POWC #24 - Raising $5 million as a new investor - Interview with Ian Colville

Pillars Of Wealth Creation show

Summary: Welcome to Pillars of Wealth Creation, today we talk with Ian Colville, who is the Managing Partner of Carpathian Capital Management. Mr. Colville is a native of Minnesota. He has 10 years of investment banking experience as well as 7 years of management consulting experience. Ian has done an impressive job in raising capital with his large syndications to buy houses, apartments and office buildings. Ian started with a few small 1-4 unit houses and then went big, by raising $5 million to buy houses. He continues to build his company and stretch the boundaries. You can say high to Ian through his web site Carpathiancapital.com. This podcast made possible by Trevor McGregor International. If you want to take your business and you life to the next level talk with Trevor at https://coachwithtrevor.com. Also, visit our friends at Norada Real Estate. If you’re looking for the best turnkey investing company or want a free investment strategy session visit www.noradarealestate.com. Thank you for listening to our podcast, don’t forget to subscribe and leave us a 5 star rating and review. Connect with Pillars Of Wealth Creation on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PillarsofWealthCreation/ Subscribe to our email list at www.pillarsofwealthcreation.com Subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkg8HggkdPAuBaAQySJSEQQ/featured