Mindfulness Mode show

Mindfulness Mode

Summary: Increase your calm, focus and happiness through mindfulness & meditation. Learn from entrepreneurs like Nate Hockstra, Pat Flynn, Michael Pullman so you can be more relaxed, earn more money and be happy & contented. Interviews, tips and strategies to live in the moment and & be more centered. For entrepreneurs, executives, business owners, CEOs, teachers & parents. Hosted by Bruce Langford.

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  • Artist: Bruce Langford
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 347 Muse Brain-Sensing Headband Creator, Chris Aimone | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:24

Chris Aimone is an inventor, an engineer, and a visionary. The Muse, brain-sensing headband for meditation is a creation of the company he co-founded called Interaxon. Chris' creative and design practices span many fields including architecture, alternative energy, augmented reality, imaging, music, and robotics. Chris holds a masters in engineering and computer science from the University of Toronto. Contact Info Website: www.ChooseMuse.com Most Influential Person My Mother. Effect on Emotions I would say I'm a much happier person now as a result of being introduced to mindfulness. I think this really comes from understanding myself that much better and understanding how to live in a way where I don't have as much conflict with myself. [Mindfulness has given me] the capacity to really understand how other people are experiencing things. This makes for a much more frictionless flow in life. It feels great. Thoughts on Breathing The breath is fascinating. I've recently played more with intentional breath work where breath is sort of an energetic tool to influence your nervous system. In my mindfulness practice, just recognizing that there is an automatic function of your breathing and a conscious aspect of breathing and simply watching your breath really isn't so easy. There is a really amazing rabbit hole there just to discover what it's like to try to simply observe the breath and not influence it. It's a beautiful biofeedback tool. And so Muse is a biofeedback tool, but actually, the practice of meditation is like deep biofeedback at work because of the things that we use to anchor our attention. Suggested Resources Book: Wake Up To Your Life by Ken Macleod App: Social Media like Instagram Bullying Story Like I said in the beginning, mindfulness for me is all about awareness and a big part of that is self-awareness. I think for an individual who might be a bully, for example, growing some deeper self-awareness, really provides an opportunity to understand what's happening and how your actions are being received. [Also], what those actions are and what they're related to in your own emotional experience. I think being aware of something is the first step in change. If you can't see what's happening there can be no interest in being any different. Seeing what's happening provides an opportunity to become interested and motivated to do things differently. That in itself doesn't allow you to change necessarily, but it certainly can make you aware of what's happening. So I think that's a really important first step is just expanding some inner awareness. You can actually see what's happening emotionally and how it's manifesting in action, even as a retrospective. So I think doing any kind of inner practice, you know, out of context where you're just with yourself can be perhaps simple enough. The things that come up in meditation seem to be better received and you can hear them more clearly. And so that's the really great first step in that someone who is being bullied, it's both an inner and an outer awareness that comes into play. Free Gift Thinking of launching your own podcast? You’ll need a host, a place to upload your episodes. Podbean is awesome. Podbean is built specifically for podcasters, has been around for 10 years and the pricing is super competitive. It’s $9 a month, no matter how much content you upload and they have great stats as well. You can help support Mindfulness Mode AND get a month for free with my affiliate link. Go to www.Podbean.com/PodbeanMM

 346 Physiotherapy With Positive Mindset; Aleksandra Nenadic | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:09

Aleksandra Nenadic is a physiotherapist and in her practice, she encourages her patients to be active participants in their own recovery process. Her clinic focuses on promoting fast recovery from injuries with a tailored treatment plan and a positive mindset. Aleksandra is mindful about educating her patients to achieve long-lasting relief and overall physical well-being. Her goal is to provide the best possible treatment and information to patients with various musculoskeletal conditions to help them recover well and fast. Aleksandra believes that everything is possible when you set your mind to it. Contact Info Company: AN Physio Website: https://www.ANPhysio.ca Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aleksandranenadicphysiotherapy Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aleksandraphysio/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aleksandra-nenadic-923751108 [show-notes-contact] Most Influential Person My Aunt. Effect on Emotions Mindfulness helps me be able to better recognize my emotions and therefore deal with them better. Thoughts on Breathing I meditate on a daily basis or try to meditate on a daily basis. And so that keeps me sort of in tune with my emotions, with myself, with my feelings and so it helps a lot. Suggested Resources Book: Conversations With God by Neale Donald Walsch App: N/A Bullying Story That's so funny that you ask because I just read an article the other day about a group of young aboriginal boys hockey team that were playing at a tournament in Quebec City, This was not long ago and the article was describing how the referees, the players from the opposing team, as well as some of the people who were watching the game, were calling these young boys all kinds of names. And I thought that was very unfortunate. This ties in a little bit. I think we should be more accepting of other people's beliefs, cultures and backgrounds. And I think that if these people that were bullying had been more respectful or mindful of these boys, they would have realized that there was no need for behavior like that. Free Gift Do you want to improve the focus, drive, and productivity of your employees? If so, you can learn how by downloading, '10 Simple & Effective Ways to Increase Mindfulness in the Workplace Now', a free PDF at www.MindfulnessMode.com/workplacep.

 345 Real Transformation: It's Not What You Think; Wendy Yellen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:18

Wendy Yellen is named one of the International Top Three Transformational Experts in her field. Wendy has studied emotional release bodywork and many other traditional and non-traditional forms of healing from masters around the world. Wendy walked away from a successful psychotherapy practice when she discovered the Holy Grail of transformation work called Eidetics. This practice, based on ancient Greek knowledge and 21st Century science, enables business people and creatives to unlock their full potential and remove the weight of old, often unseen vulnerabilities which have been holding them back. Contact Info Website: www.WendyYellen.com Free Resource: Wendy's Newly Written Spiritual Manifesto www.MySpiritualManifesto.com Most Influential Person Dr. Akhter Ahsen, The Father of Eidetic Imagery www.eideticimagepsychology.com/dr-akhter-ahsen Effect on Emotions My emotions? Well, again, I'll go back to my husband. We've been together 40 years almost. This is true, I'm not proud of it. I was mentally divorcing him. Sometimes it felt like about 80 percent of the time; in my head. I mean rehearsing when I would say it, but I never did it. Thank goodness, because I feel so in love with him now and I see him as a person. I feel love in my heart in ways which I didn't allow before and part of that has been through eidetic images where saw what I was doing to him in an image where it was irrefutable and impossible to ignore. And it just broke my heart what I was doing. It just, it was horrible. And so by being more mindful of when those automatic responses were coming up and taking a moment and choosing a house of love and letting other things bubble up in me. Now what happens is sometimes I catch him singing for no reason at all and the problem is I don't know if he was always singing or I just didn't hear it. Thoughts on Breathing You might be surprised to hear [that it isn't part of my mindfulness practice]. It isn't a specific part where I focus on it, but it is a place that has changed in me and certainly when I am stopping, I'm definitely paying more attention to my breath, but it is not a place that I pay conscious attention to most of the time. I'm much more paying attention to, let's say some of the spiritual images that are coming to me through eidetics. That's more my focus. Suggested Resources Book: Psycheye Self Analytic Consciousness a Basic Introduction To The Natural Self-Analytic Images of Consciousness Eidetics by Dr. Akhter Ahsen Free Resource: Wendy's Newly Written Spiritual Manifesto www.MySpiritualManifesto.com App: N/A Bullying Story So I thought a lot about this question. In fact, I had a conversation with my husband in the car about it yesterday and I thought, well, I could talk about Emily and I could talk about the kid in the pool in Japan and I could talk about being Jewish, but none of those stories have the juice of what I'm about to say. I think the worst bullying we do is the bullying we do to ourselves in our own head. We live there so much of the time; I also think it's that bullying that can put us at risk for letting other people believe us because we have that Achilles heel. We have that sensitivity. We have that place where we're not coming from that same confidence. It can be so cruel sometimes. I hear things coming out of people's mouths and I think if anybody else said that they would be up in arms. If they said that about somebody else [it would be unacceptable], but yet the way we talk to ourselves is cruel, so cruel. So I think that is real bullying. Free Gift Get the 'Release Your Overwhelm' Guided Meditation for only $4.99. Bruce Langford helps you abandon your inner blocks. Surrender your stress. Become more focused and raise your personal level of contentment. Achieve more with increased concentration. Download this full-length 30 minute guided meditation by Bruce Langford.www.MindfulnessMode.com/release

 344 Mindfulness For All; The Dream of Andy Hobson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:55

Andy Hobson combines mindfulness and music to make mindfulness accessible to all. He’s been meditating for over 17 years and has been teaching mindfulness to groups and individuals for 9 years. Before becoming a mindfulness teacher, Andy worked as a professional drummer and has toured the world playing in a number of successful bands. It was during this time that he began to study Buddhism and explored a more spiritual path. Andy now brings his two main passions, mindfulness teaching and music, together with his guided meditations. Contact Info Website: www.MindfulnessForAll.com Twitter: twitter.com/4allmindfulness Most Influential Person Jon Kabat Zinn www.mindfullivingprograms.com Effect on Emotions [Mindfulness has helped me be] less up and down. More level. More like this rather than like that. (Andy motions with his hands to show more even and consistent rather than more rolling and up and down). Thoughts on Breathing Breathing is a huge part of my mindfulness practice. It's everything. It's what I turn to during the day. It's something I use a lot during my meditation, but it is my kind of home place to go to if I'm having a difficult conversation with someone or anything. I get my breath while I'm still listening to them. I'm going to pause my breathing. Suggested Resources Book: Mindfulness Meditations in Everyday Life and Exercises and Meditations by Jon Kabat-Zinn App: Insight Timer www.InsightTimer.com Bullying Story Yeah, I was bullied, definitely, a lot. I think a lot of kids are. It wasn't really for a long time or anything really bad, but it was enough. I still remember it, you know, I was in secondary school and I was a small kid and you know, I wasn't great at sports and things like that and it was just a little group of lads who used to pick on me. Nothing huge, but, when I think back at it, it had an impact. But there was nothing really around at that time. There was no one you could talk to, so you'd kind of swallow it and then deal with it later on. Later, I did a lot of temp jobs and when you're a temp, you're at the bottom of the ladder, and people can be bitter because they kind of know you're moving onto something else probably. I think at that time I was more of aware of it and I used to name stuff and it usually used to clear it up, and I'd say, oh, you're really annoyed today, or something like that. I'd just pick up on it and run with it. I'd let them know that this was not okay. Sometimes I'd say, hey, talk to me about that. That kind of worked and it definitely works with children as well actually. Free Gift Get the brand new 'Sleep Naturally' Guided Meditation by Bruce Langford. A deep, easy sleep is yours to enjoy. Sleep naturally and fall asleep easily. Drift off to sleep with a calm, gentle voice. Rest comfortably, without effort. Click here: www.MindfulnessMode.com/Sleep

 343 Find Peace With 365 Days of Happiness; Jacqueline Pirtle | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:12

Jacqueline Pirtle wrote the book on happiness. In fact, she has helped hundreds of clients get into a “high for life” frequency so they can become happy anywhere at any time. Her book on happiness is called 365 Days of Happiness, and her extensive research on the topic affirms that if you have happiness in your life, your health will peak, you will experience abundance and your life will shift to a more positive place. Jacqueline’s background is in health, wellness, holistic medicine, energy healing, law of attraction, and happiness. She holds international wellness degrees and is internationally certified as a Reiki Master. She is also founder of FreakyHealer.com Contact Info Website: www.FreakyHealer.com Book: 365 Days of Happiness: Because happiness is a piece of cake! by Jacqueline Pirtle Most Influential Person My husband and family. Effect on Emotions Mindfulness affects my emotions in the way that I am not a prisoner of any emotion that I have. Mindfulness let's me say okay. I'm not feeling good right now, what am I going to do about it. So it makes me free as a bird. Thoughts on Breathing Breathing is one of the most healing tools I think that's out there. And also becoming aware that every breath you take is your life, right? You think your life is getting up in the morning, going to work. Actually it's breathing, right? So I concentrate on my breathing a lot. Suggested Resources Book: 365 Days of Happiness: Because happiness is a piece of cake! by Jacqueline Pirtle Book: Authors Esther & Abraham Hicks www.abraham-hicks.com Book: Author Bruce Lipton (I love his humour) www.BruceLipton.com Book: Author Gregg Braden, he's about deep mindfulness www.GreggBraden.com Bullying Story I was bullied a lot because I was a red head girl was growing up in Europe where red hair was still kinda associated with witchcraft and that kind of stuff. So I was bullied and teased a lot and had very little friends was alone a lot. If mindfulness would have been present [and we'd had the idea that] we're all connected and the hurt and trauma they initiated and that they actually bullied themselves too because it never makes you feel good afterwards. You carry that energy in every single cell of yourself. Mindfulness would have made things nicer for me. For me, I am who I am because of my story, because of my journey and with all the ups and downs, and different bullying situations, different health issues, you know, with me being a mom, right? And having teenagers and they go to school and they're bullied; with all of that together though, that's my journey and it made me who I am today. That's why this book exists, for instance, right? That's why I do what I do. Free Gift Get the brand new Awaken With Focus 12-Minute Guided Meditation by Bruce LangfordBe alert and focused after waking. Feel invigorated, fresh and dynamic. Let your vibrancy feed those around you. Be the energetic person you desire to be. Click here: www.MindfulnessMode.com/AwakenWithFocus

 342 Transform Loss Into Legacy With Mindfulness; Sandra Millers Younger | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:59

Sandra Millers Younger helps people build personal resilience as a result of a tragedy she experienced. In 2003, she lost her home and nearly her life in a catastrophic California wildfire. Her book about the disaster, “The Fire Outside My Window,” is praised by Amazon reviewers and studied by top-level emergency professionals. After the fire, Sandra discovered personal resilience is both a natural strength and a skill set we can build like a muscle. Combining her own experience with leading academic research, she developed The ComeBACK Formula™—five common-sense practices that transform disaster into opportunity and loss into legacy. Sandra now shares her resilience-boosting message as an international speaker and frequent media guest. Contact Info Website: www.SandraYounger.com For A Free Gift: www.ComeBackFormula.com  Get the Comeback Formula Guidebook which includes all of the five steps of the ComeBACK Formula with some exercises you can use right now and moving forward to implement these resilience building practices into your life. Most Influential Person Richard Rohr, Author Effect on Emotions I will say very briefly that for much of my life because of childhood influences, I was plagued by anxiety and even depression and mindfulness has enabled me to realize that most of that came from distorted thinking. That was not anything relevant to the moment that in the moment I was just fine and all of that other talk, self talk was really not even true. I didn't have to pay attention to that and that really has, has helped me be much more content and I'm secure, emotionally. Thoughts on Breathing Breathing is so easy and in fact, when I give keynotes and workshops on the ComeBACK formula, this is one of the practices that I recommend because it's easy and it's nonthreatening. There are all kinds of different ways as you know, that are projected to do this and recommended, but if you just focus very simply on taking a deep breath in and holding it for just a second and then letting it out, it does calm us down. It's a physiological as well as mental and emotional intervention and it's totally self guided and possible. So breathing slowly and consciously and mindfully is a great, great practice. Suggested Resources Book: Everything Belongs: The Gift of Contemplative Prayer by Richard Rohr App: Focus@Will also Headspace Bullying Story I have been very fortunate in my life not to have been the subject of bullying to a great extent. I already mentioned that there was that manager who was probably the closest that I came to bullying. She was out of control. The more I think about this in this mindful moment, the more I think that really was bullying. She was bullying the entire team, our entire office and eventually to the degree that she got bounced out of her position. But not before she did a lot of damage. And that was before the fire. It was before I was able to learn these deeper lessons and I didn't really handle it well. There was a time that I remember I was kind of toe to toe yelling. I mean, we were yelling back and forth. It was that bad. Well, how can I not say I've never been bullied when I'd forgotten about this? Okay. So you brought it back and if I had been more mindful, certainly in she had been more mindful that never would've happened. You know, I think mindfulness also leads us to compassion because if we're mindful of not just what's going on in the here and now with us, but with others around us, we can see the situation more from their perspective even if we don't agree with that perspective. And certainly there was not a lot of that. So had I been more mindful in those days, I probably would have let a lot more of that slide. I would not have been so personally offended and, and defending myself, which really didn't do any good. Free Gift Become more calm, focused and happy by reading the top 12 books recommended on the Mindfulness Mode Podcast. This mini 14-page ebook entitled '12 Must-Read Mindfulness Books' outlines each of the top books recommended by guests on the show. Get your digital copy now at  MindfulnessMode.com/top12books

 341 An Answer To Cancer Revealed By BNI Founder Dr. Ivan Misner | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:37

Dr. Ivan Misner the Founder & Chief Visionary Officer for BNI, the world's largest business networking organization. He has been called the "Father of Modern Networking" by CNN and one of the “Top Networking Experts to Watch” by Forbes. He is a New York Times Bestselling author who has written 22 books. Among his many awards, he has been named “Humanitarian of the Year” by the Red Cross and was recently the recipient of the John C. Maxwell Leadership Award. Dr. Misner's experience with prostate cancer resulted in the publishing of a book with his wife, Elisabeth called, Healing Begins In The Kitchen. Dr. Misner's 'Givers Gain' attitude has allowed him to share openly about his path and choices regarding comprehensive health care to move into wellness. Contact Info Company: BNI - Business Network International Website: www.BNI.com Website: MisnerPlan.com Podcast: BNI Podcast Most Influential Person My wife, Elisabeth Misner. She's the one that really got me back into meditation. She's a Tai Chi instructor and meditation instructor at the Austin Spa resort. Effect on Emotions I think mindfulness has centered me more because that whole concept of 'be here now'. One of my strengths is I'm a dog with a bone. I'm very persistent. One of my weaknesses is that I'm a dog with a bone, you know, I'm very persistent and that persistence can play out in a lack of mindfulness. That is, you become so singularly focused on something that you're not paying attention to things around you. And so the whole concept of be here now, is in a book I've written that's going to be coming out later this year called 'Who's In Your Room'. I talk about creating harmony versus balance. Thoughts on Breathing Well, again, you know, my wife has helped me with that and in meditation and deep breathing oxygen is really important for helping with cancer. And I did not know this. This was something that really surprised me. When lab technicians and scientists want to halt the growth of cancer cells in a petri dish, they oxygenate the dish which slows down substantially the growth of cancer cells in a dish. And I had no idea about that. And so if that doesn't tell you that oxygen is important, nothing does. One of the therapies I did holistically was an oxygen tank that I went into. It's called a hyperbaric chamber. It was like a big submarine. I did that almost daily for quite some time. I did that daily for three weeks. And I felt fantastic. And that's when my PSA dropped from 13 to zero point three. So I did that. I did IVs, and I did things that you can't get in the United States, laetrile and other other things that just aren't offered in the US and so I did them out of the country. I went to Mexico. Suggested Resources Book: Healing Begins In The Kitchen by Ivan and Elisabeth Misner Book: Healing Is Easy: How I Healed Metastatic Breast Cancer Using The BodyMind (Look for this book coming out soon) Book: Who's In My Room: The Quality of Your Life Depends On The People In Your Life By Dr. Ivan Misner, Stewart Emery, Rick Sapio App: N/A Bullying Story I think every kid's been bullied to some extent or other. I tended to stand up for myself reasonably well as a kid, but everybody got bullied. I got bullied. I got harassed as a kid. I don't know if you'd consider this bullying or not, but it's my story of my why. I try to teach people that everybody's got a why, why they do the things they do in life. Particularly why they go into a particular profession or want to go into a particular profession. And it's almost always that something happens when you're a child. It's just a trigger. You may not even be in touch with it. And I wasn't, I had to go back, this was an exercise that I did in a company and I had to go back and it took me back to 13 years old and it's sort of a kind of bullying situation. I was 13 and when I was 11 and 12 I had run for student council and I got decimated. I mean not just decimated. I was last and I was sort of the laughing stock. I was a big joke with all of the junior high kids. So they were just harassing the heck out of me. And I felt pretty bad. So now I'm 13 years old. I'm a freshman in high school. They usually elect the next year, but because we were in junior high, they elected it from the freshman class and it was freshman history. And so Mr. Ramero, I'll never forget, I've written about him. I tell this story in a book I wrote called, Avoiding the Networking Disconnect. He asked the entire class, he said, we have to pick the student council representative of this class. I'll take nominations. Anybody want to nominate someone? Nobody, nobody nominated anybody. Now I'm sitting there thinking, I'd love to do this, but I don't need to get beat up again by my friends. By my peers anyway. And so he said, well, if you don't pick, if you don't nominate anyone, then I get to pick. And they're like, yeah, pick, we don't care. I remember this young girl, Cindy, she was a cheerleader. She stood up and she said, Oh, Mr Ramero, you know, I would run, but I'm so busy with cheerleading. I just don't have the time to do it. Mr. Ramero is like, Cindy, thank you very much for not volunteering. I appreciate that. Have a seat. And I'm thinking, I'd love to do this, but there's no way I was going to do it. And so I didn't say anything. Mr Ramero looks around the room and he looks at me and he says, Ivan, I bet you'd like to do this, wouldn't you? I was like, Huh, yeah, Mr Ramero, I, I kinda would like to do this. He said, okay. Ivan is the student council representative now, Bruce, I swear to you, I swear to you, the entire class in unison says, oh no, not Ivan. Cindy stands up. And she said, Oh, Mr Ramero, if you're going to pick Ivan, then I'll run. She said that. So I'm sitting there thinking, really, you guys, seriously, you know, you see me sitting here, right? I didn't say anything, but it was a very raw moment. Thirteen year old boy. I didn't have a crystal ball. I didn't know that I was going start a global business and write 20 books and be a keynote speaker. I didn't know any of that. I was a 13 year old kid that felt like a total loser because my peers basically told me I was a total loser and Mr. Ramero, God bless him, said, nope, you had your chance. I made my choice. I remember at that moment thinking, I am going to make something out of this opportunity. Mr Ramero saw something in me that my peers did not. I was going to make him proud and I was going to do everything I could to just do the best job in this role possible. And I think I did. And what's really interesting is that that same class elected me to be the sophomore student council representative, the same class that said, oh no, not Ivan. And I went on to do four years in student council and was ASB president my senior year. And it happened because somebody saw something in me. My why to this is I realized that almost every business that I've done since then was to help people be their best, to help people succeed. I can't make you successful in BNI. What I can give you is an environment where you can help yourself be successful. And that ended up really being my why and it was in a way because of bullying.

 340 Meet The Queen Of Impact, Odette Peek Laurie | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:57

Odette Peek Laurie is a speaker, a coach, and an author and she's known as the Queen of Impact. She has a vision of a world where fear is eliminated from one million people across the globe by 2020 so they can live their life with power, purpose and without apology. She now works with unlikely leaders and game-changers who have a burning desire to change the world, but lack a strategy. Using her proprietary, seven-step proven process, they will craft a strong, unique message and amplify it to create a successful and impactful business. Contact Info Website: www.OdettePeek.com Free Needs Assessment: I'm offering one to one conversations with your listeners Most Influential Person Gabrielle Bernstein, American motivational speaker, life coach, and author. Effect on Emotions I am way more chill, way more calmer. And whenever I find myself getting all out of sorts, I just grab myself and take 15 minutes of positive manifestation thought. Thoughts on Breathing I never used to breathe. And my daughter has anxiety and she has tattooed underneath her heart, it says, 'just breathe'. So together, wherever we're freaking out, it's just three deep breaths. Suggested Resources Book: Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender by David R. Hawkins App: N/A Bullying Story I do actually have a story about bullying. That's a great question because I do talk about bullying in my Tedx talk and how bullying is so prevalent in our schools today. Bullying is a leading cause of anxiety, depression, suicide amongst kids. And so when I wrote the Tedx talk, I looked back on my own life and I remember two very distinct moments. One was in grade seven. I was a small person for grade seven and it was a new school and there was this grade eight girl who was, what I would say huge. In fact, she was half a foot taller than me. She was on the basketball team. She was strong and I was just kind of meek and mild. She wanted to beat me up. And we used to walk to the variety store. I was scared to death, but I had friends that were literally like an entourage and they supported me and they were like, no way, we're going to have to make sure that she gets stays away from you. She came up to me and she's bullying me and I was literally surrounded by friends and I felt so protected, scared out of my mind, but so protected. I've had a few of those moments in school like that and I look back now and I decided, you know, when I was I think 27 I took, took up martial arts and got myself a black belt in karate. Part of it was because I wanted to know how to defend myself physically in case I ever got into another altercation. But what I actually got more out of it was the sense of determination and mindset around protection of self. I think if anything, it taught me a lot about discipline for my own head space, if that makes any sense. So I don't feel bullied and haven't felt bullied for a long time.

 339 Heal PTSD Memories With Mindfulness and Soul Link; Gary Sinclair | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:55

Gary Sinclair helps people who suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, also known as  PTSD. His system is called 'Soul Link' and he's been using it to neutralize PTSD memories in over 10,000 people since 2014. Gary grew up with asthma and was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis at age 22. By age 36 he was wheelchair-bound and had lost 80% of his mobility.  As a result of a miracle at age 42, Gary regained full mobility and became an acclaimed Senior Figure Skater, winning as the US National Senior Olympic Free Style Figure Skating Champion.   Contact Info Website: www.MemoryEnergyTherapy.com Book: Healing Memories In Seconds: Seven Ways That Work In Seconds by Gary Sinclair Free: Memory Makeover on PDF which teaches how to do Soul Link for yourself. Most Influential Person David Hawkins, author of Power Versus Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior Effect on Emotions Because I live and breathe and have my being in that, which is the energy mindfulness is, it's where we're at. We walk and talk and live it and we don't realize we do. We think we don't. We think it's something we have to go for; something we have to get. But the reality is it's who we are. Move into it, become that which you are. Thoughts on Breathing The answer is simply take a deep breath, hold it, and then just slowly let it out and notice what happens to your entire being. What changed in your thought while you were doing it? There's your answer. Two things you have to have: the energy of the heartbeat and breath, in order to live. Breath of life. Enjoy it Suggested Resources Book: Letting Go: The Pathway Of Surrender by David Hawkins (And All of David Hawkins' material) Book: Healing Memories In Seconds: Seven Ways That Work In Seconds by Gary Sinclair App: N/A Bullying Story The quickest story about bullying is one that just came to mind. I can remember standing on the edge of the ice rink getting ready to go out and compete. The judges had told me that they didn't have a high enough category age level for me to really be there and if I didn't mind, they would combine me with the 21 year and over. But I needed to understand that if I didn't win the course, I wouldn't receive a metal. That was fine with me. I said, I'm here to win it. As I go onto the ice, the young man standing there who just came off said, okay, pops, go show us what you think you can do. And my mind immediately popped to what I knew was a mindset and I said to him, sir, if you don't mind, if I were you, I'd stand right here because I'm not going out there to show you how I win a medal, I'm going out there to show you why I won it already. That's mindset. That's mindfulness. That's about putting life in preview and living it. You know, the average person has 60,000 complete thoughts a day. 80 to 85 percent of those thoughts they had yesterday, and tomorrow doesn't become different. Life is different for me because I look at tomorrow knowing that's my future, it's my job to create it. It's my job to live. It is my job to be who I am in my mind, in a mindset now that produces the future that I desire and the change in other people's lives because of it.

 338 Build A Radical Platform Through Visibility With Debbi Dachinger | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:13

Debbi Dachinger is an expert in visibility. She is the author of best-selling books including Dare To Dream, Wisdom To Success and PR Magnet. Debbi does red carpet interviews and was previously an award-winning actress and singer. She is a media personality, has been interviewed on over 800 radio and TV shows, and is a dynamite keynote speaker onstage. Debbi helps leaders and global messengers write bestselling books, learn what their message is, and schedules clients on media interviews. Contact Info Website: www.DebbiDachinger.com Books: Dare To Dream: A Secret Guide To Making Your Dreams A Reality WISDOM To SUCCESS: The Surefire Secrets To Accomplish All Your Dreams Podcast: Dare To Dream Most Influential Person My dog. Effect on Emotions Mindfulness is the great leveler of my emotions. Mindfulness is the greatest tool I know. In a moment I can use it anytime and it has caused me to widen back so I can see all options. It has caused me to calm down. It has caused me to love myself and see opportunities and has created an immense healing inside of me that honestly it's an ROI; the more I use it, the more returns I get. Thoughts on Breathing Breathing is tremendous, right? If you do nothing else, you can change your breath. If you do nothing else, if you're in a room and you don't want to do anything, you don't want to do EFT tapping or suddenly start meditating, you can literally just [focus on] your breath and watch your breath come in and out and that will alter everything. Suggested Resources Book: Anything by Jon Kabat-Zinn App: Calm With Cancer (An app for cancer patients but anyone can use it) App: Deepak and Oprah's Meditation App Bullying Story When I was in sixth grade; so I was unpopular by the way. I was really awkward, really shy. And that went on for quite some time and for whatever reason when I got into high school, I completely changed. I then became very popular. So during this unpopular phase of my life, I was in sixth grade as I told you. I was acting and singing since I was a peanut and I was cast as the lead in our school play and the people who were the popular kids sat at the very front lunch table in the lunchroom, eating together every day. And one day when I was in this play, one of those people came up and said, would you like to join us? And I'm like, oh my God, they're talking to me. So cool. I take my little lunch bag. And it's like, hell yeah, this is awesome. Play goes on. I'm sitting everyday with them as part of their group. It's wonderful as far as I'm concerned. And then the play ends and I got there to the lunch table one day early, same popular lunch table. And Larry Asacaro looked over at me and said, what are you doing here? I said, this is where I eat, is with you guys, and he said, just so you know, nobody here likes you. And I looked at him and I was so shocked and I said, you're a liar. That's not possible. You're a liar. He said I'm not a liar and to prove it to you, I want you to come out to the playground after school is over. So at 3:00, because I had no mindfulness to protect me at all, no choice. I just knew he said it. I went out to the playground and what happened Bruce, is, I stood on the playground and all of those kids, guys and girls ten to 12 of them stood around me and they went around and each one of them told me why they didn't like me and why they didn't want me to be hanging around with them. And Oh my God, can you imagine the impact of a sixth grader being told all of what's wrong with you and all why they're begging you to go away. And stop spending time with them? Devastating. I didn't have anyone to go talk to at home about it. So I just ingested that trauma and of course never ate with them again. Had I had mindfulness; like I said, observer rather than reactor. I mean, first of all, I really believe if I had been mindful and the energy had changed or even when it started, I might've noticed. They are just looking at me like I'm the star of the show. I'm the newest thing to come along and the 'it' girl for the next 15 minutes. So I might have even been aware of that. And had I not, certainly when this boy turned to me, I would have been mindful enough to say no. I probably wouldn't have trusted going out to a playground or seeing what's happened. And then if I'd gone out to the playground, I would have been mindful enough to take care of myself and say, you know, this is pretty interesting, but I don't need to hear this anymore.

 337 The Conscious Power Of Awareness In Business and Life; Bob Rosen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:02

Bob Rosen is a trusted CEO adviser, organizational psychologist, and bestselling author. He has long been on a mission to transform the world of business, one leader at a time. Bob founded Healthy Companies International over twenty years ago with the singular goal of helping executives achieve their leadership potential. Bob and his colleagues started an in-depth study of leadership. Since then, he has personally interviewed more than 500 CEOs in forty-five countries in organizations as diverse as Ford, Citigroup, Pepsi, and Johnson & Johnson. He has become an adviser to many of these companies and coordinates the Healthy CEO Roundtable. Bob’s most recent book is called Conscious: The Power of Awareness in Business and Life. Contact Info Company: Healthy Companies Website: www.HealthyCompanies.com Website: www.BobRosen.com Free Consultation Book: Conscious: The Power of Awareness In Business and Life by Bob Rosen and Emma-Kate Swann Most Influential Person My husband, Jay. Effect on Emotions I think that everybody feels their emotions in a band and some people have a narrow band of emotions and some people have a medium band and some people have a very wide band, like a manic depressive would have a very wide band and some people are stoic and have a narrow band. I'm in the middle. And so I feel life intensely; both the ups and the downs and so my mindfulness has enabled me to manage that so that my band isn't too wide and hijack me in the process. Thoughts on Breathing Oh, I have to remind myself all the time. I sort of laugh at myself when I'm in the shower or I'm walking and I notice that I'm not even breathing. I'm like holding my breath and so deep breathing is such a wonderful skill to develop in terms of getting more peaceful and mindful. Suggested Resources Book: Conscious: The Power of Awareness In Business and Life by Bob Rosen and Emma-Kate Swann Book: Anger Is Your Ally: A Revolution in Our Understanding of Anger by Bina Breitner Book: Anything by Pema Chodron, the Buddhist nun from Halifax. App: N/A Bullying Story I'll give you a personal example and then a business example. A personal example is I'm a gay man and I, I've been with my husband now for 35 years, but I've been very sensitive to watch how society has changed on its consciousness about gay and lesbian people. I also look at the 'Me Too' movement and women, and there were so many men who were abusing women and they weren't conscious of the fact that they were doing it. The norms were such that they could get away with it and women for their part may or may not have been conscious of being abused or they didn't want to talk about it and they developed their own consciousness to speak out and to be comfortable with their own personal power in the world. So those are examples where I think bullying has affected my life. In a real life example take ABC studios and Roseanne Barr. It's a great example. People knew Roseanne's track record and they knew her prejudices, but they wanted a hit series. They hired her and one wonders whether if they were a little more conscious and aware of the potential impact, the inevitable impact of Roseanne discovering that she can speak out and say her mind in the most prejudicial way, you know, maybe they wouldn't have made that investment.

 336 Be Bold and Never Be Old Says Fitness Trainer Rico Caveglia | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:36

Rico Caveglia is a trainer specializing in being totally vital and fit even if you’re older. Rico’s chronological age is 76 years, yet his fitness age is 35. He’s creator of The Ageless Living Lifestyle, The Vitality For Life Training System and the Be Bold Never Be Old wellness Club. He is a speaker, an author of 17 books, and has been a personal trainer for 36 years. He is a multi Gold and Silver Medalist in the California State Senior Olympics. Rico’s specialty is all about helping others have high energy and be motivated and fit so they can be as successful as they want to be. Rico is the host and creator of the Fearless Aging Podcast. Contact Info Website: www.BeBoldNeverBeOld.com Join Rico's 'Be Bold, Never Be Old online Wellness Club' (You can join for just $1 for the first month just to check it out and you get 4 personal training videos. And then after that, it's only $20 a month. Most Influential Person Deepak Chopra Effect on Emotions We've got to move. Our bodies are meant to move. I want to mention, have you heard the term sitting is the new smoking? It's so true. You know, at first we thought that, you know, well, sitting too much, of course it gives you a stiff back and the spine and it means my back's gonna hurt and you're not feeling too good. But now there's been studies that it shows that it really slows your metabolism down, you know, blood pools in your legs, it's really bad for your digestion. And most of all metabolic functions are hindered by sitting too much. So what I recommend is don't try and sit for more than 30 to 60 minutes at the most. Thoughts on Breathing Well, our breath is really the connection to, however you want to think of it, to your higher self, to spirit. It is the main component of our life. We can only stay alive for a few minutes if we don't breathe. Right? So breathing is so important. What we have to realize is, it is our most powerful tool of all. If you're feeling really anxious or upset or excited, if you just take some nice deep, slow breath, they'll calm you right down. And on the other hand, if you're feeling kind of, I'm a little funky, little tired, a little fuzzy, just take some, some short, some deep, powerful breaths, called the breath of fire. It'll energize you. So our breath is our most important tool that we need to stay connected with. Realize that our breath is actually called inspire. It's our connection to our higher self until all the knowledge that we actually need. So you just need to really focus on your breathing anytime that you're feeling unsettled. Suggested Resources Book: You Can Have It All by Arnold M. Patent App: The timer app on your phone to keep you up and moving. Don't sit for more than 30 to 60 minutes at a time. Bullying Story I'm not sure that I can pick up an actual story. I guess laughing and teasing someone; that is a form of bullying. I guess we wouldn't have thought about it in those days; it wasn't even a term, but that was a form of bullying without either party understanding that. Yes. I mean if we had the capacity to be mindful in those days and realize that if anybody is being unkind or hurtful to anybody else, you actually have to feel sorry for them because they have something going on. They're not feeling comfortable with themselves. And so if we could have been mindful in those days, then you wouldn't let it bother you. Right? You would just say, well, these people are being silly or being stupid and I feel sorry for them. I don't know if I can think of an actual story. That moment of something where I had the experience where I use mindfulness, but I try and do that all the time now. If someone is that way, you know, so many being stupid or saying bad things to someone or to yourself you just let it go.

 335 Mindful Marketing From Within; Cindy Schulson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:52

Cindy Schulson shows coaches and consultants how to stand out in this noisy online world by marketing with heart versus hype. One of her greatest gifts is helping her clients sort through their “brain dump” of ideas so they can find the golden nuggets that make them shine in their own unique way. Cindy is known for her down-to-earth approach – what you see is what you get. Her love of adventure has led her to live and work in five countries, and she continues to bring that adventurous spirit to both her business and life. Listen & Subscribe on:  iTunes / Stitcher / Podbean / Overcast / Spreaker / Spotify Contact Info Website: www.MarketingFromWithin.com Free Resource: Get your Authentic Brand Guide 5 Day Challenge: Find Your Marketing WOW Challenge Most Influential Person My 13-year-old son Effect on Emotions Mindfulness keeps me grounded. I'm all about nature and if something's on my mind, I go out for a hike and I can take the time and space to look around and appreciate the beautiful tree that I see. It just brings me back to who I really am at my core and what's important. Thoughts on Breathing I need to practice. I'll be honest. I need to practice that more. I don't have a quick temper. I don't need to do that as much, [deep breathing] but I'm sure there are moments like when I'm pissed off at my kid that I need to do that better. Suggested Resources Book: The Power of Now: A Guide To Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle App: Calm Bullying Story I do have a bullying story. I mentioned to you that I was a bit of an awkward kid and I was actually quite bullied all through high school. I was not at all in tune with who I really was at that point. And I think that's quite common with teenagers and I think that's why it's so much harder for kids to be bullied because they don't have that skill set yet. I would have really benefited from it. And again, my 13-year-old teaches me. Here's a quick story. He plays hockey and he came out of hockey practice and he was saying, Oh, this one person was giving me a hard time today. He was criticizing all my plays and stuff. I said, look, didn't that bother you? Like he's your friend? And he said, no, I know who I am. It doesn't matter what he thinks about me. If I had had that skill set when I was young, I would have dealt with things much better.

 334 Expand Your Mind With Julius; Brad and Kasey Wallis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:40

Kasey and Brad Wallis are authors, international speakers, and workshop leaders, with an expertise in releasing limitations, lack and need. They have been featured guests on over 400 media outlets such as CNN, Fox News, NBC, and ABC, as well as mainstream radio, podcasts and telesummits. Brad and Kasey’s passion is to help people transform themselves and their lives. Their expertise allows others to know the highest version of themselves. They offer workshops and training experiences on their beautiful property in Utah. Contact Info Website: www.ExpandWithJulius.com Social Media: Expand With Julius Workshops: R-Factoring - break through old patterns of thought and perceptions. Most Influential Person Kasey: My father and my brother. Brad: Ghandi Effect on Emotions Brad: Mindfulness has certainly made me more aware of my emotions. I was very much afraid not to show emotion. In fact, I was raised to not be an emotional person. And since becoming who I am today, I have no problem whatsoever showing my emotion about anything. Kasey: [Mindfulness and emotion] go right in alignment. Once you become aware of one thing, you automatically become aware of everything else and the mind and the emotion click engage together to create everything for you. But learning that you can choose, that helped me honor my emotions, helped me want my emotions, helped me to love my emotions and to help me dig those emotions out of everybody that I come in contact with because that's where intimacy lies. Thoughts on Breathing Brad: I'll say I breathe more today than I ever have in my life. I do understand the power of closing my eyes and taking a few breaths. I get that now. Yeah, it's very powerful. Kasey: Breath is the physical action of alignment and quiet and calm and it was meant for physical embodiments to keep us in that state continually as an automated system just like blinking. And yet we've completely lost our acknowledgment and appreciation for it. So like anything else in life as we go back to everything that we appreciate and we love, we become masters of. Suggested Resources Book: Far-Reaching Parameters: Why We Build Perimeters Inside by Brad Wallis App: On YouTube Look up "Expand With Julius" Bullying Story As you know, the bullier is also a victim. They are on the other side of the victimhood ball by being the implementer of victimhood upon someone who chooses to be a victim. They will eventually figure out that bullying is not bringing them joy either, but we understand what you're saying as far as, as the person being bullied. We actually have experience with this because of my son. We live in southern Utah. And so without having to say blatantly to everybody, I'm sure you can probably figure out what the dominant religion in Utah is. It's extraordinarily judgmental and extraordinarily controlling and their behaviors are very much dictated to them. I brought my children to southern Utah when they were very young and my son is gay and not Mormon. And he doesn't hunt or fish or kill things to be manly. And he was a bullying magnet as a child. [We tried] to keep him out of the way of some of these horrible, horrible kids. We also taught him empowerment of, not taking the role on in the sense that, your reaction to an action continues to conflict in the action. Okay. To stand up and say, no, I'm not gonna be in conflict with you. Now some people will say, yeah, that's all fine and dandy, but he's gonna get his ass kicked a few times. We say, yeah, a little bit, but he got better. He got better at not crawling around almost looking for the kid to kick him. Now, of course, working resourcefully with the kid that was bullying as well. We're not going to just stand back and allow that process to take place, of course. Because it is a two-way street. It's a massive street, a speedway of parents and kids and society and instructors, you know, those people that are in charge. They don't get it. So having conversations with principals and parents and the kids in the room and talking about love and compassion and tolerance and victim hood; that seemed to help. It really did seem to help to understand that the bully is a victim also, and part of that is him or her desperately seeking acknowledgment, desperately seeking some form of empowerment and to help teach them that there are other ways to get your empowerment than trying to take it from somebody else. So we worked that way with my son and all of his friends because he was in theater. So growing up then into high school at a performing arts high school, there were transgender children, bisexual children, homosexual children. We were the cool house everybody wanted to come to because they could all talk about whatever they wanted. It was actually quite eye-opening. But our job was to empower these kids to let them know who their soul was and their whole energy shifts. They'd go from really almost attracting the bullies to having some protection. That was a great experience to be able to walk through and continue to walk through because we work with those groups still.

 333 Don’t Wait To Be Great Proclaims Raven Blair Glover | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:10

Raven Blair Glover is an interview expert, a three times award winning talk show host extraordinaire also known as the  Talk Show Maven. Jack Canfield referred to Raven as "One Of The Best Interviewers On The Planet". She has interviewed such stars as Lou Gossett Jr, Brian Tracy, Montel Williams, Ali Brown, Sherri Shepherd, Brendan Bouchard and Lisa Nichols. Raven is a former CNN radio personality and is known by many as the queen of Internet radio. Raven is recipient of the Barack Obama 2016 Presidential Achievement Award. She is also the inventor of HatWraps; the first ever patented hat accessory that turns one hat into several looks. Contact Info Website: www.AmazingWomenofPower.com Email: TalkShowMaven@gmail.com Free Gift: Send an email to TalkShowMaven@gmail.com on subject line put 'Bruce Show' and request a Free Strategy Session and Receive Maven's book: Talkshow Magic absolutely Free. Book: Talk Show Magic: How to Be An Irresistible Talk Show Host, Gain Massive Exposure, and Interview celebrities You've Always Dreamed Of! by Raven Blair Glover Most Influential Person Alex Mandossian Effect on Emotions Well, mindfulness has helped me be a calmer person. It's helped me to be more clear of where I'm going; more laser focused. It's helped me to understand sometimes I got to go on lockdown to get things done. This is what I teach my clients, lockdown is where you cut off your phones and your texts. You contact the people that you need to get in contact with; family members and stuff and say, Hey, for the next 24 hours, 48 hours, weekend or week, I'm on I'm on lockdown because I'm going to finish this book, I'm going to finish the project, and it helps me to be on purpose with a definite purpose. Thoughts on Breathing Meditation helps me to breathe; to have my breathing in balance. Okay. Where I'm not that anxious. I'm trying to rush because when I get anxious, my blood pressure shoots up. So I've had to learn to be calm and take deep breaths, inhale and exhale and push out the negative and suck in the positive. When you let go, kind of like a balloon, let go of it and feel yourself being free to be you. So having a pattern of breathing calmly and breathing rhythmically, you know, has helped me stay clear, be more positive, be more focused and like I said, being more on purpose with a definite of purpose. Suggested Resources Book: The Success Principles(Tm): How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be by Jack Canfield Book: Talk Show Magic by Raven Blair Glover App: I will listen to 'The Secret' (movie)  and I'll have it playing in my background as I do my work during the day. And then nobody can hear it, but me. Sometimes I might even have my headset on and I might be making cold calls, which I call gold calls instead of cold calls because I'm going for the gold baby. Bullying Story You know what? I can't say I ever was bullied. I can say that I was probably someone that was looked at as a bully, not to the extent of a bully as [people see it] today because it is really bad today, but this was years ago. When I think back to grade school, I was in fights. And guess what, bringing it back to mindfulness, it was because my parents were very strict on me. We used to get whippings and and it was the fact that I was just living out anger because of what I was going through. I believe people are a product of their product. Many people that have been abused, become abusers, right? Many people who were on drugs, are on drugs now. Their intentions were never to be on drugs, but they were brought up around that. And so a lot of times people take their anger, they're really angry at themselves or what they're going through and they take it out on those that are weaker. So that's why I'm so glad now I get a chance to serve and I've become such a better person and, and all that. And when I thought about your show and I know you're about bullying, I would have to say that I probably would have been considered someone that bullied those that seemed to appear to be more timid and stuff because of the anger. So with that said, one of the things that I had to do to change my life was read and listen to audios and videos. I had to do a lot of reading interviews. Well, they were my therapy because I couldn't afford therapy. I made a list of people that could help me. And as much as I love my audience, I asked them the questions that I needed to know because I needed to get better and it certainly has helped me. Am I where I want to be? No. But like that old saying, thank God I ain't where I used to be. I just want to tell people, whatever you did in the past, the good news is you can correct it. It's not something I'm proud of. I don't even know if anybody called me a bully. And because I knew your show was about that, I really meditated on it and I said, well, you know, I was probably bullying people that were more timid because I had so much anger.


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