Diary Of An Arcade Employee Podcast Episode 023 (Congo Bongo)

Diary Of An Arcade Employee Podcast show

Summary: For the 23rd episode of the Diary of an Arcade Employee Podcast the subject is 1983’s Congo Bongo by SEGA – sort of. On this show I talk a little about who actually designed and programmed the game as well as it’s success in the Golden Age of arcades. As always I’ve made sure to share some vintage audio treats for your listening pleasure!<br><br> <br> If you have any suggestions for future games to cover or comments on the show itself you may email them to me at VicSage@Retroist.com. You can also contact me on <a href="https://twitter.com/vicsage2005">Twitter</a> and of course on <a href="https://www.facebook.com/vic.sage.948">Facebook</a>. You can also keep up to date on what is going down at the <a href="https://www.facebook.com/Arkadia-Retrocade-293619130743490/timeline/">Arkadia Retrocade</a> by making sure to “Like” their Facebook Page. If you need a daily fix you can check out the <a href="https://www.facebook.com/Diaryofanarcadeemployee/">Official Diary of An Arcade Employee Facebook Page!</a>.<br> Our ending theme entitled “River Raid” was graciously provided by the talented <a href="http://www.tonylongworth.com/">Tony Longworth</a>. You can listen to more of his work on <a href="https://soundcloud.com/tonylongworth">SoundCloud</a>!<br><br> <br> Subscribe to the Diary of an Arcade Employee Podcast:<br><br> <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/tt/podcast/diary-arcade-employee-podcast/id987491969?mt=2">[iTunes]</a> Subscribe to the Podcast directly in iTunes. (MP3)<br> Directly Download the Diary of an Arcade Employee Podcast:<br><br> <a href="https://ia801501.us.archive.org/2/items/DiaryOfAnArcadeEmployeeEp23CongoBongo/Diary-Of-An-Arcade-Employee-Ep-23-Congo-Bongo.mp3">Episode Mirror #1</a> (MP3)<br><br> <a href="https://ia801501.us.archive.org/2/items/DiaryOfAnArcadeEmployeeEp23CongoBongo/Diary-Of-An-Arcade-Employee-Ep-23-Congo-Bongo.ogg">Episode Mirror #2</a> (OGG)<br>