Talking in Stations show

Talking in Stations

Summary: Talking in Stations brings you podcasts from EVE Online MMORPG. EVE Online is a community-driven spaceship game where players can play for free, choosing their path from countless careers. Experience space exploration, immense PvP battles, mining, manufacturing, and a massive player-made economy in an ever-expanding sandbox video game.

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 TIS-CSM13-Cwittofur Cesaille | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

Character Created: 2011/11/06 Corp/Alliance: The Hivemindholding/Not imbalance yet Eve-Who: Link zKillboard: Link (more…)

 TIS-CSM13-Brisc Rubal | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

Character Created: 2006/07/09 Corp/Alliance: STK Scientific/The Initiative. Country: United States Website: Eve-Who: Link zKillboard: Link (more…)

 TIS-CSM13-Kalen Tsero | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

Character Created: 2013/05/10 Corp/Alliance: WeebFleet/Tsundere Triad Country: United States Reddit: Kalen_Tsero Twitter: @kalen_tsero Eve-Who: Link zKillboard: Link (more…)

 TiS 01/21/18 – Doomsday 9-4RP2 Battle, Structures 2.0 Analysis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

Imperium News senior staffer Matterall, sits down with fellow EVE Online players to discuss news, politics, and personalities from the long-lived MMO game. Recorded live on Twitch Sundays at 17:00 UTC (more…)

 TIS-CSM13-Xenuria | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

Character Created: 2010/05/27 Corp/Alliance: KarmaFleet/Goonswarm Federation Country: United States Twitter: @Xenuria Eve-Who: Link zKillboard: Link Candidate Self Description Save a spot on your ballot for me. I demonstrated my commitment and values during my previous term much to the disappointment of certain groups. I want to be re-elected and I am not naive about how unlikely that is without null support. Just because unaffiliated voters grossly outnumber all of null doesn’t mean they all vote or even that they will vote in their best interests. The truth is I may have a very low chance of success but that hasn’t changed since I first started running for CSM. I lost many many times before finally being elected. I kept trying and applying myself. Being serious and committed to something means that even when your likelihood of success is small you still put in the effort. Campaign Post Save a spot on your ballot for me. I demonstrated my commitment  and values  during my previous term much to the disappointment of certain groups~. I want to be re-elected and I am not naive about how unlikely that is without null support. Just because unaffiliated voters grossly outnumber all of null doesn’t mean they all vote or even that they will vote in their best interests. The truth is I may have a very low chance of success but that hasn’t changed since I first started running for CSM. I lost many many times before finally being elected. I kept trying and applying myself. Being serious and committed to something means that even when your likelihood of success is small you still put in the effort. Hi I am Xenuria, and I am running for Re-election to the CSM. Sources and Citations The Mind Clash Podcast Contact Reddit Twitter Endorsements MinerBumping  

 TIS-CSM13-Creecher Virpio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

Character Created: 2013/08/30 Corp/Alliance: Alcoholocaust./Test Alliance Please Ignore Country: United States Twitter: @CreecherVirpio Eve-Who: Link zKillboard: Link Candidate Self Description No entry supplied. Campaign Post Hello, I am Creecher Virpio, welcome to my CSM Campaign. The Who: I’ve spent nearly my whole EVE career obsessed with all aspects of Capital ships. I’ve done logistics, PVE, PVP and construction, as well as living full time in wormhole space for around a year and a half. For the past the last 2 Years, I’ve been the Capitals Director and a supercapital FC of the third largest alliance in the game. This puts me in a unique position that most people don’t get to see, the lifecycle of a capital from construction to deployment en masse on the battlefield. While I’ve played in all areas of the game, from highsec to wormholes, nullsec has been my home for the vast majority of that time and is where I have the most experience, and most care for. The game is going in a good direction, but we’ve seen how easily that can slip and I want to do whatever I can to keep things on track. As such, my goals are as follows: The What: My Campaign is focused around Capital ships and their impact on New Eden, driving content in nullsec, as well as over all game health. Capitals are a huge part of the game for nearly everyone. At some point in every person’s EVE career, they’re going to interact with capitals. This is why it is so important that they are properly balanced. This applies to all capitals, from the orca to the titan, highsec and nullsec. I want to see more capitals being deployed, more destroyed and more built than ever before in all areas of space. Key Points that need to be addressed and how I would like to guide CCP to address them. Constant iteration – no one likes a stale meta. Constant evolution of the meta, even if things get somewhat out of balance is good for the game. We have seen too many times that a bad change lingers for too long. Frequent iteration is the path ccp needs to continue on. This video is a great example of how this works:  Supercapital Balance – Burst projectors need a balance pass, they are too small for subcapitals and too weak for capitals, this could be resolved with scripting, large bubbles with weaker effects for anti subcap and small bubbles with strong effects for capitals. XL Missiles – One of the core imbalances between shield and armor capitals is damage application, specifically with missiles. The lack of damage application of capital missiles combined with the ability to evade the slow moving missiles mean that they are far outclassed by the instant damage application of turret based weapons, combined with the pitiful range of torpedos, XL missiles need a heavy rebalance pass. This comes into play specifically in large fleet fights and Ti-Di situations. The instant application of turret weapon systems means that missile based capitals are wiped out before they have any chance to return damage. Emojis in Local chat: TEST Alliance has always been a herald of local spam, and its time we brought local to the next level. With the next chat update, we should be able to use EMOJIS in the in game chat ser

 TIS-CSM13-Cacique Yuhasz | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

Cacique Yuhasz Character Created: 2007/11/05 Corp/Alliance: Spartan Vanguard/Test Alliance Please Ignore Country: Cuba Eve-Who: Link zKillboard: Link   (English is not Cacique’s primary language, Spanish is.) Yes I know what you want to say I know in the same way too first of all, try to help all new players to set status and help with the tutorial locate trusted corporations and alliances the ones with a long and good reputation cause many corps seek using players to they own benefits and not let them know or have fun in the game that is not just a long and extense killing The game is rich in many things, and I am agreed that the best of it is the player power of choice in the game you can do many such things you feel small, experiences players sometimes are noobs considering when the changes or updates are coming and fixing The problem is not the game is how the people use the game for you can see here many kinds of persons but the one thing that gives you your way to go is the corp of your choice your first corp is the one that gave the main idea how the game work If you choose a good corp I mean good, Goals, Friendly, Teaching, and many times helping with ISK and ships the same attitude you have it with others in the game no matter if you are hostile or not but if the corp you are into is full of persons with just one thing in mind” New guy, new bulletproof” And no I want to fix the problem talking with the main corps and alliances in the game to be able to make the game more GOOD for play than be here and a random guy just kill you or gank you without reason and never know if you can fight back that attitude Giving a fixed problem is never know for sure but the answer is always to try to find hope in deep space but it is, and we will find it but together not alone thanks     CSM Wire:    

 TIS-CSM13-Commander Aze | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

Character Created: 2006/12/04 Corp/Alliance: Sub–Zero/The Bastion Country: United States Twitter: @CommanderAze Eve-Who: Link zKillboard: Link Candidate Self Description Three Goals. 1. Focus on the little things 2. Consider the Health of the game when pushing priorities 3. Increase Communication between CSM and CCP and the greater community. Why these three things Little things Eve needs a new Crucible. We can all agree on the little things, changing at least temporarily from large changes to continually fixing smaller issues. We saw some seriously good improvements in the March release and we need to build off this focus to develop a more positive gaming experience. Health of the Game There are some long standing health issues that eve has, much like getting old in real life games eventually develop issues with old mechanics that have worn out in the test of time. We all know what these are but for those that want to see what I think, War (the Mechanic in high sec), Cloaky Camping, and balance. These are a few of these mechanics although there are many more that cut at the heart of eve and prevent healthy content. I cannot promise change but I can promise to advocate for iterations on these mechanics. Communication With the reduction on the Community Team CCP needs to take advantage of the CSM as ambassadors for the brand. Use them to develop focus groups for targeted change, and use them to communicate to the masses. There are a lot of ways the player base can see where the CSM effects the game and insuring the masses see what the CSM does is vital to its success. CSM Wire –     Commander Aze for CSMXIII Official Forum Thread TLDR for the people that don’t read 1. Little Things Initiative 2. Improve overall health of the game through Quality of life improvements in all sec statuses 3. Community Support Persistence and Depth of knowledge. Welcome to my 5th CSM Campaign Every Year It gets better and better, I gain more experience and more depth of knowledge in other areas of Eve. What do I bring to the table you might ask. I’m a long-term industrialist the numbers, and data type. I build various larger ships with my corporation including Capitals, Supercapitals, and Titans. I formerly ran a moon empire (all sub r32) So in terms of someone that understands the market and industrial Quality of Life issues specific to moon management, PI, and general industry. However, I am formerly a Fleet comma

 TiS 01/14/18 – Providence and Cloud Ring Battles | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

Imperium News senior staffer Matterall, sits down with fellow EVE Online players to discuss news, politics, and personalities from the long-lived MMO game. Recorded live on Twitch Sundays at 17:00 UTC (more…)

 EVE News Roundup | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00
 CSM13 Jaha Preynar | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00
 CSM13 Jin’taan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00
 TIS-CSM13-Silver Suspiria | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

Character Created: 2014/02/07 Corp/Alliance: Mecha Enterprises Fleet/Federation Uprising Country: United States Twitter: @Silver_Suspiria Eve-Who: Link zKillboard: Link (more…)

 TIS-CSM13-Raphendyr Nardieu | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

Character Created: 2013/05/18 Corp/Alliance: Unpublished Chapter/Suddenly Content Country: Finland Twitter: @raphgendyrEVE Eve-Who: Link zKillboard: Link (more…)

 EVE Online Review (Part Two) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

EVE Online Review (Part Two)


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