Jay'sAnalysis show


Summary: The best audio selections from Jay Dyer.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

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 Incarnation of the Logos - St. Athanasius (Partial Lecture) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1008

My Site: https://jaysanalysis.comMy Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/JayDyerMy Book: https://jaysanalysis.com/jays-book/My TV Show: https://www.gaia.com/series/hollywood-decodedFunctioning as a perfect introduction to Orthodoxy, in this talk we will cover St. Athanasius' famous work, On the Incarnation, which lays out the basics of Orthodoxy. From theosis to balanced Triadology, the Incarnation and Resurrection are the pillar doctrines of our faith and function as a golden chain based around the correct doctrine of the Trinity and Christology.

 Islam, Weaponized Migration & Western Civilization | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 834

The degenerate, sterile West is falling to Islam by design. The globalist plan, as mentioned by many of their top “leftists” like Bertrand Russell, has been to depopulate and alter the demographics drastically in order to bring about a genuinely technocratic global world order. Far from the problem of the West being “idiot” liberals and moron SJWs, the real strategists are anything but, and know good and well liberalism and Islam are both tools on the global chessboard. The top strategists and policy makers and technocrats all write about it – even worse, while Muslims may feel they are gaining the upper hand, the coming global order is designed to destroy their populations as well, with toxic culture that has already decimated the West.

 St. Athanasius, Uncreated Grace & Orthodox Apologetics – Against the Pagans (Partial) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1692

In this intro video that sets the stage for the full lecture on St. Athanasius’ apologetic work, Ad Gentes or Against the Heathen, we do a presuppositional critique of paganism. In the free video section I set this approach off against the failed method of Thomsitic apologetics and “classical arguments” and show how the doctrine of the Uncreated Grace and Light of Tabor – the direct seeing of God is destroyed by Thomism and absolute divine simplicity. Proper theology leads to proper anthropology – and then to proper apologetics, as we dive into the full work in the members’ section available at JaysAnalysis at the PayPal Links.

 Western Civilization VS Sh%&holes - Race & How to Save the West - Jay Dyer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1357

The mainstream hypocrites are in an uproar because Trump referred to some countries as sh&%holes, while simultaneously they call "fly over country" and the south even worse. In this video I castigate the Alt Media and Alt Right for not offering anything beyond biological determinism, which has built NO civilization. Civlizations are built on theology, philosophy, race and ethnos, as well as other aspects of culture, like language. The means to save civilization is found first in repairing the altar, not the throne. Only Orthodoxy has the entire *worldview* necessary as well as the social and cultural answers and power western, atheist man craves and lacks. The Byzantine symphonia model and the balance of the one and the many, grounded in the faith of our common millennia of Church Fathers has the answers - simply look at their Cathedrals.

 World’s Greatest Philosopher & Logician Refuted & Made Foolish – Jay Dyer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 623

Hailed by the establishment for decades as the "greatest modern philosopher in the world" and as the "greatest logician," we see how paper-thin and easily refuted the theses of Bertrand Russell are. 20 years later Russell penned his "Nobel winning" book Impact of Science on Society that was a rehash of everything in The Scientific Outlook. Under the guise of "SCIENCE" and "REASON" we see the obvious scam of globalism, technocracy and a call for the absolute necessity of a one world order based on fear-porn, peak oil and other such nonsense like climate disasters - far prior to the Club of Rome. Russell was a buffoon and a fraud and it is evident in in this talk, as well as the previous talk on Scientific Outlook. The supposed "democrat" and man of the people was not only a lying deceiver, he called for mass genocide and re-education of all who still believed in God, family and nation. Russell was a maniac.

 Hollywood's Occult Origins & Satanic Disney - Jay Dyer on Saturday Night Trad Podcast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3210

The Catholic Kulchur Podcast "Saturday Night Trad" invited me on to discuss my book. Unfortunately the audio quality is not the best, but this is not my podcast. https://catholickulchur.com/2018/01/11/saturday-night-trad-jay-dyer-on-hollywoods-dark-side/

 Cults as Intelligence Agency Covers – Jay Dyer on Boiler Room Classic | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8878

A classic, popular Boiler Room now with over 10 k listens that somehow never made it to my audio feed. Enjoy! Join ACR hosts Hesher, & Spore along with Andy Nowicki of Alt Right Blogspot, Jay Dyer from jaysanalysis.com, Randy J, and Shawn Helton of 21Wire for the 69th episode of BOILER ROOM. Dim the lights, dawn the headphones and indulge in some Boiler Room with the crew. Tonight we’re further deconstructing Cointel Pro with Jay and Shawn, discussing cults & Zen Gardner’s recent admission of his involvement with the Children of God. A scathing analysis of the mainstream media being remiss in talking about the new Russian deal with Iran as well as the theater of absurdity that is the US State Department and much more.

 SHERLOCK - Hidden Meanings and Codes in BBC Netflix Series - Jay Dyer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 977

I have been saying for a long time the BBC - Netflix series was full of strange 'coincidences' and now, with the final season we see a Savile-esque villain and outright MK Ultra alters and mind control. The 'Great Game' is afoot!

 The Truth About LSD & Psychedelics - Terence McKenna & Jay Dyer (Half) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1167

Article here: https://jaysanalysis.com/2018/01/02/esoteric-hollywood-ii-sample-section-hollywood-mk-ultra-dr-john-c-lilly/My Site: https://jaysanalysis.comMy Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/JayDyerMy Book: https://jaysanalysis.com/jays-book/My TV Show: https://www.gaia.com/series/hollywood-decodedGhost of Terence McKenna joins us first, then an intro to Dr. John C. Lilly: We cover new research I've done in the globalist books series and in relation to my new book, the sequel to Esoteric Hollywood pertaining to LSD, MK Ultra and Dr. John C. Lilly. Jollyon West dosed elephants with LSD and Lilly preferred dalliances with dolphins. Even worse, Lilly abused children and wiped their minds with LSD - here are your "great scientists."

 The Book of Daniel is the Secret to All History - Christmas (Half) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3762

Many requested a companion talk to the Daniel article. Here, we investigate how we have a unique philosophy of history and how evangelicalism is incorrect. Many prophetic texts are already fulfilled and specifically referred to the time of the First Advent of Christ and the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD. In the second hour we discuss the specifics of Daniel and how he predicts Christmas!

 Perennialism, Pagan Religions & Fr Stephen Freeman Refuted Pt. 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5250

This second part includes the section of the video that failed to be processed correctly with an additional hour of my comments in response to Fr. Freeman's email. I give my view of perennialism and how St. John of Damascus showed the means by which all religious systems boil down to a few basic starting point errors on God in his catalogue of heresies. Thus, in cabalism, Hinduism, evolutionism, and higher criticism and gnosticism, we see all the same trends and patterns at odds with our view.

 Orthodox Hermeneutics, Patristic Witness & Fr. Stephen Freeman Refuted – Jay Dyer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7547

The first time I attended an Orthodox service, two arrogant young men told me how they fled to Orthodoxy because they thought the Bible was full of errors. In the last ten years since, I have seen nothing but compromise and caving by many leaders, largely due to the funders of the seminaries. Although I don’t know if Fr. Stephen Freeman was indirectly responding to my gnostic talk (where I mentioned him in passing) in his latest article, his conflation of hermeneutics with textual issues is a consistent one and illustrates a continuing prevalence amongst many so-called Orthodox. In our day, especially among the Ameridox, we see the tendency to deride, misinterpret and discount the Law and Prophets and their historicity based on false assumptions, ignorance, heresy and modernism. In the case of Fr. Stephen Freeman, he believes that somehow Orthodoxy allows him to not worry about the historical veracity of the text and that this is “patristic.” It is not biblical, patristic or Orthodox.I left a brief paragraph response and link to my Inerrancy article and he deleted the comment, meaning he is not willing to engage in a debate on the topic – probably because he cannot answer the objection. As a result, not only will I make that point, but will follow with this 2 hour video completely refuting his flawed position. Fr. Stephen Freeman is a test case of the (sadly) many examples of Marcionite-tainted leaders (across denominations) who think “allegorization” means being a-historical. Ironically, St. Irenaeus’ Book III and IV of Against Heresies laboriously attempt to argue against Marcionism on the basis of the historicity of the Old Testament (a quote he misuses)! And not only St. Irenaeus, but all the fathers teach inerrancy and uphold the veracity of the history recorded. See my old article on inerrancy here, and my article on how typology is based on historicity here.Individuals who attend universities and have their faith challenged or destroyed on the basis of higher criticism or New Age nonsense are often oblivious to the fact their universities are in some cases funded by Satanists. In the case of Duke University, the heirs themselves claim their family were Satanists. It’s not rocket science why Duke University promotes Satanic anti-christian doctrines – and it’s not “fundamentalism.” As I point out in my talk, “fundamentalism” historically means anything in the Apostle’s Creed like miracles or Virgin Birth – but Fr. Freeman conflates this with textual interpretation and “literalism.” I don’t cite this to say Fr. Freeman is any occultist, but that he and many like him who attend such schools rarely look to who the schools’ wealthy donors may be and what philosophy they may want to inculcate.Of course, in the minds of many of these modern prelates and so-called leaders, there is no devil and Satanism doesn’t exist – and the Rockefellers had no plans or designs with ecumenism, either, even though their authorized biography says they did. Take note and watch to see if Fr. Stephen Freeman responds to me with an ad homimen or “nutball” dismissal (as if this site and channel don’t garner far more traffic than his) and you’ll know he has no response. For those who will say I am being presumptuous, he shouldn’t have deleted my comment (below) for no reason:“If this was an attempt at responding to my criticisms, you have misunderstood the point. The question is about higher criticism and the historicity of the texts and how the New Testament interprets the Old. So a textual issue and the veracity of the texts is different issue from hermeneutics. You have confined the issue to hermeneutics of “literal” versus typological – which is not even in debate, as everyone interprets the texts in some form, based on their nature – prophetic, historiographical, poetic, etc. In the Middle Ages, both East and West, it was normative to use the four-fold sense, and if you’re...

 Edward Bernay's Propaganda Dissected - Jay Dyer (Free Part) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 819

My Site: https://jaysanalysis.comMy Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/JayDyerMy Book: https://jaysanalysis.com/jays-book/My TV Show: https://www.gaia.com/series/hollywood-decodedThe classic work from the father modern advertising and pioneer of mass manipulation Edward Bernay's book Propaganda forms our next work in the globalist book series. For full talks subscribe at JaysAnalysis at the PayPal links.

 Laurel Canyon Charlie Manson & Bitcoin Blitzkrieg - Jay Dyer on Boiler Room | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6025

Alternate Current Radio Presents: Boiler RoomOn this episode of Boiler Room the ACR Brain-Trust is having a barstool discussion about Charlie Manson, serial killers, LSD, Hippie culture, Cults, Dave McGowan and the Bitcoin value skyrocketing at the end of 2017.Join ACR hosts Hesher and Spore along side Jay Dyer of Jays Analysis, Andy Nowicki of the Nameless Podcast, and Randy J (ACR & 21WIRE contributor) and the rest of the boiler gang for the hundred and thirty eighth episode of BOILER ROOM. Turn it up, tune in and hang with the ACR Brain-Trust for this weeks boil downs and analysis and the usual gnashing of the teeth of the political animals in the social reject club.

 Gnosticism Refuted - Jay Dyer (Half) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4348

This is the free half, while the full talk will be available the following day to subscribers to JaysAnalysis.com. After many requests, I have decided to cover gnosticism and why I am not a gnostic. The first half will cover the lure of Gnosticism and its modern variants, and the often overlooked aspect of who funds gnostic movements and books. Then the second hour for subscribers to JaysAnalysis will cover the meaty details from St. Irenaeus' Against Heresies and the gnostic popularizing books by Elaine Pagels and others, with specific philosophical and logical refutations.


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