fix. Our new ending theme entitled “River Raid” was graciously provided by the talented Tony Longworth, you can visit his official site by clicking that link and make sure to hop on over to his SoundCloud Page! Subscribe to the Diary of an Arcade Employee Podcast: [iTunes] Subscribe to the Podcast directly in iTunes and why not leave us a review if you enjoyed the show? (MP3) Directly Download the Diary of an Arcade Employee Podcast: Episode Mirror #1 (MP3) Episode Mirror #2 (OGG)


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