Detective and Mystery – Retro Radio Podcast show

Detective and Mystery – Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Radio detectives, mystery, murder, double crossers, and hard boiled action.


 Sherlock Holmes – Sweeney Todd, Demon Barber. ep200, 460128 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:59

On a Winter’s night of 1896, Holmes and Watson had gone to enjoy a classic play, Sweenie Todd. The drama of the demon barber draws comments from our sleuths, then they are called back stage for the sanity and safety of London. The cast share concerns over strange happenings. Mr Humphries has found a blood soaked razor, and mud covered boots more than once, though those artifacts aren’t to be found at the moment. When Holmes follows up, he finds no unsolved razor murders on record. When evidence turns up, Humphries seems proven to not be making his story up. Holmes opinion on the case is still out, other than having a matter of fraud afoot. Who is toying with Humphries, and why are they doing it? Sherlock doubts that Humphries is a sleep walker, or a murder, then he finds the worried man has been killed. All that’s left is for Watson to finish relating this tale. The ruse hasn’t fooled Holmes, but he’ll still need to act fast as he holds his cards close to the vest while he reveals the killer.

 Dragnet – Big_Friend. ep95, 510405 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:16

Homicide Detail. A man claims his wife is murdered, but he doesn’t know who did it. On the scene, Joe Friday, and Ben Romero, find a distraught husband. He and a friend were at a bar together. Concerned that Hazel would be upset , Earl drove him home. Details about flat tires, and too much to drink come out. Earl only lives two doors down the block, but in taking the tires to him to be aired up, Leonard returned home to find Hazel had been killed. In voiceover, Joe gives details in the investigation, are they being lied to, are there other family members who could shed light on the matter? Earl offers his side of the story, and his story seems inline with Leonard’s. Clues come in from the crime scene that could help identify the killer. As the interviews continue, versions of the story change enough to have Joe and Ben concerned. More evidence is turned up, bloody hand prints, and it’s enough for a solid link to the killer. Who will it be a match for? Earl and Leonard are brought back in to see if they might change their story to the truth. The only one in the room who is surprised by the findings is Leonard.

 Molle Mystery Theater – The Eleventh Juror. 450403 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:34

Join the tense emotions of a jury room as deliberations are made in a murder trial. It should be a clear cut case, but one juror holds out, insisting there’s reasonable doubt. What makes him so sure? Does he have any hope of changing the minds of the other men on the jury? In flashback, we learn some of the key points in the trial. The circumstance, the evidence, and all witnesses point to the condemned man. The only thing missing is there’s no motive that connects the man to the murder. Sharing a story of an alternative background, and crime scene set up, has the juror put a reasonable doubt on the crime? Has he actually exposed who the real killer is? In a moment of emotion, the jurors overturn the decision for an acquittal, but has the murderer gotten off the hook? In true 1940’s fashion, justice must be served, but we have to wait for the epilog for all the details.

 Molle Mystery Theater – The Eleventh Juror. 450403 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:34

Join the tense emotions of a jury room as deliberations are made in a murder trial. It should be a clear cut case, but one juror holds out, insisting there’s reasonable doubt. What makes him so sure? Does he have any hope of changing the minds of the other men on the jury? In flashback, we learn some of the key points in the trial. The circumstance, the evidence, and all witnesses point to the condemned man. The only thing missing is there’s no motive that connects the man to the murder. Sharing a story of an alternative background, and crime scene set up, has the juror put a reasonable doubt on the crime? Has he actually exposed who the real killer is? In a moment of emotion, the jurors overturn the decision for an acquittal, but has the murderer gotten off the hook? In true 1940’s fashion, justice must be served, but we have to wait for the epilog for all the details.

 Richard Diamond – Fifty Thousand Dollar Diamond Heist. ep29, 49112 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:31

What has the hardboiled detective shaken up? Before he can head out to seek comfort with his best gal, Helen, a customer demands Richard’s attention. A package of important papers needs delivered. Though it would be unethical to peek into the package, Richard does, and discovers valuable diamonds. A phone call is all the assurance that somebody is setting him up, so Walt is called to witness what goes down. Is Richard pulling his own prank on his police buddies? How does the missing diamonds play into a murder that Walt is under pressure to solve? Tracking down addresses, Richard encounters a dame. What next? A thump on the head? You know it. Will he be any closer to learning why he was picked as the pigeon in the heist? The diamond seem long gone, but a plan begins to form, and Richard gets the answers he needs. Danger looms as Richard’s plan goes into affect. Calling on Walt to cover his back, the thugs won’t have long before they’re under wraps.

 Sherlock Holmes – Telltale Pigeon Feathers. ep199, 460121 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:47

Mysterious things at a boardinghouse has Mrs Hudson reporting to Mycroft Holmes, the older brother of the famous detective. What is a bird man? Mrs Hudson claims it’s like a werewolf. Feathers on the boardinghouse window seem to prove her idea out, Is it an old wives tale, or serious it could just be carrier pigeons, but with wartime there are concerns over a leak A letter to Holmes has him and Watson on the case. Disguised as building inspectors, the investigation begins. Signs of the carrier pigeons are found, the suspected link to espionageA struggle, a gun, and an uppercut, but Holmes is left standing. Will a pigeon with a coded message lead them to its master? Holmes has cracked the code, and has set a trap. in a club, with a feather clad singer, a prize pigeon from the Morarty gang is spotted. Shots are fired, a dead body, and Holmes has to answer questions at Scotland Yard. There’s still time to spring a trap to catch the killer, and put an end to the mystery. Stay tuned as Sherlock wraps it all up.

 Sherlock Holmes – Telltale Pigeon Feathers. ep199, 460121 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:47

Mysterious things at a boardinghouse has Mrs Hudson reporting to Mycroft Holmes, the older brother of the famous detective. What is a bird man? Mrs Hudson claims it’s like a werewolf. Feathers on the boardinghouse window seem to prove her idea out, Is it an old wives tale, or serious it could just be carrier pigeons, but with wartime there are concerns over a leak A letter to Holmes has him and Watson on the case. Disguised as building inspectors, the investigation begins. Signs of the carrier pigeons are found, the suspected link to espionageA struggle, a gun, and an uppercut, but Holmes is left standing. Will a pigeon with a coded message lead them to its master? Holmes has cracked the code, and has set a trap. in a club, with a feather clad singer, a prize pigeon from the Morarty gang is spotted. Shots are fired, a dead body, and Holmes has to answer questions at Scotland Yard. There’s still time to spring a trap to catch the killer, and put an end to the mystery. Stay tuned as Sherlock wraps it all up.

 The Saint, – A Schizophrenic Psychiatrist, The Colorblind Killer. ep90, 490918 (retro622) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:43

On a foggy morning, the Saint meets a movie starlet who claims to be giving up her career. Though Barbara goes over board on the ferry, Simon ends up with a thump on the head for his efforts to save her. A psychiatrist listens as Simon regains consciousness, and recounts how he knew Barbara. She was a woman in trouble, but refusing it if it meant dragging anyone else into it. Threats of death greet Simon as he does his own prying. The doctor admits his own crush on the actress. Dames drop dead around Simon, the latest a card sharp. Continuing his story in flashback to the doctor, Simon tells of encounters with thugs. The events of the previous, moonlit night are revisited. Thugs, thumps on the head, and the doctor. Simon has a handle on the cash that is the focus of the mystery, as well as having the pieces put together. The lights go dark, a gunshot blasts, and Simon knows who the color blind killer is. Bonus Tracks * The Rtrobots have to correct Keith about the feature today. * Thanks, and notice is given to various supporters of the podcast. * Ozzie and Harriet Short 1948 The Third Degree.

 The Saint, – A Schizophrenic Psychiatrist, The Colorblind Killer. ep90, 490918 (retro622) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:43

On a foggy morning, the Saint meets a movie starlet who claims to be giving up her career. Though Barbara goes over board on the ferry, Simon ends up with a thump on the head for his efforts to save her. A psychiatrist listens as Simon regains consciousness, and recounts how he knew Barbara. She was a woman in trouble, but refusing it if it meant dragging anyone else into it. Threats of death greet Simon as he does his own prying. The doctor admits his own crush on the actress. Dames drop dead around Simon, the latest a card sharp. Continuing his story in flashback to the doctor, Simon tells of encounters with thugs. The events of the previous, moonlit night are revisited. Thugs, thumps on the head, and the doctor. Simon has a handle on the cash that is the focus of the mystery, as well as having the pieces put together. The lights go dark, a gunshot blasts, and Simon knows who the color blind killer is. Bonus Tracks * The Rtrobots have to correct Keith about the feature today. * Thanks, and notice is given to various supporters of the podcast. * Ozzie and Harriet Short 1948 The Third Degree.

 Richard Diamond – Bill Kirby Murder Case. ep27, 491029 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:30

A dispute over a baby picture of his girlfriend, Helen, is interrupted by a little woman who needs the help of Richard Diamond. She tells about a problem when her daughter Gloria found a package of money. Is Bill involved in something illegal? Is he just a hard worker who sends cash to his mom to help her? Doing his good deeds of the day, Richard returns the picture, and begins investigating for the little woman to get to the bottom of her troubles. At the police station, Walt already has his corpse on his hands, but the aggravation sets in, when its Bill Kirby. To make it worse, the victim’s mother and sister got beat up. Now Richard leads the way, with Walt to get at the core of the matter. The important package doesn’t contain cash, only a shoe. There may be no helping Bill, but Richard is in it for revenge, and justice for Mrs Kirby. A trail of clues is begun, when Richard talks with Gloria. Thugs soon find Richard, and after a thump on the head, Diamond gets back on the trail. Is there progress with the crime lab, and learning the secret of the shoe? Danger is sure to be in store for Richard as he turns up his next step in the case. Secrets explode to the surface about robbing a gold shipment. Will knowing the gang’s operation do any good if Richard ends up dead? Gunplay, chases, and freshly captured thugs to hand over to Walt and the cops. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "retrootr-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "Sam Spade on Amazon"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B00BDR8A9M,B006421JJY,1570196451,1932806229"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "d044d97d5e71edb0df9497c070c428e8";

 Sherlock Holmes – Murder Beyond the Mountains. ep198, 460114 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:12

Narrating a case he didn’t take part in, Watson recounts the story as told to him by Holmes. Climbing the mountains, weather brings disaster to the expedition, with Holmes its only survivor. In the cold, and fighting delirium, Holmes is discovered, and nursed back to health by a girl. Will she keep his secret, though he has been presumed dead for the past two years? A collection of characters soon gather in the mountain top cottage, a Russian, an Englishman, an American, and Holmes who is posing as a Norwegian named Olaf. What manner of conflict must be worked out in the Tibetan cottage? Murder of a Chinese emissary has come to the monistaary of peace, strongled with his own jewels. Examining all the clues closely, Holmes is determined to bring a killer to light. The whereabouts of the multinational players is reviewed. Who is placed at the scene of the crime? Will serenity return to the monastery, so the monks can continue chanting in peace?

 Sherlock Holmes – Murder Beyond the Mountains. ep198, 460114 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:12

Narrating a case he didn’t take part in, Watson recounts the story as told to him by Holmes. Climbing the mountains, weather brings disaster to the expedition, with Holmes its only survivor. In the cold, and fighting delirium, Holmes is discovered, and nursed back to health by a girl. Will she keep his secret, though he has been presumed dead for the past two years? A collection of characters soon gather in the mountain top cottage, a Russian, an Englishman, an American, and Holmes who is posing as a Norwegian named Olaf. What manner of conflict must be worked out in the Tibetan cottage? Murder of a Chinese emissary has come to the monistaary of peace, strongled with his own jewels. Examining all the clues closely, Holmes is determined to bring a killer to light. The whereabouts of the multinational players is reviewed. Who is placed at the scene of the crime? Will serenity return to the monastery, so the monks can continue chanting in peace?

 Whitehall 1212 – Case of Francesca Nicholson. ep22, 520427 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:26

Chief Superintendent John Davidson relates a crime, direct from Scotland Yard’s Black Museum. A dark gray shirt with blood stains is the key to the missing Francesca, girl who had been arguing with her mother. A man who raises chickens and lives in a hut with a dirt floor seems a little wacko, but claims he’s engaged to the missing girl. The cops discuss the man, and how he came to contact them through the local vicar. Is there reason for the cops to smell a rat? Heading out to visit Norman’s chicken farm, what will be learned? Will a confession of murder be forthcoming? Can the man be as looney as he lets on, as he carries on over his missing fiancee? The cops relax over a beer in the local pub. What’s their first impressions? Does the case against Norman have any merit? The local constable shares a few clues that could solidify the case. Things heat up in the sleepy little village of simple citizens. Norman begins to feel trapped, but is he only being paranoid, or is there something to his claim to more than one person, that he killed and buried Francesca? Will there be grounds to dig up his chicken farm, in search of a shallow grave? In epilog, details of the case are shared in regards to the motive, and outcome with the hangman.

 Richard Diamond – Rene Bennet Protection Case. ep26, 491022 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:32

Sitting alone at his desk, Richard enjoys a phone call from his best girl, Helen. She tips him to a client who is to pop in. The sensational hat maker fears a theft before his Fall showing. Is a rival out to sabotage him? Gerald Winters is his long time partner, but would he stoop so low to do such a thing? In the upscale studio, Richard looks into the ill feelings, and condescending attitudes. The receptionist, Lillian isn’t falling for his ruse as a designer, when Richard looks more like a fullback k on the football field. All Richard needs to do is safe guard the designs until the show. A phone call from Walt Levinson break’s the news to Richard that murder has crept into his simple case of protecting the designs. On the scene of the car crash, does it prove to be just an accident, or is foul play involved? Richard smells a rat, and its time to put the pressure on high. Richard lines up all the potential enemies, and digs for motives, and who had the most likely one. Winters is the obvious choice, but Richard isn’t one for settling for the obvious. Joined by his cop friends, Otis and Walt, Richard moves in. Just how dangers will this take down be? The killer falls into the trap, and all the secrets are revealed.

 Nick Carter – Nick’s Christmas Adventure. ep37, 431225 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:16

On the way to a Christmas party, Nick and Scotty stop to collect Christmas contributions. Why doesn’t old Mr Rasper want to donate to help kids in need? Nick decides to find out why, and plans to mobilize his team to look into the matter. Tragedies, losses with the boxing ring, and takeovers in management are learned. Abandonment, and ill feelings are in the past, and wishes for Merry Christmas are given. What else crosses paths with the crusty Rasper? A woman from his past drops in to invite him to Nick’s Christmas party. Elsewhere, Ben and Nina get ready for Jimmy’s first Christmas. That is, unless Ben has something more pressing at work. Will the hard luck be turned around? Will Ben get the break he needs to make lots of money? The benevolent party that Nick is putting on inspires some change. Speaking of the party, how are things going with the kids? When things settle down, Nick shares secrets behind the mystery for his staff.


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