Molle Mystery Theater – The Eleventh Juror. 450403

Detective and Mystery – Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Join the tense emotions of a jury room as deliberations are made in a murder trial. It should be a clear cut case, but one juror holds out, insisting there’s reasonable doubt. <br> What makes him so sure? Does he have any hope of changing the minds of the other men on the jury? In flashback, we learn some of the key points in the trial. The circumstance, the evidence, and all witnesses point to the condemned man. The only thing missing is there’s no motive that connects the man to the murder. <br> Sharing a story of an alternative background, and crime scene set up, has the juror put a reasonable doubt on the crime? Has he actually exposed who the real killer is? <br> In a moment of emotion, the jurors overturn the decision for an acquittal, but has the murderer gotten off the hook? In true 1940’s fashion, justice must be served, but we have to wait for the epilog for all the details. <br> <br>