Episode 187: Negotiating with Terrorists

Slightly Sauced show

Summary: On this week’s SlightlySauced, we’re talking about negotiating with terrorists. We start the show off with a letter from Ernie, Jon tells a story about getting a speeding ticket while on a road trip, and then we discuss the case of Bowe Bergdahl, the American soldier who was recently returned home after a trade for five American prisoners of war. The conversation goes deep, and we talk about all aspects of the situation, including intelligence collection, the value of trading prisoners, torture, and the media surrounding it. Download: Direct Link Links: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Tony Abbott - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKhuvA8oSlw SlightlySauced Episode 46: Your Kids and Cancer - http://slightlysauced.com/post/9237662935/your-kids-and-cancer Modern Seinfeld Twitter Account https://twitter.com/SeinfeldToday Bowe Bergdahl, U.S. PoW in Taliban prisoner swap, sparks debate http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/bowe-bergdahl-u-s-pow-in-taliban-prisoner-swap-sparks-debate-1.266152 Bergdahling http://www.matthewgood.org/blog/2014/6/5/bergdahling An example of a Runaway Truck Ramp in Kentucky http://www.tundraheadquarters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/runaway-truck-ramp.jpg Facebook’s Deep Face Technology https://www.facebook.com/publications/546316888800776/ The Real-World Technology of Watch Dogs http://www.polygon.com/features/2013/10/16/4817988/watch-dogs-invasion Get in touch! Email: contact@slightlysauced.com Twitter: @SlightlySauced Phone: 519-279-4627 Like us on Facebook