SpaceTime with Stuart Gary show

SpaceTime with Stuart Gary

Summary: The new home of the ABC’s (Australia) popular astronomy podcast (formerly known as StarStuff). Recognized worldwide by our listeners and industry experts as one of the best programs on Astronomy and Space Science.


 65: Counting Down to the Great American Solar Eclipse - SpaceTime with Stuart Gary Series 20 Episode 65 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2993

Stream episodes on demand from (mobile friendly) Today’s episode of SpaceTime with Stuart Gary is bought to you by Audible. Grab a free book and 30 days free trial, plus help support SpaceTime by visiting Another way to help support SpaceTime, become a patron for as little as $3 per month. And we have rewards. Check out the details at * Counting Down to the Great American Solar Eclipse The United States is now in final countdown mode for the August 21st total eclipse of the Sun which will see the Moon block out the solar disk along a 113 kilometre wide path of totality stretching from the North West Pacific coast of Oregon to the Atlantic coast of South Carolina. The spectacle actually begins in the North Pacific Ocean -- south of the Aleutian Islands before reaching the continental United States at Lincoln Beach Oregon at 9:06 in the morning Pacific daylight time with totality occurring at 10:19. *Precursors of life discovered on Titan Scientists have discovered molecules that could form precursors for life on Saturn’s giant moon Titan. Researcher’s detected significant quantities of vinyl cyanide which can naturally coalesce into microscopic spheres resembling cell membranes. Subscribe to the Space Nuts podcast at Apple Podcasts Or any good podcatcher app. *Another Dragon flies to the Space Station A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket has blasted into orbit carrying the Dragon CRS-12 capsule to the International Space Station. The Falcon 9 launched under brilliant blue skies from pad 39A at the Kennedy Space Centre at the Cape Canaveral Air Force base in Florida. *The Science Report Discovery of a link between being overweight in adolescence and an increased risk of colon cancer in adulthood. The world’s largest solar thermal power station to be built in South Australia. How the age at which boys are first exposed to pornography influences sexist attitudes in later life. Does West Antarctica's vast ice sheet conceal the largest volcanic region on Earth. People with higher cognitive abilities more likely to apply social stereotypes. For Enhanced Show Notes, including photos to accompany this episode: Subscribe, rate and review SpaceTime at all good podcasting apps…including iTunes, audioBoom, Stitcher, Pocketcasts, Podbean, Radio Public, Tunein Radio, google play, etc. RSS feed: Help support SpaceTime : The SpaceTime with Stuart Gary merchandise shop. Get your T-Shirts, Coffee Cups, badges, tote bag + more and help support the show. Check out the range: Thank you. Email: Join our mailing list at For more, follow SpaceTime on Facebook, twitter, Tumblr, YouTube, Instagram, Google+ and Clammr: Facebook: @spacetimewithstuartgary twitter: @stuartgary Tumblr: Instagram: Google+: YouTube: Clammr: Patreon: Spreaker: If you're enjoying SpaceTime, please help out by sharing and telling your friends. The best recommendation I can get is one from you. Thank you... #astronomy #space #science #technology #news #astrophysics #NASA #eclipse

 64: Galaxies at the cosmic dawn - SpaceTime with Stuart Gary Series 20 Episode 64 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2392

Stream episodes on demand from (mobile friendly) Today’s episode of SpaceTime with Stuart Gary is bought to you by Audible. Grab a free book and 30 days free trial, plus help support SpaceTime by visiting Another way to help support SpaceTime, become a patron for as little as $3 per month. And we have rewards. Check out the details at * Galaxies at the cosmic dawn Astronomers have peered back to the dawn of time -- discovering 23 young galaxies, seen as they were just 800 million years after the Big Bang. The findings reported in the Astrophysical Journal represent one of the deepest ever observations into the 13.8 billion year old universe. *Cassini begins its final orbits around Saturn NASA's Cassini spacecraft has entered new territory in its final mission phase, the grand finale, as embarks on a set of ultra-close passes through Saturn's upper atmosphere with its final five orbits around the ringed world. Cassini completed the first of these five passes over Saturn on Monday. *The ancient Earth was a water world A new analysis of mineral grains indicates that the ancient Earth was most likely a water world -- barren, flat, and almost entirely under water with only a few small islands sticking out above the surface. The findings are based on a study of 4.4 billion year old zircon mineral grains preserved in sandstone rocks in the Jack Hills of Western Australia – which are among the oldest fragments of the Earth ever found. *High velocity stars speeding through the galaxy Astronomers using the European Space Agency’s Gaia satellite have discovered six high velocity stars that appear to have been flung out from the galactic centre by close encounters with the Milky Way’s supermassive black hole. The findings reported in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society could provide scientists with key information about some of the most obscure regions of the Milky Way galaxy. *Astronomers revised their projections about asteroid 2012 TC4 An asteroid which could have missed the Earth by as little as 6800 kilometres will now fly by the planet at a more comfortable distance of 44 thousand kilometres. The 15 to 30 metre wide space rock will pass the Earth on October 12. *The Science Report It’s official, 2016 was the hottest year on record, and climate change caused by anthropological greenhouse gas emissions is to blame. New study finds increasing vitamin B3 intake dramatically reduce the risk of miscarriage and multiple births defects. Humans may have left Africa and arrived in Southeast Asia 20,000 years earlier than previously thought. A new record for fastest light pulse. A new study into the domestication of the modern dog. For Enhanced Show Notes, including photos to accompany this episode: Subscribe, rate and review SpaceTime at all good podcasting apps…including iTunes, audioBoom, Stitcher, Pocketcasts, Podbean, Radio Public, Tunein Radio, google play, etc. RSS feed: Help support SpaceTime : The SpaceTime with Stuart Gary merchandise shop. Get your T-Shirts, Coffee Cups, badges, tote bag + more and help support the show. Check out the range: Thank you. Plus: As a part of the SpaceTime family, you can get a free audio book of your choice, plus 30 days free access from Just visit or click on the banner link at Commercial music bed is thanks to Stefan Katenberg - 'The Drilling Begins'. Email: Join our mailing list at For more, follow SpaceTime on Facebook, twitter, Tumblr, YouTube, Instagram, Google+ and Clammr: Facebook: @spacetimewithstuartgary twitter: @stuartgary Tumblr: Instagram: Google+: YouTube: Clammr: Patreon: Spreaker: If you're enjoying SpaceTime, please help out by sharing and telling your friends. The best recommendation I can get is one from you. Thank you... #astronomy #space #science #technology #news #astrophysics #NASA #cassini

 63: An Earth-like atmosphere may not survive Proxima b's orbit - SpaceTime with Stuart Gary Series 20 Episode 63 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2492

Stream episodes on demand from (mobile friendly) * An Earth-like atmosphere may not survive Proxima b's orbit Proxima B -- the nearest known exoplanet to our solar system is probably a dead world despite being in the habitable zone of its host star Proxima Centauri. Any Earth sized world would most likely be unable to hold onto an atmosphere -- leaving its surface exposed to harmful stellar radiation and reducing its potential for habitability. *New clues in determining the size of a black hole Astronomers have discovered what could be an easy way to determine the size of a spiral galaxy’s supermassive black hole. They’ve found a direct relationship between the geometry of some types of spiral galaxies and the hidden super massive black hole at their centres. *Calm seas on Titan could mean smooth landing for future space probes Astronomers have determined that the lakes and seas on the Saturnian moon Titan have few waves higher than a centimetre. The findings mean the giant moon probably has little wind – the primary driving force for waves on the oceans of Earth. *Huge storm on Neptune Astronomers have detected a massive storm as big as the Earth on the distant planet Neptune. This massive 9000 kilometer wide storm system was found in Neptune’s equatorial region – a zone where no bright clouds have ever been seen before. *Skywatching on the road The neat little portable telescopes you can take with you when you’re travelling. *The Science Report Loneliness and social isolation poses a greater public health hazard than obesity Man-made climate change to cause 60,000 deaths globally in the year 2030 People who survive a stroke without early complications have increased risk of death, another stroke or heart attack for at least 5 years, Two remarkably different animal communities around two relatively nearby hydrothermal deep sea vents Humans can identify emotions in the voices of all air-breathing vertebrates. For Enhanced Show Notes, including photos to accompany this episode: Subscribe, rate and review SpaceTime at all good podcasting apps…including iTunes, audioBoom, Stitcher, Pocketcasts, Podbean, Radio Public, Tunein Radio, google play, etc. RSS feed: Help support SpaceTime : The SpaceTime with Stuart Gary merchandise shop. Get your T-Shirts, Coffee Cups, badges, tote bag + more and help support the show. Check out the range: Thank you. Plus: As a part of the SpaceTime family, you can get a free audio book of your choice, plus 30 days free access from Just visit or click on the banner link at Commercial music bed is thanks to Stefan Katenberg - 'The Drilling Begins'. Email: Join our mailing list at For more, follow SpaceTime on Facebook, twitter, Tumblr, YouTube, Instagram, Google+ and Clammr: Facebook: @spacetimewithstuartgary twitter: @stuartgary Tumblr: Instagram: Google+: YouTube: Clammr: Patreon: Spreaker: If you're enjoying SpaceTime, please help out by sharing and telling your friends. The best recommendation I can get is one from you. Thank you... #astronomy #space #science #technology #news #astrophysics #NASA

 62: New evidence supporting supernova shock wave theory of solar system's origins - SpaceTime with Stuart Gary Series 20 Episode 62 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2660

Help support SpaceTime by becoming a patron...and we have rewards for you. Do your bit to keep Stuart fed and housed... details at our Patreon page... Stream episodes on demand from (mobile friendly) *New evidence supporting supernova shock wave theory of solar system's origins Astronomers have found more evidence supporting the longstanding theory that our solar system’s formation 4.6 billion years ago -- was triggered by a shock wave from an exploding supernova. The study based on evidence of the iron 60 isotopes in meteorites indicate that a supernova shock wave is still the most-plausible origin story for explaining the short lived radioactive isotopes in our Solar System *A new window in the hunt for molecular signatures in deep space Astronomers have begun using one of the precursor radio telescopes for the Square Kilometre Array project to study molecular signatures which could lead to the detection of complex molecules that are precursors to life. The team are using the Murchison Widefield Array to undertake the observations focusing on the molecular gas and dust clouds from which new generations of stars are born. *New clues about superluminous supernovae Astronomers have detected an extraordinarily bright supernova in a surprising location. This supernova discovery challenges current ideas of how and where such super-charged supernovas occur. *Vega lofts two satellites on second launch this year An Arianespace Vega rocket has successfully launched two satellites into orbit. The mission blasted off into late night skies from the European Space Agency’s Kourou Space Port in French Guyana. *Western fears grow as Iran and North Korea conduct illegal missile tests Sanctions have been placed on both North Korea and Iran after the two rogue nations carried out new missile tests over the past few weeks. Most attention has focused on North Korea which has carried out numerous missile tests in recent months the other member of the so-called axis of evil – Iran -- has also continued its own missile program with a launch on July 27th in breach of United Nations security council resolution 2231. *The Science Report It may be too late to stop the planet heating up by two degrees, How drinking alcohol could improve your memory, A new expedition to an undersea continent east of Australia, New research into melanoma, How cats domesticated themselves – when they were ready. For Enhanced Show Notes, including photos to accompany this episode: Subscribe, rate and review SpaceTime at all good podcasting apps…including iTunes, audioBoom, Stitcher, Pocketcasts, Podbean, Radio Public, Tunein Radio, google play, etc. RSS feed: Help support SpaceTime : The SpaceTime with Stuart Gary merchandise shop. Get your T-Shirts, Coffee Cups, badges, tote bag + more and help support the show. Check out the range: Thank you. Plus: As a part of the SpaceTime family, you can get a free audio book of your choice, plus 30 days free access from Just visit or click on the banner link at Email: Join our mailing list at For more, follow SpaceTime on Facebook, twitter, Tumblr, YouTube, Instagram, Google+ and Clammr: Facebook: @spacetimewithstuartgary twitter: @stuartgary Tumblr: NEW - Instagram: Google+: YouTube: Clammr: Patreon: If you're enjoying SpaceTime, please help out by sharing and telling your friends. The best recommendation I can get is one from you. Thank you... #astronomy #space #science #technology #news #astrophysics #NASA

 61: The Sun’s core rotates nearly four times faster than its surface - SpaceTime with Stuart Gary Series 20 Episode 61 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3103

Help support SpaceTime by becoming a patron...and we have rewards for you. Join our growing family who are helping keep Stuart fed and housed...:) Details at our Patreon page... Stream episodes on demand from (mobile friendly) *The Sun’s core rotates nearly four times faster than its surface Astronomers have discovered that the Sun’s core rotates four times faster than its surface. The findings open a new window into solar physics – providing new insights into the Sun’s internal structure and composition. *Weighing a distant black hole Astronomers have used to rotational speed cold gas clouds in a distant galaxy to make the most precise measurements ever of the mass of the supermassive black hole at its centre. The team found that the supermassive black hole which resides in the heart of the galaxy NGC1332 has about 660 million times the mass of the Sun. *Titans lakes fizz like soda pop New data indicates the hydrocarbon lakes and seas on the surface of Saturn's moon Titan might occasionally erupt with dramatic patches of bubbles. Researchers simulated the frigid surface conditions on Titan, finding that significant amounts of nitrogen can be dissolved in the extremely cold liquid methane that rains from the skies and collects in rivers, lakes and seas. *August Skywatch The Perseids meteor shower reaches its peak this month. *The Science Report Depression causes physical changes in the brain, Concerns about new stalking apps, How a healthy lifestyle can add over ten years to your life expectancy, The importance of wetland protection, The link between high fat diets in pregnant women and depression in their children, Climate change impacting on endangered species. Sceptic’s guide to psychics and clairvoyance. For Enhanced Show Notes, including photos to accompany this episode: Subscribe, rate and review SpaceTime at all good podcasting apps…including iTunes, audioBoom, Stitcher, Pocketcasts, Podbean, Radio Public, Tunein Radio, google play, etc. RSS feed: Help support SpaceTime : The SpaceTime with Stuart Gary merchandise shop. Get your T-Shirts, Coffee Cups, badges, tote bag + more and help support the show. Check out the range: Thank you. Plus: As a part of the SpaceTime family, you can get a free audio book of your choice, plus 30 days free access from Just visit or click on the banner link at Email: Join our mailing list at For more, follow SpaceTime on Facebook, twitter, Tumblr, YouTube, Instagram, Google+ and Clammr: Facebook: @spacetimewithstuartgary twitter: @stuartgary Tumblr: NEW - Instagram: Google+: YouTube: Clammr: Patreon: If you're enjoying SpaceTime, please help out by sharing and telling your friends. The best recommendation I can get is one from you. Thank you... #astronomy #space #science #technology #news #astrophysics #NASA

 60: Planet Earth’s close asteroid encounter- SpaceTime with Stuart Gary Series 20 Episode 60 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2400

Help support SpaceTime by becoming a patron...and we have rewards for you. Do your bit to keep Stuart fed and housed... details at our Patreon page... Stream episodes on demand from (mobile friendly) *Planet Earth’s close asteroid encounter On October 12 an asteroid known as 2012 TC4 will fly just 6800 kilometres above the surface of the Earth - far below the orbits of many satellites. The 40 metre wide asteroid won’t hit the Earth this time – but it will be about as close as possible while still passing safely. *The mystery of the cosmic cold spot deepens Astronomers are still at a loss to explain a giant cosmic cold spot in their large-scale maps of the universe. A new study has ruled out the most likely suspect – a gigantic supervoid – leaving the door open for more exotic explanations like a collision between universes. *Evidence the Higgs turns into quarks There’s new evidence that the Higgs Boson decays into smaller elemental quark particles. Physicists with the Atlas experiment at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider are reporting the decay of the Higgs into a pair of bottom quarks – one of six types or flavours of quark particle. *New crew arrive on station A Russian Soyuz rocket has blasted into orbit carrying three new crew members bound for the international space station. The Soyuz FG rocket launched into evening skies from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in the Central Asian Republic of Kazakhstan on a six hour four-orbit fast rendezvous flight to the orbiting outpost. *Science Report Glial Cells linked to schizophrenia, Sea surface temperatures triggering droughts in in North America and around the Mediterranean, How the Sahara changed from lush green pastures into desert, Illegal trade puts Pangolins at risk of extinction, & New CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing of cancer tumor cells. Soyuz rocket launch at For Enhanced Show Notes, including photos to accompany this episode: Subscribe, rate and review SpaceTime at all good podcasting apps…including iTunes, audioBoom, Stitcher, Pocketcasts, Podbean, Radio Public, Tunein Radio, google play, etc. RSS feed: Help support SpaceTime : The SpaceTime with Stuart Gary merchandise shop. Get your T-Shirts, Coffee Cups, badges, tote bag + more and help support the show. Check out the range: Thank you. Plus: As a part of the SpaceTime family, you can get a free audio book of your choice, plus 30 days free access from Just visit or click on the banner link at Email: Join our mailing list at For more, follow SpaceTime on Facebook, twitter, Tumblr, YouTube, Instagram, Google+ and Clammr: Facebook: @spacetimewithstuartgary twitter: @stuartgary Tumblr: NEW - Instagram: Google+: YouTube: Clammr: Patreon: If you're enjoying SpaceTime, please help out by sharing and telling your friends. The best recommendation I can get is one from you. Thank you... #astronomy #space #science #technology #news #astrophysics #NASA #asteroid #2012tc4 #soyuz

 59: Lunar water more common than thought - SpaceTime with Stuart Gary Series 20 Episode 59 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2206

Thank you to our growing Patreon group. Your support is very much appreciated. You can help support SpaceTime too, by becoming a patron...and we have rewards for you. Do your bit to keep Stuart fed and housed... details at our Patreon page... Stream episodes on demand from (mobile friendly) *Lunar water more common than thought There could be a lot more water on the Moon than previously thought. New Satellite readings indicate that numerous volcanic deposits spread across the lunar surface contain unusually high amounts of water compared with surrounding terrains. The findings mean there could be as much water in the lunar mantle was what there is in mantle basalts on Earth. *Dark Matter more likely to be cold rather than fuzzy Scientists trying understand dark matter now believe it’s far more likely to be big and cold rather than light and fuzzy. The new findings are based on a study of the intergalactic medium – the stuff that fills the vast, largely empty space between galaxies. *Countdown to Cassini's Grand Finale After nearly 13 years in orbit around Saturn, the international Cassini–Huygens mission is now reaching the end of its journey. Cassini’s final dramatic suicidal death plunge into Saturn's atmosphere will occur on September 15. *Jupiter Great Red Spot in infrared As scientists continue to examine data from the recent Juno spacecraft flyby over Jupiter’s iconic Great Red Spot, astronomers have used the infrared imager on the Gemini North Telescope in Hawaii to study the solar system’s largest planet in a new light-- revealing particles over a range of different altitudes. The observations show the Great Red Spot is one of the highest-altitude features in Jupiter's atmosphere. *The Science Report Plastic pollution getting worse, Some antibiotics taken during pregnancy linked to major congenital malformations in newborns, Male fertility in wealthier nations has seen steep declines, New technology may help analyze lung sounds in kids at risk of an asthma attack, Permafrost melting due to climate change having a double impact, Antidepressants taken during pregnancy linked to a slightly higher risk of autism, & Genetic differences between domesticated dogs and wolves which explain the canines' contrasting social interaction with humans. For Enhanced Show Notes, including photos to accompany this episode: Subscribe, rate and review SpaceTime at all good podcasting apps…including iTunes, audioBoom, Stitcher, Pocketcasts, Podbean, Radio Public, Tunein Radio, google play, etc. RSS feed: Help support SpaceTime : The SpaceTime with Stuart Gary merchandise shop. Get your T-Shirts, Coffee Cups, badges, tote bag + more and help support the show. Check out the range: Thank you. Plus: As a part of the SpaceTime family, you can get a free audio book of your choice, plus 30 days free access from Just visit or click on the banner link at Email: Join our mailing list at For more, follow SpaceTime on Facebook, twitter, Tumblr, YouTube, Instagram, Google+ and Clammr: Facebook: @spacetimewithstuartgary twitter: @stuartgary Tumblr: NEW - Instagram: Google+: YouTube: Clammr: Patreon: If you're enjoying SpaceTime, please help out by sharing and telling your friends. The best recommendation I can get is one from you. Thank you... #astronomy #space #science #technology #news #astrophysics #NASA

 58: Surprising results from new galaxy evolution study - SpaceTime with Stuart Gary Series 20 Episode 58 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2222

Thank you to our growing Patreon group. Your support is very much appreciated. You can help support SpaceTime too, by becoming a patron...and we have rewards for you. Do your bit to keep Stuart fed and housed... details at our Patreon page... Stream episodes on demand from (mobile friendly) *Surprising results from new galaxy evolution study Scientists have been shocked by some surprising results showing the early universe went through a period of galactic recession shortly after the first galaxies began forming. The unexpected findings contradict prevailing opinions that the very early universe would have been undergoing a period of rapid growth turning huge clouds of pristine molecular gas into stars and galaxies at rates thousands of times greater than what we see in the local universe today. *New particle that’s its own antimatter particle After an 80 year long quest, scientists have finally discovered the Majorana fermion, a particle that’s its own antiparticle. The discovery was made during a series of lab experiments on exotic materials. *Jupiter’s Great Red Spot likely a massive heat source Jupiter’s Great Red Spot may be the mysterious heat source behind the planet’s surprisingly high upper atmospheric temperatures. The findings could explain why temperatures in Jupiter’s upper atmosphere are comparable to those found at Earth, yet Jupiter is more than five times further away from the Sun than the Earth is. *India’s new Earth Observations satellite India has launched a new Earth observation satellite. The Indian space research organisation’s PSLV-C38 mission successfully blasted into orbit carrying the 712 kilogram Cartosat-2 together with 30 nano satellites. *The Science Report The first Australians, Deployment of the world’s first operational laser weapons system, Autism link to siblings linguistic and motor skills, Global warming to double El Nino frequency, Giant Squid eyesight, & Bone density strength. For Enhanced Show Notes, including photos to accompany this episode: Subscribe, rate and review SpaceTime at all good podcasting apps…including iTunes, audioBoom, Stitcher, Pocketcasts, Podbean, Radio Public, Tunein Radio, google play, etc. RSS feed: Help support SpaceTime : The SpaceTime with Stuart Gary merchandise shop. Get your T-Shirts, Coffee Cups, badges, tote bag + more and help support the show. Check out the range: Thank you. Plus: As a part of the SpaceTime family, you can get a free audio book of your choice, plus 30 days free access from Just visit or click on the banner link at Email: Join our mailing list at For more, follow SpaceTime on Facebook, twitter, Tumblr, YouTube, Instagram, Google+ and Clammr: Facebook: @spacetimewithstuartgary twitter: @stuartgary Tumblr: NEW - Instagram: Google+: YouTube: Clammr: Patreon: If you're enjoying SpaceTime, please help out by sharing and telling your friends. The best recommendation I can get is one from you. Thank you... #astronomy #space #science #technology #news #astrophysics #NASA

 57: The smallest star ever discovered - SpaceTime with Stuart Gary Series 20 Episode 57 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2670

Thank you to our growing Patreon group. Your support is very much appreciated. You can help support SpaceTime too, by becoming a patron...and we have rewards for you. Do your bit to keep Stuart fed and housed... details at our Patreon page... Stream episodes on demand from (mobile friendly) *The smallest star ever discovered Astronomers have identified what could be the smallest star ever discovered. The star -- called EBLM J0555-57Ab -- was detected in a triple star system located some 600 light years away in the Southern Hemisphere constellation Pictor the painter. *New brown dwarf discovered Citizen scientists have helped NASA identify a never before seen Brown Dwarf. The discovery is the first was made as part of NASA’s Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 citizen science project. *Why black holes only come two sizes A new study may have finally answered a question which has been puzzling astronomers and physicists for half a century – namely why black holes only seem to come in two sizes -- stellar mass and supermassive. What’s happened to all the intermediate sized black holes – those with a few thousand times the Sun’s mass. Now a new study has come up with a possible answer – time. *Strange signals from outer space Astronomers at the Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico have detected strange signals originating from a nearby star system. The mysterious radio signals appear to be coming from Ross 128 a small red dwarf star about 11 light years away. *The Larsen C trillion tonne iceberg A one trillion tonne iceberg - one of the biggest ever recorded -- has calved away from the Larsen C Ice Shelf in Antarctica. The 5800 square kilometre chunk of ice – now named A68 – is twice the size of the Australian Capital Territory, as large as the US state of Delaware and contains twice the volume of Lake Erie, one of the Great Lakes. *SpaceX launches its heaviest geostationary orbital payload yet A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket has successfully launched the heaviest payload ever carried by the company into geostationary orbit. The 6070 kilogram Inmarsat-5 F4 telecommunications satellite is at the top end of the Falcon 9’s lift capabilities.. For Enhanced Show Notes, including photos to accompany this episode: Subscribe, rate and review SpaceTime at all good podcasting apps…including iTunes, audioBoom, Stitcher, Pocketcasts, Podbean, Radio Public, Tunein Radio, google play, etc. RSS feed: Help support SpaceTime : The SpaceTime with Stuart Gary merchandise shop. Get your T-Shirts, Coffee Cups, badges, tote bag + more and help support the show. Check out the range: Thank you. Plus: As a part of the SpaceTime family, you can get a free audio book of your choice, plus 30 days free access from Just visit or click on the banner link at Email: Join our mailing list at For more, follow SpaceTime on Facebook, twitter, Tumblr, YouTube, Instagram, Google+ and Clammr: Facebook: @spacetimewithstuartgary twitter: @stuartgary Tumblr: NEW - Instagram: Google+: YouTube: Clammr: Patreon: If you're enjoying SpaceTime, please help out by sharing and telling your friends. The best recommendation I can get is one from you. Thank you... #astronomy #space #science #technology #news #astrophysics #NASA

 Jupiter’s mysterious great red spot as never seen before - SpaceTime with Stuart Gary Series 20 Episode 56 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1884

Thank you to our growing Patreon group. Your support is very much appreciated. You can help support SpaceTime too, by becoming a patron...and we have rewards for you. Do your bit to keep Stuart fed and housed... details at our Patreon page... Stream episodes on demand from (mobile friendly) *Jupiter’s mysterious great red spot as never seen before The closest ever images taken of Jupiter’s majestic Great Red Spot are revealing the giant storm to be a tangle of dark, vein like clouds weaving their way through a massive crimson oval. The imager aboard NASA’s Juno mission snapped pictures of the most iconic feature of the solar system’s largest planetary inhabitant during its July 10 flyby. *Astronomers probe the swirling halo of a spectacular starburst galaxy Astronomers have probed a nearby starburst galaxy which is making stars five times faster than the Milky Way. The unprecedented study focused on the Sculptor Galaxy NGC 253 which is 11.5 million light-years from Earth and undergoing a period of intense star formation. *More evidence supporting the likely existence of a ninth planet There’s been more evidence supporting the likely existence of a ninth planet in our solar system. The Hypothesis for a potential planet nine in the dark outer reaches of the solar system first came to light in 2014 following the discovery of unusual orbits for several trans Neptunian objects in the Kuiper belt. Then in 2016 astronomers concluded the strange orbits were likely caused by the gravitational perturbations of a large body -- about four times size and ten times the mass of Earth. *Soyuz-2.1А Launch Vehicle with KANOPUS-V-IK Satellite Russia has launched a Soyuz rocket carrying some 73 satellites into orbit in one go. The Soyuz 2.1A rocket blasted off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in in the central Asian republic of Kazakhstan. For Enhanced Show Notes, including photos to accompany this episode: Subscribe, rate and review SpaceTime at all good podcasting apps…including iTunes, audioBoom, Stitcher, Pocketcasts, Podbean, Radio Public, Tunein Radio, google play, etc. RSS feed: Help support SpaceTime : The SpaceTime with Stuart Gary merchandise shop. Get your T-Shirts, Coffee Cups, badges, tote bag + more and help support the show. Check out the range: Thank you. Plus: As a part of the SpaceTime family, you can get a free audio book of your choice, plus 30 days free access from Just visit or click on the banner link at Email: Join our mailing list at For more, follow SpaceTime on Facebook, twitter, Tumblr, YouTube, Instagram, Google+ and Clammr: Facebook: @spacetimewithstuartgary twitter: @stuartgary Tumblr: Instagram: Google+: YouTube: Clammr: Patreon: If you're enjoying SpaceTime, please help out by sharing and telling your friends. The best recommendation I can get is one from you. Thank you... #astronomy #space #science #technology #news #astrophysics #NASA #Juno #Jupiter

 New mysteries surround New Horizons next flyby target - SpaceTime with Stuart Gary Series 20 Episode 55 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2618

Thank you to our growing Patreon group. Your support is very much appreciated. You can help support SpaceTime too, by becoming a patron...and we have rewards for you. Do your bit to keep Stuart fed and housed... details at our Patreon page... Stream episodes on demand from (mobile friendly) *New mysteries surround New Horizons next flyby target NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft won’t be reaching its next target until January first 2019 – but the Kuiper Belt object, 2014 MU69, is already revealing some surprises. New data indicates MU69 may actually be less than 20 kilometres wide. Furthermore it may actually be a binary system or even a swarm of smaller bodies left from the time when the planets first formed. *First ever supermassive black hole binary discovered Astronomers have for the first time ever discovered two supermassive black holes orbiting each other in a single galaxy. The detection provides new clues about the process of galaxy mergers and galactic evolution. *Earth's magnetic field reveals one of its secrets Scientists have identified previously unknown patterns in the Earth's magnetic field which seems to evolve over time scales on the order of a thousand years. The pattern -- known as paleomagnetic secular variation -- provides new insights into how the planetary magnetic field works by adding a measure of predictability to changes in the field not previously known. *Russia’s busy launch schedule Russia has been making up for lost time – and missions – since last year’s grounding of its Proton Rocket with no less than six launches in recent months. Included in the manifest was a Soyuz flight carrying crew to the International Space Station and the launch of a top secret Russian military satellite. Here are the videos for the Soyuz launch story… For Enhanced Show Notes, including photos to accompany this episode: Subscribe, rate and review SpaceTime at all good podcasting apps…including iTunes, audioBoom, Stitcher, Pocketcasts, Podbean, Radio Public, Tunein Radio, google play, etc. RSS feed: Help support SpaceTime : The SpaceTime with Stuart Gary merchandise shop. Get your T-Shirts, Coffee Cups, badges, tote bag + more and help support the show. Check out the range: Thank you. Plus: As a part of the SpaceTime family, you can get a free audio book of your choice, plus 30 days free access from Just visit or click on the banner link at Email: Join our mailing list at For more, follow SpaceTime on Facebook, twitter, Tumblr, YouTube, Instagram, Google+ and Clammr: Facebook: @spacetimewithstuartgary twitter: @stuartgary Tumblr: NEW - Instagram: Google+: YouTube: Clammr: Patreon: If you're enjoying SpaceTime, please help out by sharing and telling your friends. The best recommendation I can get is one from you. Thank you... #astronomy #space #science #technology #news #astrophysics #NASA

 Brown dwarfs could be as common as stars - SpaceTime with Stuart Gary Series 20 Episode 54 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2342

Thank you to our growing Patreon group. Your support is very much appreciated…and welcome to the team. Today’s shout out to our newest team members: Dean J Martin Bancroft Simon Rouse Ethan Eastman Peter ?? Thank you for your support. You can help support SpaceTime, by becoming a patron...and we have rewards for you. Do your bit to keep Stuart fed and housed... details at our Patreon page... Stream episodes on demand from (mobile friendly) *Brown dwarfs could be as common as stars Astronomers now believe our galaxy could contain over one hundred billion brown dwarfs. The new findings indicate that at least one brown dwarf is being created for every two stars that are born. *Closest look ever at Jupiter’s great red spot NASA’s Juno mission which has already revolutionised sciences view of Jupiter has just undertaken humanity’s closest ever flyby of the gas giant’s most enigmatic feature – the Great Red Spot. The Great Red Spot is a colossal high pressure anticyclone -- some 16,000 kilometres in diameter -- which has been raging across the Jovian southern Hemisphere for at least 350 years and possibly centuries longer. *New subatomic particle discovered Physicists have discovered a new subatomic particle -- the doubly charmed or doubly heavy quark baryon. The newly found particle -- detected by scientists at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider – is the first discovered containing two charm quarks and one up quark. *Space X launches four missions in under a month. Space X has set new standards for space launch capabilities with four separate Falcon 9 launches on two sides of the United States in under a month. The heavy launch schedule is part of a busy 2017 launch manifest for the Hawthorne California based company. Launch videos…. SpaceX CRS 11 SpaceX Bulgariasat1 SpaceX Iridium 2 SpaceX Intelsat 35e For Enhanced Show Notes, including photos to accompany this episode: Subscribe, rate and review SpaceTime at all good podcasting apps…including iTunes, audioBoom, Stitcher, Pocketcasts, Podbean, Radio Public, Tunein Radio, google play, etc. RSS feed: Help support SpaceTime : The SpaceTime with Stuart Gary merchandise shop. Get your T-Shirts, Coffee Cups, badges, tote bag + more and help support the show. Check out the range: Thank you. Plus: As a part of the SpaceTime family, you can get a free audio book of your choice, plus 30 days free access from Just visit or click on the banner link at Email: Join our mailing list at For more, follow SpaceTime on Facebook, twitter, Tumblr, YouTube, Instagram, Google+ and Clammr: Facebook: @spacetimewithstuartgary twitter: @stuartgary Tumblr: NEW - Instagram: Google+: YouTube: Clammr: Patreon: If you're enjoying SpaceTime, please help out by sharing and telling your friends. The best recommendation I can get is one from you. Thank you... #astronomy #space #science #technology #news #astrophysics #NASA

 Fastest stars in the galaxy are all aliens - SpaceTime with Stuart Gary Series 20 Episode 53 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2575

Thank you to our growing Patreon group. Your support is very much appreciated…and welcome to the team. You can help support SpaceTime, by becoming a patron...and we have rewards for you. Do your bit to keep Stuart fed and housed... details at our Patreon page... *Fastest stars in the galaxy are all aliens A new study has concluded that fast moving stars in our galaxy were originally alien stars from other galaxies which were cannibalised by the Milky Way. The new study claims a large population of very fast moving stars in the Milky Way, originally started out in the neighbouring satellite galaxy the Large Magellanic Cloud. *Why quasars suddenly twinkle violently Gas filaments surrounding stars like the strands of a pompom appear to be causing quasars to suddenly begin to violently twinkle. The findings reported in the Astrophysical Journal could finally provide scientists answer for the 30 year old mystery. *China’s new super rocket the Long March 5 experiences a major crash and burn The launch of one of China’s most powerful rocket’s the Long March 5 has ended in failure with the launch vehicle experiencing what Chinese media would only describe as an anomaly about six minutes into the flight. The mission – which launched from the Wenchang Space Centre on Hainan Island off the southern coast of China -- was the second only orbital flight for the new launch vehicle -- which was to be a showcase for Beijing’s growing space ambitions. *Seventh Arianespace launch of the year Arianespace has successfully undertaken its seventh launch this year. The Ariane 5 carried two telecommunications satellites into orbit from the European Space Agency’s Kourou space port in French Guiana. *Dragon returns The SpaceX Dragon CRS 11 capsule has splashed down successfully in the North Pacific Ocean following a month long stay docked to the International Space Station. It was the first time a previously used Dragon capsule had undertaken a second mission – an achievement which will dramatically improve the economics of commercial spaceflight. *Why humans are hard wired to see the haunting face on Mars The now famous Face on Mars is one the most iconic images ever taken of the surface of the red planet. It’s now well understood to be nothing more than the result of the interplay of lights and shadows on an eroded hill. But the science behind why people see it as a humanoid face is fascinating. The video for the Ariane 5 launch is at: The video for Dragon return is at: For Enhanced Show Notes, including photos to accompany this episode: Subscribe, rate and review SpaceTime at all good podcasting apps…including iTunes, audioBoom, Stitcher, Pocketcasts, Podbean, Radio Public, Tunein Radio, google play, etc. RSS feed: Help support SpaceTime : The SpaceTime with Stuart Gary merchandise shop. Get your T-Shirts, Coffee Cups, badges, tote bag + more and help support the show. Check out the range: Thank you. Plus: As a part of the SpaceTime family, you can get a free audio book of your choice, plus 30 days free access from Just visit or click on the banner link at Email: Join our mailing list at For more, follow SpaceTime on Facebook, twitter, Tumblr, YouTube, Instagram, Google+ and Clammr: Facebook: @spacetimewithstuartgary twitter: @stuartgary Tumblr: NEW - Instagram: Google+: YouTube: Clammr: If you're enjoying SpaceTime, please help out by sharing and telling your friends. The best recommendation I can get is one from you. Thank you... #astronomy #space #science #technology #news #astrophysics #NASA

 Hidden dimensions in gravitational wave - SpaceTime with Stuart Gary Series 20 Episode 52 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3401

Thank you to our growing patron group. Your support is very much appreciated…and welcome to the team. Let’s do a role call…with this episode we salute: Jeff Thieleke David Guinness Peter Scott Kerrie Evans Barry Thomas Kevin Brewster Francis Nielsen Michael Carrington Matthew Strauss You too can help support SpaceTime, by becoming a patron...and we have rewards for you. Do your bit to keep Stuart fed and housed... details at our Patreon page... Stream Episodes on demand from or (both mobile friendly) * Hidden dimensions in gravitational wave Researchers claim hidden unknown dimensions could influence gravitational waves. One of the big problems String theory or more correctly M theory has over loop quantum gravity is its need for additional dimensions beyond the three special and one temporal we see in spacetime around us. *Largest virtual Universe ever simulated Scientists have simulated the formation of the Universe using a supercomputer. The gigantic catalogue of about 25 billion virtual galaxies has been generated in preparation for the European Euclid mission which will launch in 2020 to study dark matter and dark energy. *And Brightest pulsar ever seen Astronomers have discovered a new record holder for the brightest pulsar ever found. The newly discovered pulsar record holder – called NGC 5907 ULX – is located some 50 million light years away – making it also the most distant pulsar ever seen. *July SkyWatch One of the highlights of the night skies in July is the arrival of three meteor showers. The Southern Delta Aquariids which are visible from mid July to mid August -- the Northern Delta Aquarids which start in July and reach their peak in August – and the Alpha Capricornids which start in mid July. For Enhanced Show Notes, including photos to accompany this episode: Subscribe, rate and review SpaceTime at all good podcasting apps…including iTunes, audioBoom, Stitcher, Pocketcasts, Podbean, Radio Public, Tunein Radio, google play, etc. RSS feed: Help support SpaceTime : The SpaceTime with Stuart Gary merchandise shop. Get your T-Shirts, Coffee Cups, badges, tote bag + more and help support the show. Check out the range: Thank you. Plus: As a part of the SpaceTime family, you can get a free audio book of your choice, plus 30 days free access from Just visit or click on the banner link at Email: Join our mailing list at For more, follow SpaceTime on Facebook, twitter, Tumblr, YouTube, Instagram, Google+ and Clammr: Facebook: @spacetimewithstuartgary twitter: @stuartgary Tumblr: NEW - Instagram: Google+: YouTube: Clammr: If you're enjoying SpaceTime, please help out by sharing and telling your friends. The best recommendation I can get is one from you. Thank you... #astronomy #space #science #technology #news #astrophysics #NASA

 It’s Asteroid day - SpaceTime with Stuart Gary Series 20 Episode 51 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1773

NEW! Help support SpaceTime and keep Stuart fed (you can also get access to bonus content, a commercial free version of the show…and more as we think of it).…by becoming a patron. Become a part of our team... details at our Patreon page... With this episode we salute: Jeff Thieleke David Guinness Peter Scott Thank you for your support…it’s very much appreciated. Stream Episodes on demand from or (both mobile friendly) *It’s Asteroid day June 30 is asteroid day – marking the anniversary of Earth’s largest asteroid impact in recorded history, the 1908 Tunguska event when an asteroid airburst about ten kilometres above the Tunguska river region of Siberia in eastern Russia. The blast devastated 2150 square kilometers of forest leaving some 80 million trees flattened and reduced to matchwood and lit up the night skies in London -- a third of the way around the globe. *The effects of a major asteroid impact on Earth A new study has concluded that when a big asteroid hits the Earth violent winds and shock waves are likely to cause the greatest number of fatalities. The study explored seven effects associated with asteroid impacts--heat, pressure shock waves, flying debris, tsunamis, wind blasts, seismic shaking and cratering. *NASA’s mission to the metallic world of Psyche NASA’s Discovery mission to a unique metallic asteroid, has been moved up by a year with the launch now slated for the middle of 2022. The earlier launch date means a more efficient trajectory – bringing the planned arrival time forward to 2026 -- four years earlier than the original timeline. *Einstein right again A little more than 100 years after Professor Albert Einstein developed his theory of general relativity, researchers have finally been able to use its laws to directly determine the mass of a white dwarf star by the gravitational bending of light. In a 1936 paper in Science, Einstein lamented that there was no hope of directly determining a white dwarf’s mass by this method – even though theoretically it should be possible. *Japanese H-IIA satellite launch A Japanese H2A rocket has blasted into orbit carrying the nation’s second Quasi-Zenith Satellite navigation system spacecraft. Lift off for the Michibiki-2 satellite occurred under cloudy skies at the Tanegashima Space Centre south of Tokyo. For Enhanced Show Notes, including photos to accompany this episode: Subscribe, rate and review SpaceTime at all good podcasting apps…including iTunes, audioBoom, Stitcher, Pocketcasts, Podbean, Radio Public, Tunein Radio, google play, etc. RSS feed: Help support SpaceTime : The SpaceTime with Stuart Gary merchandise shop. Get your T-Shirts, Coffee Cups, badges, tote bag + more and help support the show. Check out the range: Thank you. Plus: As a part of the SpaceTime family, you can get a free audio book of your choice, plus 30 days free access from Just visit or click on the banner link at Email: Join our mailing list at For more, follow SpaceTime on Facebook, twitter, Tumblr, YouTube, Instagram, Google+ and Clammr: Facebook: @spacetimewithstuartgary twitter: @stuartgary Tumblr: NEW - Instagram: Google+: YouTube: Clammr: If you're enjoying SpaceTime, please help out by sharing and telling your friends. The best recommendation I can get is one from you. Thank you... #astronomy #space #science #technology #news #astrophysics #NASA #asteroids #China


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