Jay'sAnalysis show


Summary: The best audio selections from Jay Dyer.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

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 The Liberal American World Order: Prof. Alexander Dugin on JaysAnalysis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3210

Prof. Alexander Dugin is an author and former advisor to Vladimir Putin. He was gracious enough to speak with me in this in-depth philosophical discussion that covers a wide range of topics, including: The origins of modern liberalism in the Enlightenment era, the problems of atomistic individualism, the anti-metaphysical stance of Anglo-saxon and Scottish empiricists, how this philosophy was mirrored in the Calvinist reformers, and the desacralization of Nature in the West. From there, we discuss the ‘quantification’ of reality that resulted from that period’s mechanistic view of the kosmos and how this led to the techno-fetishism of our day and transhumanism, resulting in the attempt of destroying all collective groupings and ontological categories, including family, gender, etc. Professor Dugin explains the Fourth Political Theory and the importance of Heidegger and the European logos, as well as how evil can have its own inner ‘logic’ as we see “pure Satanism” manifested in the West. If you like this talk, please subscribe at JaysAnalysis.com for 4.95 a month at the PayPal link.http://www.jaysanalysis.com

 Esoteric Hollywood: Eyes Wide Shut as Ritual Working | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4620

In this episode of Esoteric Hollywood, I decode and deconstruct the symbolism and narrative structure of Stanley Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut. Delving into the ritual initiatory aspects, I consider Bill as a mark for the sex cult, and propose a unique thesis regarding the role of Alice and their presumed upper class status. Part noir and part surrealism, the dream state blends seamlessly with reality, but your eyes will be wide open. For more, subscribe to JaysAnalysis.com for 4.95 a month at the PayPal link.http://www.jaysanalysis.com

 Esoteric Hollywood: The Witch, Suspiria & Devil's Bitchcraft | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3594

This is the first free half of the talk, while full interviews and lectures can be obtained by subscribing to JaysAnalysis.com at the PayPal link. Jamie Hanshaw (author of Operation Culture Creation 1 and 2 and Hollywood Mind Control) joins me to break down the esoteric symbols and occult aspects of 5 films: The recent hit The Witch, horror classic Suspiria, Henson’s The Witches, The Devil Rides Out and Disney’s Hocus Pocus. From British Intelligence to Disney darkness, what is the secret message behind these films?http://www.jaysanalysis.com

 JaysAnalysis w/Fr Moody: Orthodox Theology, Roman Catholicism, Thomism & Palamas | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3668

This is the free first hour, while the full interview is for paid subscribers. To hear the full interview, subscribe here for 4.95 a month with access to the archives. Note: There was a technical issue in terms of sound for the first 20 minutes, but this gets corrected. Fr. Chris Moody is a Greek Orthodox Chaplain for the Army whose scholarly focus is the works of St. Gregory Palamas and the Eastern teaching of the divine energies and the Triads, being fluent in koine Greek. In this conversation we discuss the different conceptions of epistemology (including the Nous) in Eastern theology as contrasted with both Roman Catholic and Protestant/evangelical theology in the West. We also cover the history of these differences, as well as Thomistic scholasticism and the filioque in contrast to the debate of Palamas and Barlaam the Augustinian, with the trek of the West fulfilling Palamas’ prophetic statement about absolute divine simplicity and created grace ending in atheism.http://www.jaysanalysis.com

 JaysAnalysis: Superbowl & Grammy’s Black Magic Helter Skelter Race War | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3284

In this free first hour interview of Esoteric Hollywood, Isaac Weishaupt of Iluminatiwatcher.com joins myself and Jamie Hanshaw to discuss the recent mega-ritual social engineering events known as the Superbowl and the Grammy’s. Delving into the esoteric side, we begin analyzing the alchemical and occultic notions of inversion and its relation to the multi-cultural program of monoculture dissolution. Highlighting the promotion of globalism and French Revolutionary illuminism in Coldplay, we look at Beyoncé’s “Church of Bey,” the agitprop of #blacklivesmatter, Crowleyan “moon” aspects of Audi’s bizarre commercials, NASA and alien Psyops, and the history of CIA usage of counter-culture in Dave McGowan’s works. Moving to the Grammy’s, we investigate the similar themes that link both, considering the Eagles, Taylor Swift as a “spy,” and Lady Gaga as David Bowie, particularly in reference to his “Blackstar” video.To hear the full interview, subscribe for 4.95 a month at JaysAnalysis.com at the PayPal link for full lectures and interviews.

 Esoteric Hollywood: Willy Wonka’s Trauma Factory w/Jennifer Sodini | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4475

Jennifer Sodini of EvolveandAscend.com joins me to discuss three films of note: Gandahar, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, and Star Wars for their deeper significance. In fact, not only are these films irredeemably bizarre, they also demonstrate deep occult notions, and Willy Wonka in particular (written by British Intelligence Agent Roald Dahl), a favorite amongst traumatized kids and those in the mood to get stoned. To hear my full interviews and lectures, subscribe at JaysAnalysis.com for 4.95 a month.

 JaysAnalysis: Hitchcock's Psycho Psyche & MK Ultra w/Jamie Hanshaw | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3406

Jamie Hanshaw joins me to do an in-depth analysis of some of Hitchcock's greatest films and their deeper meaning. Jamie and I deconstruct Notorious, Marnie, Rear Window, North by Northwest, The Man Who Knew Too Much, Vertigo, Psycho, The Birds and Frenzy. We touch on everything from mind control to the occult to MI6 and Tavistock connections, as we learn the master of suspense was also a master of another kind...To hear the full interview, subscribe at Jaysanalysis.com for $4.95 month. http://www.jaysanalysis.com

 Jay w/Tim Kelly: Spies, Movies & Medieval Philosophers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7998

Tim Kelly asked me back on to his podcast to discuss history, stagecraft, the Vatican, medieval philosophy and Thomism, hylomorphism, Aristotle and the medieval synthesis, nominalism and realism, the analogia entis, the Summas, scholasticism, the imperium, church history, Augustinianism, anthropology, Anselm and Ockham, Luther and Calvin, the scientific revolution and humanism, eastern theology, naturalism, Christopher Nolan, The Prestige and Batman, conspiracy reality, The Magus and John Fowles, fake news and health deception.

 Republic, Book IV: Appollonian Mysteries, The Ideal State & Eugenics | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3180

In part 3, we move to Book IV of the Republic where Socrates, Glaucon and Adeimantus both represent and discuss the tripartite caste system of the kallipolis, and the 3 parts of the soul. Covered here is the origins of eugenics among the Greeks, the ideal state, the Oracle at Delphi and the Appollonian mysteries as the center of theology for the Republic (and why that is). I also cover the historical parallels and influences of the Republic and its theories in Book IV in history, including the French Revolution, Marxism, Malthus, Galton and Huxley. Show Sponsor: MichiganMushrooms.net

 (Half Lecture) JaysAnalysis on Brave New World | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4779

Intro song: "Dream Agent" by: Ariel Electron, Holeg Spies and Thierry Gotti on the Kore Kosmou album. In this analysis, I cover Aldous Huxley’s classic 1932 dystopian novel Brave New World from a historical, philosophical and esoteric perspective. What is Huxley saying? Was he involved in erecting the scientistic state we now live in? Did he leave clues in his famous Berkeley lecture that suggest this? How does this relate to Bacon, Shakespeare and esoterism? Why are there curious references to Marx, Ford and Rothschild in the novel? How did Huxley know about cloning in 1932 and does this future-historical fiction work prove “Hidden Metaphysics”? Is this book an even earlier reference to the real plan of MK ULTRA?

 Jonestown Massacre Deeper Story - Jay Dyer & James Kelley | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5503

In part 2 of our cult series, James and I delve into the bizarre oddness of what is Jim Jones and the People’s Temple cult and their mass suicide. Beware, this is not a PG interview – things get pretty…well, funky. It gets rather potty themed, but with a reason given Jones’ ever-evolving ideology. Given the nature of this interview, I’ve decided to make it all free. To get access to the fullness of all of my philosophy lectures and studies, as well as the rest of our cult series, subscribe at JaysAnalysis.com under the tab for $4.95 a month.

 Jay w MaryBeth Schroeder: Renaissance Esoteric | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5310

MayBeth is a fiesty, effervescent character and made for a good interview. She is classically-trained in clarinet and singing and has done Shakespearean Theater. Her resume includes numerous television and theater roles, as well as runway model work with Vidal Sassoon. Her work can be found here, along with her music samples here. MaryBeth and I delve into questions of acting methods, Renaissance theater and hermeticism, alchemy in John Donne and Ben Johnson, Shakespeare and esoterica, Platonism and dramaturgy, book recommendations, and my bad pickup lines. The opening track is by her titled “The Ritual Itself,” as part of a theme for her own web series Casual Hex. Ending track is “T3AC43RS” by Witchney Houston.

 JaysAnalysis: Esoteric Themes in True Detective | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2655

I integrate music from Ariel Electron and X Dream's "The First" for an overview analysis of True Detective Season 1 and 2, and Hollywood Esoterica. Here, I delve into the deeper aspects of the HBO series, including Jungian archetypes, occult murder, Southern Gothic literature and much more!

 Jay w Shawn Helton: Nightcrawler | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4093

Shawn Helton of 21Wire joins me to discuss the esoteric aspects of the film Nightcrawler. Shawn's massive review is well worth the read and details the symbolic aspects of Gyllenhall's psychological transformation, mirrored in the process of mass media manipulation and desensitization of the public at large.

 JaysAnalysis: Plato's Republic, Book I | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2457

In this half audio for non-subscribers, I begin the analysis of Plato’s Republic, covering books I and II, setting the stage for what will be the ideal city. Also contained in Book II is a fascinating discussion of the Hellenic mysteries and the Ring of Gyges, the magical talisman from a giant that grants the power to be invisible. Is this ring only a morality tale, or does it signify hidden metaphysics and secret techne?This is a partial lecture, the full version can be obtained by subscribing to JaysAnalysis for 4.95 a month, as well as access to archived talks and interviews, at the subscription tab.


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