The Katie Halper Show show

The Katie Halper Show

Summary: Get bonus content here! Please subscribe, rate and review us on iTunes: & support us on Patreon: !! The Katie Halper Show takes a humorous look at the news, politics, pop culture, and the arts through news segments and conversations with writers, journalists, activists, artists and political comedians.

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 Liza Featherstone on how focus groups are ruining politics | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:54:45

Bonus: Liza reads for piece & talks Bernie & more! Liza Featherstone talks to me and Gabe about focus groups and how they're ruining politics. We discuss her latest book "Divining Desire: the Culture of Consultation," her latest piece in The Baffler "Sorry to Bother You," and the midterms. Plus I report back from Alexandria Ocasio Cortez's victory party. Stand by for our bonus in which we talk about Bernie Sanders' controversial comments, communist vaginas, and that time Gabe was in a focus group. Also, Liza reads part of her piece!

 Horror films and horror politics with Leslie Lee | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:32

Bonus on this spooky episode, we celebrate Halloween with Leslie Lee by chatting about scary movies and the greatest horror story of all, which would be Hillary Clinton running for president in 2020. Leslie talks to us about being a black raver, knowing white ravers who dressed up as stereotypes of "ghetto" Black people for Halloween being called white for having Leftist politics. Plus we discuss gay horror movies, the radical politics of "The Purge" movies, Bill Clinton's book, and why it kills off the first lady. Gabe does a great Bill Clinton impersonation! Stand by for our bonus on where we talk about the film Mandy, hippy-punching, Linus Roache's penis, Ronald Reagan and whether we'd rather be stuck on a desert island with him or Donald Trump.

 Brazilian journalist Mariana Simoes on Jair Bolsonaro, the torture advocate & likely next president | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:51:44

Bonus: Roger Waters on Brazil's election Mariana Simoes talks about the elections in Brazil and why and how someone like Jair Bolsonaro, who openly praises torture and the country's military dictatorship, could become president of the largest country in Latin America. She tells me about the rise in hate crimes and violence that has been spurred by Bolsonaro's rhetoric and what happened to her on the street when she threw out a Bolsonaro flyer that someone had handed her.

 Jake Flores' ICE Cold Hot Takes: Sex Work, Nike & Cultural Appropriation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:25:43

We talk to standup comedian and Pod Damn America host Jake Flores about his personal political revolution, how his anarchist ancestor rose (no pun intended) up against Porfirio Diaz, and that time he got visited by Homeland Security for a tweet about cultural appropriation and ICE. Plus we all talk about Amsterdam, the lie that is the cliche about how something is like "riding a bike," sex work and more.

 "Nominating Bernie is what we have to do if we want to defeat Trump. There's no alternative." | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:31

Hear the rest here: This is a free teaser of our bonus episode with Nathan Robinson.

 Nathan Robinson: Impeach Kavanaugh, nominate Michelle Alexander | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:16

Bonus: Gabe and Katie go on their first movie outing. We talk about the popcorn but leave you in suspense about the movie. Then we talk to Nathan Robinson, editor of the magazine Current Affairs, about why the Democrats should vote to impeach Kavanaugh even if they won't be able to get the majority required to actually succeed. Plus how ridiculous it is that Brett Kavanaugh's dad is alive.

 Ro Khanna on targeting Jeff Bezos to raise Amazon's minimum wage, Nathan Robinson on Kavanaugh | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:51:46

I talk to Rep Ro Khanna (CA-D) about the STOP BEZOS Act, which encouraged Jeff Bezos to raise the minimum wage he's paying Amazon workers in the U.S. We also talk about Rep. Khanna's fellow Yale Law School alum Brett Kavanaugh and how the Dems can defeat Trump and Trumpism. Then Nathan Robinson talks about his piece "How we Know Trump is Lying," which he wrote for Current Affairs, the excellent magazine of which he's the editor. Bonus coming soon with Ro Khanna on Yemen and more of Nathan on Kavanaugh and how it could have been prevented.

 Free teaser: Ian Samuel on packing the courts & clerking for Scalia while socialist, | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:45

Here's a teaser of our bonus episode, which you can access in its entirety here. I continue my chat with law professor Ian Samuel, and ask him how a socialist wound up clerking for Antonin Scalia, and how he shaped some of his decisions. He also tells me how he wound up going to law school, and, more importantly, if *I* should go to law school. I encourage him to create a DSA Supreme Court Working Group because the DSA definitely doesn't have enough of those. Plus, he explains why it's ok to go on Tucker Carlson.

 Law Professor Ian Samuel: Pack the Courts, Abolish ICE, Delay Kavanaugh | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:50:08

Bonus: We talk to #KTHSLC (Katie Halper Show Legal Correspondent) Ian Samuel about Brett Kavanaugh, his virgin/ catholic/ calendar excuse, packing the courts from the Left, Clarence Thomas and "no chalance." Ian talks about the similarities and differences between Anita Hill and Christine Blasey Ford.

 Sex(Work) in The City: Julia Salazar & organizers on how her victory made sex work history | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:48:20

Julia Balcon and a sex worker who goes by "Eve," talk to me about how state senator Julia Salazar became the first candidate in U.S. history to win a state race as a very public sex worker advocate. Plus we talk to Julia on why and how she chose to incorporate sex work decriminalization into her platform. And Julia shares her thoughts on the Democratic Primaries.

 NY election guide, #MailerGate & #BagelGate: Cuomo's smear & Nixon's shmear | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:53:55

I talk to Katie Unger of The Jewish Vote about who they're endorsing (which happens to be who the Katie Halper Show is endorsing), Cuomo's dishonest & disgusting smear against Cynthia Nixon, how you don't have to be Jewish to get the Jewish Vote's endorsement. Then I talk to Sam Adler Bell and Georgia Kromrei about Martin Dilan's lies and Julia Salazar's campaign.

 Julia Salazar on State Senate run, Ted Hamm on Tish James support of racist former Brooklyn DA | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:51:08

Bonus chat with Julia on her political evolution I talk to Julia Salazar, a DSA candidate running against Martin Dilan, the state senator in New York's 18th District. Salazar has been compared to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortéz for being a young, Latina, DSA member and first time candidate taking on the Democratic Machine. Julia talks to me about the difference between her and Dilan and addresses his bad record on housing and tenants rights, which the media almost entirely ignored until a Gothamist piece published this week which exposed that Dilan takes more money from the real estate industry than all but one Democratic state senator. And I talk to Ted Hamm about Letitia James, who is running for Attorney General of NY against friend-of-the-show and anti corruption crusader Zephyr Teachout. Hamm talks about James' troubling support of former Brooklyn DA Charles J. Hynes

 Matt Bruenig & Cara McClure on Doug Jones and rapping senators (free bonus) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:04

Bonus with Matt Bruenig free bonus is a blast from the past! We revisit the election of Alabama Senator Doug Jones, given that Jones hasn't decided whether he will vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh. Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee. Gabe and I talk about how Doug Jones should go full "Bullworth," and why he can't. Then I play an interview I recorded in December on the even of Jones' election with Cara McClure, a Poor People's Campaign and Black Lives Matter organizer from Birmingham Alabama, who predicted Jones would be a disappointment. McClure is now running for office! For Public Service Commission place 1!

 Asad Haider on the betrayal of Identity Politics | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:48:39

Bonus here Asad Haider talks about Identity Politics and his book "Mistaken Identity: Race and Class in the Age of Trump."

 Suzi Weissman: "Sanders has reclaimed democracy as integral to the socialist project ." | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:57



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