Pillars Of Wealth Creation show

Pillars Of Wealth Creation

Summary: Welcome to Pillars of Wealth Creation, where we talk about building financial freedom with a special focus in business and Real Estate. Follow along as Todd Dexheimer interviews top entrepreneurs, investors, advisers and coaches. Todd Dexheimer, with Venture D Properties focuses on multi-family syndication, specializing in purchasing value add apartment buildings in emerging markets. Since 2008 Todd has flipped over 150 properties, including a mobile home park and apartment building. Todd talks openly about what it takes to run a successful business and become financially free. He talks about mistakes and lessons learned and how you can avoid the same pitfalls. Subscribe to our show and you won't be disappointed.

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 POWC #37 - Apartment Series #4 - Teams | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:41

In this episode we talk about finding your team to successfully purchase and run your real estate business. Building a power team is critical to your success, so beyond a real estate broker, we discuss the other important members of your team 1. Property Manager 2. Attorney’s 3. Property Inspector 4. Lender 5. Insurance Agent 6. Contractor 7. Appraiser 8. 1031 Specialist 9. Accountant 10. Cost Segregation specialist 11. Environmental company 12. Investors/Partners Check out our latest blog here: This podcast made possible by Trevor McGregor International. If you want to take your business and you life to the next level talk with Trevor at https://coachwithtrevor.com. Thank you for listening to our podcast, don’t forget to subscribe and leave us a 5 star rating and review. Connect with Pillars Of Wealth Creation on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PillarsofWealthCreation/ Subscribe to our email list at www.pillarsofwealthcreation.com Subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkg8HggkdPAuBaAQySJSEQQ/featured John Stiles is a licensed MN real estate agent with Bridge Realty. To learn more, check out John’s website: www.RealEstateStiles.com You can also find John on YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCgLtahYDXP8T-fEFJfBqHww

 POWC #36 - Michael Blank: Going big from the start. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:37:51

Michael Blank discusses the value of starting big with apartment buildings vs. starting small and waiting to graduate. Michael talks about the “law of the first deal” and how getting started is extremely important and allows your business to snowball. Michael also talks about his mistakes along the way as well as his mission to teach others how to get started with investing and go big from the start. Connect with Michael Blank at www.themichaelblank.com and check out his podcast: www.themichaelblank.com/podcasts/ This podcast made possible by Trevor McGregor International. If you want to take your business and you life to the next level talk with Trevor at https://coachwithtrevor.com. Thank you for listening to our podcast, don’t forget to subscribe and leave us a 5 star rating and review. Connect with Pillars Of Wealth Creation on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PillarsofWealthCreation/ Subscribe to our email list at www.pillarsofwealthcreation.com Subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkg8HggkdPAuBaAQySJSEQQ/featured

 POWC #35 - Apartment Series Part 3 - Working With Brokers | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:41:05

In this episode we talk about one of the most critical team members that you will have and that is real estate brokers. Your real estate business will only grow if you can find and buy deals and real estate brokers are going to be one of your best sources of deal flow. If you are buying apartment buildings, then you need a commercial real estate broker, not a residential agent and there is a big difference. In the commercial apartment world brokers/agents are typically always farming for new listings. The goal is to list, list, list and with that they should be able to sell, sell, sell. Check out our latest blog here: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/apartment-investing-series-working-brokers-todd-dexheimer/?published=t This podcast made possible by Trevor McGregor International. If you want to take your business and you life to the next level talk with Trevor at https://coachwithtrevor.com. Thank you for listening to our podcast, don’t forget to subscribe and leave us a 5 star rating and review. Connect with Pillars Of Wealth Creation on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PillarsofWealthCreation/ Subscribe to our email list at www.pillarsofwealthcreation.com Subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkg8HggkdPAuBaAQySJSEQQ/featured John Stiles is a licensed MN real estate agent with Bridge Realty. To learn more, check out John’s website: www.RealEstateStiles.com You can also find John on YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCgLtahYDXP8T-fEFJfBqHww

 POWC #34 - From nothing to financial freedom with the Cash Flow Ninja | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:44

MC Laubscher talks with us about setting ourselves up for financial freedom. In this episode we discuss going from owning nothing to creating financial success. M.C. is a wealth strategist, educator, and financial freedom fighter. He is the President and CEO of Valhalla Wealth Financial and creator and the host of the popular business and investing podcast, Cashflow Ninja. Connect with M.C. at www.cashflowninja.com and http://www.valhallawealth.com This podcast made possible by Trevor McGregor International. If you want to take your business and you life to the next level talk with Trevor at https://coachwithtrevor.com. Also, visit our friends at Norada Real Estate. If you’re looking for the best turnkey investing company or want a free investment strategy session visit www.noradarealestate.com. Thank you for listening to our podcast, don’t forget to subscribe and leave us a 5 star rating and review. Connect with Pillars Of Wealth Creation on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PillarsofWealthCreation/ Subscribe to our email list at www.pillarsofwealthcreation.com Subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkg8HggkdPAuBaAQySJSEQQ/featured

 POWC #33 - Apartment Series Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:45:02

In this episode, Todd Dexheimer and John Stiles continue their discussion about buying apartment buildings. After you decide that apartments are the asset class you want to pursue and that you are going to be the person putting together deals, you'll need to narrow down your search. Consider which Class of apartment you prefer: A, B, C, or D. Each has it's own benefits and challenges. You'll need to choose the number of units that you will consider, age of the building, location, and price range. Also, will you be looking for plug-and-play properties or value-ad opportunities? Once you've set your criteria then you need to understand where to find the deals. Listen to the episode to learn more. Check out Todd's article on this topic here: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/apartment-investing-series-buying-todd-dexheimer/?published=t Have questions or comments about investing in apartment buildings? Comment below! Connect with Pillars Of Wealth Creation on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PillarsofWealthCreation/ Subscribe to our email list at www.pillarsofwealthcreation.com Subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkg8HggkdPAuBaAQySJSEQQ/featured John Stiles is a licensed MN real estate agent with Bridge Realty. To learn more, check out John’s website: www.RealEstateStiles.com You can also find John on YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCgLtahYDXP8T-fEFJfBqHww

 POWC #32 - The value in writing a book and how to do it in 7 hours! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:50:48

In this episode we talk about writing a book in 7 hours with Nick Raithel of Content Corps. Nick discusses the value of having your own book to share your story and expertise and how you can do that in just 7 hours. We also discuss the value of time blocking and the what that can do for your business as well as handing of responsibility by hiring the right people at the right time. Lastly we hit on the why of your business and how that relates to your team and network. Say hi to Nick at contentcorps.net and talk with him about writing your book in 7 hours. This podcast made possible by Trevor McGregor International. If you want to take your business and you life to the next level talk with Trevor at https://coachwithtrevor.com. Also, visit our friends at Norada Real Estate. If you’re looking for the best turnkey investing company or want a free investment strategy session visit www.noradarealestate.com. Thank you for listening to our podcast, don’t forget to subscribe and leave us a 5 star rating and review. Connect with Pillars Of Wealth Creation on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PillarsofWealthCreation/ Subscribe to our email list at www.pillarsofwealthcreation.com Subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkg8HggkdPAuBaAQySJSEQQ/featured

 POWC #31 - Apartment Series - Getting Started | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:38:50

Todd Dexheimer and John Stiles discuss the different ways to get started purchasing commercial real estate. We talk about the many ways you can start with no money, no experience or both. Check out our blog here: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/apartment-investing-series-1-todd-dexheimer/?published=t This podcast made possible by Trevor McGregor International. If you want to take your business and you life to the next level talk with Trevor at https://coachwithtrevor.com. Also, visit our friends at Norada Real Estate. If you’re looking for the best turnkey investing company or want a free investment strategy session visit www.noradarealestate.com. Thank you for listening to our podcast, don’t forget to subscribe and leave us a 5 star rating and review. Connect with Pillars Of Wealth Creation on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PillarsofWealthCreation/ Subscribe to our email list at www.pillarsofwealthcreation.com Subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkg8HggkdPAuBaAQySJSEQQ/featured John Stiles is a licensed MN real estate agent with Bridge Realty. To learn more, check out John’s website: www.RealEstateStiles.com You can also find John on YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCgLtahYDXP8T-fEFJfBqHww Books mentioned on the show: Multi-Family Millions: How Anyone Can Reposition Apartments for Big Profits by David Lindahl Link: http://a.co/duRdVaP The ABCs of Real Estate Investing: The Secrets of Finding Hidden Profits Most Investors Miss (Rich Dad Advisors) by Ken McElroy Link: http://a.co/fXgTWmQ The Advanced Guide to Real Estate Investing: How to Identify the Hottest Markets and Secure the Best Deals (Rich Dad's Advisors (Paperback)) by Ken McElroy Link: http://a.co/8B0GIkF

 POWC #30 - Buying & Building Businesses | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:08:05

In today’s episode we talk with with the owners of Syndicate Companies, Ryan, Goran and Dario. They talk about the struggles and successes they have had running and operating their full service businesses. From auditing their financials, to looking within to grow, to getting your vision right they deliver content packed with gold. They also talk their next step of purchasing other businesses and growing those companies. You can reach Goran Vejzovic goran@vsmrealestate.com, Ryan Schroder at ryan@vsmrealestate.com and Dario Klasic Dario@klasicpropertyservices.com. This podcast made possible by Trevor McGregor International. If you want to take your business and you life to the next level talk with Trevor at https://coachwithtrevor.com. Also, visit our friends at Norada Real Estate. If you’re looking for the best turnkey investing company or want a free investment strategy session visit www.noradarealestate.com. Thank you for listening to our podcast, don’t forget to subscribe and leave us a 5 star rating and review. Connect with Pillars Of Wealth Creation on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PillarsofWealthCreation/ Subscribe to our email list at www.pillarsofwealthcreation.com Subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkg8HggkdPAuBaAQySJSEQQ/featured

 POWC #29 - Hump Day Hustle - Savings & Giving | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:29:36

In this episode Todd Dexheimer and John Stiles talk about the last 3 pillars of wealth creation - as outlined in Todd's LinkedIn article. The last three pillars are - tax savings - savings - giving back You can read Todd's full article here: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/pillars-wealth-creation-todd-dexheimer/ Connect with Pillars Of Wealth Creation on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PillarsofWealthCreation/ Subscribe to our email list at www.pillarsofwealthcreation.com Subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkg8HggkdPAuBaAQySJSEQQ/featured John Stiles is a licensed MN real estate agent with Bridge Realty. To learn more, check out John’s website: www.RealEstateStiles.com You can also find John on YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCgLtahYDXP8T-fEFJfBqHww This podcast made possible by Trevor McGregor International. If you want to take your business and you life to the next level talk with Trevor at https://coachwithtrevor.com. Also, visit our friends at Norada Real Estate. If you’re looking for the best turnkey investing company or want a free investment strategy session visit www.noradarealestate.com.

 POWC #28 - Turnkey investing with Marco Santarelli | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:40

Marco talks about building his turnkey real estate business Norada Real Estate and the challenges and successes along the way. Marco talks about his approach to choosing the best investment, knowing your why and letting go of doing it all yourself in order to truly grow your business. Marco has been a gracious sponsor of our show and tells his story. Check out Marco’s podcast passiverealestateinvesting.com and visit Norada Real Estate at noradarealestate.com. This podcast made possible by Trevor McGregor International. If you want to take your business and you life to the next level talk with Trevor at https://coachwithtrevor.com. Also, visit our friends at Norada Real Estate. If you’re looking for the best turnkey investing company or want a free investment strategy session visit www.noradarealestate.com. Thank you for listening to our podcast, don’t forget to subscribe and leave us a 5 star rating and review. Connect with Pillars Of Wealth Creation on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PillarsofWealthCreation/ Subscribe to our email list at www.pillarsofwealthcreation.com Subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkg8HggkdPAuBaAQySJSEQQ/featured

 POWC #27 - Hump Day Hustle - Appreciation, Leverage & Frozen Pipes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:37:18

In this episode Todd Dexheimer & John Stiles discuss the third and fourth pillar of wealth from Todd's blog - Appreciation & Leverage. You can read the entire article at: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/pillars-wealth-creation-todd-dexheimer/ Feel free to comment with your own thoughts about the pillars of wealth creation. Connect with Pillars Of Wealth Creation on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PillarsofWealthCreation/ Subscribe to our email list at www.pillarsofwealthcreation.com Subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkg8HggkdPAuBaAQySJSEQQ/featured John Stiles is a licensed MN real estate agent with Bridge Realty. To learn more, check out John’s website: www.RealEstateStiles.com You can also find John on YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCgLtahYDXP8T-fEFJfBqHww This podcast made possible by Trevor McGregor International. If you want to take your business and you life to the next level talk with Trevor at https://coachwithtrevor.com. Also, visit our friends at Norada Real Estate. If you’re looking for the best turnkey investing company or want a free investment strategy session visit www.noradarealestate.com. Thank you for listening to our podcast, don’t forget to subscribe and leave us a 5 star rating and review.

 POWC #26 - Sailing the Caribbean and Bahamas with Dean Meier | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:54:29

Dean Meier talks about his experiences starting in real estate at 19 years old along with the mistakes and lessons learned along the way. Dean takes us through his journey of investing in several market cycles and dealing with the ups and downs. Dean talks about living life with enjoyment and doing what you love, which for him is hunting, fishing and sailing the ocean. Check out Dean’s Youtube vujadeliving.com to follow his travels This podcast made possible by Trevor McGregor International. If you want to take your business and you life to the next level talk with Trevor at https://coachwithtrevor.com. Also, visit our friends at Norada Real Estate. If you’re looking for the best turnkey investing company or want a free investment strategy session visit www.noradarealestate.com. Thank you for listening to our podcast, don’t forget to subscribe and leave us a 5 star rating and review. Connect with Pillars Of Wealth Creation on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PillarsofWealthCreation/ Subscribe to our email list at www.pillarsofwealthcreation.com Subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkg8HggkdPAuBaAQySJSEQQ/featured

 POWC #25 - Hump Day Hustle - Personal Development & Cash Flow | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:37:36

Todd Dexheimer & John Stiles discuss the first two pillars of wealth creation: Personal Development & Cash Flow. Personal development is the most important factor in wealth creation, followed by cash flow. Read Todd's LinkedIn article on this topic at: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/pillars-wealth-creation-todd-dexheimer/ Connect with Pillars Of Wealth Creation on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PillarsofWealthCreation/ Subscribe to our email list at www.pillarsofwealthcreation.com Subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkg8HggkdPAuBaAQySJSEQQ/featured John Stiles is a licensed MN real estate agent with Bridge Realty. To learn more, check out John’s website: www.RealEstateStiles.com You can also find John on YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCgLtahYDXP8T-fEFJfBqHww This podcast made possible by Trevor McGregor International. If you want to take your business and you life to the next level talk with Trevor at https://coachwithtrevor.com. Also, visit our friends at Norada Real Estate. If you’re looking for the best turnkey investing company or want a free investment strategy session visit www.noradarealestate.com. Thank you for listening to our podcast, don’t forget to subscribe and leave us a 5 star rating and review.

 POWC #24 - Raising $5 million as a new investor - Interview with Ian Colville | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:40:48

Welcome to Pillars of Wealth Creation, today we talk with Ian Colville, who is the Managing Partner of Carpathian Capital Management. Mr. Colville is a native of Minnesota. He has 10 years of investment banking experience as well as 7 years of management consulting experience. Ian has done an impressive job in raising capital with his large syndications to buy houses, apartments and office buildings. Ian started with a few small 1-4 unit houses and then went big, by raising $5 million to buy houses. He continues to build his company and stretch the boundaries. You can say high to Ian through his web site Carpathiancapital.com. This podcast made possible by Trevor McGregor International. If you want to take your business and you life to the next level talk with Trevor at https://coachwithtrevor.com. Also, visit our friends at Norada Real Estate. If you’re looking for the best turnkey investing company or want a free investment strategy session visit www.noradarealestate.com. Thank you for listening to our podcast, don’t forget to subscribe and leave us a 5 star rating and review. Connect with Pillars Of Wealth Creation on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PillarsofWealthCreation/ Subscribe to our email list at www.pillarsofwealthcreation.com Subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkg8HggkdPAuBaAQySJSEQQ/featured

 POWC #23 - Hump Day Hustle - What Are The Pillars? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:37:20

Todd Dexheimer & John Stiles discuss an overview of the various Pillars Of Wealth Creation. Todd recently wrote a blog article about this, which you can read here: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/pillars-wealth-creation-todd-dexheimer/ Connect with Pillars Of Wealth Creation on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PillarsofWealthCreation/ Subscribe to our email list at www.pillarsofwealthcreation.com Subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkg8HggkdPAuBaAQySJSEQQ/featured John Stiles is a licensed MN real estate agent with Bridge Realty. To learn more, check out John’s website: www.RealEstateStiles.com You can also find John on YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCgLtahYDXP8T-fEFJfBqHww


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