The Christopher Scott Show Talk Radio Podcast show

The Christopher Scott Show Talk Radio Podcast

Summary: If you’re looking for political podcasts you might want to check out The Christopher Scott Radio Talk Show Podcast. It is an independent channel, and Christopher Scott is considered one of the country’s top political commentators. ​Why is it better? Because it's the most popular independent podcast. Listened to in countries around the world. Often copied, never replicated and never compromised. It's the highest level of integrity available in broadcasting.  ​Chris is an author, speaker and an American political commentator who also offers an independent alternative. Christopher Scott is not just a news host. Much of his political commentary is shaped by perspective of Common Sense by Thomas Paine. ​ Christopher Scott is the author of Common Sense By Thomas Paine in Modern English which he spent over a year translating form the original manuscript. Making him, arguably the authority on Common Sense. This common sense perspective sets his commentary apart from other podcast channels. Because it’s a podcast about ideas it also sets the Christopher Scott Show apart from other political commentators. ​It’s a podcast that belongs in the top 15 political podcast channels to follow. Check it out for yourself.

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  • Artist: Christopher Scott Show
  • Copyright: Copyright Christopher Scott (C/O Blogtalkradio)


 Impeachment, War or BOTH? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:00

They're saying an impeachment trial might begin next week. Isn't that spectacular. I want to tell you something. TV is dying, what does that mean? It means TV ratings are trending down as people spend more time on FB and Twitter and other viewing habits that are oddly enough even more of a waste of time than watching TV. But what it also means is that TV, like radio that's now competing with podcasts, is fighting for survival. What's the saying, desperate times call for desperate measures? Trump is a master of the show. TV rating SPIKED with this whole Iran story. So put that together. Desperate for ratings mediaTrump is a show man, knows how to maximize exposureTV sees gains - might think it's because of the way their reporting (false thinking that people are agreeing with CNN or MSNBC And now, as I predicted we're moving forward with an impeachment trial. Who will benefits? The media. I heard a theory that maybe this whole Iran war story has been choreographed between Iran and Trump. Agreement to kill this general. Maybe a back room deal in the works? Strange that a plane headed for Ukraine crashed. Kill general. Iran bombs. Ukraine plane crashes. Impeachment trial next week. Strange coincidence don't you think?

 Iran is Provoking World War 3 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:44:00

On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: What's the deal with Iran? Do they want a war? So hit the play button!

 WAR: Iran Fires Missiles at American Air Base | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:32:00

Is there war with Iran? Iran launched missiles at an American air base inside Iraq. Is this the end of a war with Iran or the beginning? Who is Iran allied with? Democrats. Other than that, it doesn't seem anyone supports Iran. What war with Iran could look like. A war with Iran would like be a quick conflict since Iran has little to offer the United States strategically. Not only will the U.S. swiftly win with Iran, most of the current government will be driven from the country. US and Iran on the brink of war. Only time will tell what happens next. John 3:16 Facebook: Twitter: SUBSCRIBE AT: Books by Christopher Scott:

 Could the Draft Start in 2020 for a War With Iran? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:36:00

On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: I saw this headline and it just goes to show how ridiculous the news has gotten. Could America re-start draft? What the hell are they talking about?We're not at war.This is how the left is spinning this…Trump starts warNo he didn't, at least not yet.   How the heck do you have a draft without a war! So hit the play button! John 3:16 Facebook: Twitter: SUBSCRIBE AT: Books by Christopher Scott:

 Did Trump Just Start World War III? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: Red flag raised at Mosque warning of severe battle to come... Will punish Americans wherever they are... General steps out of Soleimani shadow... Fear Hits Tehran Over What Might Come Next... Royal Navy Admiral warns West against war... Need millions of soldiers... NATO suspends Iraq training mission... Strait of Hormuz in focus... TRUMP THE TERMINATOR... 'Totally Unpredictable'... 'Hornets' nest'... FEAR OF CYBER ATTACKS... Protests across USA... Selective Service Site Falters Over #WWIII Draft Fears... RAGE BUILDS IRAN EYES 35 TARGETS ROCKETS LAUNCHED AT US TROOPS Trump thought war with Iran could help Obama reelection. What about his own? WAG THE DOG THEORIES ERUPT... No 'stupid' wars doctrine faces biggest test... Iraq War Hawks Now Pumped For Iran... So hit the play button! John 3:16 Facebook: Twitter: SUBSCRIBE AT: Books by Christopher Scott:

 Here's What To Do for New Year's: Forget About New Year's Resolutions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:44:00

Here's my advice instead of New Year's Resolutions: Write down goals. Specific goals and a deadline to achieve it. A realistic deadline.Very important, write down your goals.Make time to work on it every week. Better every day.Track your progress. Like a little note book.Read more. So hit the play button! John 3:16 Facebook: Twitter: SUBSCRIBE AT: Books by Christopher Scott:

 How To Get Out of Bed When You Don't Feel Like It, According to a Navy Seal | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:00

On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: I came across an article I thought it would be fitting for New Year's eve since so many people will be struggling to get out of bed tomorrow. What's the best way to get out of bed when you don't feel like it? I'll share the Navy Seal method as well as my own. I'm also going to be sharing a chapter out of my book Be the Lion. So hit the play button! Order Be the Lion HERE:

 The Economy is Good, What Else is There to Talk About? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:32:00

On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: The economy is good, what else is there to talk about? It's the number one thing people care about, jobs and the economy. It's the primary issue people care about politically. The first question you could ask is why is the economy even a political issue in a free market system? There's two other questions I have about the economy generally and the weight of importance people put on it. W why is it the number one thing people care about? And two, what are the consequences of continued economic growth being so important. How is that need or desire for a good economy shaping our politics? So hit the play button! John 3:16 Facebook: Twitter: SUBSCRIBE AT: Books by Christopher Scott:  

 Could 2019 end being the worst year in American politics? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:33:00

On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: Could 2019 end being the worst year in American politics? Probably not, look at history. Civil WarLincoln shotKennedy shotNixon resigned, not impeached. Never a vote from the house, isn't that funny how it's referred to as the Nixon impeachment even though it never happened?Televised hearingsSupreme Court arguments over evidenceSpying on political opponents Not much has changed in 40 years So hit the play button! John 3:16 Facebook: Twitter: SUBSCRIBE AT: Books by Christopher Scott:

 More and More People Worried About a Civil War | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:38:00

On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: More and more people I talk to are worried about a civil war Do Nothing Democrats Can't Even Get Impeachment Done AOC at Sanders Rally, speaks about advanced society Maxine Waters wants to impeach Putin $1.4T budget deal signed, includes space force ACA - Obama Care updates The Pope says the church is 200 years out of date Robert De Niro - going off the rails again Montford Point Marine Corps Veteran turns 100 years old So hit the play button! John 3:16 Facebook: Twitter: SUBSCRIBE AT: Books by Christopher Scott:

 Real Estate Fundamentals: Location, Location, Location | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

Today I want to talk about selecting a property to invest in. How do you decide what's a good property? Location, location, location. For many years a mantra repeated, usually by realtors. It's a phrase every wannabe investor knows. Probably thought up as a means to make property more valuable through uniqueness. The question is, is it true? And, what exactly does location, location, location mean? Of course it's true, common sense would dictate that, but what does it mean? John 3:16 Facebook: Twitter: SUBSCRIBE AT: Books by Christopher Scott:

 Constitution of the United States Impeachment | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:00

On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: What does the constitution say about impeachment? What did the founding fathers want in regard to impeachment? Alan Dershowitz says the house vote is unconstitutional. What are the impeachment process next steps? What are the four legal reasons for impeachment and have they been met? What is the constitution impeachment clause? What exactly are the articles of impeachment. It's day 2 of the Trump impeachment. Hang on, because it's going to be quite a ride. So hit the play button! John 3:16 Facebook: Twitter: SUBSCRIBE AT: Books by Christopher Scott:

 Impeachment or Civil War | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:29:00

On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: Are Democrats making a tactical error starting impeachment 2 weeks before Christmas and less than a year before the election? What are they really up to and how does the average citizen benefit? So hit the play button! John 3:16 Facebook: Twitter: SUBSCRIBE AT: Books by Christopher Scott:

 Dom Giordano Feast of the 7 Fishes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:00

On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: Dom Giordano, Philadelphia talk show host and a personal hero of mine, held a fundraiser dinner in Philadelphia this week. It was an incredible event and I want to tell you all about it. So hit the play button! John 3:16 Facebook: Twitter: SUBSCRIBE AT: Books by Christopher Scott:

 Massive Spending, More Debt | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:00

On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: The national debt is about to increase again. And, it will increase with bi-partisan support. So hit the play button! John 3:16 Facebook: Twitter: SUBSCRIBE AT: Books by Christopher Scott:


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