Slightly Sauced show

Slightly Sauced

Summary: A few microphones and beers make Slightly Sauced a show about everything and nothing. We don’t pretend to be experts on the issues, but we’ll certainly give them a shot. Our regular panel brings a quirky Canadian focus to debate and discussion. Hey, at least it’s not another terrible tech podcast. Email us! Subscribe via RSS Subscribe in iTunes


 Episode 197: All Your Cars are Belong to Us | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

On this fortnight’s SlightlySauced, the guys and Aine talk about risky car loans. New technology is allowing lenders that back car sales to borrowers with bad credit to install a device on the car that can prevent it from being started if the borrower is behind on loan payments. The lenders claim that the devices increase repayment rates, decrease danger and liability, and allow them to run more efficient businesses, but some lenders say that the devices are an invasion of privacy, an embarrassment, and a safety hazard. Is this an ethical way of doing business? Should these devices be regulated? Grab a beer and find out. Download: Direct Link Links: Miss a Payment? Good Luck Moving That Car What do you think? Let us know! Email: Twitter: @SlightlySauced Phone: 519-279-4627 Like us on Facebook

 Episode 196: Nerding Out | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

On this episode of SlightlySauced, Kayla isn’t around so Jake, Jon and Tyler nerd out over video games. Dharmesh has written us a great big long email with all of his thoughts about Episode 194. The email sets the guys off talking about what makes a great game story, the history of consoles and piracy, and the cultural differences between gaming fans in Asia and North America. Download: Direct Link Get in touch! Email: Twitter: @SlightlySauced Phone: 519-279-4627 Like us on Facebook

 Episode 195: A Month Worth of Email | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This fortnight on SlightlySauced, we’re catching up on all of the email that has accumulated since the last time that we recorded an episode. Luckily, our fans are great, and give us plenty of material to work with. Ernie got us talking about what it means to be a Canadian citizen and the ALS Icebucket Challenge. Alex (the one from Maine, not the one on tonight’s show) left us a voicemail that tried to explain what an Atlantic North East accent is like, and offered to send us some trick beers. Chris reminded us that the zombie apocalypse is due to happen any day now and asked us what we would do to survive it, and then Ernie (again) got us looking into a documentary about pedophilia. It’s a great show, so grab a beer and give it a listen! Download: Direct Link Links: Harper Government Considers Tightening ‘Citizenship by Birth’ Rules Susan G Komen for the Cure Controversies ALS Ice Bucket Challenge (if you haven’t been on the internet in the past month) Chris Pratt doing the aforementioned challenge The Dutch How to speak like you’re from Maine The least attractive accent in the world Baxter Brewing Company, Maine Les Stroud’s Survivorman The Colony (TLC reality TV show) Weird Al’s Polkamon Are All Men Pedophiles? How would you make out in a post apocalyptic world? Let us know Email: Twitter: @SlightlySauced Phone: 519-279-4627 Like us on Facebook

 Episode 194: I Wanna Play Pokemon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In which our heroes discuss the current state of Nintendo and whether or not they would purchase Nintendo games if said games were released on phones and tablets. After all, who doesn’t get all weepy and nostalgic about Mario, Zelda, and Pokemon? That’s what Nintendo has been building their entire strategy around for years now! Download: Direct Link Get in Touch: Email: Twitter: @SlightlySauced Phone: 519-279-4627 Like us on Facebook

 Episode 193: Checking the Email | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

On this week’s episode, we try to play catchup for all of the weeks that we’ve missed. We catch up on listener email,  address being gone, the fact that Jon has never seen Rocky, what our future release schedule is going to look like, and Dave quitting the show. We answer email from a new listener whose friends are geographically challenged, talk about regional dialects, getting second-hand herpes, and aging rock bands. Ernie teaches us about mining for oil, we discuss swearing allegiance to the Queen, murdering people in public, The Canadian Charter of Freedoms, whether or not Canadians have a right to free speech, and our changed opinions about cyclists on the roads. Finally, Jon claims not to be a libertarian. All in all, it’s a good show, so grab a beer and get SlightlySauced with us. Download: Direct Link Send us some Email! Email: Twitter: @SlightlySauced Phone: 519-279-4627 Like us on Facebook

 Episode 192: From the Archives - From Australia with Love | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

We had a hard time getting everybody together to record a show this week, so you get to listen to a re-run instead! Hooray! Original Show Notes: On this week’s SlightlySauced, we’re joined by Australian listener Liam. He came to Canada on holiday and made a point of dropping by the studio for a few pints and some in-depth discussion on the subtle differences between our two ex-British colonies. The availability of beer, the price of coffee, how to pet a kangaroo, and the discerning use of curse words are all on the docket. So grab a fosters and get SlightlySauced with us. Download: Direct Link Links: Kangaroos take over an Australian golf course Purchase some “For Rectal Use Only” and “For Vaginal Use Only” Stickers Wolf Creek Kiwi (the bird) Kiwi (the fruit) I Am Canadian Commercial The Economics of Coffee Australia is a place External Airbags on Cars? Weird Cricket is a confusing sport Liam is a fan of Anton Chekov The real meaning of the term Laissez-faire The phrase “A Dingo ate My Baby” is attributed to Lindy Chamberlain Wanna call us assholes for not releasing new content this week? Email: Twitter: @SlightlySauced Phone: 519-279-4627 Like us on Facebook

 Episode 191: Crazy McCrazy Sauce | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

On this week’s SlightlySauced, we investigate the claims of some crazy pamphlet that Jon picked up from a kooky guy outside of a concert on the weekend. This thing is all sorts of nuts, complete with bible verses, the illuminati, lots of capitals and bold text. Download: Direct Link Links: Here are some photos of the pamphlet that we’re reading from in this episode, in case you want to follow along with the crazy The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is, was, and always will be a Hoax Just in case you’re feeling super racist, the text of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is available online Jim Flaherty’s Cyprus-style bank rescue plan (one of the articles cited in the pamphlet) Terms and Conditions May Apply Documentary Gamestation collects customers’ souls in April Fools gag Not Wanted on the Voyage by Timothy Findley The Creation of the World according to Eddie Izzard Eminent Domain Explained Seattle Woman Refused to Sell her Home to Mall Developer, so they Built the Mall Around Her Pause for a Foreigner Dr Adam Weishaupt was the Founder of the Illuminati North Korea Didn’t Actually Tell their people that they won the World Cup, it was a hoax It isn’t a flock of cattle, and if it isn’t cattle that you’re talking about, this site will tell you what a group of animals is called The Jacobs family were voluntarily implanted with RFID chips as a way to identify them in case of emergency, as all suffered from medical issues Canada and the USA do have a deal to help each other out in cases of emergency, but it’s public knowledge Got a crazy conspiracy theory? We wanna hear about it! Email: Twitter: @SlightlySauced Phone: 519-279-4627 Like us on Facebook

 Episode 190: Our Racist Facebook Page | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

SlightlySauced is back from vacation! We took two weeks off, but we’re back and ready to go with a fresh show for your listening pleasure. In this episode, we answer some listener email, talk about Anne Coulter being a racist, and watch Megyn Kelly school Dick Cheney. We also celebrate Nunavut’s lack of roads and the Iqualuit Garbage Fire, CBC cutbacks, voice actors, and that damned potato salad Kickstarter campaign. Grab a beer and get sauced with us! Download: Direct Link Links: Anne Coulter Says Racist Shit about the World Cup Megyn Kelly Schools Dick Cheney Soccer Officially Announces It’s Gay John Oliver Explains Uganda’s Anti-Gay Laws An Explanation of CBC Cutbacks from Jesse Brown’s Canadaland Podcast Apparently CanCon Requirements also Apply to Porn Channels Crazy Facts about Nunavut The Iqaluit Garbage Fire Rages On The Darkness A Great Documentary about Voice Actors Wanna Learn How to Speak Like Porky Pig? Watch This That Damned Potato Salad Guy Remember the One Red Paperclip Thing? Great Shit on the Internet If You’re a Racist, Send us an Email (Or don’t, that’d be fine too): Email: Twitter: @SlightlySauced Phone: 519-279-4627 Like us on Facebook

 Episode 189: The Carrier Conglomerates | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This week on SlightlySauced, we meant to dig into an article about frozen pigs, but instead got to bitching about cellphone companies in response to an email from Dharmesh. From roaming in the states to the prices you pay at home, the domestic oligopoly has got you beat down. It’s the first world problem that every Canadian likes to bitch about, and we’re no exception. Download: Direct Link Love your Cellphone Provider? Let us know so we can switch Email: Twitter: @SlightlySauced Phone: 519-279-4627 Like us on Facebook

 Episode 188: Helicopter Escape Plan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Sorry for the late posting! This week on SlightlySauced, we’re talking about daredevils. The men who were brave enough, desperate enough, and stupid enough to try to escape from prisons via helicopter. You’ve probably heard of the two cases from Quebec in the past year, but have you heard of the five other cases that made headlines around the world? Along the way, we look into the Hells Angels, the difference between prison and jail, and more! It’s a great episode, so grab a beer, have a seat, and get SlightlySauced with us. Download: Direct Link Get in touch: Email: Twitter: @SlightlySauced Phone: 519-279-4627 Like us on Facebook

 Episode 187: Negotiating with Terrorists | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

On this week’s SlightlySauced, we’re talking about negotiating with terrorists. We start the show off with a letter from Ernie, Jon tells a story about getting a speeding ticket while on a road trip, and then we discuss the case of Bowe Bergdahl, the American soldier who was recently returned home after a trade for five American prisoners of war. The conversation goes deep, and we talk about all aspects of the situation, including intelligence collection, the value of trading prisoners, torture, and the media surrounding it. Download: Direct Link Links: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Tony Abbott - SlightlySauced Episode 46: Your Kids and Cancer - Modern Seinfeld Twitter Account Bowe Bergdahl, U.S. PoW in Taliban prisoner swap, sparks debate Bergdahling An example of a Runaway Truck Ramp in Kentucky Facebook’s Deep Face Technology The Real-World Technology of Watch Dogs Get in touch! Email: Twitter: @SlightlySauced Phone: 519-279-4627 Like us on Facebook

 Episode 186: From the Archives - Eric Davis of the Ontario Liberal Party | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This week’s SlightlySauced is a re-release of an older episode that was recorded during the 2011 Ontario Provincial election. In the episode, our regular crew interviews then Liberal candidate Eric Davis. We talk about all sorts of politics and stuff, and it’s a good time. Check back next week for some new content. I’m not lying this time, because we’re just starting to record a new show as I type this. Download: Direct Link Get in touch! Email: Twitter: @SlightlySauced Phone: 519-279-4627 Like us on Facebook

 Episode 185: From the Archives - Liberal Austerity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Hey guys, there’s no new show this week as Jon was on vacation last week. We’ll be back next week with some new content for you. In the mean time, enjoy this archive episode about the last Ontario Liberal budget, you know, the one that didn’t get them booted out of office. Original Shownotes: On this week’s episode of SlightlySauced, our regular crew (plus Derek) discuss the newly announced Ontario Liberal budget. Is it enough? Are the right programs being cut and the right ones being saved? What about full-day kindergarten and the tuition credit? How important is it for the province to balance the books? How does Tim Hudak feel about all of this? All that and more when we get SlightlySauced. Download: Direct Link Talk to us: Email: Twitter: @SlightlySauced Phone: 519-279-4627 Like us on Facebook


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