Jay'sAnalysis show


Summary: The best audio selections from Jay Dyer.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

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 Jay Dyer w/Catherine Austin Fitts: Top 10 Mind Control Movies (Partial) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2281

Catherine Austin Fitts invited me on the Solari Report for a lively conversation covering mind control, movies and the transhumanist agenda. We chose ten films that stand out as exemplars, and ended up chatting for almost two hours. The full talk can be obtained by subscribing to her Solari Report below or at JaysAnalysis.com at the PayPal link, as well as my book, Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film.

 Glass Temples - Jay Dyer on the Sunday Wire | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11679

Patrick Henningsen of 21st Century Wire invited me on the Sunday Wire to discuss the steering and planning committees of the global order, and in particular the Atlanticist establishment. We cover the fake humanitarian agenda, organizational cover, how RAND shaped the new world, as well as the green/climate scam. From there, we cover the 28 pages of the 9/11 report as a red herring distraction and how Trump and the political theatre is shaping up. A killer interview you must hear!To support my work, subscribe at JaysAnalysis for 4.95 a month for my full talks and interviews, as well as purchasing my book, Esoteric Hollywood at the links at the site.

 Esoteric Hollywood: Prince Death and Illuminati Illusions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4708

The first half is free, while the full interview can be had by subscribing at JaysAnalysis for 4.95 a month at the PayPal link. A Non-GMO Hybridization of Esoteric Hollywood and The Afternoon Commute. Jay Dyer, John Adams and I (Chris Kendall) have an excellent discussion regarding Chyna, Empire of Illusion, WWF, WWE, Geraldo Rivera, Prince, the Intelligence Revolution and the Future(1994), James Bond, The Great Game, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Christopher Walken, S.W.A.T., Black Panthers Raid, S.L.A., Patty Hearst, Ian Fleming and the Cultural Politics of James Bond, 007 and 9/11, Desensitization of Violence, Theater of Cruelty, Pavlovian Conditioning, Clockwork Orange, Zombie Culture, Redneck Zombies, Russ Meyer, Mondo Films, Disney Transgender, The Parent Trap, Film Fakery, Radical Feminism, University Culture, Political Correctness, Hate Week, 1984, 2 Minutes of Hate, Holograms.

 JaysAnalysis: Nina Kouprianova on Espionage & Geopolitical Tensions (Half) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2787

Nina Kouprianova is an independent analyst of geopolitics and culture. She earned her PhD (History) from the University of Toronto, focusing on modern and contemporary Russia, culture, and U.S. foreign policy. In this interview we discuss her translations and articles found at Espionage History Archive, Soul of the East and on her own blog, NinaByzantina. Critical of the leftist tyranny in modern academia, Nina tells us about her experiences in the West, as well as her upbringing in Russia. From there, we discuss her recent translations that touch on Hitler, Stalin, and Syria, as well as her analysis of the Ukraine, NATO and the IMF, and how color revolutions and "humanitarian" agendas are often not what they seem. Nina also gives us her homework recommendations for film, philosophy and history. The first half of this talk is free, while the full interview can be obtained by subscribing to JaysAnalysis for 4.95 a month at the PayPal link.Image Credit: Nina Kouprianova

 Jay Dyer w/James Corbett: “The Prestige” and Revelation of the Method | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2535

James Corbett of the Corbett Report asked me to come on to discuss Christopher Nolan films, and in particular The Prestige in its relation to statecraft, espionage, the theater of media/warfare and how this relates to revelation of the method and ‘Twilight Language.’ James and I compare and contrast the film with major events like 9/11 and how Nolan laces all his works with these deeper themes.http://www.corbettreport.com

 JaysAnalysis: Stefan Molyneux & the Cult of “Reason” Dismantled (Half) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6271

After numerous requests to deconstruct Stefan Molyneux and his popular online philosophy talks, I have acquiesced. This talk will also apply to the whole cadre of Internet atheists, from the anarchists to the Dawkinites. In this first free two hours, I show how his very philosophy is what led to the “collapse of western civilization” he constantly touts. The basic presuppositions of materialistic atheism and empiricism are easy to refute and this talk demonstrates that, as well as how mathematics and number theory prove the existence of immaterial, invariant concepts, and thus the soul and God. In the second hour I discuss the implications of this philosophy in Bertrand Russell and the technocratic state, with Hoffman’s brilliant explanation of how all this scientism is merely hermetic alchemical processing. For the full talks, subscribe at JaysAnalysis for 4.95 at the PayPal link.

 Esoteric Hollywood: Occult Meaning of Lynch's Twin Peaks | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5852

Based on multiple viewings of all things Twin Peaks, including Fire Walk with Me and critical secondary works, I piece together an occult tapestry woven together in the popular cult series, soon to return to Showtime from Lynch and Frost. Unlike any other analysis, mine takes you deep down the synchronicity rabbit hole to the dark side of Laura Palmer’s murder and its symbolic meaning. If you like this analysis, purchase my book, Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film. http://www.jaysanalysis.comIntro theme: “Dream Agent” by Ariel Electron, Holeg Spies and Thierry Gotti on the “Kore Kosmou” album

 Hollywood Transhumanism: A Conversation with Jay Dyer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1705

This is a partial clip from a full talk available at JaysAnalysis for paid subscribers. Partners for Christian Media invited me to speak at their private theater in Chattanooga, TN. The topic was my work, Esoteric Hollywood, film and propaganda, intelligence agencies and their role in film making, popular culture as social engineering and predictive programming in relation to transhumanism as a new mythology intended to dupe the public. To support my work, subscribe at JaysAnalysis at the PayPal link for 4.95 a month to receive full lectures and talks.

 Esoteric Hollywood: The Real Meaning of Kubrick’s Shining | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6185

Intro theme: “Dream Agent” by Ariel Electron, Holeg Spies and Thierry Gotti on the “Kore Kosmou” album.In this episode, I take on Kubrick’s horror classic, The Shining with a different take than Weidner or Ager. This audio also features my Jack and Tony impersonations. My thesis is also encapsulated in my extensive written analysis at JaysAnalysis.com and will also be explored in my book Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film now available for pre-order at Amazon.com

 Jay Dyer on the Brussels Attacks, Numerology and the EU Babel | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8704

Jay Dyer returns to the show to discuss his piece "TERROR THEATRE: The EU Babel, Brussels Attack Numerology & Media Fakery." We talk about the terrorist attacks in Brussels and the evidence indicating that they were yet another "Gladio style" false flag event staged by elements within NATO and western intelligence agencies. We discuss media fakery, the possible esoteric meaning in these staged events and the role numerology appears to play in them. Later we talk about how demographic warfare, weaponized culture and other forms of psychological warfare are being used to prepare Europe and the entire world for the imposition of a globalist order that is both an amusement park and gulag.

 Esoteric Hollywood: 2001 An Alchemical Spatial Odyssey | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6179

In this episode of Esoteric Hollywood I break down Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey and its esoteric meaning. Included are my rebuttals of the Neo-Darwinian philosophy that underpins the narrative, as well as the exotheology mythos that it seeks to evangelize with. 2001 is a technical achievement but also a tremendous propaganda piece that concludes with gnostic transhumanism.Intro theme: “Dream Agent” by Ariel Electron, Holeg Spies and Thierry Gotti on the “Kore Kosmou” album.

 Esoteric Hollywood: Richard Grove on Hidden History & Logic | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6917

Filmmaker Richard Grove of Tragedy and Hope joined me for one of the early episodes of Esoteric Hollywood to discuss the suppression of logic, reason and history in the form of mass education and social engineering. Richard and I delve deep into 9/11 monetary scams, the history of western intelligence operations and the tremendous influence of the foundations and banksters who, through fell spectrum dominance, are seeking to reorganize societies. Looking into the history of the CIA and MI6, Richard and I touch on everything from Hollywood to philosophy.

 (Half) JaysAnalysis: Plato's Republic Conclusion - The Ancient Mysteries | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3465

In this free first hour, we recap and review Plato's Republic, and conclude the analysis with a look at the final book of the Republic, Book X, and its description of the afterlife in the esoteric "Myth of Er." In hour 2 for paid subscribers, I explain the mystery religions, including Orphism and the Eleusinian Mysteries and their connection to Plato and how this is altered in Plato's later reformation of the Republic into "Magnesia," with its Nocturnal Council in The Laws. The full talk can be obtained by subscribing to JaysAnalysis for 4.95 at the PayPal link. http://www.jaysanalysis.com

 Esoteric Hollywood: Weird Stuff – Culture Creation & Mind Control | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3806

This is the first free half of the full interview with author Jamie Hanshaw which can be obtained at JaysAnalysis by subscribing at the paypal link. Jamie’s books can be obtained here.“Weird Stuff is an occult conspiracy encyclopedia in an easy-to-read fully illustrated magazine format.Understand the purpose of Lady Gaga performing a blood sacrifice on American Idol and Madonna’s use of Kabbalah in Super Bowl High Profile Rituals. Learn the truth about Walt Disney Co. and their connection with the military industrial complex. Weird Stuff goes where your minister will not dare! Weird Stuff is more than a book. It is a tool for you to help rehabilitate the minds of friends.”“From the Gates of Babylon to the Kodak Center, what does Hollywood have in common with the creation of civilization? Where there is royalty there are subjects and slaves. Learn how pop culture is a magickal spell leading humanity down the path of social Darwinian stratification and class warfare. See how the military uses the entertainment industry for propaganda and covert operations. Are celebrities victims of mind control? Who is the Scarlet Woman and how many times can she be incarnated at one awards ceremony? Learn about the revelation of the occult method, the Super Bowl-Grammy Ritual Spectacular, and much more!”

 Orthodoxy, Rome, Vatican II & Ecumenical Collapse: Fr. Peter Heers w/JaysAnalysis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3074

"Fr. Peter Heers is a Greek Orthodox priest with a doctorate in Dogmatic Theology from the Theological School of the University of Thessalonica, where he has also completed his undergraduate studies and Master’s Degree in Dogmatic Theology. He is the rector and spiritual father of the parish of the Holy Prophet Elias in Petrokerasa, a small village in the mountains outside of Thessalonica, Greece. In 2014 he was made Protopresbyteros and Spiritual Father of the Diocese of Ierissou and Agion Oros.Fr. Peter is the author of The Missionary Origins of Modern Ecumenism: Milestones Leading up to 1920, as well as the newly released title, in Greek, The Ecclesiological Renovation of the Second Vatican Council: An Orthodox Examination of Rome’s Ecumenical Theology Regarding Baptism and the Church.Fr. Peter is also the translator of several books, including the Life of Elder Paisios and the Epistles of Elder Paisios, The Truth of our Faith (vols 1&2) by Elder Cleopa and Apostle to Zaire: The Life of Fr. Cosmas of Grigoriou, as well as the best-selling children’s book From I-ville to You-ville.Fr. Peter, in addition to being the founder and current head of Uncut Mountain Press, was also the founder and first editor of “Divine Ascent, A Journal of Orthodox Faith.” He is also the host of the online podcast, Postcards from Greece found at Ancient Faith Radio, and a regular speaker to parish groups in the United States and Canada."His new book, The Ecclesiological Renovation of Vatican II: An Orthodox Examination of Rome’s Ecumenical Theology Regarding Baptism and the Church is now available and functions as the topic of our interview. Fr. Peter enlightens us on the history of Augustinian theology and its influence on western sacramentology and ecclesiology and how this blossomed in full by the time of Vatican II. Consequently, Vatican II utilized the new theology of liberal theologians like Yves Congar (and even John Calvin) and others to extend the doctrine of the Church into relativized non-existence through "minimalism," exemplified in the absurdities and contradictions of the manifold ecumenical manifestations, most notably the coming "Pan-Orthodox Synod" and the review of the ecumenical documents to be discussed. The fist half of this interview is free, while the full interview can be obtained by subscribing to JaysAnalysis.com at the PayPal link for 4.95 a month.http://www.jaysanalysis.com


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