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All Gallup Webcasts

Summary: Gallup Webcasts are for those who want to help others understand their Clifton StrengthsFinder Results. Gallup experts and independent managers and coaches share tactics and strategies to help others maximize the talents. Find more at

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 Called to Coach – Product Preview: CliftonStrengths for Managers Report - LIVE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3177

Called to Coach – Product Preview: CliftonStrengths for Managers Report - LIVE

 The Current World of the Manager -- S9E20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3629

Mike McDonald, Senior Workplace at Gallup, joined the webcast to talk about the world managers are currently living in, including the role of communication and feedback in improving their employees' and teams' engagement and wellbeing. View the complete transcript for this webcast, along with audio and video, at Follow Us Facebook -- LinkedIn -- Instagram -- Twitter -- Pinterest -- Learn More About CliftonStrengths Subscribe to the CliftonStrengths Newsletter -- How It Works -- 34 CliftonStrengths Themes -- 4 CliftonStrengths Domains -- The History -- Who’s It For Individuals -- Teams -- Organizations -- Schools -- Popular Products Assessments -- Materials and Tools -- Courses -- Books -- Additional Resources Articles and Videos -- Webcasts -- Guides and Reports --

 Awareness: Solve Today's Problems in "Light" of Your Talents | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 266

Strengths don't improve themselves, greatness comes from effort. Listen to this episode of Talent Mindfulness and take a moment to reflect on your past and future. View the complete transcript for this webcast, along with audio and video, at Follow Us Facebook -- LinkedIn -- Instagram -- Twitter -- Pinterest -- Learn More About CliftonStrengths Subscribe to the CliftonStrengths Newsletter -- How It Works -- 34 CliftonStrengths Themes -- 4 CliftonStrengths Domains -- The History -- Who’s It For Individuals -- Teams -- Organizations -- Schools -- Popular Products Assessments -- Materials and Tools -- Courses -- Books -- Additional Resources Articles and Videos -- Webcasts -- Guides and Reports --

 How Has Wellbeing Fared Throughout the Pandemic? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1780

Jan-Emmanuel De Neve, a leading expert on behavioral economics and the study of happiness, discusses findings from the 2020 World Happiness Report, how policy can help wellbeing recover and the downsides of indefinite remote work.

 Called to Coach avec Jonathan Pardo | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2759

Notre invité est Jonathan PardoNotre invité est Jonathan Pardo Fondateur de Simplexity et Simplexity Academy, je me décris comme un formateur passionné, un coach invétéré et un facilitateur explosif. Je poursuis la mission de ramener du sens dans les décisions et actions de chaque individu au sein de son organisation. L'objectif ? l'amélioration durable de la performance et du bien-être de chacun. Pour atteindre cet objectif, je favorise la co-création, l’intelligence collective et l’autonomie. Centré sur l’entreprise et son évolution, davantage encore sur l’humain et sa transformation, je déploie un ensemble de compétences et de méthode pour permettre aux personnes et aux organisations d'activer tout leur potentiel. Mon leitmotiv : « Let's make it meaningful. Together”. Plus qu'un slogan, une véritable conviction. Celle qu'il est possible, au quotidien, de créer du sens dans nos actions et décisions. Celle que le travail et la collaboration entre individus est la meilleure manière d'atteindre nos objectifs. Celle, enfin, qu'il faut parfois être bousculé pour tirer pleinement parti de notre potentiel. Le Top 5 des points forts de Jonathan : Maximisation | Ideation | Stratégique | Positivité | Input Host: Olivier Grau Olivier Grau est Senior Consultant, Account Lead et ICF Coach Leadership chez Gallup, basé entre Londres et Paris. Ayant débuté sa carrière chez Gallup en tant qu'analyste en sélection et psychométrie, Olivier a une expertise dans le domaine de l'évaluation des talents ainsi que de l'engagement des collaborateurs. En conjonction avec de nombreuses années d’expérience dans le secteur du conseil en engagement avec différentes méthodologies et outils psychométriques, Olivier a également enrichi ses connaissances avec une expérience « in house », coté client, où il a dirigé et lancé un projet global d'engagement des collaborateurs pour une société multinationale de télécommunication ayant une empreinte globale. Le Top 5 des points forts d’Olivier : Individualisation | Studieux | Stratégique | Réalisateur | Idéation Called to Coach est un webcast (via Youtube) qui permet aux coaches ou futurs coaches à interagir avec des coaches certifiés pour lesquels le développement par les points forts a été un véritable facteur de succès.

 Talento Carisma – Luiz Claudio e Yuri Trafane | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3378

Our guest is Luiz Claudio Ferreira and we will discuss the CliftonStrengths Talent Theme of Woo Portuguese: Técnico em patologia clínica, graduação em engenharia mecânica pela Faculdade de Engenharia Industrial, extensão em Administração pela Fundação Getúlio Vargas e pós-graduação em marketing da Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado. Foi Six Sigma Champion na Allied Signal (Honneywell) e tem a certificação de Strengths Coach pela Gallup Inc. Tem uma carreira de mais de 25 anos formando e liderando equipes nas áreas de qualidade, six sigma, gestão de projetos e engenharia de produtos Atua como executivo na Roca Sanitários Brasil Ltda sendo responsável pelas áreas da Qualidade e Oficina Técnica há mais de 20 anos, tendo sido responsável pela área de Assistência Técnica das marcas da empresa por mais de 17 anos. É diretor da ASFAMAS (Associação dos Fabricantes de Materiais para o Saneamento) e atua na ABNT como gestor do CB-178 – Comitê Brasileiro de Componentes de Sistemas Hidráulicos Prediais. Na trajetória profissional, seu maior orgulho são as histórias de jovens talentos que contratou ao longo dos anos e a quem ajudou a se tornarem, além de profissionais respeitados, pessoas felizes. Como coach, Luiz Cláudio tem paixão em ajudar estudantes, jovens profissionais e profissionais que são jovens há mais tempo, a descobrir (ou redescobrir) seus talentos e valores e usá-los produtivamente em suas vidas e seus objetivos. Sua formação eclética, sua experiência profissional, sua qualificação como coach e sua vivência no campo (de onde colhe belas histórias de vida), lhe dão uma base sólida para conduzir conversações significativas e inspiradoras. Luiz tem como temas de talentos dominantes: Excelência, Carisma, Organização, Individualização e Ativação. English: Technician in clinical pathology, graduated in mechanical engineering at the Faculty of Industrial Engineering, extension in Administration at Fundação Getúlio Vargas and postgraduate in Marketing at Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado. He was a Six Sigma Champion at AlliedSignal (Honneywell) and is a Strengths Coach certified by Gallup Inc. He has a career spanning more than 25 years forming and leading teams in quality, six sigma, project management and product engineering areas. He has been working as an executive at Roca Sanitarios Brasil Ltda for more than 20 years, being responsible for Quality and Product Technical Office areas, having been responsible for the Technical Assistance area of the company's brands for over 17 years. He is director of ASFAMAS (Association of Sanitation Materials Manufacturers) and works at ABNT (Brazilian National Standardization Association) as manager of CB-178 - Brazilian Technical Committee for Components of Building Hydraulic Systems. In his professional career, his greatest pride is the stories of young talents he hired over the years and whom he helped to become, in addition to respected professionals, happy people. As a coach, Luiz Cláudio is passionate about helping students, young professionals and professionals "young for a longer time", to discover (or rediscover) their talents and values and use them productively in their lives and goals. His eclectic background, his professional experience, his coach qualification and his experience in the countryside life (from where he collects beautiful life stories), give him a solid base to conduct inspiring and meaningful conversations. Luiz's dominant talent themes are: Excellence, WOO, Arranger, Individualization and Activator. Yuri Trafane formou-se em Gestão de Marketing pela ESPM após ter cursado Química na UNICAMP. Possui dois MBAs, um pela USP e outro pela FGV, seguido de um pós-MBA pela FIA, uma certificação em coaching pela ATD USA e uma especialização em Strength Based Coaching pela Gallup USA. Com sólida formação acadêmica, construiu sua experiência profissional como executivo em empresas renomadas, como Johnson & Johnson, Unilever,...

 Consistency Blind Spots | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 176

Listen to other episodes of Theme Thursday to learn more about your CliftonStrengths (formerly StrengthsFinder). Learn more about CliftonStrengths: Follow Us Facebook – LinkedIn - Instagram - Twitter - Pinterest - Learn More About CliftonStrengths Subscribe to the CliftonStrengths Newsletter - How It Works – 34 CliftonStrengths Themes - 4 CliftonStrengths Domains – The History – Who’s It For Individuals - Teams - Organizations - Schools – Popular Products Assessments - Materials and Tools - Courses - Books – Additional Resources Articles and Videos - Webcasts - Guides and Reports -

 International Coaching Week: Coaching as an Accelerant for Thriving in Recovery (Part 3) - LIVE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3729

International Coaching Week: Coaching as an Accelerant for Thriving in Recovery (Part 3) - LIVE

 International Coaching Week: Coaching as an Accelerant for Thriving in Recovery (Part 2) - LIVE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3610

International Coaching Week: Coaching as an Accelerant for Thriving in Recovery (Part 2) - LIVE

 International Coaching Week: Coaching as an Accelerant for Thriving in Recovery (Part 1) - LIVE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3595

International Coaching Week: Coaching as an Accelerant for Thriving in Recovery (Part 1) - LIVE

 Expert Views on Escalating Violence in the Middle East | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2503

How do Americans view the long-standing conflict in the Middle East? What led to the latest escalations across the Holy Land this week? And what challenges do these rising tensions pose to U.S. leadership? This week, we are joined by: •Lydia Saad, Gallup Director of U.S. Social Research •Khaled Elgindy, Director of Program on Palestine and Palestinian-Israeli Affairs at the Middle East Institute •Dr. Natan Sachs, Director of the Center for Middle East Policy at Brookings

 Called to Coach: Using Partnership Coaching to Strengthen Teams - LIVE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4452

Called to Coach: Using Partnership Coaching to Strengthen Teams - LIVE

 Appreciation: Honor Partners Whose "Notes" Harmonize With Yours | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 317

Strengths don't improve themselves, greatness comes from effort. Listen to this episode of Talent Mindfulness and take a moment to reflect on your past and future. View the complete transcript for this webcast, along with audio and video, at Follow Us Facebook -- LinkedIn -- Instagram -- Twitter -- Pinterest -- Learn More About CliftonStrengths Subscribe to the CliftonStrengths Newsletter -- How It Works -- 34 CliftonStrengths Themes -- 4 CliftonStrengths Domains -- The History -- Who’s It For Individuals -- Teams -- Organizations -- Schools -- Popular Products Assessments -- Materials and Tools -- Courses -- Books -- Additional Resources Articles and Videos -- Webcasts -- Guides and Reports --

 A Tribute to Happiness Scientist Ed Diener (1946-2021) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1153

Ed Diener was a trailblazer in the field of psychology and wellbeing. To celebrate the life of this Gallup senior scientist -- whose passion for research and wellbeing paved the way to changing policy and bettering lives around the globe -- we revisit a past conversation with him on The Gallup Podcast.

 Called to Coach - The Perks of being a Manager - LIVE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3715

Called to Coach - The Perks of being a Manager - LIVE


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